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<br /> �_�..K- �,.;� . 92- 14189`� �
<br /> -��;, °��`���`°��' � ACKNOWLEDGiEMENT OF DEED OF TRUBT
<br /> .�r.?�'�`'75�:��.,.. � . _
<br /> • ::��,:�r.,;�
<br /> -!�:R�_,,,� ,� , �.',�,.., TRUSTOFi READ THIB BEFORE 810NINO.
<br /> ' ,.. �,� .
<br /> � Trustor undennnd�that the doaum�nt that Trueta is�bout to exocute le�OYed of Tru�t and�wl a mortpepe and that th�poww
<br /> „•.� �,,` � • ol�ale provldad for In the Deed of Trust providet iub�tentlelly dlHerent riphb and oblpatlom to Tru�tor than a mortppps In th��v�nt
<br /> ol a defeult or breach of obllpetlon under the Deed ol Tru�t�includfnp,but not Ilrnited to,the Lender's ripht to heve tho Properly sold
<br /> ,' S by the Truatss without eny Judichl prx�dfnp.Tru�tor reprawnt�and warrant�that thl�aaknowladqemont wa�ox�ouhd by
<br /> , . Tru�tor bekro tho axocuUon ol the Deed of True4 � � � „ �_
<br /> i �
<br /> • , ( d Leon Vala i ttqr HusbarK] �°
<br /> ° • ., r'll l i U�. ,k�.Cl�.�-' __._ --
<br /> �.: , . �_-
<br /> _ .. (Doru�a Kay Valalik)7ruator WifQ
<br /> . „ ,� �.-,�.
<br /> � �.,.�,.-:,,-__
<br /> �
<br /> ' THI3 DEED OF TRUST,is made as of 1he 27� dey of FebLVarY ,19 92 by and emanp _
<br /> ,_,:,
<br /> ' � the Trustor, �� A�a i�n ��+� � �"a Doru�Kav Valalik, husband and wife , `a,-�
<br /> ' � 2503 W. Phoenix Ave.� Grand Ialand, N6 ��3efn"Truoror;'whether one or more�, �'�`x�L
<br /> '�:�'.� whoea moillnp addre�s la =---
<br /> _ • �.,�, m,.:s..
<br /> • `.''`' � �: .'4. Five Poin�s Benk, A Nebraeka Oor�ora�iott ,; � r,�.—
<br /> ., •���.1�,1;�1�.`.. the Trustee, ' " •. ::
<br /> ,.•'°' �•;: P.O. Box 1507► Grand Ialarx7� NE 68802 ��) ' �_:
<br /> • , whose mallin�addrues fa (herefn"Trustee ,&�d ;". _:
<br /> :i;�:�:r,_
<br /> . • Eive Pointa Bank , �I';�'�;�,;°���'
<br /> • ' , the 8ene11Gary, .""
<br /> . . "'te�.'c"'• _
<br /> .� n � n.. �cn'7 Grand Islend� l�.' ��QZ ''�}�tiiF;':t�,
<br /> • , � ''��•� whoee maillnQ addreas Is (hereln °Lender"►. ��i ;�,,.
<br /> � " 1 • FOR VAL.UABLE CONSIDERATION,includinp Lencler's extenslon of creWt Identifled herein to 1b�� •� Val�l ik atld �__`
<br />, . '• ;�,=
<br />, „',`;;', � �� ,�r ponna Kay Valalik, hueband aci d wi fe �herein"eorrower",whether one or more►and the�rust here in crea t e d, �,;�,;,�;�,.
<br /> ..,.,.:.�::•� �,_,..;_-_.--
<br /> the receipt of which Is hereby acknowledped,Truator hereby irrevocably grants,tranalers,conveys and assigns to Truatee,IN ��+��,� 4;�--�
<br /> -_ _ -- ._ TRUST,WlTH POWFR nP SALE,lor the benefit and security o1 Lender,under and auD�ect to the terms and condltlons herelrwker set �a�°'='
<br /> •T� torth,the real property,described es followa:
<br /> -. �,,. .
<br /> The Westerly �aelve and Thirty Seven Hundredths feet (12.37') of Lot Six (6) and the �-,���_
<br /> �, Eaeterly Sixty ane and 3ixty Three Hundredths feet (6 1.6 3') of Lot Seven (7). in Block �,��•�:�.-
<br /> � � Eleven (11), in Parkhill Third 8ubdivisfon, an Addition to the City of Grand Island� °�"�=°-=°-
<br /> � Hall Count�, Nebraeka. ��"
<br /> ',' Togelher w th all buildinys,improvements,llxtures,streets.alleys,passageways,easements,rights,privlleyea and appurte- �_,,,,,s�_
<br /> nances located thereon or in anywlae pe►telning thereto,and the rents,issues and prolits,reveraions and remaMdere thereot,and �:�-.�=,-_-�:
<br /> � euch peraonel property that is attached to the Improvements so as to const�tute a lixture,including,but not Iimited to,heating and (�'��^��•'
<br /> . coolinp equlpment'and together with ihe homestead or marital interests,it eny,wh�ch Interests are hereby reteased and welved;all r _
<br /> ol whlah,Includinp replacements and addilions thereto.is hereby declared to be a partof the real estete seoured by Ihe Ilen of this '' '�K ::� -
<br /> • Daed of Truat and all ot the Iorepoinq belny referred to herein as the"Properry".
