, _ F . . 1, . . . . .. � ;;, . . ,.�y,',n5�, �. ";�tT��'in ,,.V f ,' , `�t:—x�`": '.;
<br /> 4 tf',� • �7 �..
<br /> ——�-'�-Nri•= y ._�.L�r)..Ad-,��•1�.1Y.�. L' _ _......._.1.�.r ��£..
<br /> �=—.
<br /> T0f3�TFiFA WiTM a➢the tmprorremerts now ar hertaRer erccte8 on the PrapertY• nnd aU easement�, ctippurtenences. snd �,"`�;�
<br /> ' tixtuses 7ati�or heresfter a pmt o?the�raDerty.A9 reptac�nts and addrttoas sha3 atso be oovered by thla Securi'ty tnsUUrn�t .� ,�:-:
<br /> A1 01 tfls teregalnp ts cetemd W In tRls 3ecudty tr�sRumes�t as tho'Proni�S►•� ":;..�
<br /> BOARdYYER COUENANT9 tha4 Borrowx ts law�u:�► satzed of sha e.wta2e heneEy conrayred and kas tne rfqht to grant and =�_
<br /> j . comey tRa Propety and tAat the Proyerty la uneneumbared, except for enaimbrance� ot reeord. Borrowar warrants and w�➢ �;�.a=__-:
<br />. - �la;►d���;!Rs i�to ttr Frc�3y��rt_o�..uns�sd d�n�s.n�ihj�ct�pny mcr�r.branc�s o!retxr�l, -��-'
<br /> THi3 SECUAiIY INS'TRIJIVlENT comb�es anKocm covenants for nntfanal use end nanrmlfarm wvensnts with M�fted :x}
<br />. verlations by Jurt�d'cNan ta eanst�io a unUorm sseurily lnsfru�nsnt covettr�9�PraP=�Y• ,--�4�'
<br /> • UNIFpRM CGVEDtAM3. Bortowcr and lenrler cav�ent and egrEe as to�ows: , "
<br /> 1.�syrriQn4 of�rindpal ane! lRt�ras� Pn�aymon4 and L[te Chug�a enrrower anr�aro��r v��� �'^"x,.
<br />. ` � dus tfle prtncipaf ot nnd Intarest on tfis ds+Et avtdtneed by the Note and any pre�aymerrt end L�to charges due under tAo Nate. :
<br /> ppp///��� 2. FiiTids 1�Y Tax�3 attd ItlsuiittC�.S1��eet to ap,pQt�ble law or to e writtm waiver by Lender.8orrow�s4raJ pay :�;y,.
<br /> � to Lsnder on the day mordhty payments are due under the Note, un*�thn fVote b pald !n tu9, a sum('Funds')for. (a)yearly :
<br /> �,, tnx�.n and s���is s�hkh msy etfa!si �r ove this Securiiy Instr�ameni es a�en on tlis PraP� @2 Yearfy Ioaseh4ld t� �
<br /> � � paymEnts or�ound�enb on the Ptoperiy.(4 any, (c)YeatfY hazecd or properiy insuranae prentuens: (�YeartY ttood insurance �=. ,;
<br /> �`:` premiums.H any, (e)year.y moRgage inauranee premums.if any,and(�e�/sums payabie by SomovrEr to Lender in utxotd�nce
<br /> cxor a
<br /> � witfi tha ptovistans of para�eph 8, in Qeu oi tha payment of martgage insurance pr�niutns. These Items ere catted 'Esvow �v;.:'�`
<br /> (tern3.' La�de►rr�ay, at eny t1ne, collect end hotd Funds{n an amourtt not to exceed the rnexlmum amaunt a tender tor a E�-
<br /> � —
<br />- � tedera8y reiafed martgag�Ioan may require tar Borrower's esaow acoount uridea the ted�l Reai Est�te Settt�'nent Frocedures —__
<br /> . (� Act o11974 as amea�ded tmm tmn to tlme.12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq. ('RESPA'l, untess anatha► �w ffiat appfies to tP►e Funds �•___
<br /> � s� a lesses emourrt. tt so, Lan+lec may,at a►ry tkne, ca9ect and hold Furtds in an emaunt not to aceaed tho fessEr anwunt.
