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<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTB.Qorrower and lsnder covenent and ayree as lollow4: �Z"" j 11��4� -
<br /> ;';_�`r-.,,�„�-
<br /> .S-f:�n"�--
<br /> 1, p�y�nt ol Pdnclp�l and MI��M� Borrower ehall promptly pey when due the principal of and intereat on the , —
<br /> indabtedneBSevldencsdbytheNote,prepa mentandlatecherpeaaaprovldedinlheNoto,andtheprincipalofandinlare�ton t�:::•�:s,��`
<br /> any Futurs Adv�nca�sscured by th��ol Trus1. '�„`",�•°Tz---°--
<br /> ., ��.••__:_::
<br /> �. � 4. FundrlaTaxMandliaur�na•3ub(eo�toapp1iceblelawortoawrlttenwalve►byLender,Borrowerahallpaytotender . :.�,.s:��_-,,,_
<br /> � on the day monthly imt�llmenW ofprincipal and interestare peyehte underthe Note,untll the Note ispakl U full,a sum(hsrefn �� ,.��. ,:�,��•-���
<br /> � "Funds")equal to ons-twellth of the ya�rly taxes end asseaements which may ettaln prloriry over this Desd of Truat,end �,r JY,�:_,.Y�__�=_ _
<br /> groundronitonthePropetty.if�ny,plusone•twelfthol ea►lypremiuminstallmentslorhezerdinsu�anee.plusons•Mrelfthol , ..�,_;:r:�__�-_-
<br /> _:-x,��:r-
<br /> yearly prsmium instdlmsnb Iw mortpa0e insurance. 1 any,all es reaaonably ssdmated inipally and irom time to time by �,�,,,.,,;___.
<br /> _�Y.�`. N, f,�
<br /> L�ndsr on ihs b�sls of as�sa4menq andbllls and reasonable estlmetes thereol. - :,�:�w;��=-
<br /> The Funds ehsll be held in an imdtuUon ths d�posib or aecounta of which aro fnaured a 9uaranteed,by e Fede►al or etete ,,,.�.,;-��;��!�
<br /> �} apency(includinp Lender il Lender la�uch an InNituUon).Lender shall apply the lunda ta pay iafd texes,asseesments. ,,:. .�,, �;;s----
<br /> 'i imurancepremlumsandQround�enta.lend�rmaynotcharqelo►sohotding ande pl tn theFunde,a�et zin eaidaccouM . • ;`��•� W�--
<br /> P Y � Y 0 ..�5.'��.��,,,
<br /> orverilyinpandcompllingra�desaessmentsandbi0s,unlesslenderpays BorrowerintereatonthaFundsandapplicablelsw , -� �.�r°r�..
<br /> permits Lender to meke�uch e charpe.8orrower and Lender may agree in writing at Ihe Ume of ezecutlon ot thit Deed of Trust . ;�,;,�',;;;°''
<br /> that intereet on ths Funds shall be paid to Borrower,and unleas euch apreement is made or eppIlcalbe law requires auch • • ,
<br /> � intereat to bepe Id,Lender�hall nol be requ�red to pay 8orrower any fntereat a ea►ninga on tha Funds.Lender shall�ive to , , . ,,
<br /> ; 8orrower,without char�e en ennuet accountlnp of the Funds ahowlng credits and debiq to the Funds end the purpoae for � ''~=y����-; :
<br /> whicheachd�bittotlwFundswasmad�.7heFundsarepledpedaa4ddilional�ecurltyforthesurns�ecuredbyihisDesdof ,.,`*e:_,��•;+;•- � .., ;
<br /> Tfuet. ' � ;��+"�
<br /> If the amount of the funds held by Lende�,toqether with the tuture monthly Instellments af Funds payable prlor to the due '•���t��_�`a,'7�.
<br /> ' _Sf:l�..`"-•"
<br /> dates of texes,aeseaamente.ineurenee premiuma and ground renta,ahall exeeed the amount required to pay said taxes. ',:,.�M�y:=,,
<br /> 1 aeaeasme�ta,Inaurance premlums and ground renta as they tall due,auch excess shall be,et Bonower's option,either �
<br /> promptly repaid to 8orrower or credited[0 8orrower on monthly inatullmenta of Funds.If the emount af the Funda held by , '��:r�.^�=-�
<br /> endershallnotbeaufficienttopaytaxee,essesamenfs,i�aurancepremfumsendgrou�drentsaetheylelldue.Borrowerahall � i •ra: -.
