ti a F ': :i• ' � .Y: ' .�y !. l'::f:=�°"se�.. . .�, ;��_t.
<br /> i .• '�4� . . � ' >1 a. , ::i�s • .5'E�1< _ { Q Yy+�:�( W _ j
<br /> . wy "r, .�.....� - . {�•y��- _
<br /> . �tY •.tT'„'y``- -
<br /> . "'T'i
<br /> ` ' BartmNer may cure such a dstaul4 end r2Utst�te. as provtded in paragraph 18. !�y rausing the acSon or prateedfig to ba t�'•'�;�� •
<br /> • dismisse��vith a rufing ffiat,In Lendtv's gocd fafth determir►st!on.predud3s todeiture of the Bartowers fnterest in the Propefty or ` f� `.�'—` �'
<br /> ,,-------�—f-- -.
<br /> othm msteflal Unpatmicv►t of the Ilen creatod by this Sscairfty Instrument or Lsnd;r's secudty interest Borrrnver shaii also be in - .
<br /> detauR H Bamawer. during the loan appllr�n proc�3s.g3ve mmtcdallY fa[8o or Inaeeur�te IniormaUon or stataments to Lender(ar ��"_�;�';' `":'
<br /> - P�i[ed to provfda Lcnsi.^.r tiviiii any rr�tedsi l�fem�Uan) tn conneetlon with tho laan ovideneed by the Note. Inctuding, Dut not -��:_iq-•�'.",�_
<br /> pmited to. �pr�Eniattons cancemfig BorrowEr's oeatpancy of the Pro�erry as e pAndpal resldenee. lf this Securit� `'��;`�'`•.°-
<br /> Instrumgnt is en a teaseha;d Bortowar ehaD compfy wttA all the provts:ons of the lea�e. If Bortower acquUes tEe title to the�� ,_: �
<br /> prope3ty,the lsasehoid end!he fee tlUe aha9 na4 merge untass Lender egrees to Me mecgsr in wririting. _ �:�� �.
<br /> 7. F�4eatlon of L.andor's Wlghte 1n tho PropOrty. If Bortower ta�►s to pertortn the covEnants and agreements
<br /> _ ..:.z,.—-
<br /> corrtah�ed in tfit�s^ecurfty fnstsumen� or there i� a legal proeeading thet may signF�eantly aftect Lender's rtghts in the PropeRy � �;�j�E=_—
<br /> (such as e pmceeding(n baniwptcy, probate,for condertsnaUon or 4ortetture ar to Enioroe faws or regulations).then Les�dec may e} - `�-�,:'
<br /> do and pay fot►vhaia�rer is naces�y to protect ttse vatue of the Property end Lender's dghts in tha Property. Lender's actions �y _ �
<br /> may indude pay(ng any sums secured by e Iten vihich has prtortty over this Security Instrumant, appearing 6� couR paying �� -
<br /> reasanat�e attomeys'fees and eete�g on the Pro�sty to rt�;s��. Although Lendar msy take adlon under this paragraph O ��...:�.�:.�.'...
<br /> ri�ir-srs::.��a:�„�„-�.
<br /> 7.Lender does nof hava to do so.
<br /> My emounts disbu�sed by Lender uader paragrEph 7 shall bacome add'itlonal debt of Bortower seeured by th(s Securt4y W
<br /> ����.'`-�,_�_-'_��
<br />-,.--� Instrumeni Uniess Bartowa and Lender ag�es to other tecros ot paymen� these amounts sha7 bear hrterest from the date of .�•;,,.i; x.,•:-,
<br /> disbursetnent at the Note rafe and shsD be payable,with interest,upon notica hom Lender to Borrower reques�ing paymenL `..T,�,,.:.,,_'.;;
<br /> 8. Mo�gage Irt8UrdtlC9. Ii Lesider reGuUed mortgage Insurance as a condiHan of m�idng the loan secvred by thks •,�.
