..r . �.. -..i.: ' �. .. .� �.�••� %t�i'�'���r9,�:"Ii.: .:�v�....;` ..�. .,. '�.���rfl'�it7Y'�.�5�'�� ��4fIlttii`ntl%±" .-.
<br /> ':a;i:. •� r i• .�.• � •�;(�:. .�:f;r� �l� f A�....�
<br /> _ ,,p .� '- . . '`�", :l;;y' , '<<;;'•j,; . � . �i�., � . j ,ri ji,���'`1� . . ,',i�;,'�. f` . �I.a_ iaV F i
<br /> ti:��� • '-- • ' -:f,� .{ , �l�•'i':�,,, , x� ��,�,fl . 1t � Y .z�}�r
<br /> ,�I • ,.. �:f r L , t'�.J a � . � �_��}�3�{('. E�
<br /> - .�. t��7;}�NYif� . , •r.f qu� —
<br /> t ' . ,�I � . - . . _�. . *y. . .�,,,-'.
<br /> �'�� � •• ' '' ::��!�' _
<br /> .r� ������ ��`,'~ .
<br /> ' � . _ _'��.r.. -:1...w'aN—.
<br /> �` ___' _ . ' _ _"'_' �'_ _ .__ .____.
<br /> �j n•' r���ti:ar,..
<br /> frd�,�',..4'� —_ --_`—_��- --.
<br /> . 92 _�.. ,: _--
<br /> • � - l U 174 0 �,-�, �_:.._:
<br /> � Th�procesde ol eny oward o�clalm lor demeQee,dlrect or consequential,in conneatlan with any �'^,"'�'�'�`'_'_�_�;,��=
<br /> . 9. CondNn�Mae. -
<br /> � eondemnstion aother ykinp of lh�Props�ty,or paA th�reol,or foreonwyeno�In Il�u ot cond�mn�don,�r�h�nby asslpn�! �...__—
<br /> - �nd sheU be patd to Lend�►. 4�=
<br /> I�ths event o1�tot�l nkinp ol the Property,the proceeds eh���beepP��ed to the wms Mcursd by fhl*D�sd of Trust wNh t[.;,,___��-
<br /> � � � the excuss.II anY,peld to 8o►rower.In the event o1 a pa�tlel takinp ot fhs Propery,unls�s 8orrowsr�nd l.ender othsrwfss -- :._ —
<br /> � epreeinwritlnp,therashNlbsappIiedtatheeumssecuredbythlaDeedofTru�t�uahproportlonofthe proceedeaalsequ�lto —r �=,�,,,�,�..�,
<br /> � '..,,�"`"°----
<br /> Y thstpropo►tlonwhiahth�amountofthssum�tecuredbylhlsDssdofTrustlmmsdletelypriartothsdateoftsklnpbeantothe � �
<br /> � lalr market velue ol th�prope�y immsdlately prlor to the d�ta of tekinp,with ths balance of ths p►ocseds pald to BorrowK. —:==;.-- �
<br /> Il ths PropeAy Is�bando�ned by Borrower,o�If,alter nodce by Lender to Borrower thet the condemnor oHers to mnke an n M�^____
<br /> award or s�tUs a cldm for d�mapss,Borrower hlls to respond to Lsnds►within 30 deys after ths dste such nodce b mdled. � .,,�,X:_�-;,-.;-_�
<br /> � Lender ie eu t ho►i:e d t o c oll�at and a p pl y the prooMd�,�t L�n da'�op don,e i t h o►t o r�q o r e U o n o r n p a i r o f the Pro p�r t y o►to ;: :�..:�.-,.,�.-�+�.�
<br /> the�ums s�aured by thle Desd of Truet ' T �
<br /> �• � UMeas Lender end Borroweroth�wfse apree in wrltl�y,any such applicet'oa�o�1���f orchanpe ths amou�nt of�uch -
<br /> postpone the dus date o1 the monthl installments rofKred ro I�pe�a�rpphs . `',by'�.L;,;.L
<br /> �� • inatallmente. ' : • =",`,�.'' ',-
<br /> 10. borrowa Nol RN�swd.Extenaion olthe dme ta paymer�tor modificsitionof amoAizatlon ol the aums seaursd by thfe _
<br /> Deed o1 Truet�rented by Lender to any auccesao�in Intereat o18or�ower sha11 not operate to ralsaae,In eny menne►,the
<br /> � Itebflity ot the orlginel Borrower end Borrower's succ�rs interesL Lbnder ahall nut be�equlred to commence proceedinpe �,,�;�„��m;;-