<br /> �� pay to Le�der any amouN necessary to meke up the dellafency wfthin 30 daya from the dete notice is malled by Lender tc � i .ri.l�`�
<br /> Borrower requeaUnp peyment thereof. � �
<br /> Upon payment in full of ell sumaeecured by thls Oeed ot Trus�Lender ehell promptly relund to Borrower any Funds held by �
<br /> Lender.lf under parapraph 16 hereotthe PropeAy Is sold or the PropeAY Isolherwise ecqulred by Lender,Lender ahall apply .
<br /> no later than immedletely prior to the sale of the Properly or ite acquisitfon by Lender,and Funds held by Lender at the time o� ti.,_'�
<br /> applicetfon as a credit against the eums secu►ed by thfe Deed of Truat. =�=�
<br /> 3. Appik�Non ot P�ym�nb.UMess eppllcable lew provides otherwlse,all peyments recelved by Lender under Ihe Note �,;�-�
<br /> and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof ehell be applied by Lender tirst In payment of amouMa peyable to Lender by Qorrower under .+:;.-
<br /> peragraph 2 hereof,then to interestpay�ble on the Note,then to the principel of the Note,end then to interest and principel on •„�,�,
<br /> any Futu�e Advanaea. '
<br /> 4. Ch�rou;UM�.Borrowers ahell pey all texes,esaessments and other cherges,fines and Impoaftiona attributable to the � �o��:�
<br /> p�pperty which mey attein a prloriN over lhis Oeed o1 Trust,and leasehold payments or qround rents,if any.In the manner � �
<br /> provided underpe ra�raph 2 hereol or,it not pafd in such menne�,by Borrower mekinp peymeM,when due,direclly to the � �ti. Y:
<br /> payee it+areaf.8ar:awcr ahal!promptly lurnleh t�Lwnder all noticea ol emounts due under rhis peragraph,and in the event '
<br /> 6orrowar ehell meke peyment directly,Borrower ehell promptly IurMah to Lentler receipre evidencing auch payments. ''.�.F�-
<br /> Borrower ahell promptly diacherge any Ilen which has priorlty aver this Deed of Trust provided,thet Borrower shall not be
<br /> requfredtodiecherqeany s�uchlfenaolongas8or�owershellagreeinwrltinytolhepeymentoltheobligetionaecuredbyauch
<br /> Ilen in a manner accepteble to Lender,or shell fn�ood fafth conteat such Ifen by,o�defend enlorcement of auch Ilen In,legel ' � �'�,�
<br /> r' proceedinps which operate to preuent Ihe enforcement of the lien o�foAelture of the Property or any pert thereol.
<br /> S. H�:�rd In�unnc�.Borrower shall keep the Improvemenls now existing or hereatter erected on the Property fnsured �._
<br /> y againel loea by Il�e,hazards included wlthin the term"extended coverage",end such other hezerda as lender may reqwre ;
<br /> end fn such emounts and tor such perlode as Lender may requfre;provided,thet Lender ahell not require thet Ihe amount of I: . �
<br /> such coverage exceed thet emount of coverage required to pey the eums secured by thls Oeed of Truat. � ,
<br /> � This inaurance cerrier providinp the Insurance shell be chosen by Borrower aub�ect to e�provel by Lender;provided,that
<br /> such approvel ahall not be unreasonably withheld.All premlums on insurence polfcies shall be pald in the manner proaded ,
<br /> under pareyreph 2 hereof or,If nol pafd in auch menner,by Borrower mekfng payment,when due,directly to the Inaurance , �
<br /> cerrier. :
<br /> All insurance policies end renewals thereof ahell be in form acceptable to Lender and shell fnclude a standard mortgage
<br /> clause In levor of and in fotm accepteble to Lender.lender shall have the rfght to hold the policiea and ranewals thereo�end ,�T_
<br /> Borrowerehell promptly turniah to Le�der ell renewal notices end all recefpta ol pafd premfums.ln ihe event o1 loss.Borrower
<br /> shell give prompt notice to the Insurente carrler end Lender.Lender may meke proof ol loas If not made promDtly by Borrower.
