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. r. _1,h,t�.» �v <br /> - �•- - _--- - ___ <br /> ' d' "'.,' --- _�''�.�_s r..,e_.:�'s �.^� - <br /> . , <br /> '��. .. �M•.+.wF�. .wN�IN� �lrY�a�S�n!�rFC ��R.i...�i .�.--._� . -.._ . <br /> 1. - — <br /> � .ys�JI, y''. .: ' ' -- <br /> _ _ �:'-� ��i'���� .`��F�iS." <br /> . �� ... -......+�y�is"" —_ _.`_ �� _.✓..uA1�-- -. " ' . .... <br /> -�4;-,�=_:��-�.,,_-� �2_ 101926 �-- - <br /> i;,a�NM-���.�r.tL 1 <br /> .� <br /> ' �""'�""��� Ih�Prop�rty l0�o lak�n or 4�m�p�d,L�nd�r Ih�ll h�v�Ih�optlon,In Rs w1��nd�b�olut�diacntlon,b�pply NI�uch ProcNdt, � _ <br /> �"�"`"'"�4""'y " NMr d�duadnp th�r�lrom�M co�u and��p�n�s trour►�d by It In conn�atlon wllh�uch Proc�sd�,upon�ny IndWt�dn�W wourid <br /> ��� ''T° � h�r�by�nd In�uoh ord�r n Lmd�r m�y d�tHmin�,or Io�pply dl wch ProcMd�,�ft��uah d�duallons,to lh�rs�tor�Uon ol th� <br /> . �. �°.�,�„:.�.;i '�t <br /> ,..��E.� Prop�tfy upon sunh condlllons o L�nder mpy d�tnmin�.Any eppUc�tlon ot Proc�ds tolndN►tadn�u�hall not�Mt�nd or pWtponf <br /> � th�du�d�t�of any p�ymmts und�r tho NoU,or cu��any d�fwlt th�r�und�r or h�raund�r.A�y un�pD��W�unds��I b�p�tq b <br /> , . . . ,• ° ° .. Trwtor. -�==--- <br /> .';.'�;'°,'% ,, g, p�rlonnllna�by L�ndN.Upon Ihe occu�ranca of an Ev�nt ot DelAUlt haround�r,or u eny ant I�tok�n or lequ p�pa�edinp � <br /> commenced which meterieNy aHaeu Lendsr'�Intereu In the Propa►ry.Lender may in fts own discretlon,b�t without oblipptipn ta dG <br /> • • so,and wlthout notic�to or dem�nd upon Truetor end wlthout rulea�lnp Trustor from anr obllpelwn,do enr aCt whic+i trusWr hAV � ____,.— <br /> l� � � a�reed but lelts to do u+d may also do any other act It deemo neceeaary to protect fha tecurlty hereol.TrustOr 4ha11,Imm�dl�t�qr <br /> +�" upon demand theretor by Lender,pey to Le�der ell coeu And expenees Incurred end aums expended by Lender In�onnaotipn wlth <br /> � .,. _. <br />_���� •� . the exerClae by Lender ol lhe fore�oing rlpht6,topelher wlth Interest thereon et the delaull rale provfded in the Nota,whfGh ShAll bw •��3-__i <br /> added to tha Indebtednete aecured heroby Lender shall not incur any Iiabdlty becouao of anythin� it mpy do or omlt ta do �...�.,.--_=_.- - <br /> � � •� hereunder. ■�~;--� <br /> .' ' 9. H�:�rdou�IM�t��l�l�.Truator ahall kaep the Property In compllance wuh all applicable laws,ordinances and regulatlpns .c:f=_-- <br /> . . .B.TU--- <br /> ' relatlnp to induetrfal hyylane or envlronmental protection�collectively reterred to hereln as"Cnvlronmental laws"I.TruBtor shell _ ____ - _.. <br /> a � �'•`, ., � keep the?roperly free Irom aU substances deemed to be hezerdoua or toxlc under any Envuonmental Laws(collectively referred to <br /> `� � hereln as"Hazardoue Materials").Trustar hereby warrants and represents to Lender that there are no Haze►dous Materiala on or <br /> ' � under the Properly.Trustor hereby apreea lo�ndemndy and hold harmless Lender.�ts duectora,aHicera,employees and egants,and �_ <br />` .`•� � , � ' • any successors to Lender's intereat,lrom and egalnst any and all clalms,damagea,losles and Ilabdltfes arlsiny In connection wllh � <br /> tha presence, use. dl8posel c+r tranaport ot eny Hazardoua Malerlals on, under,lrom or about the Properry.THH FORE(iO1N(3 -3-...._ <br /> � ' • WARRANTIE3 AND REPRESENTATIONS,AND THUSTOR'S OBLI(3ATION3 PUR3UANT TO THE FGRE(301Nf3 INDEMNITY,BHALI ��.,,�.�� -•-= <br />' �� '` 1� ' 3URVIVE RFCONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRU3T. "�- <br /> . � , . 10. Aolpnmml ol R�ntf.Trustor heraby assigns lo Lender the rents,Issues and profu�ot ihe Property;provided that Trustor �-� _�__ _. <br /> .�•a':,';:``• <br /> •�� ahall,untd the occurrence ol an Event o1 Detault hereunder,have Ihe nghl to collect and retafn such rents,issues and prubts as they �, <br /> . ..'