.1 �t: rs' iv�- . ,... . . „ , . ., . _ 7 i�l . :
<br /> .�; ` � y , ��: ` . � .... . . .�s ., � ..a�� �5-- � �,.�.��,`__.�:,Y,__„}x%t��-�.�.., �.�_ _ :�u:-�,��..-�.
<br /> .s�� - �
<br /> 'A�
<br /> �,�'"
<br /> �< ' h te, by causin tho acUon or �Srocesding to De --
<br /> Bortower may cure such a dehutt and relnstata. as provldc-�1 in pzsa� 9 *
<br /> ' dlsmfsscd w(th a ruCng thaL In l.enders gaad taiti�detesmnellon.Predudes forleFdtre ef the BortoweYs{nt�est tn tna Prapety or �
<br /> o����ent o}the Hen aeated by thts Sscmfty insirume�rt ar l�ndda seatrfty intrrest Borro'x�r sh�9 e�.so bo In ��
<br /> detawR ii Bortower.during the loan appi�tton proc�ss.g�va matErlal,y talse or inaccurate hstortnatlon or staiemeaU ta Lender(ar r
<br />' �;.-_ {s6� ta �• Lender with eny mut�to7 UdocmaUna) in connecUan with the toan evidenced Cy the tVote. indu�ng. Eut nol �
<br /> Ifrn�ed to. represertaUons conceming Barrawer's oc�+P��Y of the Propetty as a principal restdm�ca. It thl� Sewdiyr
<br /> tnsUument is an a [easehol�, Bor�ower shaD eomply with all the pmvlstons o1 the teasa M Borrower acqalrffs fea Utto to the �,�V�.
<br /> • Property,the texsehold and the fes t�ie shaD not merga untess Lertder agrees to the marg�in wdUn9•
<br /> T. ProleCtlon of Lendear's RigEd9 In the Froparty.it Borrower ta7s to pertorm tho covenents and acyeetnem� �_
<br /> coriffiined in this Secutity InsCUmEnt, or tnere Is a tegal praceeding that may signi9canuY aftect Lender's dghts In the Property __
<br />. � (such es v proceetGng!n banlwpicy.pmbffie,br candannaSon or torieiture or to eniotce laws ar regulatlans),then LendeT maY
<br /> and Lendefa ri gMs in the P7operty. Lender's adlo:�s
<br /> � do v�r►d paY tor whatever is necessary to pretect the v a lue o f t he P r o P�S lr thf:s Secutfty lnstrumant. apAear(ng in �°w'�. PaYh►S �,� '
<br /> - � may tnduGe Pa�in9 a�►Y Sums secuced Ey a �en whRct�has P��Y �
<br /> reasonabls attameys'feas and errtedng on the Property to meice r�aUs.Allhough Lcnder may tako act[nn under thEs ptitagrr�sh
<br /> 7.Lender does rsot have to do so. �
<br /> . :% � Artyr emaur�ts disbursed by Lender :�der purag�uph 7 shali 6�.:p ad�tionai debt of 8ertmver secured by thts 8ecurity --
<br /> up
<br /> .. � Instrument. Un{ess Bcrrower and Len�agree ta a`tker tem�s of�t"":enx thesa emowits shafl bear mterest trom the date of __�
<br /> � disburs�rnent at the Ko:�rate end sS:��a pay�ble,vr?Y?s interest.uAor+notke irom Lc3nder to Boirower reque�tln9 PaUm� ��:
<br /> � 8. Mottg8g8 I:�St:�'3StL'�. !f. L�rr�r regu(rzd r.rortgage tnsurstica as a c�Uon oi maidr�� the toan secured by this -
<br /> Securiiy tnsLumeM.Bartrnvar sh:.2 gay.3Ae premfums requ!red to rtr�..*:�n the mot.�insurance In ef[ect.If.tar eny reason.ihe _
<br /> ' moRa,,aqe a;surance cov�age req::�.'��,:t.ender lapses or ceaszs Ya�a In efteet,Bnrtower shaJ p�the premiums re�u�ed to
<br /> obffiin ec+�era9e substarrtla�/�is's�R Yo tha r�a.�'�e insusasi��rsti:�usly in effed. at a cast s��tsnUaLy equivatent t@ tf.e �—
<br /> cost ta Basrawer ut the mort�ge iasvasice pre��'�J in efter.i, ftam an ettem�e mort�ge insure�aPProved by I.�der• �L• �-
<br /> � substant�y equivalert mortgage insur�ue coverage is not availahle, Bartmver shEl pay to Le�der�ch morith a sum equa�to _=
<br /> one 1weHth of the yea�ly mortgage ins•�a�ce prnmWm being paid�y Bomow�vrh�the tnsurance wv�age tapsES!er ceased to j.
