:. y� i .,�•..:,�.: � '?f= art:t�. .���:n,,r� � .. ,fi .d r �ii�.ri�ai� .r�.' ,�� ,i f;F.�:,�i • �+c,rs ,t. ,�� _ _
<br /> Rl�a-Ml��e � 'i 1: � • '�i ��.�`/.�'.......�L�^�i t �� LJ ��"'\'}�4�4� •'.1� �f �'.� ... ^��Y� TIl1S f
<br /> . ___ � 4YY� • i 1�1 r,1 d:!a}�'� �ff ..'- ..�. - _ __._ ... �-
<br /> A� I i`S�C,�� `t�I�f�+lf',7�t 1 t�ys�
<br /> �5.�.'�' �� I• �i�.tN�.`1.d �:t�".:s�l:s..�a.- PT��•�'��3vz..---.r-..-�-�-�-_-�" - '
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<br /> �:
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<br /> �.t�...
<br /> '��" ;!i`E..'•"�"'' I.�nd�r b prot�ct ths naurlty o1 th�Notr,(a)the peform�na�ol dl cownantq and aqrAemAnt�01 Trostor Mt IoM h�nin;��d(d)�II ---�_---
<br /> . ' � �, : - pr�wnt and luture Indsbtsd�en�nd oblipatlom of Borrower(or�ny of tham tl mare UMn ona)to L�ndsr whdhAr dlr�ot,indlnot,
<br /> abwluts o�eontinp�nt and wh�the arldnp by nots,pu�ranty,ov�rdrelt or othanvNa.Thq Note,thh W�d of Truat end�ny�nd All �
<br /> � �. � other docuent�thet seours ths Noteo►otherwiss exaauUd In connecdon therpwfth,Inoludir�4 wNhout Ilmltldfon qusrentee�,Nouriry
<br /> ' �, ; " �preemanb end aalpnmenu of leuea end rente,shell be nlarred ta hareln As tha"IAAn NlFtrumenu". -°-
<br /> � �� Truetor covenanb and apies�with Lend�r as follows: �`�`�'�'�
<br /> . ..�c _°•• � " �. p�y��a��I�bbtln�u.All fndebtednes�aecured hereby�hall ba pRid when dua. �__.
<br /> V �h;; • • •� , 2.TIU�.Truetor b the cwner ot tho Property,hee the rlphl and authprity ta convey thd Property,end werrant9 that lhe Ilen �� = --•�--
<br /> � created hereby Is a tirat and prlor Ilen on the P►operty,except for Iiens and enoumdra�pes set foAh by Truatar In wrltinp and
<br /> � � delivered to Lender befae exeoutlon ol this Deed of Tru�t,and the oxecutipn and deUvqry af thi�Deed of Trust doe�not vlolote ony .,_.
<br /> ' conbect or othor obllpe�Uon to whlah Truetor Is subjeax � �`�`� � —
<br />�; [.�:�;��---s-
<br /> ,., , � �� , 3.Taxa,AW�sWn�nb•To pay beforo delinquency all texes,apeclal assessmenu a�d�11 other charpea apainet the P►operly
<br /> . . now or herea(ter levled. - :----.a—
<br /> � 4. In�ur�nc�.To keep the Property insured against damege by flre,hazerda inCludad wlthin the term"extended coverage",and :4•_�:_�___- -
<br /> auch other haserda as Lender may requlre,in amouMS and w8h companlea aoceptable tu lender,namfng 4ender as an edditionel ; , — _
<br /> named Insured,with loss payeble to the Lender.ln caee olloss under such polfotes,Ma l.ender is aulhorized to ad�ust,collaat end ,�;;�.;,�;. � T
<br /> • compromiae,all claims lhereunder and shall have the option af applying afl or part ot tt►9 inaurence prpceeda p)to any Indebtednese ti•���;'�������i,:,t,=;:
<br />.?'� � ;'��� aecured hereby and fn auch order as Lender may determine,pq to the Trustor ta be used for the repair or restoratlon.of ihe Property ����r;;r�,_:,!?�`��,�.,_
<br /> . ...(:l,-e ii��':klS, i..--= -
<br /> ' ,,•.: or(UI)for any other purpoee or obJect sapafactory to Lender without atfecUng the I�p�of Urls Deed of Truat tor the full amount secured
<br /> '�r�� ,r�;;�,;::,,, • �?�i'�f•S�' hereby betore such payment ever took place.Any applicatlon oi proceads to Indebtednass ahall not extend or po4tpono the due _
<br />'_�. � °I?j�,,•�4�y'r���tC'•���•�'� date of any peymente under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or haraund�. �r-�
<br /> ._'" ., .`d�:`�i:.I�.�f 11....:i.�;'�:4'� _.. __..,.--
<br /> �,k�,,;+y,.. ._:,.:• � 5. E�erow.lJpon wrltten demend by Lender,Trustor shall pay ta lender,In Suah manner as Lender may deelqnate,suHlolent _
<br /> � ��.��.'•�`.•� sums to eneble Lender to pay es they become due one or more of the lo�lawing:(�)ali taxes.asseasmenta and other charQea apelnet L____
<br /> ,,;,�;�. . ----
<br /> , � � the Properry,(if)the premfums on Ihe property Insurence requlred heraunder,And i+��l the premluma on ony mortyaqe Irnurance �_
<br /> „ , requlred by Lender. �'-'"�°°''
<br /> " 8, Malnbn�nc�,R�ppin and Compll�nc�wlth L�w�. Trustar shall keep the Properly In qood conditlon and repalr;ahall
