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.x1'�{.'}�- . . ' ? •�-1 ---'_ <br /> , '.f.,� ._" __ <br /> . ,wr� �!XN•.:�. ' "�JT <br /> ' - �i..•�L�{1y.\•.�,l.�.�.fn.\v ..' - � ' 'i/.�'� .. <br /> .!w . .._ '___ <br /> �`����-.. ..� I�,,�,,� _ <br /> ,;"'�";�•�y`'�� UP�WYp1rnt of NI lho wmi lecwed by thb Ttutt I1ted.the Btnetkiary thall reqpest the ltusuo W rcconvey the DroPerty nW�lull surmndtr thfr � <br /> 'Dwt Deed�nd WI notn cvldancir�indebudaeu acurcA by thls Truu Deed to iMe Tnutor and Trwtea�hall teconvey tho propert5r Nithout wamu►ty la the <br /> -----•_--�=�y� perwn or persaa k�lly rntlUed thercto.But If default�e made in�he paymem oT eld �a�e or any part �hercof or u►y of thc inun�t theroon when due <br /> . �.._...��;�� a In ihe fiitdful perfam�nce of ony or ellher of wid a�xmena as ofunes�id.Ikn Ni�dad siull rernain�n foreo ond the whde of WIJ note slull becrnae v <br /> dw mQ be pNd,�t the Benelklrry'�opibn.w heteinatter p�avided Tha Tnntee sh�Y have�he�h1,upa�demand.w any ur all of the Pdtowin��to take immcdi�to <br /> Y,,,���v� pouessbn uf tlw propeny,a ant tAe wme At�uch rcnt�s w�nu may deem propet lo cdkct Ihe renu,tu moko�ny oecessarY rcWiry ur repGicemmtt W <br /> �a �,v.—_•.-,na'", the pmaeny,and.dler pryinQ the cat of rmdnQ tho property.edkedn4 the�enuand the m�kinQ of anY rcp�fn w the aPpIY 1he w►Imca on the <br /> :ti���t'+��,_.�� • wm�hercby acurcds wN1 if Ihero 1�not tulricunt net rental money rtceived to p�y the cost of rcpalrr,�hen wny Iwlance�lull I+e ucurcd heRby ala�{wfth <br /> � :•�� 1he note and beor Iho wmo nie of interci��wid in addition tho Tn►tta or his awrney m�proceed tn ceU the property in iu enlircty or In poKel�at the <br /> �-- � opdon of tho TruAee he�efn6eforc deurihed W publlc aucUan,to!he hi�hest bidder,for cpsh.Huwever,�he puwer uf�Ie hercin cunkrted upon lhe Trustee <br /> •- �hall na 6o ezercised unql(1)the Tru�tee ihall Qat 111e for Rcortl,in the a(tiee o( Ihe rcYiuer of deeda af tuh coumy Mherein the Iroupro peny a wme <br /> ��__ ___ _.�- _- _ l�'��' part or prreel Ihereof is dtwted,a noUce uf defauU,idendfyin��he Trouee by sutir��hc names of the Trus�ar and names�hercin�nd aivin�the baok anA <br /> �� paye whe�e the wmo b recorded a desetiptlon nf the uuct property.and cmtainin���u�cement ih�t r brcach uf un obflp;�Uon for whlch the ttust property <br /> � wqu conveyod a�seeudty hu occumed and tCpinp forth the natum af tuch beeath and of hls elettion ta sell or cause la be sdd such propetty to saUsty th0 -- <br /> �" �_ �',f,�.�, ob1lQaUon;and 12►alkr the lapse of nut Iccs than one monlh.lhe Trustee shsll{ire notice of snk as provided by Neb�uska I�w•Aller nolke of defwult wtwl — <br /> _ �,+���; lap�e of na les�e�Iwn ane month,�ho Tnu�ee chv0 oive wriuen notice of the dme�nA plue ot wte ponicululy deud6ina the pmpeny ta ba oaW by publkation — <br /> • ` , ,N� of such notica,at leau five dme�,ance a week far five conucutfve wceka the I�i publkadon ta be At tast 10 days bu1 na1 morc than 30 dqys pnar to the <br /> '�,..�,�, , .,�^^ �le,in�ome newcpapct havin�{a gcneral ciRUlatbn in each county in whkh tlw propenY Io Ae wld.or comep�n�herccif,is:itwted.Upon tuch wk.the <br /> :07,�',�;�{,;;�_'.,•!