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,����; , ��__.____ .- . �.-• . '._=R- —_— _ <br /> 1��YY '{: .r/,. <br /> �� .. � • � � - ' -- - <br /> . . . <br /> _ .._ _ <br /> -_- -- � � � .-.—� <br /> --. . �r�.. - <br /> �' <br /> .1 � � 5� �� ��� ._ ..�.:�_ .-- <br /> • _ _ t't��.� _ . <br /> -�{ 3'�,:��� U�� � --: . AWUSTABLE RATE RIDER 92- l 0i888 �v� �� <br /> � ' � 11 YsuTreuury Ind��•RaaCap�) <br /> �� , ,. <br /> .:_��•..� '__�—�.�.a_n.. —_— <br /> - ,ar��3•� THIS ADJUSTABLE RATki RIUER Is mrdt thfs 4th ��,o� Ir18TCh �19 92 � <br /> _� .�-. <br /> �.�;��'�•�' e� �nd Is Io�mrpnralM into�nd sh�ll be dcemal to wnend and aupptement the Monpa�a.fSeed ot Trust.or SccuH�y Dead (�he "Seruti�Y <br /> �,�,_,,�,..���.,.n�. Instrwnent")of�he�une date/iven by thc undenl�ncd phe"Borrowe"1 ta�ecure Borrower's Adjustpbk Ra�e Note 1��"Note"1 to MO�IL <br /> ;'', i'� `.. r.-. FEDHRAL BAVINQB� LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISI.AND.N�ORA8K/1 phe ..Lenaer.,l or�hc nme d.�o u�a cove�ta��M <br /> ,';)t: � ,�, O��y descdbed ie�he SecuritY Inslrument and located u: <br /> •,� � .. <br /> ,���c��� •:�:� �,�. 2615 Sta ecoaoh Clrcle� Grand �sland Nabraska 68801 �------_- _ <br /> ' •.�.���n►tit: ' �Property Addreu) <br /> ,t:<...• ��'a�� . •.' <br /> _ � � . 7'a. wte eo.a�r.oro.wo..�ow1.s 1or cr..� i..y �.�nw� n�e ..e .y .wiwf <br /> ��,n��'�:,.;r,,�,:�i, <br /> ` w o tsi��:s',_�-'� P�y*t�is.7'�b�oa d.o Un1u�re��t.�1■tens�na e�eY��t OY oM q�e M/ <br /> ' dw IYt�id�a�w/tM�tl��r�1t 1�1 aY• . <br /> ,'�� .� � ��,�Ey�_ <br />_��:..L ' ADDITIONAI.COVENAN7'S. In addition to the covenants and�rcemmb m+�de in�e Senuity Imtruarcnt.Bonowet snd Lmder `--:-�=--- <br /> .Y�a • ... ��-�.' ,� further covenant and a�a as tollows: <br /> '" � �^�',•� " A. INTER�'•T RATE AND MON7'HLY PAYMENT�CHANGE� - <br /> ���--v_ <br /> � . 'f'he Note providcs for an initial inlerest ratc of 8' ni.Section 4 of the Notc pcan�ida tor chu�es in the iaterat rate and the <br /> ` � mos�thly psymrnu,as follows: <br /> ` 4. /NT£REST RATE AND AlONTHL Y PA YtlENT CHANQES `� • <br /> IA1 Ch�ie M�a <br /> b <br /> ° The interal rate I will pay ma�.hAn4c un�hc first day of Apri� ,19 93 _,and on�hat dwy every _�� • <br /> ' twel ve man�hs thereaiter.Exch date on which my interat rate could chm�e is called a"Chanae D»c.' ""- <br /> . <br /> �=a..�_.– <br /> . . �j <br /> l[i1 TAe I�des �''�� <br /> � ° Be�innina wi�h the flru Chungr U.��r,my miei.+t ru�c w�ll be b:ued on an Index.The"Indei'is thc weekly avera�c yield on United Sw�n ji :: <br /> ' de a�ailabic b ihe Federal Rcserve Board.The most recem Index fi�ure � ' _��„ 'f, . <br /> ,_ �, 'Prasury securities adjusted to a canstant mowrity of I year,as mu Y <br />� � available as oi ihe date 45 days before e3ch Cbunge Ua�e is caUcJ the•'Current Indcs." '"��''_ <br /> '' � If the indea is no lonyer uvuflabic,�he No�c Holdac will choox a new indea which b based up.m cumpsu.iblc iniormaiion.77k Note ' `"" <br /> ' Ho1Qe►wiU glve me notice of this choke. -- <br /> ,r- " ICI Cak�tlo�of CM�ytes <br /> - - - three and onP hal f —� ---—_ <br /> " �.�� BeforetaGe Chan�e Date,the Note Ho1dcR will cakulatt my new interest nte by addinQ P��T"� �� �. <br /> points( '� a �)to the Currem indca and rounding�o the nearest 1/Sth of 19i,su6Ject to the limits staled la Sectioa 4lD)be�oa'• <br /> � Thb rounded amount will be my ncw Interes�ratc until the next CFiange Date. �� V� ;�}_. <br /> ' The Nae Holder will then d�termine the amount of the monthly payment that wauld be sufficicnt tu rep�y in full the principal i am � ��. <br /> ���.,:'�..',•._ i ..y.a;:•�. <br /> • ,j��;;�?;.�., expected to owe on thsl Chan4c Uate in subst�nti�lly equal paymen[s by ihe muurity dau at my aew intcrrst iate.Thc resul�of this calculadon —_ _ <br /> .'';:• wiU be thc new amount oP my monthly paymcnt. =�-'=^��-- <br /> .. ',i:'.,{. '.:rr,r-'.•`._-_. <br /> • .."•,;J IDl LlmlbnalaleralR��eCYn�es _ �_ <br /> The interest ratc 1 am requfred to pay at �Ae fint Change D�tc will not be grcater than 10�� �htwOess than ,�F�;_,�, ;'�'� <br /> �.