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<br /> - --=��:ras'�a It l.ender reqwred mo�lgaqe�naurance as a cond�tiqn of mQking thq,�o4��ecu�ad by thfa Secunty Inatrument,
<br /> ----_�W as the requirement br ihe
<br /> �: y;±++v�•• • BarrAwR►shall pay the premiums requ�red to memta�n Ih��nq�a►�,�.(p,�4A1J1Wibii ,�t cable law.
<br /> �;5;� ��'• � tn}urpnCp term�neles in actordence wdh Borrowe�s and lePjj�l � N�a'� _
<br /> '�'�.;_: � �, ��sp�Ciiq�. Lender o�ds aqent may make reasoraq enu�� a ot tha Property.Lender
<br /> �_,°"� • x�..� . shpll qwe BorrowRr nohco at the Ume ol ot pnor to 8n msppCU4 lor the inspection. �
<br /> �t��t':��`. ' 9. Cond��nn�don. Tne proceeds of any award or c1Afr�i i � amage�,dvQpt•ar qonseyuenQaL m connecl�on with
<br /> `�'�'"'"-"��r� any cantlemnation o�other takmg of any part ol the PropQny.or lor conv�ys�GR 1r+.hau of condemnat�on,are hereby
<br /> ��� . .
<br /> ti , a8$iQn4d and ahall be pAid to Lender �
<br /> `fib� sr��: � In Ihe event ot a total tAk�ng ol Ihe Property,the proCaeds ehell qe oppllAq tq►h�8ums secured by ih�s Secunty �„
<br /> -�.��° In�l►ument,whether or not then due.w�th any excess paid to Barrpwer In the ryvent 0�a pa�Ual taking af the Properly. _
<br /> '•.`,.. � unle�a Borrower and Lender otherwiseagree�n wnNng.the aums Secured by lhit�,�eourdy Instrument sha0 be reduced by —
<br /> �'�'�°�=.� � the amoun�of ihe proceads mulUphed by!he lollow�ng fraChon la1 tne tot31 amount o1 the sums secured immad�ately `
<br /> ���•• belpfa the takmg.dw�ded by(b)the fau market value of the PropRrly Imm�q�al�ly before the taking.Any balenCeshall be
<br /> �s�S��...t.•-.
<br /> pe�d to Borrower
<br /> - '" �'� ' � li the PropQrly is abendoned by Borrower.or�t,alter nohcN by LendRr tv Borrower ihat lhe condemnar o(lers to
<br /> —� +����'�� � make an award or settle a cla�m lor damages.Borrqwar ir�lls ta rRSpond i<�I.QadRnwdh�n 30 days after lhedate thenoUce�s =
<br />_ �. �• ;� .. givsn.(.ender is aulhonzed to collect and apply Ihe proCQeds,at rte OPt�qr.,edhQf to rHStoralion Or repau of lhe Prope�ty or _
<br />�t �`'"""��' to.thQ Bums secured by this Secunty Instrument wnemRr ar nor tnan dun._ __
<br />_ —. `�,,Ky`; 'P....
<br /> :.��.�•�-- - -�-- Unleas Lender and Borrower etherw�se agree in wnbng.any eppliGnt�qn a1 proceedsto pnncipal shall noteKtend pr u
<br /> .;� :.�,� � pOStppnethecluedaleofihemonthlypTymentsrelerred�oinperagraphSland'2orChangetheamountulsuChpayment5
<br />_���;.,, , �p�, 8o�ow�r No� qd��s�d: Forb��►snc� By L�ndtr NM a Walv�r. Extens�on of the time fqr peyment o�
<br /> � � ' mocl+tiCa�tion of amprtizalion of the sums secured by this 8eaurfty,lnHirument granted by Lander to any succeesor i�
<br /> intereyl of 8orrower ahall not operate to release Ihe IiabilihJ OI thQ Ot1g��H�SOrfqwBf O�BOrrOWer'S SuCCAS8of8 ifllllt6rpgt.
