,rt�1ii r iti�t�rj.,�j�t�,...�,� t�j.�i'' �' ,�a�`3 l�� .-� t':�1:1''�`:� '}�`�� '}�' '9t: 'i " ; 4 .�i_.! a:.�.: r—.�.
<br /> r ;� ;,� '����� ,Y' ;�''. _�; ., , e% �' h ,-
<br /> .�',��• �• Y;r� :... . �...,:= -,..�._�-..._
<br /> I��/��j{� µ :(�� .�i��._�
<br /> 11 "aIF�� - � - I ,_•_—
<br /> �. ' \:It�••yR.� �.1-�, ' - _ .
<br /> • . %,+,ry'4v,M1:.�,,.•� _ __ ,_.
<br /> M,��,��:�:�. � 92- i ��.�4� _.
<br /> '� : •�""�'�^*�"t�'d' (�)II TrosWr Is not�n Indhridud,th�Iuwnc�,wis,h�nde,aulpnm�nf.aonv�ymc�or�ncumbronc�of ma�th�n�toW -
<br /> '��a+"��+��,�iJ`��;r:�• ot p�runt of(11 a aorporation)la lausd ond outstendinQ�tock or pf a pohnenhlp)a tou�ol p�rc�nt ol ��-----
<br /> .. N`�,;�.'� partnenitlp inqreib durinp the pariod thi�Deed ol Tru�t remalns a Ilen on the PropsRy.
<br /> � •�-'.': �' 1 Z, p�;AeeN�ntlon Upon ON�uM.In ths event ot eny Event ot Deleult Lender may,wlthout notic�s�c�pt�s nquired by
<br /> � � law,declan all Indebtedneas ascured heroby to be due and payable and the eame ihdl theraupon b�com�dw and pay�bl� "r"
<br /> �+�"� " without�ny protentment,demand,protes!or noUce ot any kind.Theresker Lender may: �,._-�:_;_•� _
<br /> ��l�...'�::. ' , (�) D�mand th�t Trustee exeralse the POWER OF SALE preAted he�eln,and Truetee�hall thareatter cauee Tru�tor'� --
<br /> • " �• � � Intenst In the Propaty to be eold and the proceed�to be dl�hibuted,all In the manne�prpvldid In the Nabrafk�Trutl Ossd�
<br /> : .. ; - , � Ack LK�;.�- ----
<br /> �: : T � : , (b) Exerciw any and all riphu provided for in any of the Loan In�trumenb or by law upon occurrence of any Evont ol �`
<br /> : ;a� . . . • Oofpul�end =.,`n-
<br /> -�� ` ' , r, (c) Commence an oeNon to foreclo�e this Oeed of Truat es a mortpa�e,appolnt a recWver,or speclACalry enfwce any of the
<br /> . , covenants hereof.
<br /> � No remed herein eonlerred upon or reeerved to Truatee or Lender Is inlended to be excluaive of eny other remedy hereln,in the � '�`�-"��`�"
<br /> y �L:.,sa:�oz:_':---..
<br /> ' Loan Inetrumenta or by lew p�ovided or permided,but each ehell be cumulative,ahall be fn edditlon to every olher remedy givon
<br /> ° � hereunder,i�the Loen InstrumtM4 or now or hereafter exlstMp at lew or in equlty or by 5tetute,end may be exercised conourraMly, ' -�_.�;�.___-
<br /> � ` ��.`� i�d�pendenGy or succetsively.
<br /> t�.,�.I;a:.'..h�.{�c;.
<br /> ,,��•��+ 13. TruNN.The Truatee mey realpn at any time without ceuae,and Lender may at eny tfine and without cauae appolnt a �s�'?{'�--�"_=='•-�---
<br /> � succea8or or substitute T�uetee.Trustee ahall not be Uable to eny parly,including wlthout IlmiteUon Lender,8orrower,Trustor or any
<br /> ,� pixchaeer oi the Property,for any loss or demeqe unleas due b�eckleas or wllllul miaconduct,and 9hall not be requlred to teke a�y =_
<br /> ° acdon in con�ectlon with the enforcement of thls Deed o1 Truat unleas indemnifled,In wrlting,for all coata,compensatlon or �
<br /> . ' ' expensea whfch mey be aeaocfated therewith.In additfon,Truatee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property Qudiclal or rf,•..