•.Thcrcafler,my in�ere�i rute will never be intteased or decrea�ed on any sinak Chanpe Da��hc morc Ihan "��� '= <br /> from thc rate of interest I havc been paying for the pn�ccding tweNc months.The minimum intcreci mtc on this loaa wil!never 6e „.:��'=�._�, _ <br /> ' less than 6.O_ _ _._Pi and the maximum intcrest rate will never be areacer than 12.0 _q�, : � ;° •:; <br /> ' (E► Eftecdve D�te ot CY��ta t :•_��j;', <br /> My new interes�ra�e will become effce�ivc nn each Chaoge Uate.l wlll pay the anwunt of my new monthly p�ymrnt begianinp on the first �: :- <br /> ., �:�. <br /> '��� '` monthly payment date after�hc CAanQe Date until the amount of my monlhly payment chan4es a�in. +���� <br /> ',rt.;: _ . <br /> . . . (Fl Not{ceotCYs��a ! <br /> The Note Holder will mail ur Jefivrr to me u notite beforc cach ChunQe bate.The no�fce wlll advix me of: ( <br /> ' �i) the new interest rate on my loan as of thc Change D��e; 1:� ��L•'� <br /> . (ii) �he amount of my monthly payment folluwing the Changc Dace: {� � '��' _ <br /> (ifi) any additlonal matters which�hc Not<Holdcr is rcyuirnl to divdosr;and � � ___ <br /> ; (iv1 theaddras of theauaciatfon you coutdcontace«gsudfnQ any questions ubout�he ndjustment no�ice. k.. �•�'�,�F_� <br /> i • . <br /> B. CHARG�S;41ENS i <br /> Uniform Covenant 4 af the Security Instrumcnt is amended to read as folbws: i <br /> �. Cba►Res:Lkm.Borrower thall p�y ull�uxec,assessmentc,and wher.hurgec,fines,und imposnion�attribulabk lo the Property which moy , <br /> ' ottafn a priority ovcr this Securily Instrumenl,and Icosehold paymcnt�of ground rent.,if any,in�he manner provideJ under paragraph 2 hereof , <br /> �1'1'�` or,If na paid in tuch manner,by Borrower makin�e payment,when due,direc�ly to thc payec thereuf.liorrower shall promptly furnish Lender <br /> , �,,. . all notices oi amounts due under�his parugrLph,and m�hc r�rm H.ttrou.r ch.�ll m�le payment dire.dy,Borrower shall promp�ly furnish iu <br /> ' • Lender receipts c��dencing suth p•rymenls. Burruwcr.hall prompNy diti.h.�rge uny licn which has priority orer thfs Security Instrument: <br /> however, Burrower Shall nut bc reyuirrJ�u discharge any wch lir�� ,o I�+ng a. Ik�rruwer. (a)ehall agree in wrfhng Io�he payment ot the . <br /> � obliQ¢tiun secured by w�h lien in ihe mannrr acrep�aM�t.•1 enJer.lhl chull inµ�xx!i•rith contrs�w.h I�en by,or dePend against enforcemrnt of <br /> such lien in,leg�l proceeJinN+��h�:h in ihc op�n�nn uf 1�ndcr�+�z:�•,�r w prr�cut thr enturcemenl oY ihc lien ur furtci�urc of�he F'ro�xr�y or any <br /> part thereof:ur(c1.hall uture trom Ihc h�ddcr o(.uth heu�n aµrc�menl in a(urm.atixlacror� ai l rnder whurJinu�inQ wch lien lo this <br /> i Security Instrumant. <br /> � !f l.ender detcrminr>that atl��r au� pan nf thr I'ra�r�� ��+ub�r�i to a hen wh��h may auum u prionly u�er th��Securi�y In,uumen�, <br /> - ---- Lender shall give Burroacr a nou.c idrnu(>mµ•u�h hcn. H�+rrower .hau,au,�c�utn i�en or�aicc onc�,r m�,rc vi�nc r�ii.m,,c� i..����aba:c <br /> witAin ten days of the gi�ing uf the m�tice. <br /> C. NOTI('F: <br /> I Unifurm Covenunt 14 ul the 5auriq Im�rument Ir�mend�nl lr rcad a+fulluw�: <br /> ' U. Notke.Ex«pt t'or uny nulirc rcyuircd undcr applicahlr law w fx g��rn m anuihrr manncr,�r1 any notirr::Hurrowcr providcJ lor m�his <br /> Security Instrument shull be given by delheting i1��r by mu�ling�I bq fir�t rla�t mud 1��Horrowrr ai Ihc Pr�iperly.4ddn�as ur at.urh olhcr addny� <br /> as&�rrower may d�*�ignale by noticr to Lendet rw pruvid�tl herem,�nd Ibl ony noiice�o l enJer+hall t+r g�vrn Ny tvst cl•r+.mrJ to l ender'+ <br /> � uddress+tuted herein or ro wth uther address ati LenJcr moy dc+ignutr by nuuce�u Borruwcr a+pro�idcd hcrcm.Anv nm�cr p�o�id�til I��r m thn <br /> Secu�ity Instrument shall be deemed to hnvc been given�u Hurrower ur Lcnder whrn gi�rn m the m�nner dr+�ignoted hercm. <br /> � <br /> i <br /> r � � <br /> . _ _ __ <br /> , . _� <br />