<br /> promptly repelr, or replace eny Improvement whlch may be damayed ur destroyed;ehall not commit or permit any waete or =- . _ `
<br /> deterloratlon ol lhe Properry:shell not remove,demolieh or suhstanttaUy aller any ol lhe Improvements on the Properly, �hall not �-_l
<br /> � commlt auNer or permit eny ect to be done in or upon the Properry�n vlolatian ol any law,ordlna�ce,or repulat�on;and elufll pey and ;
<br /> o promptly dl�charqe el Trustor'o co�t and expense all lipn�,encumbrpnc�s�nd chprqes Ievlod,impowd or a4wped opo�n�t th�
<br /> Property or any paN Ihereol. �,•�---
<br /> '` 7. Emin�nt Donl�in.�ender i�hereby aesigned eIl compen�auun,pward�,damaaua and other payments or reliel(herolnafler --_-
<br /> "Proceeda") in connecnon wlih condamnatlon or other takmy ot the Properry or pnrt thereol, or lor cenveyance �n ueu ol �'__°_,_
<br /> �� condemnetlon. Lender ehell ba entitled at its optlon to comm�nGe.eppear �n and prosecute in us own neme a� actlan or ���•�
<br /> Y �'`''..rrn�..
<br /> proCeedfnge,and shell also be enlitied to meke any comprpm�se or settlement�n connecUOn wllh auch teklny or damefle.In the _
<br /> " �._____.- event e�y�„�on of the Property le so taken or damayed.Lender shall have Ihe opuon,fn ite so�e and abaolute discretlon,lo epply �;�;�;.: _
<br /> , all auch Prxeede,aRer deducting therelrom all costs and axpences mcurred by it�n connecnon wnh euch Procaede,upu�i uny �u�
<br /> Indebtedneas secured hereby and fn auch order as Lender may determ�ne,or to apply all auch Praceeds,atter auch deductiona,to
<br /> . ihe reatoration of ihe Properry upon such conditions as Lender m�y determ�ne.Any appl�cation ol Proceeds to indebtednese ehell """=��
<br /> not extend or postpane the due dete of any payments under the Note,or cure any delault thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled ���-��•��• "�
<br /> •� ' funds ohall be paid to Truatar. ���`R�
<br /> � e. P�Namana�by L�nd�r.Upon the occurrence o1 an�vent ol Detault hereunder,or If any ect�s taken or lepal procendfnp ���"���
<br /> � � commenced which materially affects Lender's interest m the Property,Lender may In its own dlscretion,but without obllpetlon to do `l���,'
<br /> : ,�:::,-e.
<br /> so,and wilhout notice to or demand upon Trustor and w�thout releasing Truator Irom any obligatlon,do any act which Truator has ..s.._
<br /> .:._s,. agreed but lall9 to do and may also do any other act�t deems necessary to protect the aecurlty hereof.Trustor shell,Immedlately . • • ..��, `
<br /> :'.��••• upon demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all costs and expenses incurred and sums expended by Lender in connectlon with -
<br /> ' • , lhe exerclae by Lender of the foregomg rights,together wlih iMerest thereon at the delault reta provided In the Note,which shell be •r�.��.�==•.�'-
<br /> " added to the indebtedneas secured hereby. l.ender shall not fncur any Ilab�liry becauae ot anylhing ft mey do or omlt to do •�.:�,�,; _
<br /> ,. " hereunder. v"'
<br /> ' 9. Hat�rdous Mt�k�lab.Trustor shell keep the Property in compliance wdh all applfcable lawa,ordinances and regulatlone ' ,"�T`:_:
<br /> • ' relating to Industrlal hyglene or envUonmental protectlon(collectively referrsd to her�in as"Envlronmental Laws").Truator ahall �
<br /> � keep Ihe Prope►ty Iree Irom all substances deemed to be hazardous or toxic under any Env�ronmental Laws(collecllvely referred to � ,Y�;,;-°':
<br /> hereln as"Hazardous Materfals"1.Truator hereby warrants and represents to Lender that there are no Hazardaua Materlals on or i
<br /> under the Property.TruaMr hereby ayreea to indemnily and hold harmleas Lender,ds directora ofllCers,employeea and ageMS,and � .,�;
<br /> ' any suCCeesore to Lender's Interest.Irom and agafnst any and all clalms,damages,losses and I�ab�l�lles arlsfng In connectlon wllh
<br /> • the presence, use.disposel or tranaport of•any Hezardous Materlals on,under,from or about the Property.THE FOREd01NG ,',.'`` .
