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<br /> , ��„ �lNT'� � J' `�}! .1i• .���G�I�t � {, AMyT yii�',f�.. {�.:^" ., ' ^ 1'.::{..t��•='��-"_ ..__"_
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<br /> _ � a. ,� �:�� 92--� it1174fl — —
<br /> ���'�µ � L�nd�r lo prot�ot th�Nourlly ol tA�Nou:lal lh�pvformant�ol�II cov�n�nq�nd a�rNm�nb ol T�u�to�pt torth h�nln;�nd Id)all
<br /> „ � • pr�nl�nd lutur�Ind�bt�dn�u�nd ubll�tlon�of 8orrawn(m my of th�m 11 mon Ih�n on�)to Und�r wh�tho dlnel,indlnot _._v,N.:_
<br /> o � . � ��� �bwlul�or oonlinp�nl�nd whNhsr arlWnp by not�,�uu�nry,ov�rd�alt or olh�rwls�.Th�Not�,thif DNd ol Tr��t�nd�ny�nd�II
<br /> [�==�-•�'--'=-'.��
<br /> • ' oth�r docwnU Ihat acurs th�Note or othuwi���x�euUd In conn�cUan thar�with,includlnp wllhoul Ilmlutlan punantMS,s�ouriry
<br /> � aprwm�nu�nd�ulpnm�nta ol IwN��nd nnu,�holl b�nfand ta h�rnn af Ih�"Losn Imtrummts". __----
<br /> ' ^ ' Tru�tar cov�nanta�nd apnss with L�nd�r��follows:
<br /> �� �• �. p� mtn�oi�nd�bt�dn�.All fnde6bdneu srcurod herahy sh�ll ba p�id whon due. -___ ___ __
<br /> ' 2.T�.T�u�tor Is th�own�r of th�Property,ha�the riph!and authoriry to convey the Properry,ond wanant�thof Ihe Uon -- -_-
<br /> �xc..
<br /> .. � areotad henby fs a Ilrot end prlor Ilen on the PropeAy.axcept for Ilens and encumbrence�set lorth by Truttar In writlnp and � ��;_
<br /> ° � dsliverad fo Lender befon oxeoutlon ol thit De�d of Trust,�nd Ihr�xocutlon�nd dellvary ol thls Ooad of Tru�t doa�not vlol�to any -
<br />�; w , „ �� conhact or othar oblipallon to whlch Trustor la wb�ecl _ __
<br /> , 3.TaK„,A�m�nb.To pay be}ore dalinquency all taxes,epeclal a��enments and all othor aha�pe�apain�t tho Proporry _�,,,,;���_�..
<br /> now or herea(ter Iovled. ,. ' 1 - `
<br /> ' 4. In�wane�.To keep the Prope►ty Inaured apeinat damege 6y fire,haza►ds Includad withln the term"extended coverape",and �{ �;,,�:�:;�
<br /> � � Buch athar hazards as Lender may reqWre,ln amounts and with compeniee ecceptable to Lender,naminp Lender as an additlonel
<br /> nemed Inaured,with lose peyable to the Lender.In ca�e of loaa under euch policles,the Lender is authorized to ad�ust collect end � �*'r7F,:v;�:�� -
<br /> �_T�•�_.`'1_�_� .•
<br /> • compromfae,all claima thereunder end ehell have the option of applying all or part of the Insurance proceede p)to any fndebtedneae ----- ---
<br /> � secured hereby and in auch order as Lender may determMe,pi)to the Truator to ba used for the repelr or reatoratlon.of the Property Y..�' Y '" _
<br /> •• or(fli)lor any other purpose or objecl aedsfactory to Lender wfthout aBecUng the Ilen oi ihis Deed ol Trust for the lull amount aecured ���r, '''� j•„_„u W
<br /> .. � hereby before such peymant ever took place.Any appUcatlon o1 proceeds ro indebtedneos ahell not extend or postpone the due �z��s_,� �
<br /> " dota of any payments under the Note,or cure any delault Ihereunder or hereunder. 4�;;';.;.�-f o
<br /> ' � b.E�crow.kJpon written demend by Lender.Trustor ehell pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender mey deaig�ate,suHiclent .���,�•�
<br /> ' aums to eneble Lender to pay as they become due one or more ol Ihe iotlowing:p)all taxea,assesaments and other cheryea agelnet _ -:._._—
<br /> `":' Ihe Properly,(if)the premfumt on ihe property Ineurance requfred hereunder,and pif)the premlums on any mortgeqe insurance •:;4"'..:�-_- ;�,�__
<br /> ,.,-�.�, r � .. ::_'���a� _-�_,..