<br /> . t�der mfy estYnate the amuuni o!Fund��e on the toa3ls o}outrent d�ta end �sanabta estimates ot expc-ndwres al tuture �-t��J'�,-:
<br /> Esrraw Rems oi othervt(se M 8L•COrdaACe v�ith epp�hla tavr. --
<br /> Tha Funds st►a7 tre he;d in an institutlon whnse depostts era insurad by e f�°ral ag�ayr,tnstrumenta6ry,or entity(tndudng F
<br /> . lendd.ff Lenda ts sssch an Ins�Itutlon) ar fn any Fedesal Home Loan Bank tender sAail appty the Funbs to pay tho Escrow t " �
<br /> Tt�ns.LFndes may not cfiarge 8ommer tar hatd�hg end appiytng the Funda,snnuaky ana4ytiny the escrow auoun�or v�rtg ---
<br /> � the Escrow Items, uniess Lesd� pays Boaower Grterest on the Funds and ap�Lcabte taw permits Lender to m�tce such e �.-�•
<br /> chazga Howerer, i.�d�may r�quUe Bamawer to pay a one�lms charge tor en indeAendsrt reet estate t�uc r�orUng service �-
<br /> used by lender tn connectlon wRh thts loan, untess app9cabte law provJdes otherwts� lfnlas an agnee�nent ta ma8a a
<br /> app9cabta law raq�+aes i�tere,st to be patd, Lsnd�sheU not be requ4ed to pay Borcower eny trrtere.st ar mmirtgs on the Funds. �
<br /> Barrow�and f.�nder may agree tn writlng,howe�r�,thad Urtaest shaA be paid on the Funds. lender sNafl QN�to Bomawer, ---
<br /> , vrfthout charg� tu� snnus�t¢s:co+mt{�sg_o!Ma Funds,showing aetLts and debfts to tfie Funda and the pu�ose ior which each
<br /> tu�
<br /> debtt to tha Fuq►ds was ma�la. Tha Funds aro p[edged as nddi9onal security far eU aums seu�ued by the 3er,urfty(nstrument �s�'
<br /> , fl tha Funds lrzid by Leres�s axceed the amounts perrt�tted to be heid bY aAAW�ble faw.Lend�shaH sccount to Bortower _�_....
<br /> • tor the Pxces9 Funds in ac�ice w3th ffie requ4rements of app4cebte taw.N the amourtt of the Funds hetd 6y Lend2r at arry
<br /> Ume is�rot suf8dent to pay the Esrrow ttems when due, L�der mey so notHy�ortow�in writing,end t�such ease 8orrow�
<br /> ahaU pay to Lender tAo emnunt nececsary to rtake up the detletenc.y. Borrawer aha0 m�ce up the det(dmcy in rto mooe than ��j
<br /> twelve marrthty paym�►ts,at Lend�r's sole dtseretion.
