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^.... ,M.., l.: y •. •:r�+' � 1..� :tiT�•� ''j�:;1W51. y•i.eri�:.;-°'�--___ <br /> : >:"- ----- <br /> , _ .. .�' ��_....--- <br /> a`��p��`t. ��+! ,� �'� �� _..:�:.-��— <br /> „ . <br /> � . <br /> ., i�r<i� � .. . . . .., <br /> ..... .� ..--� <br /> . �—'_ . � :"5.�.._i�.� -i� . <br /> ._� ---• <br /> . ._ . - _ ______ � -, <br /> - - � . .. . --- -� <br /> y� '-:-_= _. . . ._.,....____�.. -- ---- <br /> d., • _...._ .... --- - - <br /> f77� _ �.....-..—�, ++1 <br /> � <br /> .- +_+_ . - . _i ��...._._ �. .- �_ <br /> . • .frn� �+��'wa.. �� � ._._ ___. . -__ <br /> ° - � :x,u �. i�"" .. _ <br /> ,�� ,�_�;.�,,,.y �: � ` ._ <br /> ���.�� � 92 iuisli �� <br /> ���i K l/.'R�• ---�-•--•' <br /> �-=='��=�'�� perfaiw�hat l.cndcr reyuirc�+. llk'io�uruncc cunic�providing�hc in�uruncc+hall t+c cM�un by ei�rcowrr tiuMjrci w l.endcr� _ <br /> _ �-_=4- <br /> ��� upprovul which xhull not hc unn�i+onubly withhcld. It'Bor���wcr fuil�tu mufntuin covcrugc de�crilnJ alwwe,l.ender muy,ot <br /> �� . ���..+...: •, ' ':�"�`.' LenderR aption.nhluio coveruge to protec�l.en�kr:rigb�y in�he Pn,peny in urcurdunce wilh pvrugruph 7. <br /> '' � ' All iosuruncc policic.wiJ rcucwul��hull in ucrrptuhlc�u Lrndcr und ahull in�ludc u.tundurJ mortguge cluu.c. Lcrnkr �-.- <br /> - � • shall bavc�hc rigbt tu hold�hc p,licic,unJ rcncwul,. !f Lcrulcr�cyuire�. B��rr.�wcr.hall prumpdy�ivc Iu LenJ�r ull rccr iMti . <br /> ;. �i'r:''�!.`�� "' • ���'Y':.., <br /> n �' �. uf puid premiumx and rcnewul notice+. In t hc even l��f loss,B u rto w e r w h a ll�ive prom pt ootice to�he inruruncr ewrier suK1 �_— <br /> '-•'� •" l.en�k c Lencicr muy mokc pnwf uf lo�.if nut mudc prumplly by Burmwer, � -- - <br /> ��=�-��� Uolesti Lencler and B��rcuwer othenvi�ugrec in wri�ing.intiumnce pnx:rrd�,hull tx upplied iu r�+luratiun ur rcpui r uf �-s - - <br /> ° � :�� 'Y•.;.�;:� ,.,- <br /> "�':_.._ the Propeny dumugeJ, if Ihe restorutian or repair i. economicully 1'ea.ible and Lender; �ecuriry i� nut Ic�.ened. If' ihr -=_= �Y <br /> `",: �Y:'���*``�-'. n+�arutiun or repair iy nu�cc�►namirally fcusiblc or Lcndrr:+ecurity w�wld be Ic.KneJ.�hc in�urunce prixeed. ,hull b�: <br /> ,..,r.«- <br /> a?�-•- '��'°• upplied ta Ihe wum. u:curcd by ihi,Sccurity Intitrumenl. whether ar nnt ihen dur,with uny exces� puiJ la sarcuwer. If ;v��4_ <br />-°—`— �� � goRnwcr abundonw thc Proprny, or d�x.r nut un�wer wi�hin 3l�duy+n naticc fn�m Lrnik� �hut thc in.urunce currier hati a�zsr�___ <br />�� '� " '�,.;+:.r. ofTercd to++etUe a cluim.