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<br />. . .- ' ' c�:s:.a:n�b�_, �-
<br /> �� � 96- 102'�'! . _
<br /> L 'I'his eoaveyaace is made upon aad sub}eet to the fiuther¢ntst thai the said Trustor shalt reaiain ia quiet ` , °'� . .L �_
<br /> •'.<- _.__.�
<br /> . •�,.,� � �..
<br /> � aad geaceable possession of the abave Bsated and desanl�d premises and ta4�e the profits thereof to Lis o�vn ase uaul `�``�_��:,.:<-,'�?�: ,,`
<br /> default ba made ia aay paqment of aa ia5ta4raent due on said nate or in the puformant�af any of the eov�nanrs or • � .• �-} ' '
<br /> aoaditioas contaiaed thereia or ia this De�d of Trust;aad,also to sscure the reimburssment of the HeaeBaary or any - "'•��: ..
<br /> , ather holder of said aote,the?rnstee or any subsatnte tn�ee of anq xnd all cosis aad eaptaus incursed,includ'ing ,. �!�°!�?':•
<br /> _ -- reasoaabie atto�►e�s fees,oa act�uat of arcy lit�aiion wiaic�map arise with r�p�.ct to this Tr�t or with resgect to tha - ; `=��.`: _ .
<br /> ���:
<br /> iadebtedn�ss avideaced by said note,t}te groteetioa and mmntenance of th� property herenaabove desuihed or in ' �`�
<br /> � ��S P��ian of said prope�r after any sate which may be made as hercisafter provided. ^,_ :.° ^: �`. ; _
<br />. .. _. �4�1.2TiC�6•k`}.. `�.—'+!_�.,
<br /> � � 2. Upon the fuII paymtni of the iadcbtedness avideated by said note aad the interest thereon,the paymeat � �����.
<br /> sai ��;�,�r;
<br /> . of aIl other sams heteia provided for,the repayment of all maaies advanoed or eapeaded pursnant to said note or this '-�,_��;��;.:
<br /> . , i„�+,�^r;aad upon tl�gayment of atl other prop„-r+�sts,chargGS.com*+,;«*oas,and eagea�ses,ttie above desrnbed .:-;._-__�__-�
<br /> . ' P�P�►shall he releas�d and rewnvcy�to aad at the cost af the Tmstor. ���=: - ------
<br /> S`
<br /> ' 3. Upon defanli m aay of the coveaants or aea�ians of t6is�eni er of the nuta or loaa a�reement
<br /> �_' seaued hereby,t�e�eaef dary or Lis as�gns may c-r�art¢�a aad witlsanL regard W the adeqaa�y of security for the �°'
<br /> iadebtedaess sea�ea, either persona3ly ar bq astv�y cr agtat aritkouY vringing aay acflian cr ga�din� or by a _ •
<br /> - reaives to he appointed by the oonrt,enur upaa�3 e3ke Fassessi,on of said psoperty ar ang�c�i�eofy aad do aay - :*�;.,�..E..�f, �
<br /> acis which Beueficiary deems proper to praect th�sec�ity�r,reo�aad either with ar�zflitt�ag possession of said � ��,,';�F";'�``�=
<br /> �. propert3►.coltas aud:eceive the reois,mY��aad�fits thsreo�iaeludia8���aad uapaid,and apply -� � �� ..� <
<br />.,.;��` the sam� less costs of operation and collec�s. npon the iadebteduess secared by tbis Dced aE Tivst,said reats, ��`'
<br />•.iILK;�F,".�- Fi�:;.
<br /> raya]ties, issues,aud psofirs, being hereby a�:d to the HeneSaar�as furtbtr secusity for 2h�papraent of such �"
<br /> ��4 ' iadebtedaess. E�rcdse af rig8ts nnder tLis P�'.�aPh shall n.ot care or waive anp defauIt or aotice c��defaaIt herennder ,�,��. .
<br /> ,�_�:_.��.-..�,,�,,
<br />''�,., ar iavalidata aay ad done pursaant to surh na�se bni svali L�z eumnlaciva to aay sig�t aad remedy W declare a defantt '.r." f.` � �`�'
<br /> � .. h .�'.�€" ;Y., .
<br /> �• . aad w canse aat�ce of default to be reeorded as beremafter�.vvided,aad eumnlative w aay oiher right aad/or�smedy T.'� �:
<br /> ° ., heceander,or pravided by law,aad may�e e�rrised conaureattl+or iadeP�Y•���d�'��9 �'a�,d�''f�: •
<br /> ,;` �r' hereonder iacludia�rea�oaable attome�s fees shall be stcEnred kerebp. _...�- '. .- :�� •,
<br /> n`��r' . 4. ?he Tt�tsLas ms�ts aud ag�ees t1saL if he 51�II f�to p1y 5aid indebiedaess�os a�/�,&��2'.��(�,t�hen u"���'.}�t..�_�.�
<br />':,.%;,;f::`��" dne,or sball f�1 w pazform�,ca�veaant or agceement of this iastrument or of the p�ory uote s�her�tnj,the � �'�`"�;,��Pt�,t., �.� �.
