/ .�� aqc, :;`�,* .� uk74,. ,, ,. . . . • - �` . .
<br /> ' �, , �isx�.yar. �, i, - - " ` - .._ .�_��--•--- — ' � ' `�� � -
<br /> . . 'v!'` 'I 6 _ _ ��.--���..�.. __ _.' . "
<br /> ' , � 1T. Yransfer of the Properly or a Beaef�cial tnberest in �onower. If aU or any P�ot ths Pro�erry or � , '.=.;.s::,�-`
<br /> ` as►y iMerzst(n it is soid or trans�erted(or if a benetidai iate�st in Borrorrer is sold or trensfe�red and 8orravrer is not a n�uraf _ <, ..
<br /> s erte
<br /> �` p2rson) without LendeYs pdor wrttten consent, Ler.dsr mr�y.et tts op8ar�,re4uire immedlate paymertt[n tuU of aIl sums secured by •�.v ' � :�`n
<br /> this Securily Instrument However, thts opttan shap not be exescised by Lender H exe+rase!s prohibfted by tederal Iaw as ot tha . . . ... �-
<br /> date of this Secu►fry iastrumerd. '•` ,
<br /> It L¢nder�c�rdses thts opUon. Lender shall ghre 8osrower notice af axeleration. The no8ce sha[I provide a period ot not � �z'� a
<br /> tess than 30 days irom the da4e the notice ia de4verzd or ma7ed vdthin whlch Bortower must pay all sums secured by this � �_` . � `..
<br /> '� 3acurity Instrument Ii Borrower fa7s to pay these sums prfor to the expiration of this pedod, Lender may invake any remedies � �` , �
<br /> � permtitsd by this Secutity Instrumsnt without turther notice or demand on 8orrower. `
<br /> -, i8. Bsrrowe�''s Fiigitt to R�ii'►s#t'e. 1t Bortower meEts certau► conditioas. BoROwer st�a�i have tho etght to Rave � .r _--- - --_ -
<br /> enforcemeot of thts 3ecuriry (nstrument discontinued at any tme pdor to the eatfler ot (a) 5 days (or such other pePiod as ��: �. `°� ,
<br /> appGcabfs law may speaty tor r�nstatement)before safe of the Properry pursuant to any pov+er o}sale contained in this Security � _ _
<br /> - inswmerrt or(b)entry o1 a JudgmErt enforctng th}s SQC:udiY tnstnsmenL 7riose cond�ions are thai 8orrower. (a) pays Leader a!i � ___T___.— ,
<br /> sums whlch then would be due under this 3earity Instrument and the Note as it no acceleraUon had occurred: (b) cures any _ . �
<br /> • defauft of�ny other oovenaM or agreements; (e) pays afl expenses inwrred in entordng ti�is Security Irtstrumerrt, induding, but � , � •
<br /> ''- not 6mfted to,reasanabte attomays'fees; and (�tekes such adian as Lender may reasonabty require to assure that the fien ot � :
<br /> thls Securiry Instrum�t, Lender's dghis tn the Froperly and Borroive�s obllgation to pay the sums secured by this Security . , ;
<br /> Instrumerrt shall contfnue unchanged Upon �einstatement by Barrower, this Sacurily Inshument and the o6Qgatians sewred :` �� � �. � -
<br /> hereby sha0 remain fullyr effecWe as ii na acceteranon had ocamed. Hov�ever,this dgtrt to re!nstate shall nof appy in the caae •'":"x'
<br /> 'l of acceieratlon under paragraph 17. a� �'1°-�������-"'
<br /> � 19. Sal,a ctL' �L�to; Citsnge of Losin sdtvlCRt.The Note or a a parti�il intErest in ffie Note (together wfth this !;--:- --..,.,..
<br /> " . . .:.-X:... _..:..
<br />• Seca..a:-'�r tnsfi.."r.�1'„r•�y be soid one or more Um�wfchout pdor noUce to Bc:r.rnaer.A sale may resuit ln a ci�an4e in the entity ,_�,���,y_::
<br /> 8e � _
<br /> (!¢;a�xrr,;=s;!:a ^�Servteer')that co!lects monthly payments due under the Nate and this Security tnstrument There atso may "". , .�
<br />_ ��:� �3 m3z �* ^� ahanges of the Loan Servicer unreiated to a safe of the Note. If there ts a change of the Loan Servtcel. ~•.�-µ. ~*��
<br /> '.� go-�,a�a7t�z�iv2n written noUce of the change in accordance witfi paragraph 14 above and appOcable law. The�oUce will r• _-.-.