<br /> , .� Seeurity[nsmimen�, Borr4wer shall pay the prem[ums required to maintafn the mortgage[nswanee ln ettect ii,for any rcason,the � � , .�:
<br /> �� . -
<br /> moRgaga insuraneo coverage requlred by Lend�et IaPses or ceases to be in eftect. Barrower sha0 pay the premiums requtred io :;�.�,�--.
<br /> � obtafi cov�age substanNally equlval�t to the mortgaga tns�uance pre�fousty(n eRect. at a cost suhstanttaBy equNalent to the -�=,r —
<br /> :�� cost w Bamower of the mortgage insuranee prevlously in eftect, frorn an attemute mortgage tnsur�approved by Lendec Ii � �,...�..' ^. ,_
<br /> ��,,,� substantialty equi�raJent moRgage insurance coverage is not avatlabte, Borrower shall pay to L.�der each month a sum equai to -- ;;,_-.-
<br /> _ onetwdftt►of the y�rly mortgage insurance premlum bemg patd by Borrower when the tnsurance coverage Iapsed or ceased to ', �'�''° �`'_.
<br /> ,,r be in eftect Lender wnU accc�ot, use and retais� these payments as e toss resetve tn {ieu of mortgage insurance. Lass reserve r�F�.. �,�1`;:.s:
<br /> ., � paymertb may no longer be re�:ted. at the optIon ot Lender,fl mortgage insuranee coverage(fn the amourrt and for tha pedod �^��rkr,,,,,____
<br /> that Lender requires)provtded 6y an �su�� a�prov e d by Len d�a g a t n beeomcs avaitab e and Is ob�ined. Borrower shafl pay �'�;;:s.�.�..; '-._
<br />'`�'�'<� the pr�Nums required to ma.�+ �ncr[s��surance in eftect, w to prouida a losa resenre, untD the!�qulremertt to►mortgage .�%..�;:#:,;,
<br /> f,
<br /> insursnce ends in aaordzncQ rc�arty wt�'"..zn a�eem�t 6etween Bartower end Lender or appdcabte law. ��)"t�,�. � •.
<br /> 9. MspacUon.Ler�r�tts agent msyt make reasortaEfe enbies upan and(nspectlans o!the Froperty. Lend�shaA giva �•� .. .
<br /> U Y v
<br /> .' �' Borrower nottca at the���prlor to an trispection specf'fy�,ng reeaonabte cause tar the inspectton. �.,Sj���'."�-`.•
<br /> 10. Candemna;�i.7'he p�ceeds ot en award or daim tar ciama es.f�Ct Of COIISCQt1Br1GE1. 61 COMECUOR Wlth 8flj/ ` , `�, ,,�: �
<br /> y g ��,�.�,:�
<br />.�� � condemnsitan ar ciher tatdng oi anY Part of the Praperty, or tor conveyance in Deu o!condemnetlon, are hereby assigned and -
<br /> 1 shaq be pald�C�def
<br /> '.,:•( In the c�� at a total taMng ot the Prop�ty, the Oroceeds shall 6e app0ed to the sums securad by this Securfry '
<br /> � Instrument,whet�er or nof then dua with any excess DaEd to Borrower. In ths event af a partlal taldng o!the�'roperty in wfiich
<br /> � � the talr ma-ik�value of the E�operty tmmedlatery before the taldng is equal to or�ater than the amount of the aums secured �
<br /> _J by thts �e�y Insuumer.T cme�iatety b�fore the tsldng. untess Bortawer and Lesdr3 othemise agree in writing, the sums £,`�' � `
<br /> +1' secured Q��lis Security tnstrument sha0 he reduced by the amount of thn procpeds rtn.�t;pAed by the!.^,�owing rtactlon: (a)the ° �- - ;
<br /> � ' total sma��-��:the sums secured Imrr.��� 6efore the taking. divide��,r (b)the tair market vatue�t tL'a Property Immer�atelY ,'�4�� ,•�
<br /> .,:ssS�'�
<br /> � '�` bebre the�.`:c�g.My batance sha9 ba psi�to Bortawer. In 1he event of a parttat t�ig o4 the Pro�eay��vhich ths tair madcet ,I�,;,';�s;`'�;�
<br /> �. vpNe o?the Properiy imTe�.:2fy�elare the taidng is less than the emount of ti���rs secured 6nmediatey befc:v���:a takfng, y.�� �' °-
