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<br /> -- —• ,—T�, �'F: .--...— _-°.:.Q�,' �.
<br /> �-- �_— - —�� � _
<br /> .—�����=�� 92— 1o�ses
<br /> --- - ot ade,aad tbe s�le.Ioclndl��tbe p�ymeot ot lbe 7ru�ta'r feiw�ctually incurred,not lo exceed 3.0 ?b o�
<br /> -- - Y We prinetpd�mon�t o�Ihe note al lbe time o�Ihe decln�albn of de�autl.aad reaxouwble attorneys'fctiw aspermitted
<br /> -- =- -° by Irnv:lbl to W wm+aecured by Ibb Security lu�lwmeat=�ad Ic1�ay exoe�to the pee�oa or pedwm�eW��9�'uutled
<br /> _a.�:�.�� a�.
<br /> -��. - - �,!� 22. Reconveyaace. Upon paymcnt of all sumo hecured by this Securiry Inhlrument. L.ender c�hall reyuca�7lruslee to
<br /> � � roconvey the property and shall sumendcr ihia Security Instrumcnt and �II naca evidcncing debt secured by tbiK Sccurity
<br /> ^�-�-�_— Inctn�ment to'Ii�ustee. 'Itustee shall rcconvey �he Property without wartamy wx! withow charge to � penson or penons
<br /> �_ -�� � kgally endded to it. Such persem or pennnc�hnll pay uny recordntinn c�s�s.
<br /> � 23. Su6stitute 71ru�tee. Lcnder.at its opiion,may from�imc to timc remuvr'1lustce und oppoint a succc,sar�ru�tec tn G
<br /> �i,� ar.y 7ivstee appointed bereunder by an inswment �•ecorded in the wunty in which thir Secu�lty Insln�ment is rccorded.
<br /> �„:=�.:�,. _ L �ihout conveyance of the Propeny. �he successor trustee xhull succeed to ull the title,pawer und du�ies confemed upon _._..
<br /> ����''' 'ftu�tee hercin annd by aPplicable law.
<br /> .'��.� _, ���� �'. ?A. Request for NMkeR. Borcowcr reyuests tlw�copies of�he noticex of dcfvult And wle be.ent�o Barrowcr+uddress __
<br /> u��'. ;:.. -
<br /> .ti�:M�= ' which is thc Pmperty Addrecs. --
<br /> __.�.-..a_�_r:�,, , ; .
<br /> -� - -� 2S. Riders to tdis Securlty Instrumen� If onr or morc ride�c are execu�ed by HoROwer und mcorded together with __
<br /> ��-?�� " y r...; U�is Security Instrument.the covenants and ugreementy of cuch�uch rider tihnll be incorpc�ruted into und shull umend und �
<br /> `� ---�
<br /> -��-'.��'�..:r��. supplement the covenun�c und agreemenis of this Secu�ity In�trument ns if Ihe riderlxl were u pun of Ihi�3ecurity tnstrument. -
<br /> _,�.s�y.;,.�_ - -
<br /> ��;��, f,�L� ...., �CFKCk applicable bax(esl) --
<br /> �t���r'�"".�",
<br /> °�""''' ""' : ' �Adjustable Rate Rider �Condaminium Rider �1-4 Family Rider _
<br /> ,±Y���.,�•
<br /> ::�'::i;��.�':;.�: --
<br /> a-�a,,,,�..�..,..... �(irudua�ed Psyment Rlder �Planned Unit Develapmenl Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> �.•;:.
<br /> �• ���`�'�: ,' �Balloon Rider �R��e Impravement Rider �Scrand Hame Ridor �-_-
<br /> ''��s �'�:+;�,��.1„' �Othcr(s11sP���YI Acknowledqment �_;y
<br /> 'i����,'''`••' , .
<br /> ' u9tw:...:�...f Il.���•, .. �..1.
<br /> - ' � •�'��P. BY SIC3NING BEL014;Bormwer accepts und ogrees to the�rrtn,�usd covenunlc comuined in thia Security Instniment
<br /> -__�� . •• � F ••1`l,u
<br /> — . . and in any rider(s)execuied by Barnawer and reconied with i�.
<br />-�-�� - �;.�.:��..� Witnesses: -
<br />��!!+�.�` ...., ---
<br /> � '"ty'- • -° —
<br /> �-�: f�L: .•.c. �SC'U�� —_
<br /> ,�,5� c-a Richard L Bales 508-54-6380 �N"
<br /> +• , ., Sacial S�rity Number _
<br /> � , ;•;�:�.`i,�t..., . ��??!�s.G � �t Ji� � �Scul1 :�.�
<br /> ������� ��;�;�;i�l�;;,•J-�_ . Connie rJ 881@S Num�wcr
<br /> ,�; ��-_
<br /> ..';�• ' - .. Social Sccurity Number 506-68-1920 -_
<br /> �i'ti�`�r1 "' STATE OF NEBRASKA. Hal l Counry ss: �
<br /> .. r���:�5#.'. . �� �� _. ..
<br /> _ - i..fs�k.. .. �__:z�
<br /> ..� ` .
<br /> � ��•'.'`' ° (�+.�his 4th day of P1arch, 1992 .txforr mc,the undcrsigneJ,u Notury Public
<br /> _ . , �L�,,,._.- duly c�.,..:�issioned and yuulified far.uid county,prnonally cume Richard L Bales and Connie S Bales, _
<br /> husband and wife ,�o me known to be�he
<br /> ' � �• identical persons(�)whose nume(SI an�ub.rritkd ta�he foregoing instrument cu�d ucknowledged the execution Iherenf to �"`='
<br /> � be their volumary uct and dced. �
<br /> .'• � . Witnes�my h:md and nowriul Kul at Gra Island. Nebraska i wiJ rounty.lhe ��_�
<br />_,�. � ° t�i118 AfOICtiAId. b0 '�� -:
<br /> ' • ' .. My c ��pAY.StMI r Illr�lh � �,�.
<br /> �� Nauy Puhlk
<br /> ' '• . Wi1�0.SN'�09�� REQUEST FOR RECONVEY CE ��
<br /> , ... � . , TO TR M/Owa F.�F 1��t�i :;�.;'._
<br /> : er•:
<br /> :� � The un e�ign i�t e holdcr of Ihe notc ur notcti.rrund hy Ihi�D�:eJ ol'Tru�t. 5aid note ur notes,together with all
<br /> . other indebtedness,ecu�l by ihis Dc�d of'fiu+t,huvr tkrn p•rid in full. You arc hereby Jirected la cancel�aid note or nale� �.�;1�
<br /> . and thix Decd of 7tu�t,which am delivered hcrchy�.unJ to recom•ey.w ith��w w•arranty,all tix e�rrtr n�►w hclJ by yuu under ��;�:�•��
<br />" " • thiti Deed of'Itust to�he person ur penom kgally rntiUcd thrrctu. `:,y'.;.'':
<br /> �
<br /> � Datc:
<br /> .. Fiw�m JOSB 9N0 rpaXe o njn�w.�sl --
<br /> �;
<br /> �
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<br /> 1„ ., '� .
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