.�����, rtlia,,ji%+i+�Yr��l ��Pl� -nrv.� ,si'•,7�: �• �.�. 1.. . �,a_.�..y= �hA�.t�.T+����-.�. .-•___ . .-��
<br /> ��N i y.. ."-
<br /> r!1�` .;��' ;��.H�.,__
<br /> .. .�. �
<br /> �t:.�z..�.� .,,.::- . . -
<br /> � 'I� .Y. . - .
<br /> . '��__.'_ _
<br /> .�, :-.. . .. ,� . . 92- 1 u i 8 0�� �� - -
<br /> ' ��`"y��` !� ' �� (p) II Tru�tor I�aot an indl�ldu�l,ths luu�nc�,wt�,hm�ler,auipnm�nt,aonv�yonce or encumbnnc�of mon than�tof�l —
<br /> �� ��`�;"�".�' �" •• ot p�ra�nt ol pl�aorpor�don)Ila b�usd�nd outetandlnp�tock or pf e p�Mnsnhlp)a toul of perc�nt of �`�`
<br /> ° , '; •,.: psrbierohlp int�ro�b durinp Ihe pnlod tMs Oaed ol Trunt remain�e Ilen on the Properry.
<br /> � . . • 1Z. R�dIN;AQaN�nlion Upon D�I�uN.In ths ovent ot Any Evenl ol Delault Landor msy,wlthout notlae except as requi�ed by
<br /> • " � law,decla►e all Inde6tadne��eecured hereby to be due and payable and fhe eame eholl thoreupon bacome due ond payablo __
<br /> ���:,�L�:.,,, without�ny proaenbnent,demend,protest or notiee of any klnd.ThereaNer Lender ma.r. `;rr�---
<br /> �.��• . (e) Damand thet Tru�tee exeralse the POWER�F 3ALE qrahted herein, and Trustee ahell ihereaRer ceu�e T�u�ta's
<br /> '' •• intereaf In the Pro e to be eold end tha roceede to be dlatrlbuted,a11 U the manner rovlded In the Nebroaka Tru�t Daads r=`"=-- __ _ ___
<br /> ' � �---- G�:.. � .'.: P ►hi P P �-__ -_�-=.-,
<br /> ' . ,. . .. . Ac� -
<br /> " ' "` (b) Exe►cfoe any and all rlphte provided for in any of the Loen Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of
<br /> h , _
<br /> ' ° � '� De}aul�end �� -
<br /> '- " • � ' (c) Commence pn actlon to foreclose this Deed of T�uet Aa a mortpepe,eppoint a receivar,a apec�fically enforce any ol the �"'"�"'�'��-'�=-
<br />'4°� � � covenente hereol. _` -— =
<br /> �� ' �. ' No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Truatee or Lender le Intended to be exclusive of any other remedy hereln,In the --- -- �
<br /> •� • • Loan Instruments or by law provfded or permitted,but each shall be cumulefive,ehall be in additlon lo every other remedy piven _
<br /> ��'.:'� � '.��'� �;,�:,,..; �'.�_�.�,.1%% hereunder.In the Loan InsitumeMa or now or hereafter exlatlny at law or fn eqWty or by etatute,and may be exerciaed conaurrenGy, o��--_
<br /> �,����, �;:.�:;'.�;�.:�;�r',��;,;�;..�,,.`t�. independently or succesaively. �
<br /> `�"�''-'�';'"���'<'�� 13. Tru�tN.The Truatee may realqn at any tfine without cause,and lender mpy at any tim� and whhout cauae appo�nt a
<br /> . ` �'�:h`�'' "' �. succeseor or aubetltute Truatee.Trustee ahell not be Ifable to any pa►ly,Including withqut Iimitaqon Len4er,Horrower,T�uator or eny --- - _
<br /> ' purchasar ol the Property,for any loss or damage unlasa due to reckless or willlul mleconduc4 and ohall not be requlred to take any
<br /> �� action In connectfon wlth the enlorcement ot thia Deed of Truat unloae indemnifled,fn w�itinp,lor all costa, oompenwtlon or �
<br /> ��. oxpense�whlch mey be assocfptad'therewlth.In addltlon,Truetee mpy bYCOme a purchaaer et any sele of the Property Qudiclal or �� F���-''
<br /> � • under th�power of�alo pranted hereln►;po�tpone the eele ol all or any poAlon nf the Proporty,as provfded by law:or soll tho -
<br /> ° � � ' Prop�rty as a whole,or�n seperate percela or lots at Truslee'�dfecrcuon -----_
<br /> 14. F�N�M)Erp�nsM.In ihe eveM Trustee�ells the Property by exercl�e ot power oi eale, 1 ruNee a��all be entfllud lo epply . `t�
<br /> ., . �ny wl�proc�ad�Ilnt to Nayment of ell coets end expen�ea of exorclsinp pawor ol sale,mcludlnp all Trwtee'�teea,and lendePA �; `
<br /> �od T�wtae'�altorney'�lee�,ectuelly Incurred to axtenl pormltled by appllqable lew.In Ihe event 6orrower or Trudlor exerclse�any �- �����
<br /> • rlpht providQd by I�w to cure an Event ol Delault,Lender shell be entllled to recovar Iram Truslor all coets end expenees ectually -----