<br />� be in efteet Lender wiY aeeep�use anrl tetaln these paymerrts as a tass�es�re in Gzu of mortgage Insuriutce. 7.css rese�ve _
<br /> ` Payments may na tongw 6e 2quUed,at the option af Lenda.�mcriyage insuranca cov�age M u►e amnurtt and'ter the pertod --
<br />' that Lende►r�quTres) Prov(ded by an(nsttrer apPraved by Lenda again Eecomes ave5abte end is oblaGied. Bo�rawer she5 pay
<br /> .. the premlums requited�mein�mortgage(rtsacance in et►eet. er to prordde a toss reseve.unt7 1he requirertrent tor mortgage -
<br /> man
<br /> insuranee ends tn seard�nae wnh eny w�iUen agreemetrt belweer►Borrower and��sa�er ar app�eehSe lav►. _
<br /> � 9. In8p6Ctt0O.Lar:der or fts apent may meke reasonabfe er�Uies upon�si .r•Spectlons of the Property. O.an�er sha11�e
<br /> Bortawer noiice at the Ume at or prter to an Uupectton apedfytn9 masonahle caUSa f9ar the inspecBon.
<br /> 1a Cond�mnat0on.The�-cc�ads ot eny award or clatm tor damages.�reci or conse4►tenUal.in connectlon w:th any P:-_
<br /> condemnation oi ather tald�g ot ac�g�a��t of ffie Property.or tor comreyanse in Ueu ei condemnatton, ara hereby esstSned end f-'
<br /> shaD be pald W Lendc�
<br /> In tha ev�nt a`, a'Ta�l fa.kL^.� of tfie Property. tha proceeda shall be app9ed ta the sums secur�d by thls Security =-
<br /> � Instrum�t,whether or nax tt�en�s.Nth any excesa pafd to Borrovrer. In the eve�t o}e partial taidng of the Propaly in whtch
<br /> t
<br /> � the taU rtw►kd valus oi tAe Propert,�`cnmedrately b e f ore t he t e k fig i�e q u a i t o o r�e a ter then the amomrt ot tha sums secured
<br /> . by thts SeeurSty InsUument knme�'.ay 6etare the tskfng, unt�s �arrow� and i.ender otherwbe a�ee in wrHinq, the sc.:�+s _
<br /> sucurad by thfs Secuiity(nstrument sheU be reduced by the ams:r.rt�t the pro m�u�et bvafue of the Prap�a4�e��y
<br /> totat amo�mt of the sums seaued tmm�betore the taWn�. Bn�d'ed bY(b) �
<br /> ' betare U►a ta1N�g.ftny baiance shsp be pald to Bqrrow�r.In tha event of e Pat�tz�dn9 of the Rapaty in whkh ths tilr market __
<br /> vakte of Me Property Unmed�teh►hetore the taking ts tess than the amaunt of tha sums sea�ed 6nmed�tely 6etore 4he tatdng, '.
<br /> �r�.. un[ess Borrowx and Lmder othe:���lsa agrea in v�riting or urst�s app8cetsie law otheswise rc�uidee. tho proceeda shaH be �`
<br /> . applied to tha s�ms secured by thts&ecurfry Inslntmenl whelh�o'r not the sums are then�e
<br /> B the Prop�ty ts ebsndcned ny Boaower, or H,after noUce by Lender to Borsower thal ffie �ndemnor afters to make an �
<br /> award or satlle a ciaim tor damages. 8ortower tafb to r�pond to I.enQer wfthin SO da11s aRer tho date the not;ce ts given�
<br /> � .Lendsr ts authortzed to coflect end apAlY tha proeeeds.et its opsbn. either to restotaUon or repa9 of the Pt�ariy w to the
<br /> sums sacua3d by thts Seatrity tnstrumeat,whetha a'not then cAta
<br /> Uniess Lenda and Borrower otherwtse agae k� writin9. a�'•1 APP�� of proceeds to prindpal sha8 not �¢end or
<br /> � •- postpone the due date of tRe mortthry payments r�YeReO to tn P�'���1�d 2 or chang�the emount o9 auch payrt�e�ls-
<br /> 11.Borrow�r Not Roloasott; �orbearance By ts:r�ae�ta�o W�iver.E�aenalon ot the th�e ta payrr,err:'sv °
<br /> . mad'i6ritlon of arwrtlrAbio+�ot the sums seaired ls�thts Securiiy InsUvment�antod 4y Lendx to any auceess� H int�st ot a.
<br /> Bor�ower ehaY not c�sfta to rf�ease the AabIDty oY�s orlgk�ei Bortow�or Bar.-�rer'a sucxeesms tn htaeat 6ac:der�at�D Qot °
<br /> be requtred to comrrtence pmceedNQs agoV�st any sucoessor in 4Maesi ar c�t�se to extend tJme ta p�ym�il'or otharyvh,�a =
<br /> , . mo�tp amofdz�on ot tho aums sscured by thts Security Instr�m:er:Y bY reason o1 arry d�.mand made by ths atf�In�i 8orrow�r crr
<br /> . . � Bonawa►m auccessore tn tr�teresl. My fotbearmc� by lertder Na�cerdsing ory dSht or remedy�haY not be a walvar o9 or
<br /> � prec(ude the e�cerdse o1 any dght a�nedY.