�hen Lendcr muy collec�thc in+urunce prn�ced+. LrnJer muy u.c�hc paxecJs�o rcp•rir�►r re+ture .���, <br />�="' _ _ .. the PropcAy or lo puy sum�u:cured by�hi�Sccuri�y Ins�niment,whether or n��t thrn Jue. The 31 Wuy�ri�xl will he�tin when �'?-.__-__ <br />�",' � . thc naticc is givcn. �Fy�� <br /> i9a_TIn:N���� <br /> �� Unless l.endcr and Borrowrr utherwi+e ugree in writing,uny sipplicuiion of p�ceJti w principal �hull na�rxlend or �.�,1.y <br />:.. ,. <br /> _ - y,,,;.�:;e;,�.,,: .,. por�p�mr the due dute of�hc nwnthly paymcrn.rcfermd to in parugruph. I and 2 or rhimgc the um��un�uf�he payments. Il' �v:�_� <br />�►���• � ° � .. under purugruph?I the Prupeqy i�ucquired hy LenJcr. Bormwerti righ�tu nny i�ixurancc Fwlicirs anJ prcx:eeda reaulting �a <br /> .'� - ^�,:�.:-�..- <br /> ' �, ' from Jumuge to thr Pruperty prN►r to�he ucyuisuion tihull puss Io Lender to the exlent c�f�he+um+�ecumJ hy 1hi,Securiry �.�,;:;,., <br />���' � Inslniment immcdiulely prwr ta ihe ucyuisi�ion. ~ <br /> ,-•.7. . � '.'i,Sc;•�'• <br /> 6. lkcupancy. Preservalfun, MAintenance nnd Protectbn of the Property: Borrower s I.oan Applicwtion: �.,��•�.;' <br />; � �' I.easehulda. Bunower tihull cxcupy,e�tublish,and we U�e Propeny a�BoRnwer's principul re�idence within sixly duys s�fter " - , _ <br />��' - ��' '- �' �he execution uf�bi+Securiiy In.trument and+hull cominur to occupy�he Praperty a+ BoRUwer:principul residence fnr ut ';�'���, 4_ <br /> �. i� 4 I � � ':� <br /> . lea,t one yeur utier the dute ot' uccupuncy, unle�s Lerxler �therwise ugrees in writing, whirh rnn�ent shall not be ">�,.: <br /> ' ^ unreuwnubly withhelJ,or unle.s extenuu�ing cirrum+timcrs exi+t which urc heyimd Borr��wrri control. Borrowe�.hull nut . ;.�' <br /> . � . " �,��. de�lroy,damu�te or impuir the Pro�xny.aUow tlic Pn�peny to Jeterioratc,or c�Hnmi�wu+le im the 1'rnFxny. Burruwer�hull , .: _ <br /> � be in default it'wry forfcilure uc�iun or prckerding.wlx:ther civil or criminul, is brgun thu�in Lenderti gaxl fai�h judFrnent ��.r•�.< <br /> ° � ' rnuld resuU in forteitu� of �he Pro�xny or ��thenviu matcriully impuir thc lien createJ by thi. Sccuriry In+trumrnt or '- '�'iu:-•__ <br /> � '' Lendrr+Kcuriry interc+�. Borrower muy run�+uch a defuuU and rein+tutc.u.pmvideJ i�i puru@ruph IS,by cuu+ing the urtion — <br /> ��:���. <br /> i � � � ' ar praceeJing�c►t�e Ji+mi,.ed wi�h u ruling thut,in LenJer's�axl fuilh�clude�iu�(ei�ure of the BuROwer's :l � _ <br /> �_:•;.a�;. �° imcrctit in Ihe Pro(xNy o�o�her mutc�iul impuirment of tl� lirn rrcutcd by ihi� Scruriry In�trwnent or l.cndrr's +rrurity �,' . �-. u <br />� ' ' inlcre+�. Barn�wcr shull ul,o Ix in defuul� ii' Borrowcr, during thr loan upplicu�ian prcxc.