<br /> � Inaurred es�ruuU ol Trutlor's dalault, Includlnp wlthouf IImlWtlon all Trust��and aRorney's lee�,to tFw oxtent perm�ttod by C'��"r-_
<br /> ,. �PPllcabl�lww. --
<br /> ' t5. Futun Adv�no��.Upon request ol Borrower, Lender may,at ne opt�on,make addit�onel end fulure advencee end re- ����•�--�
<br /> edvenco�to Borrower.8uch edvencee and readvancea,wlth Intereet thereon,shell be aecured by this Deed ol Truat.At no Ilme shall � �-
<br /> the princlpal emount ol the fndebtedneea secured by thfa Deed of Trust,not�ncludlnp aume edvenced to protect the securly ol thu - -
<br /> ' OMd ol Truet,exaeed the orlpinal princlpel amounteteted heroln,or S whlchever ie preater. � ,
<br /> 18. MhcNUm�ou�ProvlWom, �v --� �
<br /> . (a) Borow�r Not R�n�d.Exteneion at the time for payment or modiflae0on of amortizatlon of the sume secured by this �'�'�i=
<br /> �La��
<br /> - -- ----- DCP��. O�T!(�9I S($ASB��JY LCl1CIQI t0 9R�1 SUCO@�9Q{II)If1�AIHR�Q�RflffflWH►RFIAII f10�O(1HfA16�O fBIBH88,In any manner.the Ilebllity «,;-..�.: .-
<br /> of thg oripinel Borrower and Borrower's succesaors In intereat.Lender shall not be requlred to commence praceedinga agafnst �=`•�•'•' .�
<br /> � auoh suacessor or refuse to extend tfine tor payment or otherwfse modify amortlzatfon ol the suma aecured by thfs Deed of Trust t�.a.,.,..,_ t�--�,_
<br /> ' •• by reaeon of any demends made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successora in Interest. �`���
<br /> (b) L�nd�r's Pow�n.Without aHecting the liabllity ot any other person Ilable for the payment o1 any obNgatlon herein � ����-
<br /> � menlfoned,and without aHectfng the Ilen or charge ol thfe Deed of Trust upon any pordon of the Propertyr not then or theretofore �•;=;���`+��
<br /> released ae security for the tull amount of all unpald obllgations,Lendor mey,lrom tfine to tfine end without notice(f)release any ,.. ,.. ,
<br /> peraon so Ilable,(I1)extend th�mflturity or alter any of the terms of any such obllgatfons,(ill)grant other indulgences,(Iv►release ,��:�r�:
<br /> '. �
<br /> or reconvey.or cauee to be released or reconveyed at any lime at Lendor's optlon any percel, portlon or all ol the Property, ;.;.;;��yc�i�K-�,��
<br /> � (v)teke or release eny other or addillonel secunty lor any ubl�flanon herein mentioned, or(vq make composft�ons or other ' . ..�.• ;�:.
<br />' arrangamants wlth debtore In relatlon thereto. � �' �`�'`�" `
<br /> �,. <.;,.��,
<br /> (c) F o r b e aranos b y Le�di►No!a Walvar.An y lorbearance by Lender in exercieing any right or remedy hereunder,or
<br /> otherwiae aflorded by eppllaeble law,ahell not be a wawer o1 or preclude the exercise of any such rlght or remedy.The
<br /> „ procurement of Inauranae or the payment ol taxea or other Ilens or cha�ges by Lender ehall not be a walver of Lender'a rlyht to �. ':;�,:i�;..,..
<br /> � , ',;,;• • accelerate the meturlry ot the Indsbtedness secured by Ihia Deed of Truat. ,
<br /> � (d) Succ�swrs and As�lans 8ound;Jolnt aod S�voral LlebNlty;Capllono.The cuvenants and agreemente herein con- '�`�`
<br /> � tained shall bind,end the rfghta hareunder shall inure to,the respecdve successors and assfgns ot Lender and Trustor.All
<br /> � covenent8 and agreements of Truator shall be jolnt and several.The capuons and headings of ihe paragraphs o1 this Oeed of � � •- • "
<br /> � Truat are for convenfence only and are not to be used to Interpret or define Iha prows�ocs hereol, ! . ��,���`��
<br /> ''r.s;;e�.:��-
<br /> ' ' (e) R�qw�t fa Notica.The partlea hereby request thot a copy of nny not�ce ol defauH hereundet and a copy ol any notice • ;�--„ „
<br /> �.; .'.� of sale horeunder be mailed lo each party to this Deed of Trust at►he address set forth above In the manner prescrfbed by ;Y t�
<br /> • appllcable law.Except for any other nofice requved under apphcable law to be gwen in another manner,any notice provlded .