<br /> � 92. Succ�ssore and A�Igns Bound; Jotnt and S�varaf Lt��6t4�i: Co-slSn�ro•�t'n�. ca"�s °"d
<br /> a�eernenb ot this Seeuriiy Instrument shaY bind srnc0 f�enefit the successors end aast�s at LenQer and Bair�s�r.subJact to the
<br /> provtsiona o1 paragraph 17. Bormwer's covenatrta mnd egte�:e:�ahaY be Joini and Eeueral. My Borrae►er'r+fio castgns this
<br /> " Securi:y InsUUment but does noi exea,'•e the Nole: (a}ts ca-:tr�.acr�this Securfty Instrumeart onty to mortggg�,grant and convey
<br />':i':. �.� .w-.-
<br /> � that Bortaxec's kd�est in the Prope'.y under tha t�.s e!�.,a�cuary mstruma� (b) is no1 pe�sonaYy oE4g�ted.to pay the
<br /> � sutne secured�Dy thls 3ecurily Instrument� end ?:a�es that L�nder and any other 8otraxer may apree W mdet►�,mody.
<br /> • torbe�r or m�ke any��ommodaUons wlth�ec,y�cm vd 1^�a terms of thia Security Inswment or the Note wlthout that BorrowePs
<br />;:;;;��;`���I ��t� �oa� char�ea i� u+s roan se«,r�e ey mi� Se��rHY Instrument Is suDject to a law whkh�sei9 rtwximum tan
<br /> �.,',�:. ' chargc�s,and that(aw ls finaQy i�.e-yra'.sd so thaS the Inte� or ather loan cherga�co�eete�ar to be caqected In connect)m
<br />•';��:., � witb the loan exceed the pertNtted�lmi:a,thon: (a)a1ry such 3xam chergo aAaA be reduced by 2,a emount neceswy to redn:�
<br /> �� � the charge to the pertnEtted Iimth rr.�{b)any svr.�s eUesdY a�aected Nom Bonower which exceeded pemitted&NGs wrB�
<br /> • retLnded to Barrmxrr.Wtder may ch�so to F�a7ca�Ats refund by redudr►g the pdncl�sl awstt und2t ths"Zc�or by m!krtig a
<br /> �,, ,� dkect payttttnl to C3�rawer. If a retund reduc� grindpal, L•`.3 reduadon vrID be treated as a parN.�J pr'��.C✓a�nt w1lhout eny -
<br /> ,,;q:r:.� preDeyment•charge unQer the Ncta
<br /> ,...+ 8c�.Q1lOIIC89.My notica ta Exriower provided 1or in 4'.is ymcurlty InaUumer►t shaU bo ghren by d�frn.'f,ng ft or by�r.�nD 6t
<br /> '1'�'�"±' ,� by Pr.�eJeaa maif uniess eppCe�,�'�'nr requires use ot snc:4:c-�cnethod The notice ahaY Do Qr.�ected to Ne Property A��L¢ss
<br />.?..,._
<br /> '`� or erry other address 6anovrer G�'.gnates by nc�aa to LenCer. Any noUce to L�der shafl 6e gtven by first cfass me(1 to
<br /> . Ler;GeyB aa6rosy s�±:� hereU� er eny other aC� Lender designates by noUce to Borrower. My na�.�provided for tn ihis
<br /> Qec4sity insWmerrt s:`.�,7 ba deerr.ed to have been�'.v£r►to Bomow�or Lender when gtven as provlded e�tt.is G�sr�9►�Ah• _
<br /> ... 98. �ovoming Law: ��rabllity.This Security trt�vmerrt shsA Co govemed by federal law end the lsw of tho
<br /> . JurlsdicUon in which the PropeRy a toeated. in the event t2�.W�y provlsion or clause o1 this Security Instrument o►the Note
<br /> eenflicts with appfleab�e taw,such confUct sfia�not aHect otAer pravlslons of this 3ecurity Instrumertt or the(Vote which can be
<br /> � , given e(fect wfthadl the cont�cting provision.Ta this end the provisiona ot thls Security Instrummt end tho Note ere dedared to
<br /> • be severable.
<br /> 16.BOIaoWAI'S COjiy. BoROwer shall be fltven one contortned capy oi tho Note end ot thts Secudty InstrumenL
<br /> .. . __�.a� ///JJJ�i /ltCi ��E:(/!_/ .
<br /> � F131S.LM0(3155) �""s`'-' - ��( •�`T�
<br /> . � � l��
<br /> Consumcr
<br /> ; . .. ' , .. ' .., . , • . ` ' ', • � --
<br /> • .�. _ . ... � ' .. ' ... . . . . . .�� . .. . - . � .. , . . i" .,.t. . t. � . . � - . . _ .,. . � . _ � . ..
<br />