<br /> ' � h er ol sale ranted hereln);postpone the eale of all or any portion of the Property,as providod by lew;or sell tho � . - .-x1".�
<br /> . . under t e pow . �
<br /> �-- Property aa a whole,or In aeparate parcels or lote at Truatee's dlacretion. s;�:_--�-
<br /> ;•;;;;; 14. FNS�nd Exp�n�.In lhe event Truatee eella the P►operty by exerclae ot power of sale,Trustee ahall be entitled to apply
<br /> ,�. � '��'`• eny�,ale proceeda flrat to payment of all coata and expensea ol exerolsing power of sele,Including all Trustee's feee,and Lender's +�'i ,
<br /> �•'• � ^ and Truatee's attorney's feea,ectually Incurred to extent permitted by applicable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercisea any �y ,�
<br /> • , ri ght provided by law to cure an EveM of Default,Lender shall be enthled to recover from Trustor all costs and expensea ectually �•'" - _
<br /> � Incurred e�a rasult oi Truetor'a detault, Includinp without flmitatlon all Truotee'o end attornay's lees,to the extent pe►mitted by ��°`
<br /> ��,;,�',,. .._
<br /> � applicable law. ��,r'..
<br /> •. :``���� . 15. Fuiun Adranc�s.Upon raquest ol Borrower,Lendar may,at its optfon,meke addltlonal and tuture advencea and re• �•;-:_
<br /> • "" „ advances to Bo►rower.3uch advancea and readvancea,with Intereat the�eon,shall be secured by this Oeed o1 Trus4 At no time ehall �
<br /> • the principal amount o1 the indebtednesa aecured by thle Oeed ot Trust,not including sums advanced to protect the aeaurity ot thia -- • ��'
<br /> . � ' peed of Trust,exceed the orfginal p�incipal amount stated herein,or S��0p.0...00_._-,whichever la yreater. �ZV+v���=
<br /> . 18. MbeNlanwus Provulon�. , r��t.°r
<br /> , �� --=
<br /> (a) Qo►►ow�r Not Rduad.Extenaion of the time for payment or modification o1 amoAizatlon ot the aums secured by thie +,��.�?�;����,
<br /> Deed of Trust greMed by Lender to eny auccesaor in Interest ol Borrower ahall not operate to releaee,In any manner,the liablliry ; �-�� -
<br /> �T'�'`'''`'��'�'�� , of the alginal Borrower a�d Borrower's suacessore In Imerest.Lender ahau not be reqwretl to commence proceedmya againai �� �` -
<br /> . . such suacesaor or refuse to extend time for payment or o►herwlse modly amoAfzation of the sums secured by lhie Deed of Tru�t ��y:-,.----
<br /> by reason of any demende mede by the orlginel 8orrower and Borrower's successors In interest --
<br /> '" ' (b) L�nd�►'s Pow�n.Wilhout aHecting the liabllity of any other pereon Ifable for the peyment ot any obligation herein '`�' '
<br /> mentloned,and without aHecting the lien or charge ol thla Dead of Trust upon any portlon ol the Property not then or theretolore
<br /> � released as aecurity lor the lull amount of all unpald obligaHons,Lender mey,from tfine to time and wlthout notice(i)retease any �•�-�1 y i;-,_
<br /> - " ' peraon ao Ilable,(iq extend the maturfry or elter any ol the terms of any auch obliqationa,(Ilq grant other indulpences,(Iv)releese -_,,,_���:�;::�
<br /> � • ., or reconvey,or cause to be released or reconveyed at any tlme at Lender's optfon eny parcel,poAlon or ell ol the Prope►ty, � ' • •L,_
<br /> (v)teke or release ony other or addfllonal aecurlry lor any obliqatfon herefn meMloned,or(vl) meke compositlon�or othar *'*;=�s«;
<br /> errenyementa wfth debtora In relaUon Ihereto. � 'r•'.�s� —
<br /> . (c) Forb��rana�by L�nd�r Not a Walv�r.Any lorbearence by Lender in exeraelnp any rfght or remedy hereunder,or � , ••
<br /> �' otherwiae aHorded by oppHceblo law,ahall not be a wawer ol or preclude Ihe exerclae of any auch r�ght or remedy.The Y
<br /> � � procurement of inaurance or the peyment of taxes or othe�Ifens or charges by Lender ehell not be a wafver of Lender's riqht to _ -
<br /> acCelerate the maturiry of the Indebtedness aecured by th�s Deed of Trust. �'' '. �
<br /> ' ,, (d) SueeNton�nd Aulpns Bound;Jolnt�nd S�v�ral ll�blliry;Coption�.The covenants and agreements hereM con• • ��• =�.._-
<br /> , talned shell bind,and the rights hereunder shall Inure to.the respective successors and asafgna of Lender and Truator. All ' �''y�`
<br /> � coveneMs and agreementa ol Trueto�ahall be�oint and aeveral.The ceptlons and headinqs of the parayraphs o}thb Dead ol }� ;..__
<br /> Trust are for convenfence only end ara not to be used lo interpret or de0ne the provfslons hereol. f. �_
<br /> ' (e) R�qunt fa NoAc�t.The pertles hereby roquest thet a copy of any not�ce ol defeult hereunder and a copy of any notice �� ����._
<br /> ol sele hereunde�be meiled to eech party to thfs Deed of Trust at the addresa set forth above►n the menner preeCribed by �: � � :
<br /> " ' appllcable law.ExCept for eny other notiCe required under appllcable law to be given m another manner,any notice p�ovided ,
<br /> for In this Oeed of Truat ahall be gfven by ma�ling such notice by certdled me�l addressed to the other paAfes,at the addreas set
<br /> foAh above.Any notice provlded lor in thls Deed of Trust shaU ba eMective upon melling m the manner designeted hereln.If � . .. _ "
<br /> Trustor fs more than one peraon,nodce sem to the eddress set torth above ehall be notice to all auch peraons. - ,y,_
<br /> �. (� In�p�ctbn.Lender may make or ceuse to be made reasona6le entnes upon and inspections ot the Property,provlded
<br /> that Lender shatl glve Trustor nouce prlor to any auch inspectfon speclty�np reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's � �.,.,
<br /> i ' intereat In the Property. ��
<br /> �g� R�conv�y�nc�.Upon payment of all sums secured by th�s Deed ol Trust.Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> Property end shell surrender this Deed of Trust and all notes evldencing indebtedness secured by this Deed ot 1'rust to Trustee.