<br /> �
<br /> , �.�' �,
<br /> ' • Thls Oeed of Trust ohall secure(a)the payment of the prfncipal sum and�nteresl evldenced by a promisaory note or credit -ti,,,.
<br /> • apreementdeted February 27, 1992 ,naving a maturity date of.��fl��Y ?8� 1995 ,
<br /> �^ _...
<br /> in the orfginel princlpal emount ot S 14,814.08 ,and any and all modif�cationa.extensiona and renewnls �� :
<br /> " � •� �� thereol or thereto end any and all tuture advances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them if more than one) hereunder }� -
<br /> . pureuent to one or more promissory notes or credit agreemems(herein called"Note";:(b)the payment uf other suma advanc8d by � �•;��,
<br /> lender to proteCt the security of the Note;(c)the perlormance of all covenants and agreements of Trustor set lorth herein;and(d)ell .•���_
<br /> ;,,.-;}�� � preaent end luture Indebtedness and obligations o1 Borrower�or any of them d more than one►to Lender whether direct,indirect, "`"� �°::�.
<br /> � ebsolute or Contingent and whether arlsing by note.guarenty,overdratt or otherw�se.The Nole,this Oeed of Trust and any and all �
<br /> , � other docuenta ihat aecure the Note or otherwfse executed In connection therewlth,mcluding without limitatlon guerenteas,securUy ��
<br /> eyroement8 and asslgnmente ot leases and rents,shall be referred to herein as the "Loa�Instruments" ;
<br /> 4 Trustar covenants and agrees with Lender as fdlows:
<br /> 1 1. Paym�nt ol lnd�bbdn���.All indebtedness secured hereby shall be paid when due
<br /> • ' 2. Tltl�.Trustor�s the owner of the Property,has the nght and Authonty to convey the Property.and warrants that the lien
<br /> ,�, � crealed hereby ia a hrsl pnd prfor Gen on the Properry,excnpt lor hens and Qncumbrances set forth by Tru9lor m wndng end
<br /> delivered to Lender betore execut�on ol thls Oeed of Trust.and the execution and aehvery of Ih�s Deed ol Truat does not violate any �
<br /> contrect or other obllgation t0 whlch Trustor �a sub�ect '
<br /> . ' 3. T�x�s.Asunm�nts.To pay before del�nquency all taxes,special assessments and all other charges ayainst the PropeAy '
<br /> now or hereafter levfed.
<br /> 4. Imuranc�.To keep the Property fnsured against damage by fue,hata►ds�ncludod wfth�n the term"exte�ded cov�rage".and •
<br /> such other haZ3rds as Lender mUy reqwre.in.imounts dnd w��h c:ump:fnirs.3cceptabie to lender.naming L�nder as�n addrtional
<br /> named insured,wlth loss payable to the Lender.I�case of 1o5s under such policies.thu Lender�s aulhonzed to ad�ust,collect and
<br /> compromfse,alI Claims lhereunder and shall have the opt�on of apply�ng al I or part ol the msurance proceads 1�)to any��debtedness
<br /> w secured hereby end In such order as Lender may determ�ne,l��l to�he Trustor to be used lor tne repair or restorauon of the Property
<br /> or(fll)tor any other purpose or ob�ect sat�slactory to Lender w�lhout attect�ng the I�en of th�s Deed o1 Trust for the full amount secured
<br /> hereby before such payment ever took place-Any appl�cat�on ol proceeds lo indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due
<br /> dete o1 qny paymenls under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder
<br /> . 5. ��erow.Up011 Wrftt@n d@mand by LentlBt. Trustor 9nai�pey to I.enaec in suen manner as�endnr may ura�ynniea.�uiiii.�eii�i
<br /> sums to eneble Lender to Fay as they become due�ne or more of the lollowmg.l�l an taxes.assessments and other cna�ges agamst
<br /> the Property.(f1)the premiums on the prope�ty�nsurt�nce reqwred hereunder.and(���I Ihe pr�mwms on nny mortgagQ�nsuronCe
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br /> � 8. M�Inl�n�nc�, R�paln and Compll�nc�wHh �aw�. Trustor shall keep the Property �n good condltion and repau;shall
<br /> promptly repair, or replece eny Improvement which mav be damaged or destroyed: shall not commit or permit any waste or
<br /> . deterloratlon of the Property;shall�ot remove,demol�sh or substantially alter any ot the�mprovements on the P�operty:shall not
<br /> commit,sufler or permit any act to be done In or upon the Property m violation ol any law,ordinance.or regulat�on,and shall pay and
<br /> promptly discharge at Trustor's cost and expense all I�ens.encumbr�nces and charges levied.�mpo9ed or assessed agamst tne
<br /> Property or any pert thereol.
<br /> 7. EmIn�M Oomaln.Lender fs hereby asslgned all compensation,awards.domages and other payments or relief(hereinaHer
<br /> "Proceede")In connectlon wlth condemnatlon or other takfng of lhe Property or panlhereot,or for conveyance in lieu ol condemna-
<br /> tlon.Lender shall be entltled at fts option to commence,appear in and piosecute�n its own name any act�on or proceedings,and
<br /> shall elso be entitletl to make any compromfse or setflement In conneclion w�th such lakmg or damage.�n the evenl any portion of .
<br /> NlCa1671Mnnpneuuwp��w�Rw 10!B E
<br /> O 1M�Ntln�ul B�M ol Canmua Tru�l�M S�r�ny�Aaw[•�I�w�L•�KU�n H�M�W �
<br /> �� I '
<br /> I •
<br />