<br /> tipon paymer�t tn fufl of aA sums securad by this Securfly fnstrument, lender shaU Rrompty rc�ur�d.�Bortower atry Funda _-�`_r-�_���
<br /> h.r.td by lend�. H.under ps�gapfi 21, Lender sha9 aeqailre or se0 the Frope�ty. i.ender, pdor to the�utsittcn or sale o!the �-
<br /> � " �apezly,shaA eppfy any E�ds fietd by Lend�at the flrns ot acquG,tUon or safe as Q csedJ agafnst the sums se�ured hy tflU t-'-'':
<br /> wws,,,_
<br /> �.,. .ss,c�►msm,�,t. � �CN��:��
<br /> • 3. �p�iC�ilon Ot �itylTloilt9. Unless appiicabio Mv provldEC otharwtse, r311�payments [ea�JveO hy LenQer-undsr --
<br /> para�raphs t amd��alwa be appBed: first,to arry prepaymgnt cherges�e undsr the P[ate;second,to�.*nwnts payab(0 unde► _
<br /> D'as���'Ctjird.84 tYterest due•.tourtt►.to pr�rlpal due;and last,to any tate cttarges due under tha M�. �==.-:
<br /> � �. C'hAr�B�l; UOns. Borrawer siiaD pay � muos. aaaessmema. d�arges,ftnes.and knpositlons altr�ubbie to the
<br /> � PropzRy v�f►tcb mry ettain pr(oift�l mrer thT9 Securfry InsUume�tt,end feasehnld paymetds vY{yaund rents.tt any. Borrower shaY `� `
<br /> pay these obit�[ttans irt the manner provMc9 In psra�apfi 2,w 8 not paid in that ma�met Botct�war sheD pay tfie�n on ti�
<br /> ` .� &eoUy to tha person o�ved paymerst Borro��er,shafl prompUy Tumfsh to Lender all natices of amounb to be patsl unda Ws —
<br /> = .1 parsgaph. It SomYx� re�kas these paympnts dltor.il}r, Bomower shaB prott�ptty fumfsA to Lender tecefpts e+ridendng Ne
<br /> �•:
<br /> ,: �. D�Yments• .
<br /> _ Barowet anaA prompty d'ischarge eny lien whlch has prbrfly over thts 8ecurlty InsLUment untess Borrawa: (e)a�ees in _
<br />'�„��r wrfUng to the payment ot the obfl4ation secured by the Uen in a metmer acceptabie W Lattder; (b� centests in good ta`th tho ��
<br /> Han by,o�defa�ifs ayakist enforcener►i o1 the Oen fn, la�al procsed�qa whicb iz the t+apder's ept��an op:r�ta to prcron4 tt�a �__—
<br /> � " enforeement of the Gen;or(o)securea irom the Rolder c�the Ben sn a�eement satlsfac.ary to Lender aubordinating the ien to �=�:.•.:
<br /> .,...�; thts Sxurfc�Usstrumr�t li Lander detem�nes tt,at any part ot the Pcop�r ts subject to a Uen which may�Lin prbcily aver lhis �';
<br /> •• . 1. Secu�r Instn.m�rr�t, lender rt�ay phra 8ormwR a notice identNyMg tha Qen.Qortower sha@ satl�ty tbe aen or taka one er moro ot . ��:
<br /> ' : E the acUona ad ta�tSn above wRhin 10 daye oi the gNtng ot n�tice. __
<br /> �. H7r.Ard or R�op�tty InsuraQtc�.BorroweQ sraru�ke�the trnprov�nerets cr�r�e�dsttny or hereatte►era;ted cn the .�_�.:
<br />,�., '.i RoPerg►tr�sured ugafnst loas by tUe, hanards tncfuded wP°',�► the le�m'extended cov�s•and any o�ihe►hazarda. tsnTct�ng �,.-
<br /> � • , floods or ftoo�ng,tor whkh Lender requfres tnsunnce. This Insurance sha11 bo m�htai�s�In the amounte ar►d tor the pettoda _,�,
<br /> � � that Lender rmquke�. The k�surancs cartia provi�np the tr�svrance shal be chosen by BarrcBer subject to L�nder'e approi�l �
<br /> ... � vfi{ch sfiW not 6e unreasnnaby wkhhetd. If Borrower taOs to mslnttin covaaqe descrtb¢d ebovo, Lender rtny,at lende►'s
<br /> . optton,obfatn covaraga to pratect Lendefs dglrta in the Property in accordrnce wlth p�n�l�7•
<br /> �•� � At k�suruics po9des and rertexala sh�i! be�ccepL�s to Lender and shafl induda s standud moRgage dausa,S�er ����''�
<br /> � ;_ sheH have tho rigfit to ho(d t�p poGde3 and renewals. If!anQer requtres, 8orrower sh�D prompty gtve to lender a9 rex�i�is o1
<br /> ,,, :';. paid premiumo and Cenewal noifaes. In the event of loss.F�mrower shaR give prompt noUce to tha insuranca earNer and Lender. �,'•;
<br /> . •� Lenda may m+ace prao4 af fosa H not rrade Dromplly►by Bor►ower.
