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<br /> --`_�,;,;,;91,,;�;- �= th�Prop�rly I�w I�k�n or d�m���d�Lend�r�hdl hovo tho aptlon,fn Iq sola and abaoluto dl�creHon,to eppty aQ wah ProcMd�,
<br /> �:�-,s��::�'y�',�*�°;'.<�• aftrr dsducGnp th�nirorn ell co�b and sxpsns�s Incurr�d by II In conneatlon with wch Procs�dt,upon�ny Ind�bt�dnas aaur�d
<br /> =':�'���.:��,.••.;t•�. h�r�by and In�uah ord�r sa Landar may determine,or to epply all�uch Proceedt,aftor fuoh deductlon�,to the re�tor�don of the
<br /> t;:�;� ' " PropsAy upon such condltions ss Le�der may determine.Any app�ication of Proceeds to Indebtedneas�hell�ot sxl�nd or po�tpon�
<br /> a . ;, ;�ru' the due dat�of any poymanb undar the Noto,ar cure ony dafault thareunder or heraundo►.Any unapplled lunda�hall b�pald to
<br /> �`�'`'�!`,��.��,,�•. Trwtor.
<br /> ��'�"' .b� �' 8. P�rlonn�no�br L�nd�r.Upon ihe occurrence of an Event of Detaulthereunder,or If any act Is teken or IepN procs�dinp
<br /> -L "'"`"""-'� commenced whfch mpterlally aHects Lender's interest U the Property.Lender mey in ite own discretion,but wlthout obllgatlon to do `_—__—
<br /> '"�F'. °`'''%'"�� �" �o,�nd without notice to or demAnd upon Truetor and wlthout ruleasinp Tru�tor Irom any oblipetion,do any ect whlch TrwWr has
<br /> ,. ;k. .
<br /> • � . _,,, aqreed but lalls to do And may elta do any other ect It deems necessery to protect the eecurity hereof.Trusror shall,lmmedl�te y _ __
<br /> � b ° upon demend therefor by Lender,pay to l.ende�all costs and expensas incurred and sums expended by Lender i�connecfion with �`����.?};;�._
<br /> '` lhe exercise by Lender of the lorepoing rights,tapether wlih intereet thereo�at the default rate provided In the Note,whlch ehell bA '
<br /> � � ' added to the Indebtedne4a eecured hereby. Lander ihell not fncur pny Ilabiliry because ot anything It may do or omit to do
<br /> � ' - ,:.�,:, • haaunder. _
<br /> -�'��f� ' � ' � • 9. H�sardou�Mat�rUls.Trustor ahaU keep the Property In compllance wUh all applicable laws,ordinancea and regulatlons _______
<br />-:�ii�. `'6��a•�' � —=—__"'---
<br /> �.•��, • N reletinp to industrlal hY9iene or environmentel protectlon(colleativaly reterred to hereln as"Environmental Lews"). Trustor shali �
<br /> -- - ^ " keep the Property frea from all subatences deemed to be hazerdoua or toxic under any Ernfronmental laws(collecQvely referred to
<br /> ,.;�,:.,,.: , y
<br /> ;;��� ,�'sviu�. ,• ". hereln ae"Hazardoua Materials").Trustor hereb warrants and represents to�ander thet there are no Hazardoua Mater a s on or _—
<br /> under the Properly.Trustor hereby ayrees to Indemnify and ho�d harmless Lender,ita directora,�fllcFrs,employees and aganta,and _
<br /> �_��� . , eny succesaors to Lender's fnterest,lrom and againat any and all clafma,damagee,losses and Ilabflftles arisiny in connectlon with ---
<br /> " , ' the pres9nCe,uee, dlaposel or transport of any Hazardoue Materlals on,under,lrom or about the Properly.THE FONEDOINd
<br /> .. _. . �,� �` -�_. .___ .._.
