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i� .. .. .. . . . e . ��� _ <br /> ' ...A _:�1_�_._[�;t"��- __ <br /> �'��. <br /> '.�t . ' <br /> y.. <br />--- -�. .. _ _� i;^�����. --- -- �_�� ' . <br /> •a..yw�. ,_ <br /> . . .- ..-�.rvt�r:c:s�.Nriw. ' ., _ _ _- <br /> . _�. ..rar�wl��'--- <br /> � ...._, �..._... — . . <br /> :�` � � �2- 1 A1811 <br /> � n:, � . .:; , <br /> `� ,;:..;_ �',,xa�t='v . . <br /> � =�.--- ' �°°�^-�LL �r, upplicuble law may specify for rcinslotemcnU bcfore salc af the Property pur.ruun�to uny powcr af salc aMioined in tMl� —.---� <br /> '� �{��� + Sccu�lty Insuument;or(b)entry of o judgment enfarcing this Security Instrument. Those condition�ure thut Bdrtower: lal <br /> ? '� � " � s Lender all sums whlch t4en would bc duc under thi5 Sccurily Instn�ment und th� Nutc Aw if no tu:celcrution had <br /> .���+�9:3.-�- i�Y -- <br /> .,�=,�;;t�;�* ' • occurred;(b)cures uny default af any ahcr cuvenuats ar ugrecmems:lc)puys ull cxpen,cs incurred in enForcing�hih Security — <br /> �- � � Instrument,including,but nat Iimitcd lu,reuxonable uttomcys'fees; und(dl wkcs auch actinn us Lcndrr may reusonubly _ <br /> , i������ .� require to axsure that thc licn of this Security lnatrument,Lcnder fi�ighl.g in the Property and Borrower'x ubligation to puy thc <br /> -_�_ hum� �ecumd by this Security InstNmenl xhAll nontinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by BoROwer, this Serurity <br /> . � • ' Instn�ment and the obligationa secured hereby shull remain fully eifective us if nu accelerotion huJ�xcurred. However,this L--- _ �_- <br /> � � , right to reinswte ahall not opply in the case of uccclerution under puragraph 17. __ - - <br /> ,� 19. 3ak ot Note; Cbwnge ot Loan Servker. The Notc or A purtiul intcrext in the Natc (together with thiY Security <br /> Instniment)may be sold one or more�imes without priar natice to Sorrower. A wle muy result in n change fn the entity _ <br /> F,.'. � (knawn ati lhe"Loan Servicer")�hs�t collecls monthly puymentc due urnler the Note und this Security Inxtrument. There ulso <br />;. ': ' muy be onc or more chunge�of ihe Loan Servicer unrc lu�e d to a sa le o f t hc No lc. I f t h c r e is a chun gc ui the Loun Scrvicer. <br /> Bormwer will be given wntten notice of the chunge in uccordance with parngraph 14 ubove and appUcuble Inw. The notice �.,...-- <br /> • will state the nzune und address of ttie new Loan Servicer nnd the uddress to whicb paymenls should be made. The natice will � �aG.__— - <br /> : "• ulso comain any other infarmation �equired by applicable Inw. __.____ <br /> �� ' ` ' ' 20. Hozardous Substances. Burrower ghall nat cuusc or permit the presenca,u,e,disposal,storuge,or rcicasc af+►ny � ui_�� <br /> . ' �.,,s�.•,; ; Hazu�daus Substunces on ar in Ihe Property. Bortower tih�ll na do,nor ullow anyone else ta ck�,unything ufPecting Ihe �F�� <br /> � ����,u,,... . <br /> .:n�, ., , Propeny that is in violation of any Environmenwl The preceding two sentences shall not upply to the pretience,utie,or _� <br />� •�.'';�•�• ��'- �� ' � storn e on Ihe Pro rt af small antities of Hazardous SubR1unce��hai ure generally recognized to be uppropriate to norm�l _ <br /> ..,�,?, � B Pe Y 9� <br /> ;�';•'�~�. . � � ���' � residentiul uses and to maintenAnce of the Praperty. - <br /> `����;���:�`�'�. �� -� � Darower shall prampdy give Lender written notice of�my investig•rtion,cluim,dcmand,Iawsuit or olher ac�ion by�ny ��.� <br /> �`�'`+'"�� ; governmental or regulatAry agency or privute party invalving the Property nnd any H:�nnlous Subs�nnce o�Environmental �_��__ <br /> • > •.`'..1' ,n <br /> -, ,;:,;��;;� ��.,.�:� . Luw of which Bo�rower has actuul knowledge. If Borrower Icums, or is notified by uny govemmer�wl or regulutory �--_ <br /> '� �•�` '� ���':� . authority, �het uny removul or Wher remediation of uny Huzurdoux Subs�ance affec�ing the Praperty is necessury.Borrawer ���r,o�.:: <br />�! � • � , shull promptly take all nece+sury remedial uctions in uccordance with Fnvironmentul L•rw. �"=_- <br /> , . ��..