<br /> untesa Bor�awer and F.rr���e: o:herwise a g tee In vaftfi or untess appIIcable haw cLf-rawtse rovides, the proce�e� shaq hs '�y
<br /> g P �Y��.-:__' ..;
<br /> .'��� epp9ed to L�,a sums secur��6r�thts Securi�j InstrumeM wheth�or not the sums are then due. '�1'�l�'."".'• : -
<br /> If the b'ro�erty ia abandaned Dy Bc�-�w�r. or if,after notice 6y Lendr�r to 8orrower that the eondemnor ofters to make an . �_�.�,�_
<br /> �:�' award cr s�a claim tor d�magea. Ba�rnver 1aIIs to respond to Lendzr wfthin SO days efter the date tha notice is glven,
<br /> • Lender is�Vlharized to ceF.�ct end eppty tbe proceeds, at fts optlon, etiher to restoratton or repaU of tha PropeRy or to the °'""'�'
<br /> .r '
<br /> sums se��by this 8ec•.u�ih�tnsbument.wheiher or net�hen dua �}t:•. :•..
<br /> �� �;. Unte::� l'ender end 6�r.cwer othervv'se agree in eriting, any eApflcaUon o9 proceeds to prindpal aheD not extend or .,,�•. . _,_
<br /> :...::f.. postpona i��dua data of the monthy pa��ents reteRed to fn paragraphs 1 end 2 or change the smount ot such p a y ments. �-
<br />�4��:' 11.L'�anvuvuor Nat Reteasod; trmrbearance By Lend�r Not e iPVaiver. �aensbn ot me Umo for paymem or -�- -�----�=_=-
<br /> � i ' mad'dicaUoz�o amoA(z�ion.of the surra sca�airErd by thls Securfty Instrument�anted by Lender to eny successor tn krtecest ot �~� •'
<br />- Bo�zower sha't net opetate to release tha Aab�ity ot the odg(nal BoROwer or Boaawer'a suecassots in interest. Lendar shaY not � ••� :�
<br /> �{�, be requUed to commas��cee�Bngs agein�t eiry successa in interest w retuae to extend ttme for payment or othzrwiso ;'i.".:�: -,<_
<br /> ' �' i�• mo�ily emo�t�iSlen of t':e�r�ns secured�y thts 3ecutity Instrument by ruason o!eny demand rtiade by the a�tginai Bortawar or ��f����•• •�^'.'.,
<br /> �I � r���'QS,S;,�:_->.`
<br /> � Borrower'a �c.�..:.c�ssors In irrterest My torbearonce by Lertder In exerdsing any dght or remedy sh�9 not be e waHer of or
<br /> '.. prec&tda tt:a�.�t�se ot arry dgM ot remedy. `�_ . :',
<br /> �� 12. S�ee�sors and A�slpns Bound; Joint and Sovorai Uabtttty; Co-sisreor�.7ne covenu�ts and ���.�;._.;, -=
<br /> • 1i ageemerrts of this 8ecurity lnstrum�►t shaU bind and bene6t the successors end asst a o!Lender end Batrower,sub ect to 4he � � ,�y�
<br /> er, 7 ), =.�,.•,...,. '
<br /> provisions o!para�aph t�F. Bortowers covenanta end a�eemenls ahaA bo Jolnt and eeveral. My Borrower who crosign9 this ��{b'::,.=�:-�
<br /> � '! ' ri��lr�y� :
<br /> ! Security tnstrument but dc.r�s hat execute the Note: (a)i�co-siyniny thi8 3acurfty Instrument eny to mortgaga,grant ar-d convey �;;,�•:.ti.^ _
<br /> �� thet Borrmu.r�r's inierest�tlte Proyerty under the terms of this 3eeudry InaUUmenx (b) is not personafty obUgated�o pay the
<br /> �.=;�;(' aums sear�9�y this Securiry Instrumert; and(c)agrees thal LendQr and any other Borrower may agree to extenG, modify. 't"�r:
<br /> forhenr or a.�H:e any accommodattons with regard to the tertns ot th[s Securfty InsVumerrt or the Note wlthout that Bortowers ��=��°;='�`'
<br /> • consent �f-�=��`-,�
<br /> � 13. Loan CCt7E�:J. �f the loan secured by t�i� &ec��:^,I Instrument is subJect to e taw which sets maxlmum loan ��t�°-=.: .