<br />:;�'f�;'� endr� �debtedaess 4uzei� �d sbaU im�e become due, ga;�bte, aad•coli�cdb2e �i the apdoa of the �11,,��.• `"�'.
<br /> y� �Y ., � . ��,..:�•;•;
<br /> Beaefieiary or assigns,regar�ess of matu�fl�3 tha Benefoary or a�yas auxy eaG:r upon said�reperty.nnd collect r •,;.� .•-
<br /> '�'',i�- Y1;
<br /> :. . tlte reats and profits the�eo� Upoa s¢ch defanIt m payment or performaac�,and befor�e or a8es such cnicy,the?ragtee, : . '":•' ,
<br /> :s��'� , a ' ia the�on of tLis Trost.after the nozice of defaolt Las beea reaorded,shaIImoII a of the cl�faule to each �_��"`�;
<br /> ;;,r�.. �ms' copy `�e.=� .
<br /> , persoa who ia a party W tbis iastruzaeat,at tlxe address set oat m tbis iastraateat,as wr,ll as w aay geisan wito ha4
<br /> � � reqnested aay nodce of dafanli aad notice of sa2e by recordang said raqnest for aoda with the rcgister of deeds ia t& _ :•--�'
<br /> ceimty ia wnich tbis iaanvmeni is recorded�and aftor the lagse of t�a wLIebis req�iredby Iaw after ma�ngtlie noti� �a
<br /> : __ tTQa Tmstee s1aaII have the power to sell aaid pro�r,and'u.sLaII be the Trnste�s daty W seII s�id ProPert3+(aad ia eau �--v'�_'""�, :
<br /> of aay defanit of aay p�rehase�w r�seln at pnblic susaan,to the I��t bidder.fnst gtviag five wtetc4'aotice of the �-�=__ -- - _
<br /> '.i.:.� - _ . ._:_'=.:.a:_
<br /> :.,;;,: : timG ter,ms.and ptace of such salq by adverdsemeat aot Iess tbaa once dm�g each of said fve aneJcs in a�e�vspaper � .... _
<br /> �, pnb3ished os disonbnted ia the coaaty os palitical sabdcvisioa iawbich said pmpertq is sitnated,aad w:iuen aotica o€salo -,=z�....:,,,
<br /> �� � shaII be ma�ed eo each ge:san whois a parcy to tbis instramznt at tica addreas set forth hereta,(aad tlze�eaeSciary or �,.� �� .
<br /> �' ,' .,. aay person on be�alf of tl�e Beaefdary m�1�i�d and purc�ase at snah caia).�Sach sal�w�!be tu:1 at a stdtable plate �_.:..---�,-,,—�_.�:
<br /> _t�,,--- to be selected tsy tIu Benefic�a�wit6ia said ceuaty or polaieaS subdi�cn. The Tr¢st:e ia lierebp anthos�ed to euaite "...�—"`- :
<br />�;`;;� �,. aad deliver to the pmc6aser at s�cb sale a suffdent coaveyaaxe of said P:ogaty.whic6�aaveyaaa svari cantaia redtaLs r F��;?;�:,�...;:,... '
<br /> '����� ` as to tt�e Lapgeaing of defan"st upon wIuch the�oerntioa ef the power of aaie h�e�ganted dep�nds:aad t2�s said :>.:�?�'"�`:^.•..
<br /> ,` : � � Tcastor 1�ereby coastitntes and appoiats the Tnistee as his ageat aad aitoraeyin fast to aalce snch recimis aad to eu�nte '��"�".'
<br /> � .. said c�onveyauce and hereby covenaats and agrees that the recitats so�de sball bs�diag aad cenciusive npon i6e ___.�__.�__.
<br /> � � Trustor,and said coaveyaace shal!be effectual to bas all eqnity os rig�t of re8e�ian.homestead,dower,sight of �'�.���r,�
<br />``3'�`''•�� aPFs�:�ement,aad aU othes ' � aad exemptions of the Tn�stor aII of whieb are here�j espressly waived aad ooa�yed _
<br /> ��.��.::�-�_
<br />-����i-iJi' . �' .._t;._
<br /> �i."` to t�e T:ustae. la the eveat ct a sale as here�abow yrovided,the'TSrustos or amy persoa in poasessioa uader ihe ,�f��:��*:.:�
<br /> ;' �� Trastor,sbaII thea becoane and be tenaats iralsliag over aad shall farthwith deliver possessioa w the purebaser at su�h ��='
<br /> ' � sale or bo s�y disposessed,ia ar.ccr�se with the pcavisioas o81aw applicable to tenaats holding aro�es. The ��"_�°�_.
<br /> �` power aad ageary flcreby�acte�aso coupled wiih aa interest and are irrevoeable hy deatt�or otheiwise.and are granted j �;.�� -
<br /> e
<br /> '.:�;;�;;.� as arma9adv�to all otlies re�e�:�for coUectioa ot said Indebtddness. The Bene&aary or Assipas may take aay oiher �•��.;. `
<br /> .:<<;,� a��-`
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