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<br /> ��L'j�='�F��. .^�.'��"' period��hut Lender reyuircs. The in�urwice rurrier praviding the insurunce�hull be char•en by Borrawcr subject to l.enderx
<br /> �,a,��=�.�-� uppmvAl which rhall nd bo unaw+onably withhcld. li Bartower fuilr to maintuln cavembe dew�ril+ed ubove.Lender may,at �=�'f�=!�==:-_
<br /> �:��"?,°";-;�'.::�;."'�-" "" l,endcr x option,otHaia coveruge to pratect Lender x rightti in the Praperty in urcordance with paragraph 7. ___
<br /> ,ur•�''-��=•-'^':-�� �� •.;'"' All insuronce pc�licies und mnewulr�hull t+e acceptuble w Lendrr und sholl include u gtundord martguge cluuse. Lender --__-
<br /> ,,,,., ,.._,.;r. �1�='---
<br /> ro :., , �hull have�he right�o hold the policiex and renewulx. If Lendcr reyui�ex,doROwer ahall promp�ly givc�o Lender all receipt�
<br /> ,�,;,.,x,,,. , � � of paid premiuma and renewul nonces. In thc event of loss.Harrower xhall give prompt noticu to ihe insurunce currier und ...: ��+----
<br /> o.:,n;►��.�,'���'u.�: , �-�.��.,��_ .
<br /> `��� . . Lender. I.ender may molce proof af losx�f nat mude pmm{+tly by Barrower.
<br /> :_=-.-�-" --;m '.a Unles.s Lender and 8orrower c�henvitie n�ree in w�idng,in.uronce praceeds tihull be applieJ to restomti��n or repair af �:.::�;.H�...=
<br /> �,�'•""' �he Pmperty dumoged,if Ihe restoration or repair is economicully feusible und LenJer� xecurity ix nM lesxened. If the �,,�,��.�r-
<br /> , ' restorotion or re ir ix not ecanomicully feacible or l.ender�xe�:urity wuuld be lexxened, the imumnce praceeds shull be —.�+•��.,r
<br /> :�:�'' : � ',� .•.' pa . ,.�'e,z.,�_
<br /> ,_�,..�•., ' ,� applkd ta the sums securcd by thiw Security In+trumem,whether or ocu then due, with any excess paid ta Bortower. !j' ,,�,,.;,.;___
<br /> �5 .... �•� b__�
<br /> ,:a=� ' � Borrower ubnndans the Propeny, ar dae:�not nnxwer wilhin :�Q days u natice from Lender thut the insumnco cacri�ec�S ',,:,•, _;;-,_��_
<br /> n
<br /> ;�= ' '`P offered ta,ellle u cluim,then Lender muy callect the imurunce pr�x:eeds. Lender muy use the proceed�lo rcp:�ir or crytvn -•
<br /> �, , . '-:{ n ihe Property or ta puy+ums secured by this Securiry Inatrument,whather ar nat�hen due. The 30-duy period wiLl be$in W L�en ---��
<br /> �,:;,y . : , • �� � �he natice ir,givcn. s r•�'� -
<br /> :�� ; � � � � Unless l.ender und Borrawer othenvlxe ugrec in writing,any upplicution of prcxeed�tu principal shull not extenci�x �� ,
<br /> ' • • fcrred to in aru m hx I and 2 or chan e ihe amount of the payments. If �'�"����'
<br /> ' poslpone�he due dnte af thc monthly pn��mentti re p R p B �_
<br /> ' °��: , ° ' under pamgraph 21 thc Pmpeny is acyuired by l.ender, Borcowcr�nght to uny insurnnce policie�und pra�eed.�resulting -------------_
<br /> • • • � � . fram dwnnge ta Ihe Propeny pnar lo the acquirition shull puss lo Lender w the extenl of�he tiumx secured by tAix Security �T~ ,,,.
<br /> �,�---
<br /> • �� ' . [nsUUment immediutely p�ior to the ncyuitiitian. � Loan A UcANon
<br /> ProtecNon oP Ihe Pro M : Borrower R pp i �_.�•, -' j
<br /> � �.-...
