... '. i ''�., 'ry„' • .s ' . ,7. �. . � � . . `•:3+ n��la ' ' _
<br /> -!- ... � � -t, , , , a.� > . ''` ,�„'�►�l ��'�_.�^.:_`.....�s.V. �iyi�i'��. .i:'a-4�,L:: �•��,-.<
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<br /> �"S_
<br /> • �
<br />'�`�t ��~ ���� ��.
<br /> . �.--
<br /> 1�t3BfHER W�TH all the �p=ovemeats ciow or t�ereafter es+ectes! om the pmperty. and all esse�eaQs. ---
<br /> end RAhues cow or It..ne,�ft�s c,�
<br /> appnrteaaaoes. � a Qart of the piapeaty. All repiacements aa�additioas sl�all aLso bs coveretl ��
<br /> by this�ac�ui�ty Insiiumeat.All of�e fosegoing�s referred ta in tdis S�wity last�ument ps t�e'Pcoperty. �
<br /> EonAOVrm Covavnrres that BQriawes is lawfilly��ised of th.��here�y cosaveye�f�h�s the rigt►t�to gra�and �
<br /> ` ooavey ttsa Ptaperty nnd ths!ehe Property ia unenc�bered,except for encumbrACces of resord Bnrrower wamats aed °'
<br /> will d2fe�!g��^.rnity tTas 1Le tc+t�Ps��y eo�i�3 e�t ctairfls ana!de�nds.subsecx to any�asumb�s of re�ord. �,'
<br /> � 't'�s S�cuesnt Ixsrnus�ur combi�s unifora�coveaaats for astiaa�l nse�nd nna-uniform cover,�nts with timited �`-:
<br />.. var[atiam by jw�is@iction w co�tiwte a uniform�ceuity inst�sr�nt covering*eal Pro�rtY• �r
<br />�;, Uxu�n�Coaavnt�'js.Boreowar aQd Lender covea�ut aad a�ee es follows: �d
<br /> 1.Phy�eut af Ptdneipel and Intes�s4;P�+epaYm�t�ntd Lttte CIt�Ses. Borrower sE�atl promptty pay when dus �-
<br /> the princi of and ia4emst on the de6t evtdensed 6y ti�e Note aad aaY P�Y�nt and late chargas due uader ttte Note. —_
<br /> n
<br /> 2. �s for'['�and I�uraace.S�b}ect to appl�cabta I�w or to a anitten waiver by Lead�r.Bormwer aha31 p�y L�``
<br /> ad
<br /> to Leader on tha dsy�nthly oymante pra due a�ter the Nate. �atil the Note is paid in full.a som f'Fnads')fmz: (�) —
<br /> ye�y oixes ond assessments�ch u�y att�in ptiaeity over this Security inserumeat as a Uen on We Pro�i4y:(bT yearlY �
<br /> �,�.. tease�old paylmnta or ground rente oa the Property.if any:(c)Yearty ha�rd or Pro�artY iasuiaace premiums: (�Y�Y �
<br />,.,,.: fiood insu�nre premivaos,if aay:(e)YeulY mortgage msuraace premium9.if any:amd tfl any suais�syabte by Borrower =
<br /> ' W Leader. in accordar�e wIth the ptovjsFoas of p�agrap9�, in liw af thepayment of martgago�saraace pnmiums. !�-
<br /> �'.� ltese isems ars catl�d'Escrow itsms."Lender may.at�ray t�me.ooltect a�d hold Fw.cids ic..r,n u�ovat aot m ex�e�Yt�e __,
<br />'.i:`: mrximttm aimouat a iender for a•fiede�aUy celated mortg�ga loan may cequ�e for Borra�s escrow accauns uasi�r t� �
<br /> • fedenl Real Hstate Settlement Procedutes Act of 1974 as w�ndecl from time to tiate. 22 U.S.C. � 26�I �r seq. ,�._
<br /> (•RESPA').untess anoi�er Iaw�hat ap lies to the Fnads seis a lessar amouni.If so,I.ea�et�y.at any ts�me.colla�and . :,�:..
<br /> hoid Fuads ia an aa�ouni not w ex�We tes�ter amouat. I�nder may esamr�ta the amoaat oF Fands dae on t�he h�.cis of
<br /> cuaent d�ta aad cec�asble esRimates of expendltaces of futurs F.�.Taw Items or otherwisr�in accordansa ari4�epgiicabia ' �-�:
<br /> . isw
<br /> _ 'f'he Funds�11 ba held in an iastidition whose deyosi¢a ete ianued by a f�eaal agency.iast�ramen�,ac er,t�ty
<br /> �. (�nclodi�8 I�endea.if L+eu�er is sroch an iastitutton)or in aay Federal Hosne Loan Bantc. Le�der st�Ilepply dQe F¢�s to �.
