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<br /> THIS ASStf3NMENT,mod9 ihis ��h dpy p� March � � ��._�. '�` ,.�
<br /> ' . b Shawn Hard�ra and Nancy tlardors, huaband and wife - ==-�=r�-- --
<br /> ,. Y
<br /> re�fdi�p et or havinQ an olifceat Raute l, Box 110 � Cairo, NE 6882A L�r��—
<br /> o �'' .:�_-. �
<br /> (herein celled"Aaeignar.,),to Firsller Bank,National Aasociadon,Omahe,Nebraska �W� E _ • °
<br /> Ita p�incfpal office at Omeha.Nebraske lherein celled"Asaignee"). � _
<br /> ,. , � .
<br /> , VYITN�SSETH: '�"""'"`" -
<br /> r-.r ux
<br /> :`"::,:t"+`"�'�7��,''r:+�.
<br /> FOf�VALUE RECEIVED,Assigltor hereby grenta,t►ansfers and assigna to the Assignee all ot the right,tiUe and _:'.�<r�•�-. '--- _
<br /> ra
<br /> i�tereat of Asaiynor in and to any and ell leaees andothertenenofes now a hereaRe►made on or wNh wspect to the real astate _
<br /> . tocated in Hal l and more pa�ticula�ly descri0ed -- --
<br /> In Schedule A hereat,whiCh real estete shall be referred to hereinaRer as"Premises",includin�,but not Ifmitedtothat ceriain ,;��.;��_,.-�_.
<br /> + � Leaseorlhosecertainl.eases,wNhmodiflcationa,ifany,deac►ibedinSchedule8hereof,coveringthePremises;1ogetherwilh -
<br /> (1)eny and all extensions or renewals thereot,(2)any end all guaranteea of the Lesee's oWigahona under any tfiereof and - 'r;�;.i.-
<br /> under any and aN extensiona or renewals of any lhereaf,and(3)all rents,issues,proflts,revenues,deposib,eamest money . =.:.,,,.,.,t;�
<br /> payments,righta and beneiita now or hereatier arising hom such tease and tenencies or for the use and occupancy of the f��;r;:��� �'�
<br /> Premfaes,and any and atl extenalons and renewale thareot.8aid leases and tenancies or other use of the Premises topether . . ; �<!�a��
<br /> with an�r and all gusrantaes,modmcapo�s,extenebna,and renewels theteof ahaN be some�mes hereinai�er rafened to as the ��t:^.;.,,o,o
<br /> •�Lease'or"Leases'; ;{;�":�':":-
<br /> �_ ���,_,,.
<br /> • FOFl THE PURPOSE OF SECURINd: �'`= �'���f•�.
<br /> , .,r�i._„�_
<br /> 'l��J7. �
<br /> .Ll.
<br /> ON�: Payme�tand peAormance o1 each and every debt,liabllity and obllpatfon of every and desc�i on �:�;. `• �
<br /> which Assfgnor may now or anylime hereaiter owe to Assignee,includfng,but not limfted to,the i�deb of�nor .k.�.,�
<br /> _ ured by that cenaln mon or deed oi iruai made fo iire Ae�ignoi'to the Assi�nss dat�d 3�S "' �''� '�`.-
<br /> e d recorded or to be recorde�d at or priorto the recording of thisAssignment,orany other mortgage or deed of Wst hereafter ��� �' `
<br /> covering the whole or any part oNhe Premises,(whather auoh debt liablliry,or obligadon now exists o►is hereafter created or ;• � '��'"'u; _, '
<br /> incuned and whethsr it is or may be direct or indirect,due or to become due,absolute or contingent, rfmary or aecondary, ,
<br /> Iiquideted or unliqu l det e d, or j o in t,severa l,or�o i n t a�d s e v e r a l,a l l s u c h d e b t s,I f a b N i tl e s a n d o b l�y a d o n s befn� herein ,:���ai''���
<br /> . c a i e c d�e i y rere�ro so�nmea es me'Obligatlons'�;a�d �� ; .
<br /> � • ' . ,.�';.,;
<br /> TWO: Performance and disaharga of each end every obligatlon, covenant and agreement of Assignor ;
<br /> contained herein or In any such mortgage or deed ot truat or any note or bond secured thereby,or fn eny obli�ado�or any � ��; �
<br /> seaurin�document qfven in connectlon w�th any of the Obli�ations�ecured hereby. i
<br /> �
<br /> LEASE: � ..