<br /> Trustee shall rsconv6y the P�ope.�ly wdhout werranty and wilhout charye to the person or persons legally entltted thereto.
<br /> Truator ahall pey alloeAt9 F9. Riador}if any.
<br /> (h) P�non�l Prop�►t,`��N�r'Nqlrim�nt. As addlt�onai security for the payment of the Note.Trustor hereby granta
<br /> , Lender under the IVe�ire�kaU�iltONn Cbm��rClal Code a secunty interest in all I�xtures.equ�pmenL and other personal properry
<br /> used In connect�on wlth the real estate or Improvements iocated thereon,and not otherwise decla�ed or deemed to be a part ol '
<br /> the real estete 9ecured hereby.Thls instrument shall be construed as a Secunty Agreement under said Code,and the Lender
<br /> shell heve all Ihe rlghts and remedles ol a secured party under sald Code�n eddltion to the nghts and remedies creeted under
<br /> and aCCOrded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trust:prrn�ded that Lunder's nghts and remed�es under th�s paragreph shall
<br /> be cumulative w�1h,and in no way a Ilmrtatlon on,Lender's nghts and remedies under any other secur�ty ayreement 8igned by
<br /> � � Borrower or Trusfor.
<br /> (i) Ll�n�and Bncumbranc��.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that Ihore Is no de�ault under the provlslons ol any
<br /> , _ mortgage,deed o1 truat,lease or purChase contract descrlbmg all or any part ol the Property,or other contract,instrument or
<br /> " � " agreement constnut�ng a nen or encumerance agams�aii o�a�y pa�i o�i��a��uNn��y iw��r�i��a�y,��u6fia�j,v�i5iii�y ab vi ii�o
<br /> � date ol this Deed of Trust,and that eny and all exlsting Liens remain unmoditied except as disclosed to Lender in Trustor'a
<br /> � wrltten dlsclosure o1 liens and encumbrances provided for hereln.Trustor shall timely pe�lorm all ot Trustor's oblfgatlons.
<br /> ' �, covenants,representetlons and warrantfea under any and all ex�sting and luture Llens,shelt promptly forward to Lender cop�es
<br /> of all notlCes of delaull sent fn�onnection with any and all existmg or future Liens,end shall nOt wi�hOUt Lender'g pnor wntten
<br /> �� .. consent In eny manner modlfy the provlsions ot or allow any future advancea under any ex�sting or tuture Llens.
<br /> ' �) Appltcdon ot PaynNnts.Unless otherwise reqwred by law,aums pa�d to Lender hereunder,inctuding wNhout Ifmitatfon
<br /> payments o(principal and Interest.insurance proceeds.condemnatlon proceeds and rents and proflts.shall be applfed by
<br /> lender to the emount9 due and owing Irom Trustor and 8orrower in such order as 4ender�n its sole disCrotion de�ms desuable
<br /> , (k) S�v�r�blllt�r. I}any provlslon of thls Deed o1 Trust conflicts with applicable law or is declared�nvalld or otherw�s�
<br /> unenlorceable,such confllCt or fnvelldlty shall not aHect ihe other provlsons ol th�a Deed of Trust or the Note whlch can be
<br /> glven eNecl wlthout the conllfct�ng provlsfon.And to this end the prov�sions Uf thls Deed ol Trust and the Note ard deC�ared to be
<br /> severable.
<br /> �
<br />