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<br /> --� .:_ �--� DyD t�R TRtIST ACKNOWL�OO.rarrr 101'74'7 ----
<br /> _�..� Q
<br /> - �-�;•-.`° ��� Wiili• 1►. L�mburg and Wilma L. L�mbury, 8usband anA Wil�"'� �-T�,�•�under�huccnru�
<br /> ,�°. .�...,� �
<br /> . �
<br /> — >" ��.�� Marah 4, 1992 ,__ I'Deed a�T�us�')lo he enuRd ieb
<br /> _��:.. ;,,� � -- _
<br /> � .�..�
<br /> �'�` ' �- TRW Titl� insurana� Compsny ��T�u�ue')
<br /> ,, ..,;. unaif Tnulor. _
<br /> .�� ••`�'"� _"_
<br /> �;-.� 8�ourity Paai�ia Fieanaial S�rviae� o! =a. ina. �-&ncnc�ry'►hercby ��----
<br /> Y:.�,..,.•�'` ' • :1 and �.•.�-
<br />—_:,-�`.`;��`" •;,,•, ackn�wkdae that it i�undentood that lal Ihe Iked of Tnut to be executed t+y Trus�or is a iru�t dad and not u monpuQe and Ih1 the p�rwer of�le Provided
<br /> - s''�,��'��"� "` Ibr in the Iked of 7Yup Providn sulnton�WllY dilTercnt rl�hu rnd abll�etlona to the Trusta than a mortPie in Ihe event of a deO+uU ar brcach oi abN�allon.
<br /> !:,:_-�---
<br />� ' .
<br />� ^i f-4��r�i+Xi1..�"�'.'� �:_ —
<br /> ��� ' d':.�!�; •�e►'^ -. �` _°
<br />� ; �:� ,., ` Truaor u�icnowkdQes thot d�u Acicaa�ledaemrnt wa�made prior w iA�c e�ecwivr of�he Decd af Tro�t.
<br /> ''tt- ..-.„
<br />���'., � ..= March .69 9� �..,----.
<br />��'i�! �"`� ExeCUled and delivered Abir ��' duy of
<br />;�± ,�.� ,:� ��1,���,i,� A, �.� �"�__--
<br /> ;�;~`�'':'��:�?.r��d:c: T�0` Wiilis A. Lemburq =;d�:'
<br />�'E': _.�s.�,'':��_i +=y"�.`Y.'r;;-
<br />�` . .. �il�i�b�.
<br /> 3' ' �. .'tr,' , �� i�.�.._T___
<br /> �. � � , Wilma L. I.ombur �,r�,,�
<br />:rl's 'r ;�'}:;r gY �i.7::t;.t�i5i.
<br /> ���+:;i.• -- —
<br />��s:. �,,.�. .. ..��.; � 7'RUS9'DE�D "F-=�.
<br /> ��
<br />��..;;�' ,.�." . ,'`i;;;i' .� Ath day� Marah .19 92 Tip;��
<br /> ='�``; .. E'•.='' ..� . THIS D@ED OF TRU51:made and cKSteRd into 16i
<br /> .. . a -
<br /> ��''_ -�•�'��'= •;'� yy�yrn,,�, wiilis A. Lemburg a�nd Wilma b. Leml�,y��.,,,�1 TRW Title Insuranae CampanY ,Tnuua =-�-__
<br /> . �, •, Buebend and Wife _--- -
<br /> • . • . � Beauritv Paaifia Financial Seswiaae of I��yi ��Y
<br /> ����
<br /> � . --
<br /> :`,`�•. . „ • WITNESSETH, That thc Tructor das by these pr�ents grant. baryain and sell, convey and confirtn wi�h Power of 5ale unto the Tru�tee �-�--�-
<br /> • •�+.,�'"�� . •. the fdlowin4 dacribed Real Estote fncludin4 all buildinas, fmprovemenu, and tixlurcs of every kind now or hercalier ertcted or placed on the
<br /> � ����t��° H811 County.in tho Stne of Nebrub� _
<br /> . � ; �—
<br /> '" �' Lot 6 and the South 28 Peet of Lot 5, all in Block 2 in the Third Addition ��_�Y
<br /> • •,�;";,�. • ��t'--
<br /> " � to the ToWn of CAiro, Hali County, Nebraeka. _
<br /> .. . ���•
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<br />,+ � � �nd posseulan of wW property Is now tklivercd unW aaid Tnutai ,�=�_
<br /> G �"r�'•
<br /> ,.•.�� �
<br /> r ' . • • i u itn Ihe Truslcc,his execuwrs.aJministrrtors.heits, �nl`
<br /> � � • 7�0 HAVE AND TO HOLD thc same,wflh rli nghls,privileges.und uppurtenunccs Ihcru� t+elnngmg i t
<br /> . . ¢nd assigns furcver.And thc Trustun c�rcby�eapressly wai�rs,rclerxcs,und rehnyui,he�unta Ihe Trurtcc ull rlphl.utle.cluim,mtcrcst.lknetlt,and estatc whutever.
