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<br /> •n4 a 'i' - i• S � �11�,,,�..�,•���1i� o�c-. � --
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<br /> •o,,;..;,fyqa;u,�,l�!ihJ`^ Tp��gR WITH oll the improvemenlx now on c�reAftcr crcctcd on thc propeny,und ull cu,emcnis,appuncnancc.r•, �,
<br /> . .�..ytrx��ne�:��' ,� �--..i��-.---
<br /> ��`; -. , A� :. nnd fixtures now or hereafter n pan oP the prapeny. All repincement�and udditiong shall ulsa be cnverr,d by this Security
<br /> ..sa-..•:.r.:��;f.. Inslrument. All of the farcgaiog is refcrred ta m�his Sccurity Inst�umcnt a�Ihe"Prapeny." ___
<br /> '' ��-•> ;� BORROWER COVENANTS ths+t Borrowcr i�c luwfully scised of�hc cstute hcreby convcycd And hu��hc right to grunt _
<br /> ':'.
<br /> � -n� und convey the Propeny ond thot the Property ir unencumbered,except for ern:umbrance+of recnrd. Borrower wwrnn�s and ---_ _
<br /> - �..,' L'.'i�.....A�_ Yfi[0.. .
<br /> `�" will defend generally the tille to the Propeny Lguinat ull claims und demund�,subject to any encumbrunces of'recnrd. ��_,:--�-.--�:°---
<br /> . ,.-.' r ..i. _ , _ .
<br /> .,�
<br /> •�� �•• � , THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combiner uniform covenants for nutianul use und nan-uniform covenantx with
<br /> ,. x�,�;,;4,;;�::; limited variati�ns by jurisdiclbn to constiwte n unifann�ecurity ins[niment covering mal propeny. v
<br /> �,"._ _ -
<br /> �' .,.�;�,. ;�_..:�' UNIFORM�OVENANTS. Borrower vnd Lender cavenunt und agree us Follows: °— _
<br /> _ �� ' ' 1. PAyraent oP Principal and Interest;Prepayment and Late Chor�es. Borrowcr tihull pmmplly puy when due the "'ti• �'.3:-__---
<br /> l:...j,�.,__�--
<br /> - "' ;��,, ' principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note und any prepayment und lute charges due under the Note. ;,��.T•�—
<br /> d'v;:,;,:„••.•°%- 2. Fuods tvr'f's�xes and losurance. Subject ta npplicable luw or lo u written waiver by Lender,Banower shull pay to ., ,, '='""=-
<br /> � ' Lenc�er on the da�month�Y payments nm duc under the Note,umil the Ncxe is paid ia full,�sum�"Func4i'1 for. (a)yeurly �� .c_ L_'
<br /> •� • � caxes:md as�-sunents whirh may uuain priority over this Serurily Inxlrument uv n li�n c�n the PmpNm:thl yearly leuschold �A,:�`-•�.:_���-
<br /> • . , paymen�w or �rouncl rent.r• on the Propeny. if any: lcl yeacly. hacurd ar proprrty insuraner pre�9ams: (dl yearly flaxl .�,_.:,:�-�-�.;`
<br /> .�.-_...a��.�_
<br /> � in:;uranre premiums, if uny:(e1 yeArly monga�e insur�nce premiums, if any; and ifl Am• sum� pa�a'bk by 8�umwer to __,��}:��"�`
<br /> �, • L��n:l�r,in accordance with the provisiam of puragruph 8. in lieu of the puyment uf mo�gage imur,mce premiums. These �_�.��
<br /> ,. � ,!. items ue r�lled"Esrrow Items." Lender may,at uny�in�.cuNrrt und hols�Funds in an amaunt nat to cxeeeJ the maximum ��.�.,.�,�.��_
<br /> • . amount a lencler far A federally related mortguge loan may reyuire for Barrowert eserow accaunt under the federal Real ���;,_ _
<br /> ' • Eseate Seqlement Procedu�es Ae�of'1974 n�amended from time to�ime,12 U.S.C.�26t11 et scq.l"RBSPA"),unless artother fr'�r��;-r.�
<br /> � lav�that Applies ta the Funds s�t�u lesser umount. If so.Lender may,ut any time,collect and hold Funds in�n amount not to ��,.•: .�-'
<br /> • � exeeed tl�e le�,�ser umount. Lrndcr muy e�[imate the amoum uf Funds due on the bASis af current data und reasonable '��•"'r'`_=. ..--.--
<br /> ;+.Y�`'•`"?�';-
<br /> m�.r•� ••�n�"'`� es¢imutes af ex�nditures of future E.rcrow Uems or otherwive in Accordz►nce with applicable law, .. ..";+� ^y��--
<br /> Thc Funds sh�ll be held in nn institution whose depor.its ure insured by u federul agency, ins�nirnentnlity, or cntity . _ !,,,..t:`�
<br /> t�n.luding l.ender,if Lender is�uch nn imlitu�ionl or in an.�Federul Home Loan Bunk. Lender shall�pply the Funds to puy r;'_�}�,`.