<br /> � charges,and that taw �Z*saUy interpreted so that the ir.:erest cs olrer loan charges collected or to be coUected in connecUon ve.c������ �-��-�-�•
<br /> uuq.%uv�n+W ti:..
<br /> witb the loan exceed the pertnitted Omtts, then: (a)any sucf�Io�s ch�a shell be reduced by the amaunt necessary to reduce .—----- -
<br /> the char�ce So the pertnitted Bmii: end (b)eny suma etready co(4ed'lndi Nom Bonower whTcA exeeeded permitted IirNts wID be "�
<br /> a e
<br /> ,;��-.
<br /> retunded c� Ba:rower. lender may choose to make this retund by reduahg the principal owed under the Note or by matdng a ,,!+;;.:
<br /> direct pa�.:��.^: to Borracti_r. H e refunA reduces pdrtc�l, the reducUon wlll be treated as e partial prepaymern w(thout any _m-~�
<br /> P��Y�t a',arge undev the Note. `-.°.`'�-- - .
<br /> .. . 14.�Y��C09.Arr�n:Cce tu Bortower provlded for in this SecuAiy Instrumerrt shall be given by del&edng it o?by mailtng i! ;r��;.,`':�°;;�.
<br /> :, � by fust�s rtaii un.esa appQcable favt requires use of another method. The noUce shall be directed w the Pn:�r:y Address �L,���_� ��_� �--•
<br /> �- �5' � or erry ctt�vv sddress Borrower dostgnm� by noUce to I.ender. My noUce to Lender shsll be gt4.•� by first etsss mafl to
<br /> Lenders ar�'ni.-asa s(aled iierein or any ati,er address LEnder designates by no8ea to Borrov�er. Fr..D-�Uoe provlded tot!n th;; �.•;y_
<br /> Secudty insirument shatl be deemed to have been given to 8orrower or Lender when given as provided In this parc�aph. �,r��s,y",a;j,�
<br /> 1S. Goveming 6aw; Seva►ability. Thls Security Instrument shafl be govemed by federal law and the law o1 the �;,;�->_��=:=.,-=
<br /> . judsdioUon in which the Properly is lacated. In the event that any provislon or ctause of this Secudty instrument or the Note �,i;'_v_ ? '
<br /> conficts v.��eppilceble taw, such conflict shaU not aNect other provis!ons of this Seeurity Instrumerrt or the Note a�hich can 6e ��r.�
<br /> giv�eftec�wfthout the wnflicUng provision.To ihis end the provislons o!this Securi.y InstrumEnt end the Note are dectared ta �"-•;;i2��-�-�L'
<br /> be seuera�'ia. �-��-=:
<br /> . -�- "?�.: :�
<br /> � 18. BOnOeN6�'s Copy.Bortower aha0 be glven one eontortnod eopy of the Note and of this Securtry Insbument. :s+vr°- •--
<br /> • � � L� �:w�;:e.�;�a:
<br /> Pa o 3 ot 5 �,-�;•'�'�'_:'.±
<br /> F13i6.LM0(3/96) 9 � . �. ^
<br /> __•. :.:c'd:.�-_a
<br /> i
<br /> - ��:<:�:•-. .
<br /> 96056 �.'.*• . . ._
<br />. • Y , '
<br />- ..._.... . ' . � . . ._ .. . ' .. • _ ' �_ . .� , ... ., ' . � . .. �l. . . . . .
<br /> . .. . ' � . . .. - ' ,� .., 1 . ' ' - . _ ' � . . .b�`„ .
<br />