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<br /> -- TOClEI7iER WITH all�he impravcmcnts now or hereuf�cr emcted an Ihe prapeny.u�ed oU cu►ement�.oppunenun�:cs,
<br /> �-�- and fixturrs now or hemaftcr a pan of the praperly. Ail repluccmcntx and nddilicx�+.rhull nlw tk;covc�ed by thir Seru�ity
<br /> ���;s� Inwn�mem. All of ihc forcgoing ic refcmed�o in�hia Secu�ity Instnimen�Ax�he"1'a►perly."
<br /> :�� . ',:_� BORROWER COVBNANTS�hat Bonuwcr ix luwfully u�lkd of�hc c+�utc hcrchy convcycd and h��w �ix�igh� tu grunt
<br /> � <��3i• wid canvey the Propeny und Ihut Ihe Propeny is unencumbe�e�l,rxcept fur encumbrunreti of rccnrd. R�xrower wurrontr and
<br /> � � .��� •., will dePend generrsdly the title to�he Pnipeny uguiml all claima ond demundti,�ubjecl ta uny encumlxunce�uf rnc►rd,
<br /> � �—';i�.�`; THIS SECURITY iNSTRUMENT combines unifom� rovenuntr, for natianul uk unJ nun•umtomi covcnonix wilh ` -
<br /> - - ;,�'= limitrd vuriations by judxdictian la cansH�utc u uniform�ccurily inruumcm covcring real propcAy.
<br /> ��"�� ,� n ,..., UNIfnRM COVENAN7'S. Burruwcr and Lender cuvcnunt And ugme a.r follawx:
<br /> � l. Pnyment o�Princi�wl and I�teresi:P�epnyment Aod Lote Charqes. B��rrowcr+h•rll promp�ly pay when due�he
<br /> �`"�''��_.�-� princip�l of aad intcrest on thc debt cvidcnr��d by thc Nrnc and uny prepuyment und laic churgcr dur under thr Notc.
<br /> '�`""'"'-'���~" ` 2. Funds tor 71i�w And lacu�anee. Sub ect ta a licublc Inw ar ta u written waiver b L.ender,Borrower xhull a lo °°
<br /> '._rof�"�_�_T�-�;, , J PP Y p�y E=�;:
<br /> _s___ —..,�._,--= . Lender on the duy monthly payment�are due under the Notc,until thc Notc iw paid in full,si.um 1"Fundti'1 f�►r.lul yeurly ___
<br /> :�'�`s_:'�-� �`�� taxes and a�sessmcnts which may uuuin priority over this Srcuriry Instrument ati a licn an�he Pruperty:IM)ycurly leuschold
<br /> -�=���;;� paymentx or gmund mnts on Ihe Property, ii'uny; (cl yearly hazzurd ar property inxurance premiums: Idl ycq�ly Ilax1
<br /> . °��••- -� - =� lnsurar�ce premiums, i(any; (c)ycarly maiguge intiurance prcmiums, IP nny; und 111 uny .ums payublc by Burruwer to
<br /> s��."'=4'"�d:�a�i,�.�.. Lender,in uccordonce with the pmvisiam ot purc�grnph 8,in lieu uP�he p�yment of monguge insurancc prrmiumx. The,e °_
<br /> :f ;..;�,..
<br /> � ,• ;� items am called"Escrow Items:' Lender may.ut mry time.collec�und hold Fund�in un umount not to exceed the muximum
<br />' ':i,,?;t.:; ..'.r. �•'•,= °.. umaunt u lender for u federnlly reluted mongage loan may rcyuirc for Borrowcrk exruw accauot undcr �he fcders►I Reul �''
<br /> u��: _: ;,_�,;_ Eslute Senlement Pracedurez Acl af 1974 uti amended from time lo Iimr. 13 U.S.C.#2G01 rr.sry.l"RESPA"►,unles�unolher _
<br /> �� =` • ---' ,. law Qial uppliex w thr Fwids,etx u Ir.,er amuunl. If u►,Ixnder rouy,:��uny timc,rnllec�und hold Funds in un+unount not to
<br />--?��� ' � . ' , exceed the les�er amaunc. Lender muy e.r�imute the umount of Funds due on �he busix oP current duta and ieawnuble ___
<br /> °— , �• es�imateti of expenditures of fuwre E,crow Itemx or othcrwise in acwrdwxe with applicnble luw. ----
<br /> • The Fundss shall be held in an in,lilution whore deposits urc insurcd by u fcdcral ogency, instnimentality,ar enlily — _
<br />- ;,,,,,,.,_r., .:;;f,; F .. (including Lender.if Lender is such An institution 1 or in uny Federal Home Lonn Bank. l.ender�hull apply the Funds to puy �_
<br /> „ ; " •�a:,,.,,, � the B�;crow Items. L.ender muy not charge Borrower for holdinF und applying Ihe Fundti, nnnuully unutyzfng �he escrow
<br /> - r. .'���,;?i;:�,,;���;" nccount, ar verifying the Escrow Items, unletix Lender puys Borcower imerest un tlx Fu�xls und uppliruWe luw permils =
<br /> •�'��'A"'""-•j;,;�h+�' Lender lo muke such u chArge. However. Lender mny rcyuire Borrower�o pay u one•time charge for on independent rcal
<br /> ' • • � eatate IAx rcporting servlcc used by Lcnder in rannectinn with this laun,unless applicable Inw provides oth�nvisc. Unle+s un
<br /> � . .. ,, ugrcement ia made or upplicublc luw rcquires inlcrest to hc puid,Lcnder.hull not bc rcyuired to pay Borrower any intercst or --
<br /> ,. , earnings on the Funds. Sorrower und L.cndcr muy ugrce in wri�ing,howevcr,�hu�intercxt shall tx�puid on�he Fu�dc. Lcnder —
<br /> �c ,t shull give ta Borrower.without churgr,an annuul uccauming of the FunJs,showing credi��and debits la the Funds und Ihe ---
<br /> � � ;,,;�;��,�-�•.;;. . " purpoce for which cach debil to ihe Funds was made. The Fund�are pledged as additicmal tiecurily for ull sumx securcd by
<br /> . ---- — - --_-- �his Security Incln�ment. _
<br /> � If Ihe Funds held by Lender exceed the umounts permitled to ix� hrld by upplicablc luw, Lrnder �hall nccount 10
<br /> � . ° • Borrower for the exces�Fund�in uccordunce with thc rcyuirementy uf applieuble luw. If the umount of the Funds held by
<br /> Lender ut any timc is not sufficient lo pay the F.�crow Itrm�whcn duc.Lendcr may,o notify Bormwcr in writing,and. in !��
<br /> � �:'s��;�'': ruch case Borrower shall pay to I.ender the umount nece.sury to muke up �he deficiency. Borcawer shull muke up the r'`
<br /> �{�"4i'='.�' deticiency in no more thun twelve monthly paytm:nts,ut Lendcrk ti.►Ic di�cretion.