<br /> state t3ia name����dress of the new Loan Servicer and the address w whleh paymerrts should 6e made. TAe noUce wiU aiso ' ,:�"'�",;'�
<br /> r., �
<br /> ' contain any o�:��:�rmatton required by ePA�cable Iaw. _ ; . , -. ,.'
<br /> 20. Hi�titt'itu8 Sub8tai1C68. Borrawer shaU not caus� cr perm;t'�ie prasenee. use, disposal. storage,or retease o! ".:.;. ,..� ';: .
<br /> .;�a_.._ ' .
<br /> � any t�.�rdous Substances on or in lhe Prcperty. Borrower s(�I�^r.�do, nar ailow arryone etse to do. arryRhin9 aftecting the ,-:�r-�•�,-- .--"�:--
<br /> FrcFuYy that is tn violaUon of any Environmentat Law. The pre�s�two sentences shell not apDN to the presence, use, or "`'"�.,',fzA�-�}�-�
<br /> . ;�. .,i� .:Sid%. . .�:
<br /> storage on the Property of srt�all quamiUes of Ha�rdous Substances ffiai z�e generaRy recognhed to bo�roprtate to nortnal ������,�n, •. '.F .,,
<br /> residential uses and to malnten6nce of the Properiy. ' • :�,.
<br /> Borrower shat) promptly ghrb Lender wrilten noUce of any invesdga�z claim, demand, lawsutt or c'Yier acUan by any �T � �;�� -
<br /> govemmental or regu►atory agency or pfirate party involvfng the Properry and azry Herardaus 3ubstet►ca or fsevtronmentai law of ="°�'� f ;',
<br />� wh:cfi Barrower has acmal knowledga M 8ortower leams. or is notified by any govemmet�tal or regu(atory author(ty, that eny ��•'�'� ;��a; .
<br /> removal ov other ceme�atlon ot any Hamrdous Substance attecttng Propetly is nece�aiy, Bortower sha0 promptry tafca ell y,"� �• �>�;- : ,�.,�
<br /> _= nc�ssa�y�a�-�_.��citassa ht acxas�ss�Wiih En:�ttosun�tie!Law. --,.-'"::"- .�'`—�' ..
<br /> qs used{:��`,is paragraph 20. 'Harardous�'•.ubstances' are those subs�.ices dsftned as toxic or hazardous substances by � `-
<br /> • Ernlronmertta! tar� and tho tollowing substar�s: gasofine, kerosene, ar� flam�nable or to�dc petroleum products. to�de ,.'c�%�-�
<br /> ';iA t
<br /> � p;sE�das en3 harbixdes, volaUle soNents.materia'.s contatntng asbestos or formafdehyde,and radtouctive materfals. As used in ; ,•,�i . ,
<br />. � �n 20, 'c,o�onmerta!le���' means federat ta:vs an�7a7�a ot the jurisd;dlon whe:e t:�Properry is located that r�:at�s to ^'i;j�.:;.� .., .{
<br /> h�`�.sa:ety es ea�v��onmerttaf p: �a`��tton. • ;:`� ,:
<br /> ' :L'�
<br /> . h�T�.U�;rG3RT1�COVENANT8.Bottower en3 i��r tieSi�s ca+renanl and agree as toAovrs: ' 2'„•�
<br /> � �9. Aca�7Bratlon; Remedlos. 6snder st�a:l c^�.ive noNce to Bonower prior 8� acceleratlon '�.':i:
<br /> . foF]zna�ng Bavrowar's breach of arry covena�4 �r agreamertt in this Saauvity Instrument (b�c.^S a�at �' _�
<br /> ' pria� to a�ce�eratlon undeT paragraph 17 unla� appltcable law pravldss �therwise). The au�klee ` �'�'
<br /> shatl spec6'Jy: 1a)the defaul� (b) thv action re��Tad to cure 4he degas�t� (c) a date, not ias�!?�an '�"�.,,w;"•-
<br />---- whicb�e dofauH mus4 ide eured; as�d ��--� -
<br /> � 30 days!r�tha date the nottco is gtven to Barrower, by :. ..._�_�� .
