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<br /> �� . � �." 18. MNuN�nrou�ProWdon�.
<br /> ,,:�F (a) Bonowa Not RMw�I.Extanuon ot the time lor payment or modlffcatlon of amorttutlon ol uN eum�aound by th��
<br /> � ��•;N-� •� ` �. Oeed of Truet pranted by Lsnder to eny wcceaaor In intere�t of Borrower�hall not oper�t�to rotw��,in sny m��n�r,th�II�Wllty _
<br /> = �;;� o f t h o o r l p l n a 1 8 o n o wer and Horrower'a euacesaors In interest.Lender shell not be requlred to cammence proceedinys apalnst --
<br /> '����'��� euch�uccuaor or refu�s to exlend timetor paymont or otherwlee modlly emoAlzaqon o l l h�wm�s�aun d by t h l�D N d o f T r u s t _
<br /> =� :,,c.�';.,,�
<br /> �-t-- -�--, ;�,�,,. , by reason of eny demands mada by the origlnel Borrower and Borrower s aucceuor�In IntereeG !,��y,,�_._-
<br /> '�,�3�': r• . (b) t.�ndK�Powm.Without aHectinp the Ilablllry of eny other perwn Ileble fw the payment ot any obliyaqon hwofn _�
<br /> �'�3`;�'�'�` ' mentbned,end without aBeaUnp the 8en or charge ot thia Deed ot Trust upon any portfon of the Properry not than or theretofore
<br /> � �:§�2:. , yx '��_- —
<br /> -�... ti.;..„:;,�, released as securiry for Ihe tull amount ot all unpaid ob11paQona,Lendor may,from Ilme lo time end without notice p)releaee eny
<br /> •a-.�r�:,.;.Y �-ty,�
<br />�;�;;�. �,. ,,, �;� . peroon so Ifable,pq extend the maturity or alter any of the terms o1 any such obllgaUona,(fil)prant other Indulpencea,(iv)release ����:-�a"-
<br /> , � :, ° y r��•� or reconve y,or cauae to be released ar raconveyed at any time at Lender's optbn any parcel,portlon or ell 01 the Property. � __
<br /> � �. ,, (v)take or release any other or additlonal eacurlly for any obOpation herein ma�tioned,or(vl)make compo�ition�or othor ��<<�,;,, _
<br /> arrangements with debtors m relation thereto. "`"`ry�'A`i'" -
<br />� '�..�` .:'"
<br />,r�,.� -..-:s:� - (c) Fabs�raaa�bJr L�n d�r N o f s W a h�r.A n y l o r b e arance b y Lender in exercisinp any�ight or remedy hereunder,or ^r•.:-.-
<br /> �_rr-._...
<br />�� � '' .� - _ � otherwiae aflorded by appliaable law,ahall not be e walvor of or preclude the exercise o1 any such rlyht or remedy.The ��ai;,;,;e�,,,�„�-
<br /> 3« � = prxurement of fnsurance or the peyment of taxee or other Ilens or char�ea hy Lendar ahall not be a waiver ol Lendar's�IyM to ��.,'��"; _
<br />��^ ^ accele�ate the maturity ol the Indebtedneea aecured by this Deed of Truet
<br /> ,� . (d) Suce�uon aed Asslpns Bound;Jolnt�nd Sw�al U�bltlqr;C�ptlons.The covenants and apreements hereln con- ��K:;��,-i___
<br />{�.; • � talned ehall bind,and the righte hereunder ahall inure to,the respeclive succesaors and assigns ot Lender and Truator.All 0,�„6___.
<br />�:- ,. covenanb and ayreaments of Truator shell be�olnt and several.The captlone and heedings of the pereflraphs of this Deed ot �_
<br /> Trwt are fo�convenience onty and are not to be used to Interpret or detine the provlsions hereof. _„�
<br /> (e) RpuNt lor Nodan.The pernea hereby request that a copy ol any notice ol default hereunder end a copy ol any notlae �,�_�•
<br /> ' '���. .• :'�` �' of aele hereunder be matled to eech party to this Deed of Trust at the eddress aet forth above in the menner preacribed by -
<br /> � ': .. �••'•'�{�"�'" aqpllceble lew.Except for any other ndice requlred unde�appliceble lew to be glven In enother manner,any noUce provided �-
<br />. , �;��;;!f;�`u"� lor In thfs Deed of Truet ehal I be given by mallf ng such notice by certifled mall addreased to the other pertles,at the eddreas�at —:._,�._
<br /> .•;;,:�� ' �;�;�;;;lt�'�;.' lorlh above.Any notice provided lor in this Daed oi Trust ahall be eHective upon maiting in the menner designated hereln.II ��,�y��
<br /> <E'�" Truator la more than one peraon,notice senl to the addrees aet toAh above shall be notice to all such persons. ����`"t°'
<br /> •' 7 • (q �n�p�eUon.Lender may make or cause to be made reaeonable entrfea upon and fnspectfons ot the Properry,provfded - _
<br /> ' _ �.�..._
<br /> � '�;."�� that Lender shall give Trustor notice priar to any such inspectlon speclying rea9onable ceuee iherefar related to Lender'a
<br /> ` intereat in the Properry. �`:"��
<br /> , ' . ''�' (g) p�com�y�nc�.Upon paymenl ot all aums aecured by this Deed of Truat,Lender shall requeat Truatee to reconvey the
<br /> . ::,::��•�: . �``'.._..,:_:-
<br /> , Property and shall aurrender thia Deed of Truet and all notes evidencing Indebtedness secured by thla Deed o1 Trust to Trustae. �,1.<::�-,��
<br /> �, � • � Truetee shall reconvey the Property without werranry and without charye to the peraon or pereona lepally entitled Ihereto. —
<br /> ;�;., ��, Trustor thall pay all costs ot recordation,i1 any. _
<br /> - - - . ;,r.,:�• � (h) Penon�l Prop�rllr, 8eaurpr Aqrae�ii�ai.As addlilonal �cc�rih;tQr the peyment o{Ihp Nofe, Trustor hereby p�ants� ___
<br /> :�.'+�.`'�,.. Lender under the Nebraeke UnNorm Commerclal Code a secunty Intereat In aU tixtures,equipment,and other personal property �,,;_;,; _
<br /> ''• :� used in connection with the real eatate or Improvements Ixated thereon,and not otherwise declared or deemed to be a part Ot —
<br /> • the real estete secured hereby.Thla Instrument shall be construed as a Securfty Agreement under aeld Code,and lhe Lender
<br /> shell have all the riyhte and remedies ot a aecured party under said Code In additlon to the rights and remedles created undar —r.�__
<br /> and accorded ihe lender pureuent to this Deed of Trush provfded that Lender's rfphts and remedfes under thfa paragraph shall �______
<br /> � be cumulative wlth,end In no way a Ifmftatfon on,Lender's rfqhts and remedles under any other security aqreement aipned by —_
<br /> " Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> � (i) Li�no�nd Hncumb�anc��.Trustor he►eby warranta and represents Ihat there fa no default under Ihe prov�slone of any _
<br /> � mortpaye.deed of iru4t,lease o�pu�chase conlract descnb�np all or a�y pert ot Ihe Property,or other co�tract,fnalrumenl or
<br /> ggreeme�t Conatitutmg e lien or encumbrence aga�nat all or any pnrt of the Property(colleCtwely,"Llene"),existing as o1 the
<br /> date of thls Deed ol Trust,end thet any and a11 existing Liena rema�n unmodd�ed except as dieclosed to Lendar in Trustor't ��,'";:,'_'u.
<br /> ; • wrllten diaclosure ot Ilens and encumbrences provided lor herem Trustor shall t�mely oe�lorm all 01 TrustoPa oblfpation& - , _-
<br /> - covenanta,representetfona and werranties under any and all exis�ting and future Liens,ahall promptly lorward to Lender copl�s �
<br /> of all notfces o1 default sent in connectfon w�th eny and all ex�atmg or luwre Uena.and ahall not without Lender's prior wntt6n •�s, •,�•.�:•_:f
<br /> coneent in eny menner modlly the provisions ol or allow any lutura adva�ces under any exfsting or luture Llena. �"
<br /> Q) Applic�qon ol Paym�nt�.Unless otherwise required by law.sums pa�d to Lender hereunder,mcluding without Ilmifatlan __��'°.
<br /> poymenta ol prinolpal and Interast, insurance proeeeds.condemnaUOn proceeds and rente ond profita,ahell be applfed by ' ';�._--�-
<br /> • � Lender to the emounta due and owing from Trustor ar�d Borrower m such order as Lender�n its sole dfscretlon deems desvabl�. '=�%s:_
<br /> „'-..,�r:
<br /> � (k)Sw�abtllly. �f any provision of tMS Deed of Trust conflicts wNh appliceble la�u or is declered InvaUd or otherwlse _ . --
<br /> � unenlorceable,suCh conllfCl or fnvalidlty shall not aHect Ihe other provisons ol thfs�eed ol Trust or the Note whlch can be
<br /> � glven eNect wlthout the conflictinp provision,and to tnis end the prov�s�ons of this Deed of Truat and the Note are declared to be „
<br /> �� severable.
<br /> (I) T�nns.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"shell inGudo both smgular and plurel,and when the Trustor and Borrawer �-------- -
<br /> � are the same pereon(s►,fhose terms as ueed m this Deed of Trust shall be�nterchangeeble. '';;r;�'
<br /> J (m) Qov�minq L�w.This Deed ol T►ust shell be governed by the laws of thu State ol Nebraske. ''�w
<br /> h 8 execuled thfs Oeed of Trust as o1 lhe date wnnen above. J �pp�gY prp��i@e� InC. by: ��'•'��� ��,.
<br /> Trustor e � l
<br /> r-� ' (�j� .
<br /> i --�;:A• .- '-�:-.. .��,.r 'ic--r-°T�... . �.�
<br /> � TrustOr / ;`
<br /> ./
<br /> � ��..�-�:..--����= .
<br /> Trustor
<br />