<br /> • t0. As�ipnm�nt of R�nt�.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender the rents.fasuos and prot�ts ot�he Property;provided Ihet Truator _
<br /> :.-; . ��!�',�.•� shall,uMU tha occurrence ot an Event of Oefault hereunder,have the right to collect and retain such rents.Isaues and prulita as they �_°����
<br /> �. become due end peyable.Upon the occurrence ol an Event of 17efault,Lender may,efther in person or by agent,wlth or wlthout =
<br /> ., • bringing any actlon or proceedinq,or by a recelver appolnted by a court ond without regard ro tiie adequacy ot fta sacurlty enter �,�,..__-_�__,.t��•
<br /> upon and teke po4seaslon of the Proparty,or any part thereol,In its own name or�n the name at the Trustee,and do any acts whlch It � `
<br /> �� deems neco93ary or desirable to presarve the value,marketabllity or rentabillry of the Property,or any part Ihereof or fntereat thereln, �,�..,
<br /> � - ' fncrease the Income theretrom qr protect the securlty horeof and, with or�rithout taking possesslon of the Property,sue tor or �_;.
<br /> otherwlse collect the rents, issues end Frofds thereof,incluJing those paet due and unpaid,and apply the same,lesa costs and
<br /> expenaea of operation ond collection Including attomeys'foes.upon eny indebtedness secured hereby,ell in such order as Lender ---- -
<br /> ° � may determfne.The entering upon and:aking possesslon of the Property,Ihe collectlon ol such renta.Isauea and profits and the
<br />: � �:1:_t;• applicatlon Ihereof as eforesald,ahall not cure or waive any default or nouce of default hereunder or�nvaUdete any act done f� __
<br /> � •_l���f' �� responae to auch default or pursuant to s�ch notice ol default and,notwithatanding the contfnuance in poasesslon ot tha Property or
<br /> • :�i�%•_ " the collectlon, receipt and npplication ol rents,lasues or prolits,and Trustee and Lander shall be entltled to exercfse every rlght
<br /> ; ' • • provided for In any o1 the Loan InatruRenta or by law upon occunnn�e ot any Evcn;o!Oclault,lnclud!og x�ithouf��mitwtlon lhe rlght ��y _
<br /> to exarclee lhe power o1 sale.Further,Lender's nghts snd remediea under thls paragraph shall be cumulative with,and In no way a �,'�.���,
<br /> •:•,;_::;��:;, limltat�on on,Lender'a rlghts and remedies under any nsaignment of leases and renta recorded agafnst the Properry.Lender,Trustee
<br /> end the recelver shall be Ilable ta acaount only t�r those rems actually received.
<br /> � 11. Ev�nta ol DNault.The following shal!constltute an Event af Uofault under Ihis Oeed ol Trus1: �_.__
<br /> ° ' • � (a) Faflure to pay any fnstallment ol princ�pal or mterest of any other aum secured hereby when duo; s _
<br /> � (o) A breach of or default under any provision contained In 1he Note,thls Deed ol f►ust,any ot lhe 4oan InetrumaMS.or any ----a_---
<br /> other Ifen or encumbranCO upon the Property: -- -°_
<br /> , (c) A writ of execution or attachment or any sim�lar process shall be entered agc�inst Trustor which shall become a Hen on —��(
<br /> ' the Property or any poraon thereof ar mierest therein: r;.
<br /> � � (�) There shall be Illed by ot agamst Trustor or Borrower an aa:�n under any present or tuture lederel,stale or other ,.�1.:•---
<br /> statute,law or regulaUon relaling to bankruptcy,insotvency or other rehef for debtors;or there shall be appomted any lrusteQ, �°;�,�-.�•;-
<br /> recefver or Ilquidalor of Trustor or Borrower or ol all or any part ol the Property.o�the rents,isei^�s or proflts thereof,or Trustor -
<br /> or 8orrower shall make any general asslgnmont for the benefit o�creditors; ,
<br /> �:` (e)The sale,trenater,lease,asafgnment,conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any part of or any interest in the
<br /> �"�� .
<br /> PropeAy, either volunlarlly or Involuntarily, w�thout the express•nrritlen consent ol Lender, provided that Trustor shall be �
<br /> permftled to exec�te a leose ot the Property that does nol conta�n an optlon to purchase and the lerm of whiCh doea not exceed �_,�_�.�+uJ
<br /> one year; � � . �
<br /> ,. ' (Q Abendonment ol the Property;or
<br /> .� � • ,�„ ,:r,
<br /> (p)If Trustor�s not an indivldua�,the Issuance.sale,transler,ass�gnment.conveyance or en�umbrance ol more than a totel
<br />' ' 01 percent ot 111 a corporaUOn)ds issued�nd outstanding stock or pf a partnership)a to181 ot_ perCent ol , ;.us,.