<br /> �� ' lor in this Oeed of Trust shell be glven by malling such nobce by certd�ed mail addressed to the other partles,at the address set
<br /> forth above.Any notice provlded for in thfa Oeed ol Trust shall be eflecUve upon malling In the manner deslgnated herein. II �ryf e�';�__-
<br /> � � �� Truetor Ia more then one peraon,notice sent to the address set forth above shall be notice to bll such porsons. . ��w.�••-
<br /> � • (n In�p�cllon.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entnes upon and Inspections ot the Property.provided ' �. '
<br /> � '• .. thet lender shall gfve Tru9lor notice prfor to any 9uch mspection specdy�ng reasonable tause therelor related to Lender's
<br /> . ;, . , intereat In the Property.
<br /> (g) R�conv�yance.Upon payment ol all sums secured by this Deed ol Trust.Lander shall request Trustee to reconvey Ihe
<br /> Property and shall surrender thls Deed ol Trust nnd all notes ewdenc�ng mdabtedness secured by this Deed ol Trust to Truatee.
<br /> � Truetee shall reconwy the Prop9rty without warranty and w�thout charge to the person or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br /> Trustor shall pay oll coWS o(.�eodrdetion,�hpny.
<br /> (h) P�nonal Properly;Sec�rlty AqMNn�nt.AS�ddilional securdy lor the payment of the Note.Trustor hereby grants
<br /> ' Lender under the Nebraska Unlfd�fm�oit►hlBrcial Cod!a secunty�nterest m all lixturen,eqwpmont,and other personal property
<br /> ueed in connectfon wlth the reel eatete o�Improvements locoted tnereon,and not otherw�se declared or deemed to be a pa�t of •
<br /> Ihe r@al eslete secured hereby This�nstrumant shall be const�urd.is a S��c;ur�ty Agrcemont undcr said Code.and the Lender
<br /> 8hell heve el�the nphts a�d remadiea ot;�secured party under said Code�n addition to Ihe nghts and remedies created under
<br /> end t1CCOrded thp Lender pursuant to th��;Deed of Trugt.pmv�detl th.�t Litndcr'S r�qhl5;tnd remr.dies under this par;tgraph shall
<br /> be cumulative w�tn.nnd in no way n limitation on,Ldnder's nghta and remed�es under any Other seCUnly eqreement s�gned by
<br /> ' Borrower or Trustor
<br /> (1) Ll�nt and EneumbrencQ�.Trustor i�ereby warrants��nd re3prCSentg th�t there�s nq default undet tho prowsions o1 any
<br /> . _ mortaaae.deed of trust.lease or purchase conlract describing all or nny p:trt ol the Property.or other co�ttract.matrument or
<br /> agreement const�tuting a Ifen or encumbrance agamst all or any part of Ihe Proparty IcoltecUvely,"Liens"1.exishng as of the
<br /> dete ol thls Deed ot Trust,and that any and all ex�stmg Lieny remain unmoddied except as disclosed ro Lender in Trustor's
<br /> wrltten dlsclosure of liona and encumbrances provided far here�n. Trustor shall umely pertorm all ol Trus�or's obl�gations,
<br /> Covenants,representatlons and warranties under any and all existing and tuture Liens.shall promptly forwa►d to Lender cop�es
<br /> of all notices of delault aent in connection wrth any and all existmg ur luture Liens.and shall not wdhout Lender's pnor wntten
<br /> �� consent m any menner modlly ihe provisions of or ailow any future advances under any existing or(uture L�ens.
<br /> ' �) Appllcaton ol Paymant�.Unleas otherwise requ�red by law.suma paid to Lender hereunder,including withoul limitalion
<br /> paymenta of principal and Interest,insurance proceeds.condemnation proceeds and rents and protits,ahall be applied by
<br /> �. Lender to the amounta due and owln�Irom Truator and Borrower�n such order as Lender in ns sole d�scret�on deems desi�able.
<br /> (k) $overabllNy. H any provlslon of this Oeed o1 7rust conll�cts w�th applicable law or �s declared �nvahd or otherwise
<br /> � , � unenforceable,auch confllcl or Invalfdlty shall not aHect ihe other provisons of Ihis Deed ot Truat or the Note whlch can be
<br /> ' � glven eHeCt wlthoul the Confllclfng provision,and to this ond the prcv�s�ons o1 lhis peed of Trust and the Note are declared to be
<br /> aeverable.
<br /> �
<br /> 1
<br /> � �
<br /> � ,
<br />