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<br /> �r � --
<br />. � . � ��i- �.���'�' ��-
<br /> apgrapriata actioa pursaaat ta state or Fedesal statute either in stata or Federal conrt oa othorraise fos the disgasition �'
<br /> of tIu psaperry. _
<br /> �
<br /> S. Ia t�e avxna of a sale as pravi�ed ia ParagraPh 4,the'Tr¢�ea sball be paid a fee by the Beaefciasy ia aa �_
<br /> am+ouat noi ia a�ass of perant di the�oss amnnut of aai+d sale or aat�a,pravided,however,that the amosmt �-
<br />� of such fee sLali be reasonabu aad shaII be approved by t�z�eas�ciary as ta reasoa3bka�ss. Said fee�hsll be in _.
<br /> ��; ad�tios to the eosts�usl r.xg�ses iassused by th$Tau�s�i*�c�dLS+�++g s�sch�e. �1+.�a*no�t of suc6 eosts and =_
<br /> eageasss st�aIl be deducted and gaid fmm thc salds proaeds. EE is fnilh.'r ageed d�ai iY said progerty shall be =
<br /> ad.-.,x�iged foz sa2e as hereia provided aud nnt so�d,the TrosYee sh,�ll ba en�t2ed to a reasonable feq ia aa amo�mt �`-'
<br /> . asc.r�stab2e to ehe Beaef�aar�►for tIie services readaed. The Tr�sstte r,ba}I a1�o b$reimbu:sed bq tha Beaefisiary far aII
<br /> ca�s and eageasss iaaured in coaaeaion witfi the advertisiag of asid grogeetq fo:aaIe if tae sate is�ai caasoffimated �'
<br /> 6. 1Le grocer3s of aay sale of said propecty in a�ccordaaca with para�Ph 4 sbaII be applied fiist to payca=ats �;
<br /> of fe�s, eosts, aad txpenses of aatd sa1e. the eapmses iawrr�d b3►thc�9 for the P��P=�3�T =
<br /> �S�FI�P�S►and reasonable xt3oraey�fxs;se�oadIy,w PaYffient of the iadebteduess sec�ed h�zeby;and --
<br /> �Y.Ya PaY�9�Pius or exass to tI�gerson o:per�..oas legaBy�tlasseto. �
<br /> � 7. ta the tvent said property is soId pursnant to the anthoz�aiioa oontaiaed in this ins�ument or ai a judidal --
<br /> fozedas�ae sale aad the proexeds are aot suff:rient w pay the tatal indebtedness s�cured by tLi� iaurwmeat aad —
<br /> evidencad by said prom�,sory aou,the Beaeficiary wr�l be mtitted g�n a deScIea¢Y l�dgement far the smoimt oF the =
<br /> d�fideary witlwut ngard to apgrai�emeaY,the Trastor having waived a�d�ed aII rigbts af apprai.umeat to the =-
<br /> '�. TsusieQ --
<br /> �
<br /> 8. T8e T�stas cov�nants and ag�es as foIIows
<br /> ��
<br /> ' a. 8e�Pr�PUY PaY tlte iadebSedaess evidenad bp s3id gromisse�y note aY ttta timts and in the -
<br /> '���i manne�thereim grovided. �_
<br /> ; � _
<br /> � �� b He wDl pay all ta�s,atse.s�meaLs,water sates,and ot�cr�av�mmenial or mnaidpal cha:ges,fines
<br /> -:�.f or impositions,for wbich provisioa l�as unt beea arada hereiabefore,and wiIE pcomgtiy de�iver the
<br /> t• .�dal receipts thecef�+r o3 the Beue�aary. -
<br /> ;;� � He w�p��.�ch espenses and fees as may be iac�c�l m tTne grx�tion aad mamtenaa�ce uf said
<br /> ,� r. P�F�.i�udiag tha fees of any att6dneY�P�bY the B�r�aar�r fos the collectiaz���sty or
<br /> . . aII of tba i�dabted�aess htreby seaaid, of sash acpeases aad fees as �ay be i��n�any
<br /> , fenclosare sale by the Tra�ee,os con�t praaeed'mp�os m aay other lit�tia�e��vicee�iu,g�a�edm8 —
<br /> . �'� " said prop�erty,and atLOraay's feas reasonably�d ia aaq osheP wa� _
<br /> . � .
<br /> d. The�a�ested by tbia conveyance shall semain ia fi�fos,ee aad effect d�iag aa9���at
<br /> or eaeasic�of tha C�o of tLe payraent oi the indebtedness evidanced by s2id,ncte rsr�y part -
<br /> � t�sereof seaaed heceby.
<br /> �;?� a He w,�I coatiauoasty maiataia ha�ard i�snsanee of�ucb type ar types and ia sach amo�s as the
<br /> �;',� Beaefia��may frcm tima to time require,oa the tmp�oveme�..ow o:herea8er on said propert9. f
<br /> . - i andw�Il gapgramg�ci9�vhea dueauy��semivma t�err.far.AII i�aees�a3lbe rarr:�ia com�aics --
<br /> �"`� aaepwble toBeacSdaryaad du polides andren�ti:s thtreofsBalibe heidbqBeneBdarysadbsve �
<br /> ._ i attarhed t�erew I�payable clanses iu faa�o:of a�l ia foaa acoeptabla to tbe BeaeSdary. ta tBe
<br /> �, �; event of 2oas.'I'NStos ar�g,ive immediate notica i�writiog to Beaefsc�ary aad Benefuuia�►may m�1ce _
<br /> .. - praaf of loss if noi macl�psomptty by'�'rnstar,and eadi��compa�t ooaeesmed is�p
<br /> sut8urized aad dIrected to make paqmens for sach lass direc�y¢o�eE�:s9 imstesd of Aa 3Ytsstos
<br />. � ` snd Beacfrfr�ary luiatlY. aad the ia�raaca g�� or aap gc�t t�a�`� mry be agPlied bj► :
<br /> � ��: Benefiaary at its agtion either to the redncxia��tAe imdrb�sdasss�rcBp seeaued or to t�a
<br /> restorudoa ar repair of the property damaged. Ia¢lxe cacnt o4 A'�'rrureds cala or othes traasfu of
<br /> �' titte to aaid prapertyia e�iagaishment of the iadebtedaesn see�ccdilw'seby,all sig�t,titlay aad iaterest _
<br /> •� of the Trnstos ia and to aay iasuraace poltcies t�ea in forae shaD past at the optioa of the -
<br /> : ;.
<br /> ,
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