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<br /> � 't y.�..' ya-rt^ ..f'Mt. -' .. , ,..�_
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<br /> •J . , - ., +a�]VI •]YA!ft+a}k��rrr ir.�+�ir�vMNl^ '�.
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<br /> � • •
<br /> ' �°t'—_
<br /> 92--��1��� � . �-_���,,�-�.
<br /> 8. Aasipnor hQnby covenents and warrenb to tha Ats�pnee thet (e) Assipnor hss not executed any prfor =
<br /> easlpnment of th�L�aw or of Ib►iqht�dtls and interest thereln or the rentals to acc►ue thereunder.(b)Af�ipe terms an�d �F��'
<br /> pe�lormed any aa1 or exeauted any inatrument which mipht prevent the I►s�iqnes from opaadnp undereny ot th _ _ �L
<br /> oondldon�h�r�of,or which would ifmit1he Aseipnee in such operedan:(c)Assipnor has notaccepted rent underthe I.ea:e lor y.--
<br /> en peric�d wu uent to the current perlod for which ront has alreedy become due and peiyab�e;(d)tA�re fa no ddault now � � ��_
<br /> 'R _-
<br /> qfther onll or Ih��s cipt asaat lorth In 3chodule B,engd tl�it t�u yLease Isc^tilu�l��end elfecl��er of the Lease ' �• �,� �,
<br /> � � y �;:�.;�:
<br /> -�-- -,�:-,: .__
<br /> B. IT IS MUTUALLY A(3REED WITH RE3PECT TO EACH LEASE 1'HAT: '"�'�. ' ' ''���:
<br /> '�'...u�.4�
<br /> � '."v..,
<br />� �� : , 1. Aasfpneeherebyprenb �mlasiontoAasipnortocollectupon.butnotpriortoaccrual,allrenis,isaues,deposlts .
<br /> _.�,��i;,�_L;,
<br /> a � but reserveslhe riphtto revoke such permission ..:�::�»s�.5�,_-
<br /> �+ andprofitsnomthesaidPremiaeaen toretain,enduseanyenJoytheseme, ..,,. _,, �:�.�y�.�-
<br /> j� , at any�me,with or without cause,by nodce in wrhin to Asef�nor by cerdried mai�sent to the eddres�hereinadter prescribed br � �>.•:'i,�;,�:;r��
<br /> . sending noticss.In any event,such permissfon to�ignor shell ba aubmadcally revoked upon defaulf.by Assi�no�in the �.::;,�:,;�J;�:i�
<br /> ;•; , .i peyment ot eny af the OWigaUons secured hereby or fn the pertormance of eny ob�f9eQon,covenant a�reement hereln,in aaid I . _ ;_,_
<br /> maRgape or deed of truat,in the Lease or in a�y oi the ObIlpallons secur�d hereby,or in any securinp dacument given in ,;��;
<br /> connscdon therewith,(811 of whfch will be refened to herein aa"DelaulY').In the event that the Aselpnee should revoke auch . ' �-:
<br /> �. 1 �
<br /> ptl�miasfonoraftertheoccurrenceofaDefault,theAasi�nee,mayatftsopdon.aRernoti�catlontoAeaipnor,bycerti�edmeil,te ''` ''' -
<br /> � tha addross hKeinefter prescribed for sending nodces,direct any or all ot the tenents of the Premises b pay to Aselpnee,ita . �±�Ht�
<br /> agenb or its ettomeys,such rents, issues,proflta,�evenues,deposita, �ights and benefits aa mey now!>e due or shell ��G,�,.�,,__.�
<br /> i heremeiter becomedue,and Asaipnee may collectthe same.The affldavit or w�ttec�e��^end an tenant to o�er perso^s � � ���r��"
<br /> I of Aasipnoe statlnp that there has been a Defaultshell consdtuteconclusiveevf � �;�__
<br /> is authorized and dfrected to rely thereun.The Assignor further mg�ees,thet in the event the permias on to uee and retain the i ;_ �
<br /> � renta,income,issues,deposita end proflts,should be terminated or upon the occurance of e Defaulf,to immediately turn over � �;�`'%=
<br /> ta Aeeignee,at the tlme and in the manner requested by Aasf�nee,all secu�ity deposits or olher monies deposited by Lessees , ._ ;:iL;-
<br /> ' of the Premises in accordence with the provisions of the Lsases. , ,.;��
<br /> . I � ' . �-(r� .