<br /> �u,,�,, �, required by Lender. • , , E �•w�•
<br /> e.MaMbn�na�,R�paln and CampNanc�wl/A Law�.Truator ahall keep the Property In good condNion and repair;shall M ,,rs' aek,�
<br /> ' • promptly �epair, or replace any Improvement which may be damaged or destroyed; shall not commit or permlt any waste or �
<br /> � deterloration ol the Prope►ty;shall not remove,demoliah or subata�tially alter any ot the improvements on the Praperty:shall not #ti,�;�,�;L���� -;_,�
<br /> ��,'��� •• ' commlt,suHer or pe►mit any acl to be done In or upon the Property in vlolatlon oi a�y law,ordinance,or regulation;and ahall pay and `.,; : ;����.
<br /> ' prompGy dl6charge et Tru9tor'e aoot and expenae all Ilene,encumtxances and charpes levied,imposed or ae98ased eyal�st the F _ . �?-�s�:
<br /> ' • Property or any part thereof. , ���9"
<br /> .. • 7.Emle�nt Dom�in.Lender re hereby assf9ned all compensetion,awards,damapea and other payments or►ellel(herelnefter • • �••,; .�
<br /> • "Proceeda") In connectlon wlth condemnation or other takiny o1 the PropeAy or peA thereoi,or for conveya�ce in Ileu of �� �• �.. F
<br /> condem�atlon. Lender ehall be entitled at Its option to commence,appear in and prosecute in Its own name any action or ,. �-;�;�..�� -
<br /> 1 praceedinga.And ahall elso be entitled to make any compromise or settlement In cOnnectfon with such taking or damaye.In the ; : ^N��
<br /> � - _-- - --_ � avant any portfon ot ths Property le ao tekan�r damaged:Lendor ehall have ihe optfon,fn ita aole and absolute diac�etlon,to apply r,�••=;. __ � _�,
<br /> all auch Proceeds,after deducting therefrom all costs and expenses Incurred by It In connection with such Proceeds,upon any s��"r•: •_•,�,. �
<br /> indebtedneas secured he►eby and in auch order aa Lender may determine,or to apply all such Proceeds,aNer auch deductiona,to ,
<br /> � the reatoration of the Property upon auch condldons as Lender may determine.Any applicapon of Proceeda to indebtedness shall • ° ���„
<br /> ' not extend or poatpone lhe due dale o1 any payments under the Note,or cure any delault thereunder or hereunder.Any unappUed � � ,,.f `
<br /> lunds ehall be paid to Trustor. � ' � . '�'"�a
<br /> 8. PMormanc�by L�nd�r.Upon the occurrence ot an Event of Delaull hereunder,or if a�y ect is teken or legal proceeding
<br /> commenced whlch meterielly aHects Lender's Interest�n the Property,Lender may in us own discretlon,but without obllpatlon to do � .t�,.�.�.
<br /> eo,and without notice to or demend upon Trustor and wlthout releasmg Trustor Irom any obllgation,do eny act whfch Truator has -
<br /> epreed but lefls to do and may elso do any other act d deems necessary to protect the securlty hereof.Truator ahall,immedletely E ':�`'� �
<br /> upon demend therelo►by Lender,pay to lander all costs and expenses Incurred and sums expended by Lender In connecfion wllh � ''t ' •
<br /> the exerciee by Londer ol the loregofng r�ghts,together wdh interest thareon at the default rate provided in the Note,whiCh ahall be �. -
<br /> • eddeQ to the fndebtedness secured hereby. Lender shall not incur any 118bdiry because ol anythiny It may do or omit to do � ,
<br /> :_
<br /> hereunder. •
<br /> • 9. H�sKdou�Mat�riala.Trualor ehall keop the Property In compliance w�th all applicable laws, ordinances And reguletlons - _
<br /> � relatinp to Induatrlal hyqfene or environrnental protection(collectively referred to here�n as"Environmental Laws").Truator shell =.
<br /> I k�p the Property Iree Irom all substances deemed to be hazardous�r tozic under any Environmental Lawalcollectively referred lo
<br /> i hereln es"Hazardoua Materinls"�.Trustor hereby warrants and represents to Lender thal there are no Hazardous Materlela on or _
<br /> underthe Property.Trustor hereby ayrees lo�ndemndy and hold harmless Lender,its directors,ofticerc,employees and agenta,end
<br /> � any euccesaora to Lender's Mt�rest,from and aga�nst any and all claims,damagea,iosses and liabdities arisfng in connecllon wlth :;�.:::�•.'
