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2osoo2sss <br />Exhibit "A" <br />The South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S 1/2 SE 1/4) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Twelve (12) North, Range <br />Twelve (12), West of the 6th P.M., except the right-of--way of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company and <br />except all that part of the said south half of the southeast quarter lying south and west of said railroad right-of-way containing <br />1.8 acres conveyed by Travelers Insurance Company to Opal Piersol by Warranty Deed dated January 24, 1939, and except a <br />certain tract described in deed recorded in Book 147 at page 15 of the official Hall County deed records, and except a tract of <br />land described in deed recorded in Book l25 at page 257 of said deed records, and except a tract containing one acre, more or <br />less, described in deed recorded as Document No. 76-001425 and Document No. 76-001426 of said official decd records; <br />together with all that part of the south half of the southwest quarter that lies north and east of tl~e right-of--way of the Chicago, <br />Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company; both of said tracts being subject to existing roads, easements, riYhts-of.way ~ tad <br />restrictions of record; and said two tracts containing a total of 92 acres more or less, and subject to one-half of the existing <br />indebtedness against said premises in favor of the Federal Land Bank, except a tract of land described in Warranty Deed <br />recorded as Document No. 77-7008 of the official Hall County Deed records and except a tract of land described in Warranty <br />Deed recorded as Document No. 98-105826 of the official Hall County Deed records. <br />