<br /> h • Upon pAyment in full of all xumc,ecured by Ihis Security Inurument, Lendcr,hall prumptly n:fund to BoROwer any ---
<br /> • ,, Funds held by LenJer. If,undcr parugrnph 21,Lender shall •rcyuire ur ull the Prapehy. Lender,prior to the ucyui�itian or
<br /> ' " , nule of Ihe Pmparty, xhull upply uny FunJx held by Lender ut ihc time of ucyui.itiun ar sule su u credil ugains�the xums
<br />. ^° securcd by this Security Instrument. �--
<br /> 3. Applieatlon oP Payments. Unlc�.s •rpplicublc luw pmviJeti ntherwi.c,ull payments received by Lender under °°'�°
<br /> .. parngrnphs 1 and 2 shall tx upplied:lirst,to any prcpaymcnt churgc.duc undcr the Notc; xecond,to umountti puyable under —
<br /> � ., , pamgruph 2;third,to inlerost duc;fcwhh,to principal duc;and lust,�o uny latc churges duc under Ihe Note. �,-
<br /> 4. CharRes; Liens. BoROwcr shull pt�y all taxr,. :�..r,�meniti. churge,. fineti und im�►.ition+ ataihutubl� to the ��
<br /> ' .. . Pruperty which may uuuin priority iwrr thi�Srrurity In.lrumcnt.und Ica�eholJ paymrnt,or grounJ rrnl.. if uny. Borrower r""-
<br /> ' � shell a Ihese obh�ations in thc manncr rovided in ara�ru h?�ir it'nol �id in Ihat munnrr, Borrower,hull a �hem on �°j`
<br /> o°_�•.;j;,,: P'Y 6 P P' b P P� P Y .,-
<br /> . •���• time direclly to the pennn oweJ puymenl. Burn�w�r shull promptly furni,h to Lrndrr all nuticc.of umount�to hc puid undcr
<br /> , � Ihis puru gra ph. If B��rrowcr mukcs tlxsr pa ymem.dircrtl y, Bomiwrr shall prum�l y 1'urni,h to Lender rereiptti evidencin� �V'�
<br /> „ � � thc paymenty. —_
<br /> , . . Borrawcr shall pmmplly diuhurgc uny li�n which hu.priori�y nvcr thiz Sccurit� In�trumcnt unlc+�Borrower:la)agrees - -_
<br /> � in writing�o the payment of th�ohligu�ion tiecureJ hy ihe lien in u manner arreptuhle to Lcnder;(hl contes�s in gcwd fuith the -`—
<br /> . �� lien by,or deknds aguinst cnforcement of the licn in,Icgul prcxrrdin�.�which in Ihe Lender's opinion operute to prevent the ''
<br /> ' enforcement of the lien;or(c)�ecurc,from thr hoWer of Ihc lien an ngreement.atixfactoq�to Lender xubordinuting the lien ..
<br /> ' to this Security In►trument. If Lendrr detennincs �hat uny purt ot'Ihr Pn�perty i.+ubject to a lirn which muy uttoin priurity
<br /> � �'�% over�his Security lnstrument,Lcndcr muy givr Burrowcr•r notirr iden�ifying thr IKn. Borrowrr xhull .ra�ist'y the lien or takc �''
<br /> ' ! ;� � one or morc of the uctians,et I'onh ulwvc within I O duys ul'Ihc giving��f rn►ticc.
<br /> ', S. Ha�rd or Properly Insurance. Bonciwcr�hull kc�p the impnwrmcn�.no�v cxi,ting un c�reaftcr crectcd on the �
<br /> Propeny insured aguiml los+hy tirc,haiurdx iacluded���ithin lhr t�mi "rxtrnJcd co��rra�r":mJ any uther h:u.anis,includinF ,
<br /> ,. tloods or tloading, for which Lender rcyuires insurunce. Thix in5urunre shull bc nwintaincd in the umc�ums and lor the i
<br /> � i
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