<br /> , � the presenCe,use,dfeposel or transport ol•any Hazerdoua Materlals on,under, trom or about the Property. THE FORE(301N(3
<br /> 10. Aal�nmMf o1 R�nb.Trustor hereby asslgns to Lender the reMS.lasues and p►olits o1 the Properry;provlded that Trustor '�-��;.;ri
<br /> sh all,untll the xcurrenCe o1 en Event ol Oelaull hereunder,have Ih e nght to collect and retafn such reMS,issues and profits es they � 'f•=�°�+'�
<br /> � become due end payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Delault.Lender may,either�n person or by agent,with or wlthout I
<br /> i � bringlnq eny actlon or proceedfng.or by a rece�ver appointed by a court and without regard to the adequacy of Ns securfty,enter
<br /> ; i upon and take pc ssess�on o}the Property.or any paA Ihereof.In its own name or in ihe name of the Trustee,and do any eCta whlch it
<br /> ' ��� � deems nocessary or dealrable to preserve Ihe value,marketabil�ry or rentablllry of the Property,or nny part thereof or Interest therein,
<br /> fncrease the income Iheretrom or proteCt the eecurlry hereof and, with or w�thout taking possess�o�ot the Property,sue tor or
<br /> othenvlse collect the rents,Issues and prollts thereot, mcluding those past due and unpaid.and apply t�e seme,less costs and
<br /> expensea of operation and cdlecUOn including attorneys'lees.upon any indebtedness secured hereby,all m such order as Lender
<br /> may determine The enterfng upon and taking possession o1 the Property,the collect�on ol such rents,isaues and proflts and the
<br /> eppllcatfon thereol as aforesaid.shall not cure or warve any default or notice of detault hereunder o:inval�date any act done In
<br /> response to suCh delault or pursuant to such not�ce ot default and,notw�thsta�ding the contmuance in possession ot the Property or
<br /> • the collecllon,recelpt and appl�cation ot rents.issues or profits,and Truslee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise every right
<br /> provided for�n any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event ot Delault.�nclud�ng w�thout I�m�tation ihe nght
<br /> ` to exercfse the power of sale.Furthe►.Lender's rights and remed�es under th�s paragraph shail be cumulauve w�th,a�d�n no way a
<br /> Ilmitetlon on.Lender's nghts and remedfes under any assignment of leases and rents reCOrded agamst the Prope►ty.Lender,Trustee
<br /> and the receivsr shall be Ilabla to account only for Ihose rents actually rece�ved.
<br /> 11. Ev�nb of Dd�ult.The follow�n�shall consatute an Event of Default under this Deed ol Trust:
<br /> Ial Fallure to uav eny�nstallment of pnnc�pal or�nterest of any other 8um secured hereby when due:
<br /> (b) A breeCh ot Or delault under any prOV�siOn Contemed in the NOte.thls Deec1 of Trust,any Of ine ioan i�sirumaniy.u�a��r
<br /> other IiBn or enCUmbrence upon the Properry.
<br /> (C) A writ of exeCUtion or attaChment or any s�m�ler proCess she��be entered agamst Trustor which sh811 beCOme a lien on
<br /> the Property or any port�on Ihereot or�nterest there�n;
<br /> (d) There shell be Illed by or aga+nst Trustor o�Borrower an action under any present or future lederal.state or other
<br /> i statute.!aw or regulatfon relatfng to bankruptcy,�ns�lvency or other rel�el lor debtors,or there shall be appomted any trustee.
<br /> recelver or Ifqufdator of Trusto�or Borrower or o1 all or any part ol the Property,or the rents.�ssues or prol�ts thereol.or Trustor
<br /> • � or Borrower shall make any general assignment tor tne benef�t ot creditors:
<br /> �e) The sale,trnns(er,lease.ess�gnment, conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any part of or any i�terest m the
<br /> • Property,elther valuntenly or involuntanly. w�lhout the express wnpen consent o� Lende►: provided that Truslor shell be
<br /> � permftled to execule a lease Of the Properry thal does nol contam an opt�on to Uurchase and tne term o�wh�Ch does not exceed
<br /> ane yeer;
<br /> (q Abandonment of the Property:or
<br /> ,
<br /> ' , I _
<br />