<br /> ntor olherwJse roodNy emoAfzepon of the auma secured by thia � :.-�-
<br /> against such sucaessor or refuse to extend time br�yme �^�'�•`"`-`'=- �`�`
<br /> F me ,..,�,�. ,. R.��
<br /> �R_ � Deed ol T�u�t by reason of eny demond ee�Me bp tl�e ora�inal8artower and Bonower's succeaaors in interesL '' � `�T�
<br /> e o
<br /> 11. Fo�am�by��ndK Not s WaivK.�ny lcxbearance by Lender 1n exercieinp any dpht o►�emedy hereundar.or ���;,-
<br /> .. .q-_r..;r�y--=-- ur..°,
<br /> otherwiee aBo�ded by�pplicable law.a�a��not be e waiver of or precluale the exercise of any auch�i�ht or remedy.Yhe �
<br /> procurement of Msurence oAthe paymeM ollaxea or other Uena orcherpeaby Lender�hall nolbe a waivor of Lender's ripht to :��j',�,`-
<br /> � • accelerate the metu�iry of the indebtedneas eeoured by thie Deed of Trust yo �,,^'�"u"=°°•-
<br /> ;• 1Z. R�nNdUs CumulstJvs All temedie�prnvided In 1his�0eed o�ndrus�t y��ex�erci�d coneuRenlly andepe�deni UYt o� ; ,:.`.;�::�..{��`1
<br /> �.�medy nder thls Desd of Trust or aHorded by law or . . .
<br /> succe�sively. ���.---.
<br /> �- •,��.;--•
<br /> 1g, gucc�uon�nd Aatqns Bound;Jolnt and S�v�rN LI�bI1N�r; CaPUon�•The covenants and apreemenls herein ,.. ��,,,,..,f,;
<br /> contafned shall bind,end the riphta hereunder shell inure to,the respective succeasora and assiyna ot Lender end 8orrower, ! ,� ,:.� u".,. .
<br /> sub�ect to Me provfafons of peregraph 17 hereol.All covenanta and agreements ol8orrower ahall de oi�t and aeveral.The � ;��`"'��
<br /> capNons and headinps of the pere�raphs ol this Deedof T�u�t are for convenfence oniy and are not to�used to i�terpret or _ _
<br /> define tho proviaions hereof. � -_=,:
<br /> 1�. Nolk�.Except for any notice�equired undor appliaeble law to be gfven in another menner,(a)any notice to Borrower �
<br /> provided tar In this Oeed of Truet ahall be given by maiNng auch notice by certtlled mailaddresaed to qorrower at the Proporty `.T_�
<br /> Addresa or et such other address as Borrower may designete by notice to Lender ea provided hereln,end(b)any notice to -.�
<br /> lender ehall be piven by ceRltfed meil,return receipt�equeated,to Lender's addreea steted herein or to such other address as
<br /> Lender maydealynete by noticeto Borrower en prov i d e d here l n.A n y n o t i c e p r o v i d e d f o r i n M f s D e e d of Trust shell be deemed ` .�.
<br /> to havs been�iven to 8orrower or Lende�when yiven in the menner desipneted herein. 4� �
<br /> 1a. UnHona OMd ol Tnisf;Gov�mlao I.�w;8�v�raWpry.The form of deed of trust combines uniform covenents lor � '
<br /> �� netionel uee and non-unilorm covenanta wim��mued varietiona by jurladlctlan ta con�t�sute e unitorm eecurtty t�atrumern � �r-�` �
<br /> coverinp real property.Thia Deed of Truat ahell be qoverned by the lew of the Juriadfction in whlch the PropeNy Is loceted.In �+'�.