�. �uvc mutcriully (altic ur �,,,,-�-� ..� <br /> � inuccurute intiirmution or stutcment+to LeaJcr�ur fuilcJ to provide L.en�lcr with uny mu�rriul inti►rmutionl in cunneruon with s":.'"..':.:. <br /> .V_ ._,.,- <br />�_-. ' �.�;� . the Inun evidrnceJ hy the No�e, including. But mn limited to. rrprc.enlut ions conceminK Sorrnwrr; �xcupancy ot'Ihe •Y-•.�, <br /> p1.4 <br /> , :�_,,,;�;6s pmpeAy u.u principul re,idence. if�his Securiry in,lruwcui i..m a I�arihold.Rnrrrneer•.h:e!!rcn:lply with{t!!1h!`(+mvi�inn� �F�..--•:'�,_. <br /> ` of Ihe lea,e. If Bnrmwer ucyuires i'ec titic to�hr ProExny.�he Ieukhuld und�hc fee tide .hull�x�t mrrge unlers Lender u�recs �:�r�-�-,_ <br /> ;.`'•`.�`:` .' to ihc mcrgcr in writing. �i:--`"A` <br /> • "� � . 7. P ro t e c l b n o P I.e n d e r'ti R i g h l s i n I h e P r o p e r t y. I t'B o r r o w�r 1'u i l. to p e r ti�mi �hr ri►venun�� and u grcem�rt� �:,��;�,��,:' <br /> . ' ° _ ' contuined in thi. Sccurity In+�rumrn�, ur thcrc i. u Icgal prixceJing thut muy signiticuntly affect Lcixler: right, in iix: ��•.. <br /> • , .;`.�:.. �:�,- <br /> �.�:` . • •: Proprrty Isurh u,a pr�xerdin�in hemkruplry.prnhulc.tiir c�mdrmnulion ix tiiriciturc or�o rnliircr luw.or rcEuluti�iml. Ihan r�,�_ <br /> �• .' � l.ender moy Jo unJ puy tirr whutrvrr i,nece+,ury tu prolrrl Ihc v:due ul'thr Pn��xny und Lrndcr:righ�s in thr F'roFxrty. ' <br /> Lend�r;uc�ion+muy inrludr p•ryinE uny+um..ecureJ by u licn��•hirh ha,rrioriry ovcr�hi.Serurity In.truntenL u�xanng ���,, <br /> . ° in court.paying rca,onublc uui�mry,'Icc,anJ rntrring i,n Ihe I'r��rem• lo mukc rrpuir,. Althuu�:h Lender may Iu{�e ae:tiun �-`:«�_. <br />, , ' . . ;,:�: undcr�his puru�eruph 7.Lender Jur+n�ri huvc io Ju.u. - -_ <br /> , Any umoun�� Ji�hur+eJ hy Lendcr under thi, purugn�ph 7.hull hrcamr nJdiliunul d�bt ot' Borrowcr scrurcd by thi� �;�. . <br /> • Securiry In,trument. Unk.