<br /> t � t0. Aalqnm�nt ot R�M�.Trustor hereby assigna to Lender the rents,issues and prollts of the Property:provldedthet Truator � _ ••�•—__
<br /> � , ahall,untll Ihe occurrence of an Event ol Delault hereunder,have the right to collect and retain such renta,iasues and prof Its as they ='�
<br /> become due and payeble.Upon the occurrence ol an Event ol Detault.Lender may,e�ther fn person or by agent,wllh or without �
<br /> � brfnging any aclion or proceeding,or by a receiver appointed by a court and with�out regard to the adequecy o1 Its securlty,enter �
<br /> '�� upon and teke possesslon ol the Property,or any part thereof,fn�ts own name or�n the name ot the Trustee,and do any ects whlch li �
<br /> ' deems neCessary or deslrable to preserve the value,marketabiliry or rentabflity of the Properry,or Any part thereol or intereet thereln. ;
<br /> Increase the income therolrom or protect the secunty hereof and,w�ih or without taking possessfon of the Properry, sue lor or
<br /> otherwise collect the rents,Issues and prolits thereot,includmg those past due and unpa�d,and epply the same,le9s coele and �
<br /> � expenaes of operellon and cMleCtlon InCluding ariorneys'lees,upon any�ndebtedness securetl horeby,all in such order as Lendor
<br /> may determine.The entering upon and taking posseasion ot the Property,the coilaction ol s�ch rente.�ssuea and profite and the
<br /> epplfcatfOn thereof as aforesafd.shall not cure or waive any detaull or not�ce ol dolault hereunder or fnvalidate any act done In
<br /> response to such de(ault o►pursuant to such notice ol default and,notwithstandfng tho conllnuance in possesslon ol the Property or .
<br /> � the colleCtlon,recoipt and appl�cation of rents,�ssuea or prol�ts,and Trustee and l.ender snall bo ent�tled lo exercise every nght
<br /> provfded lor fn any ot Ihe Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event ol Delault.�nclud�ng w�thout lim�tation the right
<br /> �� to exercfae lhe power of sale.Furlher.Lender's rights and remed�es under this paragraph snall be cumul�lrve with,a nd in no wav a
<br /> Ilmftetlon on,Lender's nghts and remedles under any ass�gnment ol leases and ronts recorded ngainsl the Propohy Lender.Trustee
<br /> end the recefver shall be Ifable ta account only lor those renls actually rece�ved
<br /> 11. Hv�nb ot D�1�ult.The following sNall constitute an Event of Default und�+r Inis Deed ol Trust:
<br /> (a) Fadure to pay any mstallment o1 pnncipai or�nterest of any other sum secured hereby when due:
<br /> __ ' __ �T.....• 11h.�1.�nn In�l��1nOntG AI AlIV
<br />. ' '_. '. ... . .. .. .. .�.�r�_�'�
<br /> . (b) A breach ol or detaWt unaer any prov�s�on comamea�r��r�a��o�e.������eo...��.���..��'i��•••��-«....-. .
<br /> other Ilen or enCUmbrance upon the Property:
<br /> (C► A wnt 01 execution or attaChmen�or any similer proCess shall bo enterpd ageinst Trustor which shell beCOme a lien on
<br /> the Property or any po�tlon Ihereof or interest therein;
<br /> (d) There shall be Illed by or agemst Trustor or Borrower nn aCtion under any prasent or luture federgl, state or other
<br /> � statute,law or regulatlon relating to bankruptcy,insolvency or other relief tor debtors,or there shall be appolnted any trustee.
<br /> . reCeiver or Ifqu�detor o1 Truetor or Borrower or ot all or any part ot the Property,or the rents.�ssues or proflts Ihereol,or Truetar
<br /> . or Borrower shall make eny general assignmenl lor the bene111 ot credUOrs:
<br /> (e) The sale.lranAler, Ieeee,assignment,conveyance or lurther encumbri�nce o�all or any part of or any Intereet In Ihe
<br /> Property, either voluntanly or Involuntarily, without the express wntten consent ol Lender: provided that Truator shall be
<br /> . permltled to execute a lease ol the Property that does not conta�n an option to puichase and the term of whfch does not exceed
<br /> one year; �
<br /> (Q Abendonment of the Property,or
<br /> ' °�' ---
<br />