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<br /> � -- _--
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<br /> —
<br /> ---�—�=:.a-�;� Non-UNiFORM CoveN�NTS Borrowe►�nd Land�r IuAher cown�M and apne as follows:
<br /> �-"�"" 1!. Aoo�NtatloniRMMdIM.L�ndenhMl9M�ofic�beonow�►PrlortoaoaNraUonloMowlnYeorrow�r�bn�ch
<br /> �..1 r_:? of�n�e�or�mnlaprNnNnlMfhlsi�auMryln�hunNnt�butnotpbrtoaaN�nflonundepaa�rapA�l9and17unl� -
<br /> - - —=�--.,-f:� �pp�Ic�bNVwpro+idNOtlMrwtw).ThanottashallsPeelhr.Ul�tlNaulh,(b)tlwaatlonnqulrrdtoaunlfNdNaWCla1• �__
<br /> � _ t by whteA tM Mtwlf must b�aw�d;�d Id1 tl�l
<br /> . - dM�,nol l�a tl�an�0 dqn Irom Ih�daM tla notlr,�b�iwn o SorroruK.
<br /> (���;� I�Nun to aun tM Mlwlt on a bNon IM�t��NNd In tM eotic�may nsuN In acc�Nation ot tl�wnw Mound bf►
<br /> -- • tbis Mourlty IMhum�nt�nd�aM of tM Prop�rlll.Th��oUco�hMl lu►Ih�r Inlwnn Bonow�r of th��lyht to nlnst�N afM►
<br /> --�°��-�N'.�,,:�:. �ccN�nllonMdtll�dOhHobrinp�eontiaallontouw►tlh�non-����t�nc�olsd�faultor�nyoth��d�l�ns�olBonwwr
<br /> ''�""����,� ;• to au�Nratlon+u�d wN.II th�dNwit b nol cursd on or b�fon th�dat�sp�cI11M In th�notic�,L�nd�r d ib optlon n�l
<br /> .�rrr�+�,.,�• ,,��" nqulnNnm�dlabp�!►m�ntlnlullotaN�um�s�aundbrthlsS�cu�Iqlmtrum�nlwlthoulluMh�►d�mand�ndmaylnvoic�
<br /> �m'"O'' ,.,�;��'°':'' IM pow�r of wN�nd any otb�r r�m�dl�i p�►mltt�d by�pplic�bl�I�w.L�nd�r�hsll b��ntNIM to aolUct�U�xp�n�s
<br /> :��L�.'c�r'�,, �_. ..
<br /> .r���.�k�,�;. . " Incurt�d In pwsuln�Ih�nm�dN�pradd�td M thb p+�rapnph 1!.inaludlnp�bW not IlmltiM lo.nWOn�bb atbrmrs'1�
<br /> ,.�:�:i+�: �:.�4. �s�"� �nd eosb o1 qp�wld�nc�.
<br /> °�"`""`�'`�" N th�pow�r of f�t�I�In�okM,T►uNN fhdl acord a notk�ol dN�ult in��ch eounry In whiah�ny p�M ot the
<br /> ;.w�s�r.•;r�r:: • p Ic�bt�Nwto9onowuandtotM
<br /> • <�•t.�u-i; ��:�; Prop►fylslooat�d�ndthallmallcopl�solwebnoticoinlh�m�nmr r�scdbtdbyappl �
<br /> y, �,' oq���n�pre�enb�d by�pplie�bu I�w.Atqr tht Iim�requir�d by�ppllc�bl�I�w,TruNN shall qiw pu4tlo no11a of
<br /> ���,�.;L�. p1�lo th�p�nom�nd In ih�nwnne�p►�scrlMd by appllc�biR la�w.Tn�N�e.wlthout d�mand on 8onow�r.�bdl wll tM
<br />� --.•�43411.s�;�.�r��:.�; n Prop�►ryatpublic�ucllontothahlpAatbidd�nitb�lima�ndpl�a��ndund��th�t�rmsd�d9n�ttdinlh�eotle�of�1� _ __
<br /> :; f;,.1;• � t •• In om ormon p��c�ls and In�np ord�rT�udN d�torm inn.T�u�te�m�y po�t p o n�s a l t ot all or�n y p arcN ol th�Prop�rfy =__
<br /> - �:�.J;�, '�•"� f.. � Oy publb announe�m�nt�t Ih�tim�and pUe�ot�ny pnvlousl�►seh�dul�d a1�.L�nd�r or its d�slpnN may purehasNM
<br /> � �,�;,��- Proqrt�r at�ny al�. _—
<br /> — C..:'r _"_...: .
<br /> --= ,. •��„�;;�;, ,.:�•. . Upon►�cNpt ot paym�nt ol th�prie�bld,T►utte�shdl d�Nvp�to Ihe purch�s�r 7ro�t�'s dNd conv�yln�th�
<br /> ,::��` ,. ,_�', ::., ' ::,, p�op�rry,The��clt�ls In th�Trustee's d�ed shnll be prims f�cia erid�nc�of Ih�trWh ot the�tst�m�nls mad�tb�nin.
<br /> -- ��,!,i'��'d;:�"l'.:'. ..�s:';•�' Tru�lNSh�II�PpIY th�proctad�ot th�wl�In Ih�lollowinp order.(�)to all�xp�nses of the Nl�,includln�.bul not IImIMd
<br /> :��L .'`-.�,�':. • . , to.TrustN'�I�ss as p�mnitt�d by appAcsbl�law and nawn�bl�aflorn�ys'fN�;(b)to aU�um�s�auhd by thU S�ccwlt�l
<br /> .. t�„�.