<br /> ri thr Escraw Icems. l.ender may not charge BoROwcr ior holding und upplying the Funds, unnuully analyzing Ihe escrow �:�j�t -
<br /> , utcount, or vcrifyinF the Escmw Uems, unles.r Lendrr puys $orriiwcr intcrest on the Funds und uppflrablc luw permils ,�r�;��.;�;
<br /> . l�.��_,:;
<br /> ,� ` , ° A.ender to m�ke such a churge. However,Lender may reyuire Borrower tu p�y a one-time churge fo� an independent real �,;,i�_. ,-
<br /> estate tax repoAing service used by Lender in connection with this loun,unle+s applicuble law provides a�herwise. Unless un , ,j4',,�;.•�,�� _
<br /> ", : • agreement is madc or npplicuble luw rcyuires imerest to be paid,Lender�h:ill rnri be required to paX Borrowcr any interest or �, �,_ . -
<br /> earnings on the Funds. Borrowe�und Lender ma u rce in wntin ,howeve�,that interest xhall br pAid on ihc Fuadti. Lcndcr '• __�--�'
<br /> Y 8 6 ;;,�,��.�.,.�_
<br /> shall give to Borrowar,withnut churge,un unnuul urcounting of�he Funds.showing crediis and debits to�he Funds and the �. . .�,- _A__
<br /> , purpose for which eurh debit to ihe Funds wus made. The Fundc ure pledged us additional security for ull sums secured by -r;Ey`.`.._:;`--
<br /> - — '' " lhlc Sprority Inslrument. — �;,_',:,
<br /> � '.'�j�'" '� If the Fundx held by Lender exceed the umounts pertnitted to be held by apphcable luw, i.ender shaii account to ' -
<br /> .�}�5��-=
<br /> Borrower for�hc exce�s Funds in accordunce wilh the reyuirements of applicahlc law. IY thc amount of�he Fund�held by ��•'��.�,..---
<br /> ,� •'""t�t= �_�-
<br /> l.ender at uny lime is not sufficicnt to pry the Esc�ow Item�when due,Lcnckr may so notify Bonower in writing,und,in r„_
<br /> " such case Bortower shull pay to Lender the amount necessury to muke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the �����'1P!��}�,: _
<br /> � de�ciency in no more thun twelve munthly puyments,ut Lend�r ti sole discrctiun. ��,,,i�%i?;•::_
<br /> • Upon poyment in full of ull xum+secureJ by this Securi�y In,trument.Lender xhull prompdy n�fund to Dar.ower any � �•�� �";,_,.,�
<br /> ' Funds held by Lender. If,under purugruph 21,Lender tihull ucyuire or xeU the Propeny.I.ender, prior lu the ucquisition or �• �_
<br /> sule of the F'roperty. ,hull upply uny FunJ. held by Lcnder at thc time af ucyuisition or�ale as u crcdii against the sums '.�.e:;r.:�'c_,��
<br /> , secured by this Securiry Insnument. • -� .� ��
<br /> 3. AppllcatEon of Poyments. Unlc+s upplicahle law provides otherwise, all payment� reccivcd by L.ender under '; ._«._
<br /> � ' ; � parugruphs 1 und 2 shall lx upplied:iir.�,to any prcpaymem charge.due under the Note;second,to umounts payable under •�., •� •'
<br /> ,',�' ':'�'�� ..:'•;t•;:
<br /> ,, � puragraph 2;third,ta intere.t duc;fourth,to prinripul duc:und lutit,to uny late churges due undcr Ihe Note. ;�. :. ;,�;r==.
<br /> .�,.;;.. . ,... _
<br /> ' 4. Charp�es; Liens. Borruwcr shull pay ull �axe,, a,sc�xmcnts, ch•rrgeti, fines and impositions attributuble to the . ,, �,�
<br /> " � Propeny which muy uttain priuriry uvrr thi+Security�tn�trument,and Ieusehold puymentti or ground rent�,iP any. Borrower
<br /> � • " shall pny these ubligutions in thc munncr provideJ in p•rrugruph�,or if not paid in 1ha�munner.Borrower shull puy�hem on •_-
<br /> �� �,; ,;; �` time directly to tlk person owcd payment. Borrowc�+hall promplly furnish to Lrndcr all nutices of umnums to t►e pnid under .
<br /> • ti.�.. this paragruph. If Borrower muke.the�e puynien�x direcUy,Bonower xhall promptly fumixh�o Lender receipts evidencing -
<br /> the payments. •.y"'°��:
<br /> BoROwer sh�ll prompUy dischrrgc any lien which ha�prioriry�wrr this 3ecuriry In,irument unle5s Borrower.(al ugrces `••'��''
<br /> . in writing to the payment of Ihe obligution xrcurrJ hy the lien in u munner ucceptuble Io Lendrr,lbl contesis in good faith the _____ _
<br /> , lien by,or defends ugaimt cnforcement u(Ihr lien in,Icgal prcxeedings which in tlx�Lender�opinion operate to prevent the —
<br /> .L.-=-
<br /> enforcement of the licn:ur fc)tecures from thc holdcr of thc licn un ugmcmcnt tiutist'•rctory�o l.cnder sutx►rdina�ing the lien -
<br /> � ' to this Security Instrument. If Lender de�crminc. that uny purt of thc PropcAy i,xubject�o u licn which muy uttuin prioriry . --
<br /> over Ihis 5ecurily Instrument,Lendcr muy givc Borrowcr:i nolirc identifying the lien. BoROwcr shall suti�fy�he lien or lokc
<br /> , � � one or mon:of the uction,,el forlh•rtx�ve within IO J:�ys of�hc givin�of niriicr. � • , .,.
<br /> • 5. Hazard or Property Insurunce. Borrowcr,hall kerp thr improvcmrn�,now rxititing un c�rcafter crerted on the
<br /> �. � ,. Property inxured aguinst los.by fire,har.urJ�includcd within thc Irrni"cxtendrJ roverugr";md any other h•riardti,includin� i
<br /> , � iloads or tlooding, for which Lendcr reyuires imurance. Thix in.uroncc zhull hr main�uioed in Ih� umounts and inr the E
<br /> . �.
<br /> Fi�rm W2N 9N0 qwxe:uln fwRrs� �
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