<br /> the event that any provislon or clauae oi thls Deed o1 Truat or the Note conflicts wfth ap pNceble law,such contlict ahell not � .;�_,:;,:_.
<br /> a� atlectotherprovfalonsofthiaDeedofTruatortheNotewhichcenbegiveneHectwlthoutthecoMlictlnpprovlaions,andtothia i ;,.j'``,.:,
<br /> end the provialons of the Deed ot Trust and 1he Note are declared to be severable. ,
<br /> �� , ' 18. Barow�r's Copr.8orrower shall be lurnished a conlormed copy ot the Note and of this Deed of Truat at the time ol , ,. � �
<br /> execution or aRer rocordatlon hereot. � � '
<br /> ' 17. Transhr ot th�Prop�rly;Apumptlon.N all or eny pert o1 the prope►ty or an interest therein is sold or transferred by n
<br /> 8or►owsr wfthout Lender's prfa written conoent,excludiny(a)the creatlon of a Uen or encumbranae subordlnate to thls Deed ; �t
<br /> ofTrust,(b)thecreatfonofapurahasemoneysecurftylnterestforhouseholdappllences,(c)atranalerby devlsedescentorby ;•,
<br /> operatbn of lew upon the death of a�olnt tenent or(d)the grant of eny leasehold intereatof three years or lesa not contalning an . ,;•.�
<br /> option to purchase,Lender may,at Lender's option.declere all the suma secu�ed by thfs Deed of Trustto be Immedlately due �
<br /> and payaWe.Lender ahell have welved such option to accelerate if,prior to the aele or tranefer,Lender and thepe rso�to
<br /> ' whom the Property is to be sold or tra�sterred re3ch agreement I�wrfting that the credit of such pe►son is satisfectory to . _�
<br /> Lender end thet the intereat payoble on the aums secured by this Deed of Trust ahell be at such rete es Lender shell request.II r.�;
<br /> Lender haa welved the option to occeter6le provided in thfa paragraph 17, and if Borrower's succeasor in interest hea
<br /> executed e written aasumption egreement accepted In writin�by lender,Lender shell release 8orrower lrom all obllyatfons , • • ..
<br /> under this D9ed ol Truat and the Note.
<br /> � It Lender exercisea such optfon to accelerate, Lender shall mafl Borrower notice of acceleratlon in accorda�ce with
<br /> paregreph 14 hereol Such notfce shell provide a perfod ot not lesathan 30 deys Irom the datethe notice is malled withln which
<br /> Borrowe�may pey the auma declared due.If Borrower falla to pey such sums prior to the expiretlon of such period,Lender
<br /> " moy,without further notice or demend on 8orrower.Invoke eny remedles permilted by paregreph 1B hereol. �.:
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS.donowe and L�nd�r furM�r cown�nt�nd��rN as Idbws:
<br /> ' 1!. Acc�Nratlon;R�emdl�o•Except as provided In peragraph 17 hereof,upon Borrower's breach of eny covenent or �
<br /> agreementof Bonower In thla DeRd of Truat,includl�gthe covenents to pay when dueany sums aecured by this Deed of Trus�
<br /> � � Lender p�br to ecceleret{on ahell mail notice to Borroweras provided in paragraph 14 he�eot apecitYfnp:(1)the breach;(2)the
<br /> acdon requfred to cure such breach;(3)a dete,not leas then 30 days Irom the dete the nutice Is malied to Bor�ower,by which
<br /> ��. such breach must be cured;and(4)thet tellure to cure such breach on or before the date speaHied In t�e notice m3y result In
<br /> , acceleration ol the suma secured by thia Oeed of Trustand sete ol the Propert�r.The notice ehall fu�ther Inform Borrower of the
<br /> � rfght to relnatete aNer acceleratfon and the rlght to bring e coun actfon to assert the non-exlatence o1 a detault or any other
<br /> defenae ol Borrower to acceleratfon and sale.lf the breach fa nut cured on or belore the date speclffed fn the notice,Lender al
<br /> � �, Lender's option may declere all ot the auma aecured by thfs Deed ot Trust to be immedietely due and payable wfthout lurther
<br /> • I demend and mey Invoke the power of aale snd any other remedies permftted by appllceble law.Lender shell be entitled lo
<br /> collect all reaaoneble costs and expenses incurred f n pursWnq the�emedfes provfded fn the pareyraph i B,includlnp,but not
<br /> Ilmited to,reaaonable attorney's(ees•
<br /> If Ihe power of sate Is fnvoked.Trustee ahall record a notice of delault in each county in which the F'roperty or some paM
<br /> f i,� � thereof is located and ehall mafl copies ol auCh noliceln the manner preacrlbed by epplfcable law to Borrower end to the other � .