<br /> 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 hereinabove, upon or et any dme e(te�a Detault,ae delined ., e� -_
<br /> ��:
<br /> herei�ebove,theAsaipnee,atitsoprion,may declareallObligaUonssecuredherebyimmedlatelydueandpayable,endmay,al • �-:��
<br /> ita opdon,without notice,and if any such Obligations be secured by deed of trust irrespective of whether a decleration of :.,�
<br /> I default under safd deed of trust has been delivered to Trustee thereunder,exercise all rights end remedies conteined in eaid
<br /> � mort�epe or deed of truat and without�egard for the adequacy of security for the Obligadons hereby secured,either In person �
<br /> ' or by a�ent with or without brinying any ectfon or p�oceedi�g,or by a receiver to be appointed by a c�uR,enter upon,take �"•
<br /> ! poaeession ot,mena9e enci oparate sa�d Premises or ar�y part thereoL��e��fa�ce,modity,and�cc�t 1he suRender of ��
<br /> ';� � Leases,obteinendevicttenants,iixormodiyrents,anddoanyactswhichtheAssigneedeemsprope�top►otectthesecu►ih► 1 �'"'
<br /> ' hereof,end either with ar without taking possession of the Premises,in its own name,aue for or otherwise collectend�eceive
<br /> all renb,issues and pro8ta,including those pastdue and unpaid,any applythe seme,less costand expenses of ope�etion and �: �
<br /> , collection,fncluding,but not Ifmited to,payments for wages and payroll taxes,compensatlon of managing agent and other
<br /> menagement cosis end expenses,real estate taxes and assessments,water,sewer,and simflar cha�ges,lnaurance and
<br /> � worker'acompensation premiums,ground rents,customary real estate commission,and�easoneble attorney's fees and couA `, ��
<br /> � coats,upon eny Obltgatlons secured hereby,and in such orderas the Assignee may determine.The entering upon and teking �
<br /> possession ot the Premises,the collecdon of such renta,issues and profits and the app8cedon thereof as eforeseid,shell not � ' ;,
<br /> ; curA ar walveany deiault or weive,modlfy,or aifect notfce of defaultunder safd mon9aye or deed of trust a invalidale eny act �,� t
<br /> done pursuant to such notice.Assignor hereby releasesany and ell claims which it has or might have against Assignee arfaing �
<br /> Iout of such collectlon,management operation and meintenance,excepting the liability ot Assi�nee to accou�t for emounts �. :, ,�-
<br /> � collected and expended by it �•i=�
<br /> ..x1
<br /> � 3. The Assignee shall not be obligated to pe�torm or discharge,nor doas It hereby undertake to pe�form or ' .�-
<br /> � ' discharge,any obligerion,dury or Ilability under the Lease,or under or by reason ot this Assignment Asaignor ahall and does �,�..;;
<br /> hereby agree to indemnfly the Assignee against and hold it harmless from any and all Ilability,loss ordamege whloh it mey or .
<br /> � might incur under�he Lease or under or by reason of this Assignment and of and bom any end all clalms end demand
<br /> � whatsoever which may be esserted against it by reason of any alleged obligetfon or undertaking on itspa�tto pertorm or In the ,
<br /> diecherye o1 any ot the terms,covenants,or agreements contained in the Lease:should the Assi�nee incur any such liablllty,
<br /> � loss or demage under the Lease or under or by reason ot this Assi9nmenf,or fn the defense against any such clalms or .
<br /> demanda,the amount thereof,Including costs,expenses and reasonable attorney's tees,togelher with Interest fhereon at the
<br /> higheat rete aet fcrth in eny of the Obligations secured hereby,shall be secured hereby and by the said moR�eye or deed of
<br /> trust,and Asalgnor shell reimburse the Assignee therefor immedfately upon demand,and upon thefailure of Asalpnor eo to do
<br /> the A9siynee mey declare all Obligations secured hereby immedlately due and payable.
<br /> ! 1. Until the Obligations secured hereby shall have been paid in full,Assfgnor covenanta and agrees to keep leased
<br /> �� at a gaod and suHicient rentel the Premises and upon demand to transter and assign to the Assignee any end all subsequent
<br /> '� Leases upon all or any part ot such Premises upon the same or substantially the same terms and canditions as are herein
<br /> ; � ; contained,and to make,execute,and deliver to the Assignee,upon demand,any and all instruments that may be necessary or
<br /> �. � de9irable thereior,but the terms and provisions ot this Assignment shall apply to any such subsequent Leese or Leases
<br /> whether or nbt so asslgned and transferred.
<br /> f��!
<br /> �'A� • 2. Assignor shall,upon request of Assignee,furniah it a complete list as of the date of the reyuest ot all Leases and
<br /> ; other tenancfes of the Premises in such reasonable detail as may be requested by Assignee.Further,if requested,Asaignor
<br /> y � shall deliver to Assignee executed or certified copies of all Leases and other wntten agreements,correapondence,and
<br /> memoranda betweon Assignor and Lessees and other tenantssetting forth the contractual arrangements behve6n them.Such
<br /> IC{�Y�Ot�li�aj VV IIIAYY u����roMennohln fin'ICf.
<br /> � 3. The failure to list any specitic Leases under Schedule B hereto,shall not�nvalidate or aMect in any menner,the
<br /> yene�al asslpnment ot rents and leases provided for herein.
<br /> � 4. Upon the payment in tull ot all Obligations secured hereby, as evidenced by the recording or filing of an
<br /> instrument of satisfaction or full release of said mortgage or deed of trust,unless ihere shall have been recorded anoti�er
<br /> mortgage or deed of trust In favor of the Assignee covenng the whole or any part of the leased Premises,this Assignment sliall
<br /> i become null and vofd and of no ettect
<br /> � i
<br /> � !
<br /> � �
<br /> .. I ��.�.,�� �,.� :+
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> . �� _
<br />