i��.+$�')� . .5�+4. , r .. , . . . ; . J . r . +r� ta�M `.6
<br /> .[iS. - •�V•.. .. a_ •3- —
<br /> 4"
<br /> �.
<br /> �w tY`.
<br /> subsSanrially equiYalent mnrtgage inswr�nce coverage is aot available,Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ___ •
<br /> � � . oae-twetftD of the yeariy anortgage insureace Prem��bein�paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage 4a�sed or oeased un � �'
<br /> be in effect.Leader will accegt.ose a n d niain t h e se p a y m e n t s a s a l o s s r e s e rv e i n li e u o f m o rt g a g e insurance. Loss reserve � ��.c;,�
<br /> • payments may ao longer b e reqm r e d,a i t 8 e o p 6 o n o f l.e n d e r.i f m o r t ga ge insuxance covera ge(in the amount and for the lseriod �_,A,�
<br /> �at I.ender requites�Provided by an ins�rej appr°Yed by Lender again becomes available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay � � :
<br /> - .= tAe premiums t e q u i�d to mainc�n mori�ge i3su�-a�e iu�ffect.or to prov�de a loss reserve,unvf the requirement for mortgage �---:
<br /> ment b e t ween Horro w e r a n d l.e�e r o r a g�li c a b l e l a w. ��';:
<br /> insaraaoe eads in accordance witb any written agree
<br />• 9.Inspectioa.I.ender ar its agent may make reasonable enuies ngon and inspections of th�Property. Lencler shall give �--i�
<br /> ' Barrosver notice at the time of or prior ta an inspec�on sp�sfying r�fl�le cause for the ic�spectian• �'�-`�
<br /> � 10. Condemnatfon.Theprocee�s of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connecaon with as�y 3-�
<br /> ' condemnation or other taldng of any part of the Propercy. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are herebY ass►gaed au� �T�_
<br /> shall be gaid w I.ender.
<br /> �� In the evesi of a total c�.�ang of the Property,the proceeds shall be aPplied to the seims secured by this Sa-��iinstnunent, «�'
<br /> �_Vi`' wHether or not te-�..a c-.:e. a��#.x any excess paid to Sarrower. In the evest of a partial takin�of the FroFa.-� :r�-:,.�.che fair
<br /> t.f�+s cec;•�t.^^�h3+ti�,'s ���'
<br /> ',� . o�rk�value of ths Prar�� i,�mediateIy before the taldng is equal to or greater dr,�r��smcun ,��'
<br /> _�ra�t . �urity Instrumeni imrne3i��1��.before the talong,u�.�.Eorrower and Ixnder c���,.-�_=�riting.t.��secured tay y -
<br /> •��:-� rlus Security Instrument�!�t°e reduced by the�of the praceeds multiFli.��}+ the foUowin�fradion: (a) the total
<br />"�`�"'�'�: amount o f t he sums s e c u r e u��i a t e l y b�fore the taYin g,divided by(b)the fair market value of the Property immediately �.,,;.._,_
<br /> ri.=
<br /> �' � before the talring. Any balanoe sball be Paid to Borrovser. In the event of a partial takiag of the Property in whi c h the f u i r _ ___
<br /> '� market value of the Property immediatelY before the tatdng is less than the amount of the sums secured imnt�iately Isefore the �
<br /> taking. unless Boaower and Lender att►erwise a�ee in writing or uniess applicable law otherwise provides. the prroceeds sha11
<br /> be apPliod to the sums seaue�by this Security Insavment whether or n�t the sams are then due.
<br />� If the Prop_rty is abandoned by Borrower,or if.after natice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to malce as�
<br /> awartl Qr settte a claim for daa�ges. Botrower fails to respond to Ixnder within 30 days after the date the notice is given. �,.
<br /> Lender is authorized to oaUect and fipply the procceds.at its opUon,either to rescoratian or repair of the Property or to the suins �
<br /> = secur�d by this Se�ty Insirampm.whether or not th�nn due.
<br /> pnless LenQer and Bormwer othersvise agree in writing, any application of proceeds co principal shall �mt exter.d ar _
<br /> . postpone the dtte date of fhe ntonthly paytnsnts referrsd to in paragrapIv l and 2 ur change the amount of sash paymenu. _._�_ _.