+Borruwrr:md Lcnd�r ugrcr io wher irnn,ut'puynxnt.lhctic umuunts xhall Ixar intrRtit Gurnthr <br /> •� dulc of Jitibur.emrnt •r� thr N��tr nur und.rhull he puyuble. wi�h in�erc+t.u�xin nolkc I'n�m Lrndcr to Brnrowar reyuc,lin� �;j��_ <br /> � :,`;:•, .. , puy�mnt. '�`°= <br /> � :��� � S. Mortgaue Insurunce. If Lrndrr rc��uired mungu�� in,uruncc a. a rundiiion of making th� luan ticrureJ by thi� <br /> :�.v- __ <br /> �.., :._:;:.., <br />. � '�,A,.,,•;��� ' � '; :, Security Inx�rumrnt. Burrowcr.h:ill pay thc prrmium+ rcyuirrd u� mainlain Ux m�x�tgi�ge in+ura�nrr in effrrt. If,fur uny , <br /> •� � � , � reasat. tlie mongugc in.uruixe cuvera�!c rcquircd h� L�ndcr la�zeti ur r�a,c, tu hc io rl'tcrt. Rorruwcr .hull pay Ihr :�.:;��_" <br /> � � • . prcmium+ requimd to iihtuin ruvrra�:c ,ub,tuntiully cyui�•ulcm lu Ihr nwrigogr in.ura�xc in rlTcrt. al a c��,t .. <br /> � • ?'�,"',�� . �ub�tuntially cyuiv:drnt lo�hc ru.l to Rorruw•rr ul Ilx�nwrtga�c in,ur.�nce�xrvi��u+ly in eftcrl.1'rom an:dtrmatr nH►ng;i�:e <br />� ' �.,; .. <br /> , ' ;t,'.:,i in.urcr uppnweJ by I.rnd�r. If wh��an�ialh•cyuiv:drm muitgu�:r inwra�xc r���•.r:igc i,noi a�•ailahlc.Bort�iwrr.hull pu}�tu - <br /> • '�� Lcndrr curh m�m�h cyual ta onr-n�•rllth ut'thr yrurly mangugr in,urunr¢prcmium hcing p:iid hy B��rrowcr xhrn Ihr " � •. <br /> imurunce cuvcruge lup.rd ur rra�rd iu Ix in eftect. Lender���ill:Krr�.u,e:�nd rrtain tlir•c pa�n�rnt.:��a lu.,�•e in li�u 5-.�::_ <br /> �•� „ • •rv• m�nl, nuiv na lun�rr Ix m uircJ. :u I hr upti�m u f l.�n drr. i f m u h g u gc i n,u runcr �'�-�';;;,._: <br /> � �r,;....,�.: uf m�ingu�� m,urvnrr. l.u�,rc.� � pay . F� 4 "`,�r,_ <br /> '. �, covcragc Un thr umuunt und tiir Ih��xriud�ha� l.rndcr rcyuirr,l pru�•idcJ b� an in�urrr;ip��ra��rd B� L�nJcr agsiin Ikcawir+ <br /> . , ' ' +rvuiluMc and i�i�Main.:d.Bonnwrr,hall pay�he prrmiwn.r.�yuircil la ntuiutuin�:�onga�r in.ur:uicr in rltcrt.ur 1u pnwidc a � . <br /> _ lutis rcurve,unlil�hc rr��uirrnrcnt ti�r mung�i�c in.ur:uu�rnd. in i�rronlancr aith�m� ��nitrn agnemrnl Ixt��•ern Bnrruwer �Y . <br /> • ° ' und LrnJrr ur applicaMlr lu��. , <br /> 9. InKprclion. L�ndcr ur �I�a�rnl m;�} mal.e rca.nnahlr rnlrir. up�•�i an�l io.�xruon.ul Ilie{'r���xny. l.rnJer •h:dl � <br /> . . givr Harrowrr nutirr:u Ihr tim.ul ur��nar lu un m.�xruun.�x��•il�ing rca,u�tahk rau.�li,r Ihi in.�x•cliun. ; <br /> � IU. ('ondemnation. �I'hr��r�kccd,ul any:���urd ui rl:um lu� J:wia�...dirc�•i ur r�,n.ryu.� connrrtiun��ith am I <br /> �-�i 1'�. SmFlr I•:und) Fumdr�Wc Fnddk•11uc t\IFI1R�1 1\�'f Nl�I6:\I 1 nd�.�m l 4•YII ip��cr +��1 n���eru � <br /> . . ' � �a��.��la��� � • <br /> lu�w�M��.dl I IuNF51u•1.1!A1 I FA\wlb�7•�I�1111 �,� <br /> l <br /> � <br /> .� � � . <br /> V ' � � <br /> , � <br /> . f <br /> • � ..__ _' ____—_ <br />