. ..r• ,l,. ` ` , _ .,�� .a�y� _ r����"'_'��
<br /> .. �' Sn... ;,e. _ .L�}at.{�_ r. _ .� -t�� '�[tc�3r ..��.. :Z _.._.
<br /> " __.
<br />��u.:�_ _. • � -:
<br />">.�.�. Bosrovrer shatl pram�ptip give Lender written notice of any investigatinn, ciaim, demand. tawsuit or other acuon by any -
<br /> ' governmensal ot regulatory agenry or pnvate party involving the Property an9 at�y L�azurdoas Sabstanoe or Enviromnental Law
<br />: ' af tivbich�o'treswec iias ac�uaf knowledge. If�orrower leams,or is notifred by uay goverumental or regulatory authazty,that _
<br /> =� sny temova!or other c�emediation of any H�mrdous Substance affc�ctin�the Pro�rerty�s aecessary, 8orrower sbaU protnptly take
<br /> .,.� all necessary remedial ac�uns in aacordance with Snvironmental Law.
<br /> °.s u:�l ia�P�'a�'-�?�. 'I;.a�±+��s�b�►�s"3*p�ho�suhstaae.��find r�taxi�:or S�rdaus�u5sse��y =
<br /> Envimnmental Law and th� foIlowing substattoes: gasofine. kerosene. oiher flammable or toxic getroleum products, toxic _
<br /> . • p�sticides and heri�icides.volatile safvents.materials cont ;ni a asl�stos or farmaldehyde,and cadioactive materials.As used in . �
<br /> this pa�agraph Z0, °Environmenta! Iaw" means federal laws and latls of the jurisdiction a6ere the Pro�rty is lo�ted that
<br /> �iate to heaIth.s�fexy ar environraemal protesxion. -
<br /> IVOAS-UNN��14M COVENAN'I'S.Borrower and Lendez further c�venant and agree as fotlows: -
<br /> 2I.Acceleratlon;Eteme�iies.i.euder she11 give ctotice to BoreoA�r psIor 4o arcetera4ioa folla�v3ng Borro�er's bi�eao8 ,-
<br /> � of�ny covEaaat or a�reeanen3 in thts Securdty Iastrumen4 (but not prlor to ac�eiera4toa undar para�eap� 17 untcs :_
<br /> - a��tsa�te!aw p�vid�s otI!er�vtse?,'['8te�otfce s�2�1 s�ecif}: (�)the dePauit; (b)t9�e actton eequired to cure the defaWt;
<br /> (e?u d'rte,mot(ess than 30 dnys from ttce d�t�tl�e motfce is gieen tn Borro�rer,by wE�Ic6 the deSaailt must be cnred;aad =
<br /> � (d)t6at tailure to cure tY�deYanit�n or before the date specified in the aotice may result in asxel�ttan of the�ums =
<br /> ' seau+ed by this�artty I�strum�3 and sale of the Property. TI1@ 08�CC&�]flU��l2i'(QY037Ii 80130ifieP d��Ili'i`IL�lt tD
<br /> � � retasta4e gRi ep u�etesn4ton au�t6e eig6t to brlog o coart aciton to�ssegt the nore�adstence af a default ar any otfter
<br /> . ' defen9e ot Borrowee tu�coeleraiton and sa�e. [t t�c defau�! ts r►ot cured on or�se4bre the d�te speci�tc�tn the notice,
<br /> ' Lendes,at its aption,a�y �9ttre Immcdlate p�yment tn t�t0 0!ull sums serured by thls�ecarity Instrwnent withuut
<br /> � Itarthe�deniand and may i�svo7c�the�wes o!sele�d any uther�eme�cs peemftt�d by appllcab�e Issw. i.cnder s!�!i be
<br /> totitted to c�nitai�a,11 expenst�tacamd ln piusuir�tQte e�me�tea provtded tn tihis paragrapb Zl,tnsiu�ng,but aot llmited
<br /> ' to.e�asoru�E�:e attp�neys'fces and cosis oP tilte ev[dence. �
<br /> :' It thepa weQ ot sate ts Iovoked.'f�tst�e s�U ea�rd a aottse ai dets+atl in�tch cuunty ia c�tsf�aeiy p�rt of ttrz
<br /> . : Paropeily is t�ated aad efiail matl cogfes of such notke ta tE�e manner prescs[Ded 3►y npplicabie lstw to Borr�w�er and to
<br /> - theo�er pee�oas pre�cri$e�4�y sappilcah�e taw.Atter th�Nme rcq��!red by as��lrabis lae�.�tce s6.zl�give�ubYc notioe
<br /> of sate to t6e persoas aad tn t8e man�er prescrfbed by Applicabte taw.Tr�stee,withocat demsnd on Borrower,a6ail sel!
<br /> �j the Pt�aperiy at publ[c suctlon to the High�st 6ldder at the tt�e ancl ptace and nnder the terms d¢stgnatest in t62 uottce af
<br /> � ,�s� sale[n one or�no�rt paa+ceYs wQd In any ordex�'ra5t�deterffiiaev.Tr�sieE may gmstpone sate ot efi or aay poscd of the
<br /> `��'.'.:� _ �i��9�Y �btIc anuoancement mt�Ite 6me and ptac�e of any prevfansQy schedn��sale. I.endez or[ts d�sstgps��y =
<br /> �OUrchase t6e Prup�rty at any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt of paym�nt of the psice 6id, Trasiee sLcU detives to tt�e pmct�ser'Tcnsiee's deed eonveytng�he _
<br /> Property.T6e redtals in the Trostee's de�l st�19[se ppiina fstte evfdenoe of tHe tent�s v�the ststernea�s made thereta.