<br /> •�•,` ltnleaa Lr►*��i and Borrower othe�wtse a�ee In writt�g.(nsurance proceeds stw8 be a,pp9ad to restoratton or repaU o4 the
<br /> Prope►ty Cur.�ot6 H the restaaUon or repair la eaonomfca¢y teas�le and lflnQe�'s securfry Is not lessened.Ff•the restonUon or ��
<br /> _ � y, rapntr b not�zmtcaLy tees�ta or lendds security waud ba leasened,the insurance proceads sflat be�ppYed to the sums �`
<br /> , �zc!Cy t'cs`3ecurtty tnstrumenf,whether or not then sh+e, v/th any excetsa pald to.8otrower. If Bonower�.dans the ��"�
<br /> � �a�riy,cr dces�ot answet wfth(n SO days a naUce itom Lender that tha hsurance eartlor has oHered to setlte a ci�hn.then ��1
<br /> Lend�r msj �ifact the hsurmce procee�. Lend�r may use the procoeds to ropair a restore the Properly or to pay sums
<br /> �` secured Dy tislm Sssu�ly tnstrumenL whet°.+�arr nol tAen due. The SD-day pdiod w1B begin when the aoUog to gtven.
<br /> S Untess l�at�r and Boaower otha►w�sa agea In wiSUr+g, any appltcaUon ot proceed� to pttnotpnt shali not o�dertd or `�
<br /> �' �} poatpane t.".e:nrg dam ot�:e rr�onthty psyineeris reterrea ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 or aheng�the•amoartt of the paymenta. It °` '
<br /> .. us�er psra�"c 21 the Pra{�j fs acqufred by Lender, Saaovier's dgM to eny insmar�ca popcie9 and proceeds resutUng irom '—°--
<br /> � frc�.age to t°e Prapary F:`�n ao the ac�isftlon shall para to Lender to tha axtent af !he suma by this Securfty Enspument °"�`
<br /> , t.�c�ediaieiy Gr.'cs t�t�e acquisition. �•
<br /> � 8. Q��spstncy, Preservatlore. f:`.�3ntEanence end PwtacUan of tho Propee�y; 8orraVVePs Loan " �
<br /> . Appfle�tlon; Leasoholda eorrower s��,B ecwpy, esteblish, end use the Pro�erty es Bonower's princlpal residenca wfthin �
<br /> �'�y days after the execWon of thia Securiry Instrumer�l and sha0 contlnue to accupy the Property as Bortavrcr's pdncipa! �` --
<br /> �.•sidence tor at least one year after the date ot oc�upartcy, untesa Lender othemise agrees In wrfUng,which con�a�!shail�ot
<br /> :.e unreasonabiy withheld,or un►ess extenuaUnfl d�umstances extst which ere beyond Borrower's contral. Borrativer sfiaU not
<br /> destroy,dartiage or(mpalr the Propertyr,ellow the Properiy to detedotate,or commit waste on the PropeRy.Borrower sAaH be In �:
<br /> , defwk H arry tortefture actlon or pracesdtng, whether ctvil or crfmtnal,is begun thal In Lender's gaod tatth Judgment coutd resufl
<br /> � in torteiture o4 the Rroperty or o4herwise mstertaAy impair tho Ilen aeated by thi»Secudty Instrument or LenQer's secudty interest
<br /> �.
<br /> � �
<br />" _' F1316.LN�(3/96) Puae 2 of 5 � /�:S[..1� ��
<br /> � �
<br /> y3j_y
<br /> �,�
<br /> _ � '
<br />- Consumcr
<br /> ��
<br /> t . . .„ . � . � , . . - �` •'r • _ •. � . . .
<br /> s . ' - .b . - • � . � - ' - � � � � ..I.• r. • �,�.:1 .
<br /> . _ . �.:
<br /> .. .. .. . . . . . . � � . . - .. � . .. -�:��.. ' ' - ..�. . . yf J' . . . _ , .. �� _ _ . � ' .�__ ._ .
<br />