<br /> 1. To taithfully ebide by,perform and discherge each and every obligatlon,covenant and agreement of the Lease • __
<br /> by Lessor to be pe�iqrmed,togfve prompt nolice to theAssignee of any notice of defaulton the paA of Assignor with respectto • ..
<br /> • � the Lease received 1rom Lesseeor guaraMOr,together wilh en aocurateand complete copy ot any such notice;atthe:�ole cost `":'.��._
<br /> � and expense of Aseignor,to enforce or secure the perbrmence ol nach and eve obligadon, covenant, condttlon and -
<br /> • agreement ot the Lease by the Lessee to be performed;not to modity or in any wey alter the terms of the Lease;not to terminete '�'�
<br /> the term ol the lease and not to accept a surrender of the rents thereunder or to waive,exause,condone or in any manner .��
<br /> release or discharge the Lessee thereunder irom the oblfgeUons,covenants,condidons and agreements by the Lessee to be y 1��•''•_:
<br /> �� pe�formed,including the obllgaHon to pay the rental called br thereunder In the manner and at the place and time speciHed ; •;�'�.�,,,,,�;
<br /> iherein,and Assfgnor does by these presenls expressly release,relinquish end surrender unto the Assignee all Assfgnor's
<br /> , '.•�; right,powerandauthoritytomodliyorinanywayalterthetermsorprovisfonsofthelease,atoterminetethetermoraccepta
<br /> � surrender thereof,and any aKempt on ihe part ot the Assignor to exerciae any such right without the written autho�ity and
<br /> consent of the Assignee thereto befng 11rs1 had and obta�ned shall constitute a Deteult of the terms hereof,as deHned :
<br /> ' �,�_ : hereineRer,entiGing the Assignee to dealare all sums secured hereby immedfetely due and pa�rable.
<br /> 2. At Assignor's sole cost and expense to appear in and defend any actfo�or prxeeding arising under,growing
<br /> � � out of or in any manner connected with the Lease or the obligations,dutfes or Ifabilities of Lessor, Lessee or guarantor
<br /> . thereunder,and to pay all costs and expens�;,ot the Assiflnee,including attorney's tees in a reasonable sum,In any such
<br /> iaction or proceeding in which the Assignee may appear.
<br /> 3. That ahould Asslgnor fail to make any payment or to do any act es herein provided,then the Assi9nec3,but �
<br /> wlthout obligation so to do�nd withaut notice to or demand on Ass�gnor,and without releasing Assfgnor from any obligaUOn
<br /> hereot,may make or do the same in such manner and to such�xtent as the Assignee may deem necessary to protect the
<br /> securlry hereol,including specilfcally,w�thout Ilmiting its general powers,the nght to appear in and defend any ecGon or
<br /> � proceeding purpo�ting to attectthe secunty hereol or the rights or powers ot the Assfgnee,and also the�ight but not the duty to
<br /> Oe�form and dfscherge each end every obligation, covenant and agreement of Lessor in the Lease contained;and fn
<br /> �.a.. e61n aMnrncu'e .
<br /> i exercising any such powera to pay necessary costs ana expenses,empioy c�u�i�ni 8i w ii��ui a��v Maj�ooa..^...............•••-i-
<br /> 1@@S.
<br /> 4. TopayimmedfatelyupondemandallsumsexpendedbytheAssigneeundertheauthorityhereof.togethe�with
<br /> interest thereon at the highest rate set lurth in any of the Obligat�ons secured hereby,and the same shall be added to the
<br /> Obllgations and shall be secured hereby end by Ihe sald mortgage or deed of trust.
<br /> 5. That Assignorwfll nottranster or convey to the l�ssee the tee title ta ihe demised Premises,or any partthereof,
<br /> unlgss tho:.assoQ assumes in wrfting and egrees to pay the debt secured hereby m accordance with the terms,covenents and
<br /> condltione o1 the seid note or bond secured by said mortgage or deed of trust
<br /> ,
<br /> , ,., , �.. .
<br /> . � ; � _ ! �
<br />