<br /> in ond to lhe abuvrdescribed property und eoch•rnJ erery pun thercuf,which isµrvcn hy or revul�+Iram all lawx��f tlk titate of Nebrarku{xnaining u+the
<br /> � exemptfon af humestcad.AnJ�he Truuar cuvenum�wi�h thc Truslcc thu� he will forcocr w•rrrmt und dctend the ulle ta thc samt upam,t�he lawful cluims ..
<br /> af�II penconc whomtuever.
<br /> � ,`•i+�''(' � , .
<br /> ,-���•` •.• IN TRUST HOWEVER.fi�r Ihe IblluwinN deunhed purpu,e�:T���ecurc ILII,�nJ pnxnpi�xr(onn.mee�,f all the icrms und conJiu.m,al'that
<br /> _ :�`�o;'r`�:
<br /> ❑ Revulvin}t L�wn Agmement��f e�en Jutc hercwpU i�nrludu�p puruculrrl��,hut iwt ex.luvively.prampt puymenl��f all vum�which arc or muy bceume ;
<br /> IpayaMe from tlme�o Iime thercunJerl which Revulv�np L.+un ARrcemeiu��hlipaie+Neneliciarf.sul��e.�a+the c�mJition+,��ted themm.to adv�nce to 7tustot �
<br />� up to S .plu�financr unJ uih�r chuntes IvNI Rc�ulvmµ1�+an Aprcemem is hemmrlter nl'ermd�o.i.'n�ite"1.I.x1
<br /> ' . � Nnlc��f even datc hertwith,m the prnxip:d wm��I I�ti S 9381.12 p��:�Mc m monlld� m,iallment.„f pnn��p�l and mtcre,�.wnh the
<br /> h•rinnce of the u�IcMeJnc�s,il'nnt�«mcr paiJ.Juc�md puyrhk nn MarCh 9th ,�9 97 ,,mJ anf cx�en��ons.rcncwal�.m�diliwtiuns ;
<br /> - L
<br /> l. , ur relinuncin{s thercut: �
<br /> It i.agmcd Ay and hetwcen parlie�hcrcl�,that until lilmg�N N�nKr a1't?cfuull.Ihe Tru,��,r.h.III.1 I 1 rJ) JII�1Rtl•Ill:IOII I�UIUR Wtl`�JflJ a.u..mcnt..
<br /> general•rnJ special.ugaim�+:uJ pm�xn� Ixthm thc.amc hrcamc,dchn�uenl ar.icu��naMc:�'_i Aecp.i0 mipn,�cmenh erecleJ on Ihc IJlld IIIWR�I J�111.11 he
<br /> ; rcyuircd fmm limc lo umc h} Ixncliciaq .�:uii.1 I��..h> lirc and��1hcr harorJ..ca�uultic�and c�,nun�tcncie..m.urh am�,unt.anJ �hr�Ul'I1 IKfhkl�J�JIC
<br /> rc•rsonaMe and nta�Ix rcyu�rcd h�I+cnetici�ry.unJ Ia kecp•rll p�dirk�.,f�uch m.ur.mcc in li,rce ar clkct u�m Ihe pro�xrl�hercm de.ri ih.J:an.t.�my,�..iµnrd
<br /> - "- anJ deUrered�u I�enehewry:l���w)rnd cum�u� NIIII JII Illl't��m,auJ.��nJiu�m.ul'an>I�cr..laim.�r mdeMe�ne•.•th.d m.n hr•em�•r t�•nr t.dr p�r�•eJinrt
<br /> a�cr Ihi�Tru�t 1]ced u.,.w,n a+un� �uch pa�mcm un�K�,I'�urh hcn.dam�ar mJeMeJnc...hall he.�+mc Juc..md �qwm�aiturr��t Tru,tar���AccP en� .aid
<br /> ��greemrn��,hcneliciary�maY I+�Y,uch rr�.pa>•G,r.u.h mwrancc��r p�)nll .uch hcm nr claim�.,r mdcMcdnc..a.�he cu.c mr�fx..md th�manc).�,c�{xnJeJ.
<br /> with inlercxt at 9'.�.per unnwn..h:dl he vcured h��hi.Tru�t IheJ.and�hc Tru,�ar:�trt�.tr rcpr�Ihe wme u�+n Jcm.u�J..mJ upan laduR 1�•du.�.�h�hrlrnre
<br /> �N��he vauched nnie�hall hernme immeJia�ey dur anJ p;►>aMe a1 lhe��pnnn ut �he Itinrlir�ar?.iJi.�.itic.dl� .�,n�cr n�m th. Iru.tec�he p�,wer .�� .rlc
<br /> � � us pm�ideJ m Nebtu�ku Iow:15�re�rm����e.�u+n�d Ihe premises anJ cdlect ihr nm+unJ m�enue+thcreln�m ;
<br /> 20170-010t NE pFaIGIP1Al �
<br /> • �
<br />