<br /> � 6. Occups�ncy. PreservAlion. Maintenance and Pe Y .,-�,, --
<br />" ' I.exsedotds Borrower shall accupy,eslablixh,and use the Propeny us Borrower�principul residencc withio+ixry days after ,�,�,s,:s.=::_._.
<br /> ' � � � '''� ,t the eaecucion of thf�;5ecudry Instrument and.r•hull cominue w u�:ru t{ie Pru rt +►s Borrowerk nci al residence for at ��=-•=•.�� 9•=�
<br /> PY P� Y P� P 5�,-,;•
<br /> ' leas� one eiu afler the dnte af acu unc , unless Lender i�thenvixe u rees in writin . which consent shall not be �. ,��:.�-.;,,,,__
<br /> y P Y � 8 '� =�' -
<br /> " unna�onably wi�hhetd,ar unlex�extenuntin�s circumti�ances exist which ure i+eyond Borrower's conrcol. Borrower shall not • • __ —
<br /> � . .. • destrc►y,damnge or impair Ihe Property,uUow thc Pmperty to deteriomte,or commit wu.tite on ihc Propeny. Borrower shall
<br /> . .,, .� ' he in defnult if uny forfeiture uction ar prceeeding,whe�her civil or criminul,ix begun thut in Londer;good fuith judgment �' _
<br /> � could result in forfei�ure of �he Propeny or i��hanvise materiully impair the lien creuted by this Securny Instrument or .,���"'�'','�"�:�
<br /> '" •• Lender'.s security intercst. Borrc►wer muy cure such u defuult und reinstute,a,provided in pnn+graph IK.by enusing the action __
<br />: � ' • or proceeding to tx dismisxed with a ruling thut,in Lender's good fnith delermination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower'.s -; ���
<br /> � interest in thc Propeny or other ma�erial impuirme�t of the licn crea�cd by this Security Instrument or Lender's security i;,;.i�;:�.�..;�
<br /> " „�� � interest. Botrower shull ul+o be in defuult if Borrowcr, during the loan upplicmron proce.r•s, gave muteriully fultie or •• --
<br /> ' inuccurute informutiun or s�utement�to Lender(ar fuiled to provida Lender with un� muterial informationl in connection with ��°�-,'k'.-� _�
<br /> � ' the los�n evidenced by the Nae, including, but not limi�ed to, representutions conceming Borrower's occupancy of the .��_`'�_
<br /> ' __ Propeny u,a principul residenee. If�hiti Security Instrument is on u leu+ehold,Borcower shull comply with all the provisinnx �-.r'-'�`` -__
<br /> �' ''�� � of 1he lease. If Borrower ucyuires fee tidc ta the Pmperty.�he leasehold and the fee tille shall nu�merge unies�Lender agrcxs �-� =
<br /> � �..,,.-
<br /> �'t�, ` . to the merser in writing. .:`� _�
<br /> . •• 7. Protectton oP I.ender's RiRhtx in the PropeHy. It' Borrowcr fuils �o perf'orm the coveounts und agrecments p''•'.;``�4 �=W_
<br /> ' contuined in thiti Securily Ins�rument, or there i� u le�ul prnceeding �ha� mny tiignificunNy affect Lender's rights in the "� � �-
<br /> � ° � Property Isuch:�y a pracaeding in bankruptcy,probate,for a►ndemnulion or forfeitun,or io enforce laws or regulnlionxl,lhen =',:;�,s��
<br /> " Lender may do und puy for whutever is necessary to protrct the vulue of the Propeny and Lender's rights in the Property. �
<br /> ' . Lender's actions muy include paying uny tiums xecured by u lien which hun prioriry over this Security ln,trument,nppeuring �
<br /> � � �� in court,paying reac�nable alturneys'fee+unJ enterinF an the Propehy ro muke repain.Although Lender may tuke uction __ �•�=•-
<br /> " under this pnmgraph%'.LenJcr d�x.mu huvc to do so. . ...�, - °
<br /> • .. '� Any omount� disbuned by Lendcr unJer�hi. purugruph 7 ,hull l�cumc uJditianul debt of Burrower secured by this � � ^ ti;!'"
<br /> , '�� � Securit�Instrument. Unlesti Borruwcr and Lender agrce�o�uher temi.of puyment,these amountr:shal l heur intercst from the ���;��u;°
<br />