<br /> persons preectlDed by applicable law.ARer the lepse ot such t�me es may be requlrnd by applioable law.Truatee ahell give
<br /> E{�, publlc noUCe of sale to the pereons and i�the manner preacribed by applicable law.Truatee,wlthout demend on 8orrower,
<br /> ,., � ahall sell lhe Property at publicauction to the h�ghestbidder at the time and place and under the terms des�gnated in the notice
<br /> � ' . i of sele in one or more parcels and fn such order as Trustee may determine.Trustee may postpone sele o1 all or any parcel of
<br /> the Property by pub�fc announcement at the time and plece of any prev�oualy scheduled sale.Lender or Lender's desipnee
<br /> � may purchese the Properry at a�y sa�e• g
<br /> Upo�recefpt ot poyment ol the prfce�d�TTu�aqee sha i�d nllc of the huth ol he atateme�ta ade here n.Trus e shell app Y
<br /> If16fCG1�Cibli�ii�O��vo�wovwvr..........r.....–.--"'� " . .
<br /> the proceedsof the sale in the lollowing order:(a►to aN reasoneble costs and expensea ot the sale,incwcfmg.ou�noi i�m�ied io.
<br /> Trustee'sleesotnotmorethan %oltheg rosssalepnce,reasonableariorney'afeesendcoatsott�tleevfdence;
<br /> (b)to all sums secured by thia Deed ol Truat:,�nd(c)the excess,if eny,to the person or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br /> 1Y. 6a►owK's RlOht lo RNetlN�.NoMrithetanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by th�s Deed of Trus1.
<br /> Borrower shall have the rfght to heve any proceedinga begun by Lender to enforce the Deed of Trust discontinued at any Ume
<br /> prior to the earlier to occur ot(f)Ihe Ifflh day before the�tale ol the P�operty pursuant to the power ot sale aontained in the Deed
<br /> ot Trust�i1)entry ol a�udgment enforcing this Deed ol Truat N:(a)Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due
<br /> under thfs Deed ol Trust,the Note and notes secunng Fulure Advances,if any,had no acceleratfon occured:(b)Borrower
<br /> curoa all breachea of eny other covenants or agreements ot Borrower contalned i�Ihis Oeed ol Trust:(c)Borrower pays all
<br /> t3 ' reasonable expenaes fncurred by Lender end Truatee enlorcing the covenants and agreements of Borrower contelned fn this
<br /> �1 Deed of Truat and In enforcfnp Lender's and Truatee's remedfea as prowded in peragraph 18 hereot,mcluding,but not limited
<br /> � to,reasoneble ettorney's feea;end(d)Borrower takea auch actfon as Lender may reasonably requfre to assure that Ihe Ifen ol
<br /> � � this Deed of Truat.Lender's inlereat fn the Propehy end Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by thla Oeed ol Truat
<br /> � � ahell conlinue unfmpelred.Upon such payment andcure by Borrower,this Deed of Trust and the obllgations socured hereby
<br /> �.
<br /> shall remeln In lull force and eNect as it no accelerel�on hed occ�rred
<br /> �
<br /> 1
<br />