���' � TNSICQ f11YlI CXtCYIC Atld dGIIYC►A dCCA U�COt1YCyWICQ OP lht QNp�fly WI(�t0�hC PUrchuer or purctwsen thercoi and aN'���«�nt or tiCf1U of fact In�uch �,�;D._ <br /> ;,,::;, ��. . deed in mlulon a the c�erelse of the power ot sale and sale of the properry dacribed thcrcin.includiry nciwls conceminQ any mai8n�.per�onal delivery <br /> •• � ' and publication af the nadce of defaul4 any med{�and�he puMiceNon aed pasting af notiu of s�le.und Ihe cnnduct af sak:end wch rccNal shall consdtute � <br /> _ '<�.??!ni�t3�';71�3;, .1 pimu faclo evidence of such complian.v a+�t cvacl�aive evldence theROf in fava ot bona fide�and eacumbnmcen for valne and without notico. 6;�:s:r�.:-- <br /> � " 1be?nutee r deed sh�ll operane to contey w thep��A:+ser.without rlghl af redemptkn,the Truske i tllle s►nd oU ri�hw lide,marcst and clsim af Ihe Tfuftor �'°`-=� <br /> .-i�..`".,,.rY'.•;�: . , ���° <br /> and!ws auccessors in intemst and c+f all p��et�►im�ng by or throupA or under Ihe�.in and to Ihe propeny cdd,including oll ciKh ri�hl,litk.Inlercst and �'`�° <br /> � and to such DmP�IY��iuin�l0�the Tnnhx�n his succesavis in intercst subseqnent to the eKecutioa of the Trusua 7he Trostee slwll apply the praceeds Zi""^'" ` <br /> _.� ��,.�. � <br /> . � ��'��` ,.y.;: ; , "'i,,:� <br /> �:��•"i;1',,�;,'�..;�••� • of tAe Truatce y�st.N�h4 emt and expemt�a�'exarcl+in�Ihe power of cule.ind of the cale.Includiry�he paymcm uf the Trustee i kes Actually•incurrcd �.�--.-=- <br /> _� � , .... . <br /> � , � "�,'.:;• , not m ezcad tfrc araouat whech tnar be proviika tur m the ttu�t deed,cecond M pa�ment af the ahU�lfaic ucurcd by the Irutt deed,wnd the baunce.lf <br /> -- ':. Ihc pe�son o�pet9onv IeSa�O�'entitled thcrotu. �� <br /> _,� , �y;l:_. <br /> -J�_ � " �, f.�'�! ' And�he Trusiee covercrnt-s Gilhlhlly ta perfittm Ihe truct herein c�wted � <br /> ;s,�• '_'°`��,-:'�,�- �. --�'n�- BENEFiC1ARl'may fmm time to time subsUtute n succeuot or succason lo anY Trustee nomed hereln nr acUng hercunder to aecute this Trusl[he0. = -_ _ . <br /> ' ' ' Upon such appnmtment and wltAou�conveyance to the suceeasor'I�ustee,[he la�ur shdl be vested with all ti�k.(%1MYf4,und dulies conkrred upon any Trusue �_ _ <br /> `-- .. ,�t,;;�� herc�n name d�x acliny hercunder.Each such uppoinlmenl and subslitudon shall be made by written Instrument and nxeculed by&neficinry,contaiaina rtfercnee -- <br /> � • � ;: , w this Trust�etl and its plece of Rcard,whlch,when rccarded in the offite af t he Regisur of Deeds of Ihe county or countie�In whleh said pmpertY ii <br /> � 5�{"•, sltuated,shall 6e conclusire proof of proper uppofntment of the succeuor Trustea The forcpoing power oF subsUtution and lhe pmcedun therefurc sAell not ____ <br /> ,'�`•�-r:�:i•1' ba exclusive of Ihe power ond procedurc provlJed for by IAw fnr the substitulian of s�Trostce or Trustees m the place��f Ihe Trustee ur Trustcea numed hercin. ,..,��- <br /> � - ..