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<br /> �„;�...�;„,,..,,.e. . of xalr,And the sale.lacluding Ihe pwyment ot the'I�ustee's tees actus�lly incurred�nat to ezceed 2.0 `��
<br /> ,-�.# ,��1 ` 4U.� th�Princlpnl nmounl ot t6e nWe at ihe Ilme af Ihe declqr�lbn of de�wulf,And reasonable s�tlorneys'feea aspermitted
<br /> .��. .,S by Iww:lb)lo all wmt ceeured by Ihir Securily Inelrument;uad Ie►�ny ezcess to the pereon or person�IeQally entitkd
<br /> '� '+lr�''.°"-T�t'��"�. to U.
<br /> ��%+'�� 22. ReeonveyAnce. Up�m puyment nf ull r�ums u�ured by this Securny inswmenl,Lender shaU request'Itustee to _ __
<br /> � �;''E.:,f��i��*'��R � recamey tFie Pmpeny und shull surrender Ihis Securily Inatrument und oll nMeti evidencing debt ucun:d by �his Securily
<br /> "�R"'`"""`"�1` �' In,trument to 7tuster. 'Ihastce xhall recunvey tbc Property without wartunry and wi�hout churge to the person or persons
<br /> : . u......,.•.... ..._ .
<br /> - " • --A '` -" - legally entiUed to it. Such perw�n or peranns�hull pay any recordation coxts. �_ - -- -
<br /> •"�T �ao•..:' 1,3, Substitute 7Yu�tee. Lender,at its option•muy fram�ime to time rcmove 7tustee und uppoint u succcxsor trustee ta
<br /> s•;-•--t,,
<br /> y •, ;�y;�_�';�.��•� "' nny 'ltustee uppointed hereunder by an ing�rument mcorded in �he counry in which this Securiry Insmiment i� recorded.
<br /> �...z ..� . wer and dutiex conf�rred u n
<br /> •,, „�., �: Wilhout conveyunce of' tlte Propeny.thc successor �rustee shull succeed to all the tiUc, �x► Po
<br /> -_ ,�;,,�''_. ,,, 'ltustec hrrcin ond byupplicablc Inw.
<br /> __=�.��:.: . � , : � . 24. Request for Notices. Barrower reyuesta that copies of the notices of defuult and xale be sent to Bortower K addrexs --
<br /> ---- • � ��. ,, - which is the Propeny Address.
<br />--;�� „ - �-'" 6-a Zg, R�der��o q�Secu�ity inslrumeM. If one or morc ridcn nrc cxccuted by Borrower and recorded togcther with • �_____
<br /> :.�; .;.�-;�:�:=s�_.� this Securiry Instniment,the covenunts und pgreements af each tiuch�ider shull be incor�x�ruted in�a und shall umend isnd
<br /> `-"-�',�•--•• • ' .r� supplement ihe covcnants und agrcemenla�f thi.r Security In�ltument oc if the rider(sl were a purl af this Security Insuument. _ _
<br /> �•,.��,:�-�.,:_,.:��. �Check applicabla boxles)1 _,.�_
<br /> "';f - "sa.r.i.3.:�'{"` =
<br />;-':�:: :.,� .�� "' `, �Adjusu►ble Rute Rider �Condominium Rider �I-4 Fumily Rider —
<br /> � . � � � � - �arndupted Peymc�nl Rider �Planncd Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider o�___-
<br /> .' d�•,::-:'.
<br /> , o �°.�--.
<br /> � � �Balloon Rider �Rute Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider ��-
<br /> . �.�:—
<br /> h . � .. ' �Otherlsi(gp�i�Y l -- --—
<br /> , a.�.:----
<br /> , � . BY SI(3NIIVG BELOW,Borrower accepts und agrees to�he terms and covenants contained in this Security Insuument �
<br /> �''� and in ony rider(s)executed by Borrower nnd rewrded with it.
<br /> � • „ Witnesses: +
<br /> _. _ _ _ :L't<.=.::�. __ �' ""W�. W"1�W�,�V� __�-,J_._.
<br /> . - ,- —(SCA�1 _
<br /> ° ames W. Nelson •���W�r -
<br /> `
<br /> , Socipl Security Numbcr 5Ati 46 6928 _
<br /> ����,� � r
<br /> .. •� �[r'�Q- }� ��--�-'iGl..� (Seal) �
<br /> ' •Bortower �..rs,:'4.• ._...
<br /> � •� Rose M. Nelson ���_
<br /> , �� .. Sociul Security Numbrr 506 38 '��Q� ---- �
<br /> � " STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hall Counry ss:
<br /> �a��_—
<br /> . , ' P�:.r=�.�;e:
<br /> On this 6th day of Merch, 1992 ,before me.�he undersigned,a Notary Public ��--� ���
<br /> ' � duly commissioned and yuali�ed for wid county,prrsonally c�mc Jemes W. Nelson 811d ROSe M. Nelson, eeCh �f�y--��-=
<br /> �� in his end her own right� and as spouse of eaeh a t her ,to me known to be the �'°�'"'._`-
<br /> � �r r�
<br />_ idcnticnl personx(s) whose namc(+)urc +ubscribcd to thc(oregoing instrumcnt und ucknowled�ed Ihe execulion thereof lo �'��==..�,
<br /> - '. be the1T volunwry act unJ dced. , ,,
<br /> . . . Witncss my hand and nowrial scul u� Grend Islend, Nebreske in said county,the ` �;, � __'._
<br /> . du�e nfores�id. ��2 if // �./��.�� �``;:..
<br /> � ' My Com issioncxpin:s: //- 1- %:� � ��c � L
<br /> Notary PuWic -��---
<br /> '. • GEI6EAk ADIARY Spp Of 1��r
<br /> � ' � TO TRU � SHEILA J'AI,pER
<br /> y m.
<br /> � �� ` ' The dersi �Af�A� te or naten xecurcd hy Ihi,Dced of'(i�ust. SaiJ notc �x notes,�ogether with ull � ,
<br /> ' � � ' ather indebtedness secured by�hiz e u st,huve heen paid in full. You urr herrby direc�ed to cancel tinid note or notes
<br /> •rnd this Deed of 7i�uu, which ure dclivcred hcrcby,and to reconvey,wilhout wum►nry,ull�hc estate now held by you under �
<br /> ' this Dced of 7tus1 to Ihc penun or Fxrsum Ir�ully rntided thcreW. �`
<br /> .: ��.
<br /> . 11 Date:
<br /> . Form 30271 9/90 r/wur n n/n p,.xes� i
<br /> ' i
<br /> a • . , • �
<br /> . l
<br /> , �
<br /> �
<br /> . 1
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