<br /> �'. � Trastee sts�ll aPPI�'the piroce�ds oY�sale in We.faUawing ordes:(a)to all casts and expeases o�e�zerctsing W�power of
<br /> " � �i saie,8nd tbe sa1e,iac[uding the payment of the Trustce's fe�s pc¢uatly in�red,not to exc�dthe� of $SiD or '� �o _
<br /> �•` -� of the principal nmaunt oY the nale nt the time o�t6e deciaratfon of defau,_t,snd reasoumbie atto�aeys'fees as pe�mftted �.
<br /> by law;(bD to a!1��ured by ti�3s SecurIty Instrument;and(c)any ca�s w t6e p�soa or�efsons tegaUy entltie�!tm
<br /> it. . �
<br /> 142. 171�o2��ey-..�... Ugan payment of all sums secured by this Sece�zy Ynstrument, Ler�der shall reguest Tms�� to
<br /> '� re�onvey t.,�: P�roogerty �i shall surrender this Securiry Iastrumetrt aad afi notes evidencing debt secured by this �►ty =
<br /> .' }� Insttoment to Tn�stee.�:�e shalt reconvey the Property without war�anry aa�without charge to the person or peisons Iegally � •
<br /> - enrided to it.Such p-��c9s�uuT persons shall pay any recordation costs. ;•;;•
<br /> P�.3vts�tite►Fe'�c�v�e. Lender,.at iis option,may from ti;r.e ta time r,�:r�.ve Truste�,and appoint a saccessor trustee to
<br /> any T�vstee apPoimed i�nder by an insts+u�t�rded in the cn!�n.ry in wt�3:d:*.this Security xnsmunent is�ecorded.Without
<br /> ` ' wnveyar.ce of the Fraparty,the succeESOr tmstee�!`�11 succeed to all the aUe.�i:rz;�and duties conferred upa}n Tn�stee herein ..�' `�•`
<br /> , •�� and by aPPticahle law. .. . . � • '��,
<br /> _. 2A.Raqaest far l�nttas.Barrower reqaests that oopies of t&e IIotices aL���r�iault and saie be sent to$oaower's�address
<br /> • . � wlueh is the Pmpercy�russ. ' ;�',:
<br /> .; . � ZS.Riders 4s Eir��ectsity Hnstr�teat.If�;r�.or raore riders are exoa���dr by Borrower and�Teco�tS;ta$ether with this .
<br /> . 5ecurity instnunent,t�e rovenants and agreements�GL-each such ridec shalt be i�corporated into and�hal[aice�nd and supplemtnt . • �
<br /> • ' the cavenants and agceements of this Security Iastr�.�ent as!f rhe rder(s)wer+e a part of this Security InsWmsna. .
<br />:.� :; • [Cl�eck applicablc bo7(�s)] . . . . , :
<br /> . .�' � ,
<br /> ' Adjusta6le II�t�3�ider ��pduminium Rider � .� . �1-4 Family Rider ` ' � .� . . �.,
<br /> Gradnated Pa;'�ent Rider �Ptanned IInit Develupmer.�L�ii�k:r 0 Biweelcly P�yment Rider .-. .
<br /> '. • Ballaon RF�er • 0 Rat.e Iraprovement Rider . �� 0 Second Home Rider � .
<br />. . '• 0 V.A.Rlder �Uther(s)[sF��fYI � .
<br /> , � NOL�(".�£ OF D�ft111YL . .
<br /> . Hamt�.�quitq Liae Rid�� . .
<br />_.�� .� '. BY���uNJNt3�BLOW,Bsrrrower accepts and a�ees to the tem�s and wvenants wntAined in this Security Instrameirt and �
<br /> ;. . in any rider(s)executcd by Borrower and recorQed wIth.it. _.
<br /> ,� , W�tt�es9eS� �
<br /> . � • � � 4s�3
<br /> � :� �: oberC C. MClr3Ck -:Azmowe�
<br /> :€ �, � . .. � • � .
<br />. {_;
<br />� .; a � �.ut� ���
<br /> ' .�' ` Nel ie R. MGlriC C •Borroacr F
<br /> _• `�� ��� i�..
<br /> • • � -Bormwcr •Bortuwtt
<br /> , STATE OF 1VEBRASKA, I�� County ss: .- -
<br /> 'Fhe foregoing instnwtent was acknowled�ed before me this �l5 day of M�'�' . !9�(D . _
<br /> � . by 8obert C. Menick and Nellie Fi. rierrick, Husband aad tdife � . '� --
<br /> _ Witness my hand and nolarial seal at Graad Island, Nebraska in said Caunty.the date aforesaid. ,�,; �_
<br /> My Commission Expires: � , -
<br /> . ����d� Notuy Public ��
<br /> T�i116�iwu."•w'�'vi:.Z
<br /> . . ' t Y�QwsE1F8�',t'�1M1 � �,
<br /> : vaC�o ot a Form 3028 9190 �
<br /> . ¢
<br />. ' �-
<br /> •r '. I'..t� ., � . � �• �.. ... . . • . '.,. , . •
<br /> . .. . . ... . � � .. ... . t: . � . . . . . . . , . . .. ,..
<br />