<br /> �:'','.?�r.�.:.n.!���,� " --
<br /> ��� • Instmm�ni:�nd(c)any exe�ss to Ih�p�non or p�nons Ipolr Qn11tIW 10 it.
<br /> •.Sl�,...�... ::... . . .. ..�
<br /> J� :. :.;:,4��ti:�,Q,�c..��,.. 20. L�nth►In Po�s�aion Upon acceleretion under paregraph 1�J or abandonment of the Property,Lender(fn
<br /> pe�son.by agent or by�udically appointed receiver)shall be entided to enter upon,take possession of and manage the
<br /> '�'+•' ~' �'�i: Property and to collect the re�is of ihe Property fncluding Ihose past due.Any reMS collected by Lende�or the recelver
<br /> ` �rl�''�3ai '- -;�� �h31!be applled ifret to pr+ymaot ot the cosls of manaqement of the Property and coUoction of rents.fncluding,but not
<br /> .s; .
<br /> . '��`:"�;, limited to.�eceiver's fees.premlums on receiver's bonds and reasonnble attorneys'fees,antl then to tnesums secur y °--
<br /> ��•• thisSecurity Instrument.
<br /> 21. R�conr�yanc�. Uponpaymentofallsumssecuredbyth�sSecuntylnstrument,LendershallrQquestTrustee
<br /> „ . _ „ .� ;; , to reconvey the Property and shall surrender ihis Secunty Instrument and all notes ev�dencing debt secured by ihis
<br /> ' ;, Security Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty a�d withaut aharge fo the person or
<br /> - , per5ons legelly entitled to it.Such person or persons shall qay any recordalion cusls. _ _
<br />- .- n 2�. SubstltuMTruslo�.Lender.at�tsopt�on,may from time to lime remove Trusteeand appo�nt Asuccessor trustee �-
<br /> ,t � :" � to eny Trustee appointed hereunder by an Instrument recorded i� the counry m which this Security Instrument is �:,..
<br /> „`L�,,,�_� recarded. W�thout conveyance ol the Property.the successor trustee shall succeed to ell the tftla,power and duties —
<br /> i� conlerred upon Trustee here�n and by applfcable law
<br /> Z3. Rpu��t fo►Noticea. Borrower requesta that copies at the noUCes of delault and sale be sent to Borrower's
<br /> ' eddresswhiCh is the Property Address Borrower fu�ther requests that copies of the not�ces of default and sale be sent to
<br /> � each person who fs a party hereto at the address ot such person set lorth he.e�n
<br /> - ��°�- •• �I. RId�nlolhlsSvcur11y1ns1rumQnl. IloneormorendersareexecutedbyBorrowerandrecordedtogetherwith �._i,
<br /> - . ' thisSeCUrity Inst�ument,the covenanls and agreements ot each such nder shall be�ncorporated�nto and shall amend and �'-
<br /> ".'� �� . , supplemeM the covenants and agreements of this Securrty�nslrumant as �f the nder(s) were a part of thfs Securlty f -
<br />- � ' Inatrume�t.�Check applfcable box(ea)� _ _
<br /> � ❑ Ad�ustable Rate R�der ❑ Condommium Rider ❑ 2-4 Fam�ly Rider
<br /> ` � L � , p }� VA Guaranteed Loan Rider F .
<br /> • � ❑ Graduated Payment R�der ❑ Planned Unit Oevelo ment Ridor
<br /> :�;; i+S�� : �� : '. . ..
<br /> ;,i:r,N . • - �XVA Assumption Rider ❑ Other(s) (specdy� `„
<br /> -"` == . , Bv SIONiNa BE�ow.Borrower aCCepts end egrees to the tQrms and covenents contained in this SeCUrrty Instrument _.
<br /> „ '" � --
<br /> �, ` . •' and in any rlder(s)execuled by Borrower and recorded w�th q _l,
<br /> ' L �;;;.
<br /> , � . �� ��, - � .
<br />�.` � �::.�..��� .. csee�,
<br /> . '- Lyle R. Van leve-' -Bo r ro w e r k '•
<br /> . -t' ��.. ... , . � . c �. �� (Seal)
<br /> o � � Nainc� M. Van Cleve -Borrower y.�,.
<br /> (Spaa�BNoa Thls llno For AeMnowNdq�m�MJ - '�'
<br /> -. ,:
<br /> State of NEBRA5KA 1 � .
<br /> � ► ss. �.
<br /> �• " • County of HALL � !
<br /> March
<br /> The foregoing mstrument was ecknowledge� d betore me this Sth day ot •
<br /> 18..92. bv �+X�� �• .Van Cleve and Naina Pi. Van Cleve. huaband and wife
<br /> � ...... ..
<br /> Witness my hand and notar�al saal at Grand Lsland, NebYaska ,
<br /> � � in aaid county,the date aloresaid �
<br /> Y /
<br /> \( f
<br /> 1 .. . .� � . . . . . .. ' -
<br /> � � Noury buc
<br /> �����
<br /> ° � My commlasion expves: �o�.n t��, ����J� �����
<br /> U w0�■s4��r�LM1�
<br /> � �
<br /> , �
<br /> �t� _
<br />