<br /> �� � parinership Intetests during the perlod this Deed of Trust rema�ns a lien on the Property. •
<br /> � ' 12. R�m�dl�s;Accd�nQon UpOn ONauH.ln the ovent of any Event ot Deiault Lender may,wdhout notice except as required by �ox„��= '
<br /> µ3 �TJ
<br /> law,declare all Mdebtedness secured hereby to be due and payablv and the same shaU thereupon becoma due and payable ',��, .,4i,;,,;_ .
<br /> wlthout eny presentment demend,protest or notice oi any kfnd.Thereafter Lender may. � "' "'
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exercisa the POWER OF SALE granted herein, and Trustee shall thereafter cause Truetor's
<br /> � Intereat In the property tC be sold and lhe proceeds to be distr�buted,all In the manner provided in tho P�ebraska Trust Deeds
<br /> AcL '
<br /> (b) ExerCfse any and a:i nghts prov�tled lor m any ot the Loen Instruments or by law upon occurrenCe ot any Event o1 �, �, .
<br /> . ' � Defeuik and �. ''
<br /> (c)Commence an actfon to foreclose this Deed ol Trust as a mo�tgage,appoint a reCewer,or specitically enforce any ot the `,
<br /> covenants hereot. ;
<br /> No remedy herain conlerred upon or reserved to Trustee or t.andar�s�ntended to be exclusrve of any other remedy herein,in the
<br /> Loan Instrumenls or by�aw prowded or permiited.but each ahall bo cumulclLve.shall be�n ndddion tc every other remedy grven
<br /> hereunder,ln the Loan Instrumente or now or hereatter oxistmg td law or in eqwty or by stalute,and mey be exercised concurrently. .
<br /> independenlly ar successwely.
<br /> �" 13. Tru�1N.The Trustea may resign at any I�me wHhaut cause.and L�nder may at any tirne and without cauae appomt a
<br /> successor or substilute Truslee.Truatee Shall not be liable to any party.�ncluding wdhout Ifmilation Lender,Borrowar,Trustor or eny
<br /> purchaser of the Property for any ioss or dnmage unlass dua to ieckloss or w�IHul m�sconduct.and shan not be reqwred to take any
<br /> actfon In cannection with Ihe enforcement ol th�s Doed of T�ust unless indemmlied,in wntmg,lor all costs,compensation or
<br /> ....�. �.....a.�.��...� Tn�a�aw mav bAr.ome a ourchaser at any sale ol the Property�udiael Or
<br /> ' �^----^- expenses wi�icn rnny uc a553G�u:od 9`6:6:.�..•.••
<br /> under the power ol sale granted horem►,postpone tne saie of all or any portion ol the Property.as prowded by law:or se11 the ,
<br /> Property as a whole,o�in separate parcels or iots at Tr�stee's dfscretion.
<br /> 14. FNS and Hxpens��.In the event 7rustee selis the Property by exercise of power o1 sale.Trustee shall be ent�tled lo apply
<br /> any sele proceeds�irst to payment of all costs and oxpenses of exercising power ol sa1e.includmg a�l Trustes's lees.and Le�der's
<br /> and Trustee's 8ttorney's lees,aclually mcurred to extent parm�tted by appl�cable law tn the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any
<br /> rl�ht provfded by law to cure an Event of Default Lender shall be entillod to recover trom i iustor all costs and expenses actuatly
<br /> Incurred A8 a result of Truator's detauH, mcluding without limdation all Trustee's and attorney�s lees,to the extent permitted by
<br /> eppHCeble iaw.
<br /> 15. Futur�Advane�s.Upon request of Borrower, Lender may,at its option, make additlonal bnd future advances and re-
<br /> advances to Borrower.SuCh ndvances and readvances,w�th�nterest thereon.shall be secured by Ih�s Deed uf Trust At no t�me shall
<br /> ihe pnnapal amount ol tha�ndebtedness secured by th�s Deed of Trust,nut mc�ud�ng sums advanced to protect Ihe secur�ty ot th�s
<br /> Deed of Trust,exceed the orlglnal prfnclpal amount atated here�n,0�S. _____-.---- -.- •Wh�Ch6ver is gr98t�r
<br /> • . --- --- —� _ - -� - -
<br />