��_`.._".:�. <br /> • „ ��1,��•r Shoutd the Tructor or its suecessor in intetest without�he consent in writin� ot�he&neficlory sell.transfer,or eonvey,ar permit to be soM,trwnsferred ���_�_ <br /> or convoyed,by��ecment for xale or in any manner,its intertst In the above descdbed rcal estAte(ot any part thercof).Ihen Beoe(kiary may declere all sumt ��y;,�, <br /> �: "d+ � ucurcd hercby fmmediately due and payable.sub;ecl Io applica6le law. <br /> -n1�L�. <br /> ^'�` , y'�� The waiver by Truslee�r Beneficiary of uny default of 7lrustor under this Trust Deed chall no� be or be deemcd to be a wuivcr ol'any other or simflar �`�`"°- <br /> ` •' -_ � � defoultc subuquemly cecurdn�. <br /> -• ' S � �� 71►is Trust Deed shall inurc to and 6ind Iho heirs.lepatees,devisees,udminis�ruton.executon,successors and assiQns af the purties heroto. �="�=_ <br /> �. The Trus�Decd shall be conatrued wccordin4 to the lawx af thc Sate of Nebuata. � <br /> ' 'UQi1�""'''°"�' Thc Tructor rc uects that a co of uny noUce of default and of o�ry nalce d tiale hercunder bo moikd Io him by eenilied mwl pl lhe add�ess herefnbCfom �� *J^t��. <br /> .;� ,_r, ,. _ Q PY <br /> ' . .. : . <br /> '`� -- --- sat fonh and andence u('such mrilin�ni�rlt c.rosliiutc eN�k+hc of recelpi af sueh nc=Tkt. <br /> a. .. • , <br /> Truclor rcpierenls und warnrols tha�the above dncribed real eslate is nnt usd fnt yn agriculturul uciivily. �'4;,_ <br /> I�:�L. - <br /> " Wherover the contexl so rcquircs,sinaular words sha�l tx consvued in thc�lu�al and vire versr.and the mascutinc gender shull be wmtrued to includa ,,,,_-_ <br /> . " the kmininc and vice versn. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Trustor hus hcrcunta iet hfc hand the duy a�d yeu fint ubore writtrn. _ -__ <br /> �� . ., � a•...._ <br /> ` L�:'�Y, <br /> . � �� , �' , �J� A- � �.J.-. <br />' ' TRUSfOR �-T�� <br />.. .. Willis A. I.emburg °°- <br /> � , - �� ' <br /> ,a, <br />, "`.u�. i�� USPQR ��:L�"`:� <br /> ,. �; '�� Wiin�a L. I.embuxg �p;�'�;�� <br /> � �j� ;,�. SfATE OF plo�... e�_ Ixt::;��-_ <br />. ���� COUNTYOf �-+'s �� •;���i.�`' <br /> � „ . �.". ., <br /> � . . <br />„ ' . Beforc mc,u Nu1ury Publk,qualif�ed by said cuunly,penanally cume Wi���q �. ;p�y�pq °� �^= <br /> . ��� <br /> i;.` <br /> ,'4, ' . '''c:: W�ltll� L. L@IIIbqL�J known 1n mc h�he thc id.Nic,�l persom+�who signed the forcgoing <br /> ° � �� ' �'�r�`� DecJ uf Trust Acknnwkdecmcn�and �hcn.�gneJ the frutit IkeJ und ucknnwkdgeJ�hc rxecuuun them�.l H�he his,hrr or thev vdunta acl�and deeda ��°�," <br /> � , n' ;'=``.,;.: <br /> • ' Witnesc my hand and NotWnul�cul on MBrch 4 ,�y 92. �.�: <br /> / ��,r� <br />,. .. ,.�t•.i a-_.._. . .� '_J�� /).f.'--i-�--`�t. � . <br /> . , . tI ��i....._...!J, .�; ...':LidG�(3;F] F11A��1�1. C •� <br /> `li' ' � I� !1.CO:�SiC ' .3 <br /> -,A,, <br /> , __r1_�f•1Y C'r.� C•:� Ltay I . M cv it:. <br /> , �C. . �7 <br /> "�'� 1// CL � �I% � <br /> . �-:�f:_:n_-maor�_v� > P � <br /> ., . Iveall \ <br /> ,, . <br /> ;''},.; .;' <br /> Recordlna Informvtlon <br /> i � '^ � ( 1•1 . <br /> • �� � � nf' : � � � <br /> w �� S� .0 � � � f! • 2 � <br /> �r m � � t� n t^ C eo <br /> — . �^� �. � � � j � '� ,-. N , 1 � N �, ;.. . <br /> , � � ° ; , -• . �- �• I �n <br /> , � � � ` . . . w d <br /> . o <br /> "� �'~ � J C <br /> l � ' 1 ' 1 _ � <br /> \ .. . � fb <br /> _'_'. - �. � •� _.� . . ' .J � <br /> r + •� � ' <br /> ' � j . ; ` •-., <br /> �� � � .� ,� a <br /> . � �. . �^ . -- <br /> � � <br /> � � � <br /> � a _ <br /> , <br />