<br />-u�� ' . � Le�der ghAll not be required to commence proceedinga.flgein�t,eny.9uccessor in+nterest or refuse to extend time for �
<br /> paYrt�4n1 pt otherwise modity amortizat�on of the sums securer!by this Security Instrument by reason o1 any demand
<br /> ;-� . madeby the orig+�al Borrowar or Borrower'ssuccesaors in int�ef�est•Any forbearance by Lender m Qxerclsing any riqhtqr •
<br /> • rempdy shall not bie a waiver ol or preclude the exerc�se of any rlght or remedy.
<br /> t ��, �, . 11. Suee�sors�ndAssiqnaBound:Jointpnd�evQrall,Wbplly:Co-zignors. Thecovenanlsnndagreementsoflh�s
<br /> ' SE3CUnty Instrumenl shall bmd�nd benefd the Succeaso�s and assigns of Lender and Bor rowar.Sub�eCt Io the provisions
<br /> � pf paragraph 17 Borrower's Covenanls and agreements.shall 6e �o�nt:�nd Several Any BorfUwer who Co-Signs Ihis -
<br /> •.. •„
<br /> Securdy Instn�ment hut doee not�xecut�t Ihe Note lal�sco-S�gning Ih�s 5ecunty InSUument only lo mortgage.granland
<br /> . � , ,:..� . ;-_'.
<br />. -- - ---- COf1V@�/��18��OffOY/Pf'SIf1�BfBSIfO�hQF'fUpPflyufl[1P�I17eI�!rnt�u(li��i��•�.�+iilyl�5�iili�.^�%:.(��:::IC:!„L'.•<nn311.fn�il�7a�PeO
<br /> � �" � to pay the sums secured by this Securrty Instrumemt.and Icl�9rpfrs that Londer;lnd any othPr pOrrpWnr rnfly 7igi00!O
<br /> � , extend.modity.forbear or make any aCCOmmodations w�th reg�rA to the terms ul Ihis S�Cunty tnstniment o�IhQ No2E��
<br /> • '" with0ul thAt Borrowcr s consent
<br /> , 12. Loan Charye�. It thc�ioan so�uu�d hy this Sccunty InStrumc•nt i4 tiuh���Ct to•�law which sn[S maximti�m Iqa�
<br /> , charges. and thef law �s hn�lly interprr.t�d so that Ih� ���t���est ur otF►o� �nan ch:ir9e�s collaCt�d or lo he r,pugr,ted m ,
<br /> }, � conneCUOn with IhEi�o�n c�xce�d 111��pn�mdtnd hm�15 tht•n �al��ny such loan ch.irge sh.ill U��rc�ducad by tht+amotmt�,�
<br /> necess�rytoreducethecharg�bmop��rnunedl�m�t andlh�:�nysumSahr.a�fycU�I�ttt�df�c�mBorr�Wnrwh�C►'oxCPeded
<br /> � �� permitted hm�ls wdl hc�rt�fundi��i lo Bu���w�!� Le�rnlei may�-hnuti�•lu mahr th�s iofund hy rf�dut�ng tnc�prmr�pal ownd _
<br /> underlheNotcorbymakmct�diu�i:tp��ym��nttoBorruw��� If.���•lund�rdut�spnn��p,+� thu�rd�ut�onw�linutroated+�su
<br /> . partial pmpaymc•nt�vdhout.ury p��'p.�ym�•nI c•��:ir�r undi�� th��Nntc� �
<br /> " 13. LQyiNelionAfleCtin9LBnder'sRfghts. Ilrn,�ct�m����n�,•*p��.�tu���ut.q�t���cnU���InwnhnSlhreHrctofrendennq
<br /> � any provis�o�O(thc�Note or Ih�s Securdy Insl�umont un��nlu�i��.�hl�•.icr,�n4ui:�Ie�ds rivnis,Lond�r_.�t 4�upl�un m.�y
<br /> � • reqwrtt�mmedi:ttepayntPntinlull�:f.Ul�,umsse•curorlhytl�iSS��riuNyl��:!+urn•�•,I��ndrn:+ymvnl��•dnyrrm��diospe�rmdtc�d _
<br /> by pAragrnph 19 If Lc�nder rxmas,s th�s c�punn L��nd��r sh,ill t�hr th.•Fte�uS �r,,.�hrd m tho s�cond paragrnph ol
<br /> paragrapn 17 N�
<br /> ' 14. NOtICQl. Any nuUc�•In Borrow��� pru��ufi�d h;�� n,th�r S�•�w�ty In,tr um.,��'tih.dl h�•yw��n I�y i1�'I�v������q d or by �.