.;�J��.f <br /> become due end payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event ol Oetault.Lender may. either m peraon or by agent.wlth or without ��.. <br /> � ' bringing any action or proceedinfl,or by a recerver epoointed by a court and w�thou4 regard 10 tiie aAoquacy ol its sacurity,enter �_ <br /> , :.;,�;;;,�' . •��r�,;_�,.,, upon and take posseas�on o1 the Prpperlyr,or any part thareof,in ds own name or m Ihe name of the Truatee,and tlo any acts whiah it _ _.- <br /> �',�"1' deems necassarv or deslrable to p�eserve the value,marketabillry or rentability of the Properry.or any part Iheroof or intere8t thereln, ! <br /> �±: � '' „�?':'. Intrease the income therelrom or proteCt the sacunly horeof and.with or �rilhout taking paeseas�on of the Property,eue lor or a-,,�,�-._- <br /> ��•� � 'r'�� olherwlso collect the reMS, iasuea and Frotits thereot,mcludmg thoae past due and unpa�d, and apply the same,less coats and -- _ <br /> �.. � � �•• expenaea ol operation�nd collection mcludmg ariorneys'(ees,upon any indebtednesssecured hereby,all In such arder as Lender �"�,�i_� <br /> may determine.The entering upon and:aking posaeas�on oi the Praperty,the collectan ol such rents,fssues and profits and the �,�, <br /> applicatlon thereof as a(oresaid,9hal1 not cure or waiva any default ar notice of tlefault hereunder or invalidate any act done In ._ <br /> '.;��tr�•.. reaponse to auch delault or pursuant to s�ch notice ot default and,nalwithatanding the continuance in possassion of the Property or _ <br /> "' •,. "��� ,�+;r'�•,� '• the collection,recelpl and appllcaUOn of renls,Isaues or protits,and Truslee a�d Lander shall be entltled to exercise every rigM ��'�=""' <br />_ �..c,:Jt�'t:dk:..:_:.v.,: -- - <br />. - —;,�--< i:, ,: ; pravldad!ar Ir,any etlhe�osn Instru�r:pntc or by law uoon occurrence ol any Evem ot Qefault,including K Ithout Iimllation the right _____�_•_ <br /> �•••�>";' :;; to ex�raise the power ol sale.Further,Lender's nghts and remedies under thfa paregraph shall be cumulaUve wdh,and�n no way a <br /> �.;���; ��` I+mHapon on,Lender's►lghta and remedies under any assignment of leases and�ems recorded aga�nstthe Property.Lender,Trustee �+y��+���'�'"_`" <br /> � � ` � � and the receiver shall be liable to account only lor those rents actually rer,ewecl. _ <br /> ��.• ' 11. Hvant�ol ONaull.Tho lollowing shal: constltute an Event ot Qofault under th�s Deed ol Trust: ��_ <br /> ' (a) Faflure lo pay any insti+llment al pnncipel or mterest ot any other sum secured liereby when duo: � <br /> (o) A 6reach ol ur default under any provision contained in the Note,th�s Deed of frust.any ol lhe Laan Inatr�ments,or any <br /> • other Ilen or encumbra�co upon the Property: � � � <br /> (c► A wnt ol execut�on or attachmem or an�s�mdar process shall be entered against T.ustor wh�ch shall become a Ilen on �_-- --- <br /> �. '' the Property or any poriion thereof ar mterQSl thar�in: —:�,.��--- <br /> (d) There shall be hled by or agnmst Trustor or Bonower an action undtr any presont or lutu�e ledRral,stete or other «-:X..-.-y Y _ <br /> ,� . , sl8tute,law or regulatlon relating tq bank�uptcy.msolvency or oth�r reliet tnr dcbtors:or mere shall ba appo�nled any trustee. :�; <br /> . reCehler ot hquidetor of TruStOr or 8orrower ur ol�II or ar�y part uf the R opurty.o•Ihe rents,�ssues or prol�ts thereol,o�Trustor " � <br /> or Borrower shall make any genernl ass�gnment tor the beneht ol credrtors; , . . <br /> , (e) The sale, transter,lease.ass�gnment,conveyance or further encumbrance o1�il or any part of or any�nterest�n Ihe -,- <br /> i . Praperty, either volunlarily o� involuntarily, wdh0ul the express •Nntten conSe��� ot Lunder; provided that TrustOr shafl be — <br /> • permitted to exec�te a lease ol the Property that doe�not coMam an opUOn,o purchase and the term of whiCh does notexCeed t 1� --: _ _ <br /> one year; � <br />: • (p Abandonment ot the Property:or � '.,•'. ``° <br /> (y) II Truslor is not an individua�,the,transfer,tisaignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total � � _- <br /> of---pa�cent ot pf a wrporation) rts�ssued and oulstanding stock o�1�1 8 parinArship)a totel Of percent of `. ,. ., �_ <br /> peAnBBhlp interests during the penod thi5 Deed ot Trust remains a hen on the Property � '_- <br /> � 1 2. R�m�d l�s;Acedar p t l o n U p o n D e t a u l t.I n I h e e v e n t o l a n y E v e n t o f D e l a u N L e n d e r m a y,w d h o u t n o t�c e exce pt as re quired b y � i-�� <br /> 18w, declAre all indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shalt the�eupon become due and payable � -;- <br /> wlthout any presentment,demand,protest or notice ot any kind ThereaRar Lender may <br />' �'��`�' (e) Demend that Trus�ee exerciso the POWEFI OF SALE granted herein and Truslee snall thereatter cause Truslo�'s <br /> �` '� •� Interest fn the Property Ic be sold and IhR proceeds to be d�stnbuted,all in Ihe iranner prowded m the�Jebraska Trusl Deeds f , <br /> � �, ,. <br /> i . ACI: � <br /> (b) Exerclse any and a:i nghts p�ov�ded for�n any o�the Loan Instrumentsor by law upon occurrence ol ary Event of ; <br /> ' � Delauil;and <br /> ' (c) Comrnence an action to 1o►eclose th�s Deed o1 Trust as a mo�tgage.appomt a recewer,or specdically enforCe any o`the <br /> covenants hereof. <br /> No remedy herein co�terred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender�s intended to ba exCiusrve ot any olher remedy here�n.�n the <br /> Loan Instruments or by law prov�ded or parm�tted.but er�cn tihall be cumui:�Uve sra�i uc�i� •idd�GO��Ic every uth�r�emedy give� <br /> hereunder,in lhe L08n Instruments or now or hereafter existing ut law or m uqwty or bv statute.and may be exerc�sed concurrenlly, � <br /> " Independently or successrvely. <br /> 13. Trus1N. The Trustee may resign al any t�me wrthout causr.and L��nder ma� at any tu,��and w�tnout cauae appomt o <br /> successor or substdute Trustee.Trustee shall not be liable to any pa�ty.mch,dmg without limitat�on Londer.Dorrowar.Trustor or any <br /> purchaser of the Property,for any loss or damage uniess duo to recKless ur w�lltul m�sconduct,and shalt not be reqwred to take any <br /> ' ecti0n In connection w�th Ine enforcement ol th�s Deed of T�ust unless mdemnified, in wnt�ng,lor all costs. compensation or <br /> BxDenses whlch rnay be aSSOCiated therewdh.In add�tion.Tiustee may bPCOme a purchaser �t any sa�e of the Property�ud�cial or <br /> '�"���_ <br /> ...� M..In.�.�� e111Yt� <br /> _'__... _'_ . .. . •..._ n" ����' �� ���.. <br /> under Ihe power ol sale granted herem),postpone tnQ saie or an or any uu�uvii c��u�o��vwo..y,na N�..•:...... .,�•.....-. -_....._ . <br /> � . Property as a whole. o�m separate parcels or iois.�1 Tr�stee's discreUOn. <br /> 14. Fe�s and Hxp�nw�.�n the event Trustee selis the Property by exercise ot pawer of sale,Trustee shail be enUtlea to apply <br /> eny sale proceedsfirst to payment of all costs and txpanses o�ezerasing power of sele.�ncludmg a�l TrusteJ's fees,antl Lender's <br /> and Trustee's attorney's lees.actually incurred to extent parm�tled by appllcable lew.In thH event Borrower or Tr�slor exercises any <br /> rlght provlded by law to cure an Event of Oefault Le��der shau be ent�tlod to recover trom i rustor all costs and expenses ectually <br /> incurred es a result o1 Trustor's default, includmg w�ihout limitation all Trustees and attorney's tees,to the axtent perm�tted by <br /> appl�cable law. <br /> 15. Futun Advane�s. Upon request of 6orrower. Lender may. at�ts option, rnake acfd�t�onal and luture advances and re- <br /> advances to Borrower.5uch advances and readvar.ces.w�th�nteresl tnereon.shail be secured by th�s Deed ut trust At no tm�e sha11 <br /> the pnncfpal amaunt ol the�ndebtedness secured by th�s Daed of Trust.not���clud�ng sums advancecl to protect the secur�ty ol this <br /> � Oeed ol Truet exCeed the orlqmal princlpel amount steted herein.or$ .__.__—__..-, whichever is greater <br /> v • <br /> . <br /> ' ; <br />