<br /> 11.Borruwes Not Reteased:Forbea�By 1.eader Not a Wsdver.F.acteasion of the time for payment or Qnodification _
<br /> of amortiration of the sums secured by tiris Se�urity Instiument g�ante�d by Lender to any successor in intecest of Soaower shall
<br /> � not operate to release the liability of the original Barrower or Borrower e successois in inte�st• Lende�shal!not be requind to �-•��
<br /> � commence proceedings against any snccessor in inte�sc rn'refuse to extend�ime for payment or mhe�vise madify amuni�ation _ —
<br /> of t�e sums secured by th�s Secunty Instnament bY reasoa of any deman� made by the ori�iaal Borrua+er or Borrawer's �,_ °,_ '::
<br /> .. , succ�ssors in interest. My forbeatance by Lender in exercising any right or remecly sha11 not be a w+aiver of or preclude the �,�,�•
<br /> , exercise of any right or rem,dy. eis. The coeenants and agreeme►us of this =�=.-
<br /> � iZ.Saoo�so�s aad Assigos Bom�d:Joint and•Seve�al Ltabllity, Co-s3ga
<br /> Security Insc►ument shall bind and benefit the successars and assip�s of Lender and Borrower. subject to•the proviswas of ��=-�.-=
<br /> �. paragraph 1?. Borrawer's covenants and,agreements sinall be joiut zad several. Any Borrower who co-signs this SecuritY
<br /> Instrument but does not e.eecute the Ne.'e: (a)is co-signing ihis Sacurity Insuur�:.'^t onty to rnortgage,giant and oonvey tPaat �,�.
<br /> Borrower's incerest in tke'�'a.perty under the tcrms of this Sewriry Instrume�;��T�+"�not personally obl►g,atec to pay the sums 4,, ,n;:a
<br /> secured by this Suarity�r�tca.��t:and t�)�that L.ender and any ather Hur.r�nv�may agree to extend,m�c[ify,fnrbear or �r�,�'fl,
<br /> �" '' make ciny accommodatior.s t�aT+'.s regasd tn ihe terms of this Security Instrument or 5'ae Note wtthout that Borrawer's consent. �j;y.�ti;
<br /> ,'��"'• 13.I.aan Charges.8£�£:e toaa�red by this Security Insmiment is subject tco a!aw which sets maximum loan eharges, ���-
<br /> and that!aw is fnaily int:.�reted sa c�.t the interest or other loan charges collected orto be c�Iseted in oonnection with tAe �;.�
<br /> loan exceed the Fermitta��..sr-�ts.then:ta)any sucl���charge shall be reduc�a��the amount necessary to reduce the charge �'n
<br /> to the permiued umit:ar�C�)any sums already collz�:ed from Borrower whic�.�xeded permiaed limits ar_!1 be refunded to r�ls�.,
<br /> .:.',..�� Borrower. L�der may chnose to enalce tt�is refur.d by reduciag.the priacipal aa�ed under the Note or i�i�m�it�nS a direct t•r:_:"t.;
<br /> - paytnent to �oaower. Lf a tefund re�.uues principal, the rednctios will be t�ated as a �mtial prepayment without aay �rt_
<br /> �- prepaym,,nt c�arge u�c!er ctie Nore. ��:
<br /> • 1�1.Natices.Any a�.ee to Bor.'o�•Wr provided for in this Security Instn�meat s�zll be���emby deUvering it or by ma�n�g
<br /> �m
<br /> � it by fitst class mail uatc-r•�.�plicable!aw mquires�se of another mgthad.The ae►.��ca=� � be directed to the Property Address _
<br /> or any other addmss $a.,'r.�a+r�er des�gnates by notice to Lender. Any notice ta ��er sha11 6e giveo by first class mail to �:,:,
<br /> �� Lender's address stateti in:r�i��or aay other address Lender designates by notice�zn L'orrower. Aay notice pmeided for in this .�Sk.':�
<br /> �:��,� � Security I�•,suu,ment sk�13�.:eemed:n�cove been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. 'i;k+�
<br /> - 1S.Governt� b�tv,}� �$CveraUi{�tsc�r. This Security lastrument shall be govemed by federa! law and the law of We , ,,;:•,;:
<br /> '" jurisdiction in wluch tlre��:FeseY is tocated. In the ever�t that eny pro�+ision or clause of this Securlty Insaument or the Note —
<br /> .<.�
<br /> te
<br />_ conf]icts with applicabt.l;�a,snch conflict shall not affect other prov�sions of this 5erurity insunn�nt or the Diote wfiich can 6e �-
<br /> • �-- given effect without ihe�nfltet�ng provision.To this end the pmvislons of this Security Insav�nt and the Note ar�deciared __
<br /> • to be severable. �
<br /> lb.It�ay uwec's Copy.Boaower shall be given one wnfom�ed wpy of the Note and of this Securiry Instruu►enG
<br /> � 17.'�"�sfet of the Property or a Beneiicial lnterest in Borrower.If all or any part ef the Property or any intere��rt i�
<br /> ' is sold or Uran'sferred(os.:f a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or uansferred and Boaon-•�is not a natural person)witih�:�i: ; ��`�."