<br /> ,. � maihng d by tirs�class m�d unlo55��pplic�ihlp I,iW���Uwre�S u��r nf en��the•� mrth:r! ih��nnln�•tih:tll 1���dir[?t�c�d I<)ttle =_
<br /> ' . ��' Property Addressor,tny uth�r addross E3��rn>��•�n r1��sit�n.i1��5 Uv nutu,•tn 1��n�l��% �1iry�i��lirr ti�L��ndor sh:�ll hr qiven by _
<br /> fvstclassm�iltolender's�iddmssst�to�flu�rt��nnr;�nyu�h��r.i�lrl�rssL���,-t� ��t�•tiin��.+loat,vn��tu.�•tnRo�rowc�r AnynoUCC =
<br /> , .. � provided lor m this Securrty Instrum����t shail b�r�lecrm�rl t��hav�•Ya�����q�w��i tn Bon��w���ui L��nd��when giv�n as provided
<br /> ' �• '" ' in this par�graph �
<br /> � ; '" . 15. Governiny Law:Severabillty. T�iis S�'�:in�ly In�hunu`rtt slt,tll lu•r�uvr�nrd t�y Itvft��:ll I;►W;tnd the 17W Of th(� 1,-
<br /> ' �unsdiCUon m whiCh�he Praperly�s locatc�d In thr�wnnt th,�t.tn� p�uv�y�un�,� �I,uis��ul th�s ti�•rwrty Instn�mo�it nr th�•
<br /> c
<br /> ��:, • NOteconthctswith apphcal)fr Inw.suchCUnfhc�sh�i�l n�d.d�oi:othc��{�iu��s�un���l th�ti tir�wity Intihument or fli��Nntr
<br /> whiChcnnbrc�wnnefl�•CtW�lhoutthecc)�iH�Ctinqp�o�i:uun Tulh�>un1r�,E.p�uv�y��������fthis5��rur�tylnsUununlandthA
<br /> Y Note:�r�declarod tot���s��w��ahl��
<br /> ' �s. Borroweis Copy. ���r�u�vr�tih.tll b�'q��u�:��r�� �.�n�t.vtnr�!i npy�tl th�•N��It`.In�t nl th�ti Soc•iuity InStrument •
<br /> 17. TransferolthePropertyoraBeneticfB11n1erestlnBorrowet. ��•������ ����.i���'�•������'F''���'�''�Y'�r,uiy�ntc•r��stm .