<br /> � p�y tEe F�emw Items. L.ender moy not eharga Borrawer for hold'mg aud applyia� the Fuads,aaaaally �aly�g t�a �:
<br /> esczow ao�unt,or verifying the Escrow Items. aWess Leadet pays Borrawer iat.�t oa the Funds ond lIceb2e t�w
<br /> �t� Y�eader to malre sac6 a cbatgci. Nowever, Lender may reqture Boraowe� Lss pay a oa�time � for an
<br />� mdependent teal�tax tepar�ag servica used by I.Ender in conaection with Wis SEar,n„untes�s appllcabte taw pravides
<br /> a
<br /> ot�ratwisa.Ualess an�gceeasent�s mada os agplicabta lawreq inierest to be paid.L�3er shall not be zoqui�d to pay
<br /> oqui
<br /> Boetawes�ay i�iere�or eztaiags on the Fnnds.Bormwer and�Lender may agree ia writing,howaves,tbat interest s1W1 be __
<br /> pud aa tbe Fimd9.d.eades shaU give to Barsower.without chlsr�e,an a�al accoutttiag of the Fands.ahawing credits iwd —
<br /> _ det�i�s to tT�a Fundr�ar,.�the�urpasa for wf►ich each de6it w the Funds was m�.Th�F�S a�pled�ed es edditloa�l -
<br /> �curity for Jl su�a�ured by this Secan'ty Ias�ruaseat. _
<br /> If ti�e�tea�•'�W by L�eades exceed We amonnb par�ued w 6e hetd by agpHcab2e lrw.L+eader stull$ccount to
<br /> . Bamaa�to-lr�ar tl�e exc�s F�mds in eccarda�s with the iequi�of applicat:le l�w.If the xmwmt of the FuAds�S tl by .
<br /> Lendtu`�ft aaq time is aot sat&cieat topay ths Bscrow Items Ri�n dne.Lender may su mtify Boirowet In writit�.�t�;.in
<br /> snch ca+�Borrow�t:shall gay w I�eader the amonat nec:�iry to a�alce up the deficie�r. Bortawer s�ll �stt�q}�,ths
<br /> deficiency in no mnz!e.tb.w uwelve mon9Lily psymcata.at.txxader's sote discretion.
<br /> � . Upon Tn fuU of aU suaos secuxeil by Hus Socurity�s�u�eat.Iendet sLall��.�. Ya Boirowe2 ,
<br /> at�}r Fuads 6el by L'ende,: Ifr, uaderpaza�Qt 21 Leader s�ll �CQU�Le OT fiE� �I9 �710T LO �19
<br /> �eqtcisitian or�Ia of the Pra�zt�j. sha11 apply a�ry Fuads b�eld by Lender at the tlme ef���'sola a9 a cnedit
<br /> tgaiast the wma secured 6y Wis Secutity_Instruasent. '
<br /> 3.App7:ratlun of F�y�5;�►1�: unless applicable taw provides othe�wise.dl p�ymeats teceived by Lendea�a�.',r _
<br /> � �gr�tphs 1 aad 2 s1u�11 be appll�d: fiest.to anY P�Y��chnrges due under tha Note; seco�l.to��1e _
<br /> �erpesr�aph Z:thud,to interest due:fomth,to prmcipal dne:aad last,to any tate c�Wrges dna�d3se Note. ' :,
<br /> � � 4.��t8�i I,df�av. Boaawer si�ll pay oll taxxes, �essmeSts.eharges•8nes and'�ositio��trtri�bde.�the
<br /> . P[�City't{�C}I �� 9�jt[iA1'Ityi oV2t tL13 SCCUfIty inctrume_n_f� and teasehold ps►yments or granad re�'s. ir.r.�y. ,
<br /> Ba�rower s�ll pay�Se ob��tu�ms in We mauner pmvided��a�aragrapb 2.ar if aot paid in tbst mxaaez.B6rm�::s'i�ll
<br /> p4y tbem oa tima directlY w t3e��on awed PaYnsen�Batsm�er si�tU pmmptly fumish to Lender a11 moticea of�sinss c
<br /> to 6e paid wde:tbis pa�graph.if Borcawer makes thesa paymeata dii�stiy.Bon+awer shall prompUy fnraish to LenBet �
<br /> - �D��'�S�P�Y�ts.
<br /> ' Bo�ver L�omptlY discLuge ace�&�,n which h�s priority aE�r dd9ffs Security lasWmant��ss Botrower. iA)
<br /> .., ag�oes in wriqng tn tl�e payment of Wa obligAtion secure�by cha lien i�a manner asceptabte to Le�' r,(b)ount�sts ia
<br /> g�o
<br /> � good faitb t�e dlen by.ar defeads agaiast enforce�af a3a llea 3n.lega1�proccedings wi�icb in t�o Lender•e opinir,n .
<br /> � � agerAte 4o pmve�tbe enforcemant of the lien; or(c)se��s from thd hoIder of the Hen an agcoement satisftct�nry Eo
<br /> . Landes wbocdinating tt�e tiea to t�is Socuriry Iastniment.If le�er determiaes tLat nay put of�e Y�raperty is subject to�
<br /> lien atricb mry atta3n piiori4y over tLis Secwity lastrament, Le�er may giva Bormwer a aotice identifying the lien. _
<br /> � Barnsaer shai)saHsfy ti+e liaa or tako one or more of the ncteoas set forth at�ove within 10 d�ys of t�a givu�g of�c►tica. _
<br /> S.Ha�rd or Ptoperty Ins�e. Sorrower sha11 keev the�pmvements aow eai.�rting or herwftar etected on dsa —
<br /> • Froperty lasvral agaiast loss by fiie. ha7uds included �»idk�c� the term °exterded covetage" and.my otbet bsu�rds,
<br /> Poren 3CD�l�9l9p!p+ a 2 of 1 .
<br /> C
<br /> GANI(EILt aY67EM9,INC.,ST.CLO W.Mt18E9021LlOa3i7•23411 fOflM MDt�lIF 2161Y1 x ��
<br /> :
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<br /> �� . Origin�l do�umeRt
<br /> A���erU�B�nk
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