<br /> (d) that fa9:u� 4o curo 4ho d�ui4 on or be9oro the date spoc(flad in the natice may rosuft !n ;��:;, .:.. .
<br />` accot�ratian�af the sums secured by this Securtty I�ahumen!and sAto o!tho Proporty.Tite�ollce ___ �.� �� ___
<br /> .. �i! turtt�r ir.larm B�mawer of ths �ght to a�rstato aRer accatora�7am and 4he ri�ht to �T� a --_ _'•
<br /> �� c�i4 actic�,� b ���t ihe nan-existance of � cdefault or any other dNanse c3r 8orr�� to ' �� "
<br /> ,� '. accatorati�:s a�9 saie. If the detautt ts not carad on or beiore the date spaci�la~.3 �n the notico, '''?
<br /> . ,,�=:�
<br /> . � I.ondor a4 fts opUon may requtre Irtnmedlate pa�*ment tn full o�f a0 sums sacure�fby thls Sec�ari#y � ��
<br /> Instrumont wlthout fuMer domand and may a�tw ti�o power of sala and any othar remedies �:�'=�°�;r =
<br /> � �J"".�p......
<br /> • �.�vs�itt�d by applicable law. Londar shall bo o:::s'.Jed to colleat ail exponsoa tncurred in ps�:�.a� ��_._�.
<br /> tt��► remediss provided in this paragraph 21, Z�a�udtng, but nat Umited to. ro�sonabis attsa��ays' —�.:-_
<br /> feos at�d��dis o!titte evldenco. �`�`--""��
<br /> t� the pcwer of sate Is Invoked, TrosZae sAall record a notice of detault in oach county in .�,��
<br /> ' �� which any part of the Property is focated a��l ahall meil coples of such notfce in the manner i �•� _
<br /> prescrtbed by app�icabte law to 9orrower an�3a the other petsons prescribod by appltcabl� law.
<br /> After the tlme required by appUcable law, Trustee ahall give public notlse of sale to the ps7sona ; ,.'
<br /> � and in the manner prescribed by a.��licable law. T►ustoe, without demand oa Borrower, st�aQ sell �__
<br /> tho Proport�T a! pubiic auation to tts� highest btdder at the timo and place and wader the terms
<br /> ' designated s:� 4he noUce a? sate In one ar more paraela and in any order Trustao deter�inea ° -
<br /> � � Trustee may postpone �ate of atl or any p��3 crf the PropeRy by public announcer.te:�8 � the
<br /> time an� �!�e of arY� prevlou3ly scheduta� �3s. Ler.der or Its dosigneo rtnay pur�� the � :
<br /> . Property a8 ai�i sate.
<br /> � Upon c�Lp4 of payment of t�s prlce �:�, TrusteB s�all deliver to the pu�chaser Trusiae'a �° �++�-��-'""_
<br /> deed convey.ng tha Properly. 7he rec'i4als i��=a3 Trus4eo's deed shaii bo prima facte evid6�:so of '-'�'�^�:.�� °-
<br /> iSsm truth ot the sta4or.���2s noade ttterefn. 4ccr�too shall apply the proceeds o? the s^�.."m �c� ths • �`=r-�-
<br /> �.���T:-�--_�
<br /> � tisl9owing ordet: (a) tm ap costs and ex�,rt�as of exerclsing tho power of sale. and e�� sale, , .,,,.,,.4;,,.ya_�.:.
<br /> including the paymertt of t3�e Trcr�".c�'s feea actually Incurred, rtot to exceed�sree , "� '*`v�"��.
<br /> - 9'a of ths pr1n���a] amount of tho . ,
<br /> note at the time o! ti�o decs�!i�� of default, and reasonabl� attomey's tees as pormitted by law: ' . '
<br /> _ �._�--:��.
<br /> � (�� to ail suma secured by this Seswity Instrument; and (c) any excess to tha person mr persons �� � T _
<br /> Isgally entttlerl to it. � �
<br /> \� �- . ....���-
<br /> F1316.LM6(3A61 Pege 4 01 5 . ' '
<br /> . � 96056 ' �
<br />. _�_.._._.�,:... ... . ... ... . . ....._.. . .. . . • . . �. . �_ .. , �. •. ' . . -.a , .. .. .. .
<br /> �. ' .. .. ' u •• .. o. . : ' ' .• � ' R �S -� .,. 4 .. . . � . . _ . . � � .... . • . . _ �' _ , ...
<br />