<br /> rt is sold or Iransfr,rreA lo��f,�b��nofii r.il intt���st in Ci�n iu�V��� ��su�.y o�tr.�mh�r ir�1.�n�1 H�irruw����ti��ut.t n:�tu��l p��rsonl
<br /> 1 wilhout Lrndcr s p�ioi wnttrn i:uns��nt Lonclor m.r� �rt Ar,npt��,n u•q.n�n�rn,..� •l�.d,•p.�Ymrnt in lull�it,dl sumsti�•r.utt��1 by
<br /> thisS��cuntylnstrumrnt Huw�woi-�h�vnptn,•�nli.�'Inuthro�.�rc�so�tliVl��n�t•.r�frr.��n�tir�s{�r�ih�h�lrrlhytrcl��ialldw.l5ut
<br /> '. , � thB datr of thiS S��cunty InsUUmvnS
<br /> � If Lrndei Cxr+rciti�ts th�s Uphui� lrn�1•+::h,�'t tp�ie f3��ni)�YH�n.�tn����t.0 i�•Ir�.11i:u� Th��nU��CO�ILIII pruvid��dpBr�od
<br /> pf np11�3s51hAn 3pdnys Ir�im tltt�daU�lh�•nut�����ti�tui,v��ir�.t ni m,idrd w�lll�rl\4h�('h�Off���Y�+1 111Uti1�):Iy.NI sum�;socured hy
<br /> � thiS Si�cunly InStrum��n1 If Horrow���t,�ds to pnv Il�i�+��•�un�•�{u iu�b,th�����pu.tt���n ul tr�is p��r�iu1 Lrndrr may mvoko.lny
<br /> remed�es p��rrn�tte•d��y th�:� :i��cu��tv�ntitrum�•nt ll�ll�,j,.1�,utlk� nUb��`�`� �Irm.lnd ����f3nn�ttYt�r
<br /> 111 Rnrrnwors RfoM lo Re{n5te1�. H N��now�����1i��'tti i'rrldu�����tiditi��nti Bu�ru�Y�'�titt.11l I�.lv�•�ni'riqht t0 h:lvt'
<br /> - ---- -� entorc�me�tofthisSr�iuityln5trun,,�nt�f�scunt�nur�l:rtJntilimr{uni�t.�th�•��drhi��Uf ��11'�d.�ySli�rSUfnt�lnri{�r��u��.��.
<br /> . ;�ppl�cnblr law m:ry sp��city for ran�st:ih�mrntl hohxr s:d��ul t����P�i���rr�1' P�ntiu.int k?�ny��Uwi�r u1 ti,tlr rnntainod in this
<br /> � J . , SecuritylnstrumrnLurlblrnlryuf,l�uilqmrr�tonturi�nqfhiy5riun�ylns�runu•��I Thi�se�i�,nd�h�l��s.v�'Ih�rtFiorrowor �al
<br /> pays Lender:111 sums wh�ch Ihc+n w�iulcl bt�tluo iinclpr this Src�t�dV I nst�u�nrnt.�nd th��Nut��h,�d nn�u:i:ol��i,th im occurr�•�1
<br /> • � (b)�:urP5:iny defa�dl of;tny Ufht'� tOV��n.int5��� dt�r���•mrnlS ��1 p�rys��II rx�irn�.i�s�ncwrrd�n rnfor�mq thi5 Svcunty
<br /> � . InStrumr�nt-mclud�nn bul not I�m�le�d tu �rasw�.rt,lr att��rrn�y•; �i•t�5 .���d 1�1�t.th��s su�h�tch����.ls L rndrr m 1y���.�son;�hly
<br /> raquue�to assureth:d tht�hem��f�hiti St•CUnly Intihumrnt L��ndt�r ti ny1�tS���tho p���p�'rty dn�i Rorruwr�ti uhhil,diun lo patv
<br /> , the sums secured by th�s Srcunty Instrumr�it sh.tll a,nlinu��uui:n.�nqi•d U�um n�n�sl ltrnurnt bv B�,rrvwrr th�s 5a�runty
<br /> ! Instrumf�nt.jnd Iht�ubliq�ttit nS Svewrd herpby til�,�ll rom.un I��IIy rlf��i't��•��.15 il mi.0 re�h�r.ttn•n h.t�1�x'cu�rrd Hnwf�vrr
<br /> , � thiS��QM to rent9�:1Ie sh811 not.�pply in th�c.�s���I.��crli��.�hun un�1��� ��.��.��1�.�plis 13�,r 1;
<br /> u
<br /> 1 i .
<br /> � � . .
<br /> i �
<br /> I
<br /> 1
<br />