-,�r <br /> ' As usod in this purug�ph 2U,"Huzardaus Subxtunces"ure tIx»e tiubstances defined us tuxic or huzurdou�+ubstance�by <br /> • , � I Environmenlal l.uw und Ihe fnllowing substunces: gusoline,kerosene, other tlummuble or toxic petrnlcum pruducl�, toxic <br /> " { �, �:,�d`/�, � ! pesticides und herbicides,volulile xdvent,, muterials contuining uxbetitos ar formaldehyde,suid rudfoactive materiuls. As �.?_ <br />' , i used in this paru�ruph 20,"Envuanmentul Luw"means i'ederul laww and luws of the jurixdiction where the Prop�:ny is lacated �.!?er:r- <br /> • i thut relate to heulth,sufery o�enviranmernal protec�ion. �"'•'— <br /> ' � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower unJ L.cnJcr further cavenunt and ugrce us folluws: <br />; , 2L Acceleratian; Remedles. Lender shell give notice to Borrawer prior to acceleration following Burrower's �j_�;.�:� <br /> breach of any covenant or a�reement in this Securily In�trument Ibut not prior to accelerallon under paragraph 17 �-�� _ <br /> �-- uNess appiks+ble iaw previd�uiherwi�). The noilce sha!!spccify�: !a?!he d�fau!!;!b!the ertin�required to cure the �____-___ <br /> ar <br /> ' � . • deiault; Ic)a date.not lec4 th�n 30 ds�ys from the date the nutice is given to which the default must be � <br /> � cu�ed;and Id)thet faflure to care Ihe defuult un ur bePore the date specif7ed in the nutice may result ia accelerution of �__ <br /> . • ' tBe sums secured by this Security Inr�trnment and sale oP the Property. The notice xBull tlirther fnfarm Borrawer uf <br /> r � � the right lu reinslute after s�rcelerat iun an d I he r lR h t ta br inR a cu u r t u c tl o n t o a s s e r t I h e n o n•e x i s l e n c e o f A default ur <br /> '•,� , any other defense of Bonower to yccelerution and tiale. IP the default is not cured on ur before the date xpecitied in <br /> � �'';�� ;� , the notice.l.ender at its optiap rnAy reyuire immediate payment in full of all snm.c secured by this Security Instrument <br /> ' '� ' without further demand and mwy inwike the puwer nf sule and uny other remedies permilted by applicuble law•. _ <br /> Lender shall be entilled to cellect ull expenties incurred in pursuinR the remedirs pnwided in thls pare�rwph 2l. �_�_ <br /> ' includinR,bul nut Umited to.reas�muble ultorneys'fees und rostK of Iitle evidence. =_-__ <br /> If the power of tiule is inroked.7lrustee xhull recurd u noUre i►f default in eanc�ounly in which uny part oP the ���_ <br /> ., �• � , '�� Properly�v laculed and shull mail rnpi�oP sucb nnlice in the manner prescribed by uppllcnble law to Borrower und to ��:�_ <br />` ' � the utber persons preseribed by applicuble law. APter the time required by applkuble It�w.7Yustee shalf�ive pobllc � <br /> '•� nutice of sale lo the prrsuns und In the munner prescribed by applicuble law. 7Yuvtee.withaut demand an Borrower. <br /> � shall sell the Pr��perty al pubNc uuclion to the hf�hesl hidder ut the time and pluce und under the terms desiRnated In <br /> ' the notice uP sule in one ur mae purcel.r•und in anv order 7Yuster determineK. 7ti'u�tee muy poupune sule of ull or am• <br /> parcel of the Prupertv by public unnuuncemrnt at the time und place of anv prr��inuslv scheduled wle. Lender or its � . <br /> .. , , de!ziRnee may purchacr Ihe Properly s�t any role. . . • v the ��J' '�r.` <br /> Upon recefpt uf pnymeat oP the pricr bfd,'ll�ustrr+hull deliver to th� purchu.�er'IYu�tee's deed�an eyinR k;� <br /> Property. The recitals in tBe'Irurtee's deed zhull be primu Pucle evidence of the truth uP t6r st�tements made Iherein. �. <br /> 'IY�uxtee xhall upply Ihe proceeds oi'the wde in thr fidluwiny�order: Ia1 to all curtx und rzprnse+uf exercising the puwer � _ _ _ <br /> �',�`M:- <br /> ` �•.-- -. _ <br /> Fi�rm ip2N Y�411 ��k�er Sn►n�ti�rr.�� <br /> e <br /> � <br /> O <br />. ! <br /> � <br /> � <br /> f <br /> � ' -__ . _._— __. . .—.__ _. � _ _- -- _ - __ � <br />