<br /> . ' Lender's prior written t:�;�a�ent, Lender may. at its oprion. require immediate payment in fiill of all sums secw�ecl by this , �v:
<br /> Security Instrument.Ha�,eu:;�,-r.this option shaU not be exercised by Lender if ex�xse is pra:�ibited by federal law as of the date ,�,,.;
<br /> of this Secudty Instrumc�. �a�;-�
<br /> ' If Lender caercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of accele:.�tion.'i�ie aodce shall provide a period of not �:;�.•
<br /> 4•� less than 30 days from G.he date the notice is dellvered or mailed witfiin which Bornower:�ust pay all sums secw�ed by this �°'�':
<br /> . ' Security Instrument.If B�+rtower fails to pay these sums prior to the expirarion a�'tvs period.Lender mtiy invake any remedies
<br /> permitted by this Secuci�� 7nstrument without further notice or demand on Borrd��:r-
<br /> ig. IIa�ovc¢s s G`t5ght to ReinsWte. If Borrower meets certain conditio�. Botrower shall hava the right to have
<br /> enforcemeat�f this Security instrument djscontinued at any time prior to the�tier af: (.3)5 days(or such other period as
<br /> applicable law may specify for reinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuant us nnf power of sate contained m tlus
<br /> ' • Security Insuvment;or(b)enuy of a judgment enforcing this Security Instnwent.'l�a�e�x,�r9itions are tl�at Borrower.(a)pays Er .,_.
<br /> � Lender alt cums wS�ich then would be due under this Security Instrument and the I�otr.as if no acceleratiah had occurred: (b) �.�
<br /> � cures any default of any other wvenants or agreements: (c)pays all expenses incur�3 in enforcing this Securiry Insdument. �
<br /> • inctading,but not limited to,reasonabte attomeys'fees:nnd(d)takes such action as l.ender may reasonably require to assare
<br /> • that the lien of ihis Security Instrument.Lender's nghts in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by _._
<br /> � th3s Sec�rrity Instrument shall concinue unchanged. Upon reinst1a�m;nthad occurted rHow�ever��is righttto re nsta�shap
<br /> . obligatlons secured hereby shall remain fully effective as�f no acce _
<br /> ant apply in the ca�e of acceleratian under pars�graph 17. .�
<br /> a
<br /> � 19. Sale o!Note; Change of Loan Servicer. The Note ar a partisl interest in the Note (together with this Securiry �;..,.`_
<br /> .. lnsttut►�nt)may be sald one or mom times without prior notice to Borrotiver.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known -
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that eollects raonthly paymenu due under the Note and this Security lnswment.There aisn muy be one �_
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelazed to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan 5en+iser,Borrower wlll be �':_
<br /> givea written notice of the change in aocordance with pamgraph 14 above and applicable law.Ttie notice will state the nmrte and ----.
<br /> addtess of the ne�v Loan Setvicer and the address to whieh payments shoutd be made. The notice will also oontain arty other ��-
<br /> information required by applirable law. G:::�`
<br /> Z0. Hazardons 5n6sWctces. Borrower shall not cause ur permit the presence. use,disposal. storage, or releace of any L_
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone elss to do. anything affe�;tin� the „;,:;
<br /> ____ g�p�y rha� ic in violation of any Envimnmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use,or r*-
<br /> storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generalty recognizeei to be apprupr'ratc iv no�mat
<br /> � residential uses and to m�intenance of the Property.
<br /> � Fo�„aoaa s�so �i,,"
<br /> • �aEn 3 of 4 �_�
<br />_ � � ��.•.+t�.
<br /> . • . ' " : . .�� - . .. ., l , : '' :, � . _ �..�_ �--i—�— '
<br /> .. � . ' ' � . �.� _. _ . .�..
<br /> .. „ • . .... . . � _ �. • . . ... � . �- - . . • .. . - �. .. • . .. .. , v,.r:. . . . .. � . . . ' -- . - . .. .
<br />