<br /> Unlesa Lender end Borrower othe►wlse egree in wrlting,Insurance proceeds shell be applled to restoration or repeir of the
<br /> Property demeped,provlded auch reatoretlon or repeir Is economfcally leasible and the security ot thfs Deed of Truat 1s not
<br /> thereby impaired.It euch restoralion or�epefr la not economicelly feas�ble or H the security of ihis Deed of Truaf would be
<br /> impalred,the fnauranae proceeds ehall be epplled to ihe sums secured by this Deed ol Trust with the ercesa,If any,peid to
<br /> 8o�rower.If the Property is abandoned by 8orrower,or N Borrower fells fo respond to Lender wllhin 30 days Irom the dete
<br /> notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the insurance cerrler oNers to setlle a claim for inaurance benelits,Lender is ,
<br /> authorized to colleCt end epply the Inaurence proceeda et Lender's optlon either to restoratfon or repair of Ihe Property or to
<br /> i the sums aecured by thfs Deed of Truet �
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse agree in writing,any such applfcation of proceeda to principal ahall�ot extend or
<br /> i po stpone the due dete of the monthly Instellmenis reierred to ln paragraphs 1 and 2 hereol or chenge the amount of such
<br /> instellmenls.II under peregraph 18 hereol the P�operty fs acqufred by Lender,all ri�ht,tltle and Intereat a1 Borrower in end to
<br /> � any fnsurence policies and fn end to the proceeds thereof resultfng from damage to fhe Froperty prior to the sele or acquiaftfon
<br /> � shell pesa to Lender to the exlent of the sums secured by thls Oeed ot Trust immediately pnor to such sale or acquiellfon.
<br /> 6. P�„�rvNion and Mdnbnuie�ol Prop�Ay;1.����hotds;Condominlum�;Planned Unll tl�v�lopm�nb.Borrower shall
<br /> keep Ihe Property In good repeir end shall nof commit weste or permit impairment ot deterioration of the Properly and shall
<br /> comply wHh the p�ovisfons of eny lease il thfa Deed ol Trust Is on a leasehold.lf th�s Deed of Trust Is on a unit in a condomimum
<br /> r or a plenned unft development,8orrower shell perlorm all ol Borrower's oWigotions under the declaratfon or covenenta
<br /> creeting or governing the condomfnium or plenned unit derelopment,the bylaws and reguletions of Ihe condbminium or
<br /> planned unil development,and constituent dacuments.If e condaminfum or planned unit development rider ia excuted by
<br /> • Borrower end recorded together with Ihis Deed ol Trust.ihe covenants and ag reemonts ot such nder ahall be Incorporeted
<br /> : ; Into and shell emend and supplement Ihe covenants and agreements ol this Deed of Trust ea i11he rider were a part hereol.
<br /> ' ' 7. Prohcllon ot LMd�r's S�curHy.If Borrovver fails to perform the covenents and agreamenls conlamed in thfs Deed ol
<br /> f� �`. Trust,or If any actlon or proceeding is commenced wlth mater�ally affecta Lender's mlerest in lhe Property,including but not
<br /> j�i IlmNed to,eminentdomeln,insolvency,cade enforcement,or arrangemonts or proceedinys involving a bankrupt or decedenl,
<br /> �►h�� Ihen Lender at Lender's optlon.upon notice to Borrower,may make such appearances,dfsburse such sume and take such
<br /> '' aatlon as IB neceasery to proteCt Lender's fnterest,InGUding,but not limfted to,disbursement ol reasonable attorney's fees and
<br /> � entry upon the Prupertylo make repafrs.ll Lender reqwredmo►1gage insuranceas a conditlon of making the loen secured by
<br /> the Deea ot Trus�Borrower ahall pay ihe premfums reqwred lo mamlain suc��insurance In eHect until such time as the
<br /> requlrement tor such insurence terminetes Vn accordance with 9orrower'sand Lender's wnden agreement or appIfcalbe law
<br /> Borrower she�l pey fhe amount ol all mortgage msurence permiums in the manner prov�ded under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br /> � � ....�ti ...�.....�� H.o.a..n cl�oll hnrnm�a adddinnal
<br /> � Any emounts tllsbursea oy Ge�der pUrBUe�i iu iiii5 aioy iap�� �� ^ •.
<br />� i Indebtedness of Borrower secured byth�s Deed ol Trust.Unress 9orrower and Lendor agreeto other terms of peyment,such
<br /> amounts shall be peyeble upon notica trom lender to Borrower request�ng payment hereot,and shAll bear mterest Irom the
<br /> ! dateofdlsbursementattheratepayablelromtimetotlmeonoutstending prmclpalunderlheNoteunlesspa menlofinterosl
<br /> pem sslble u derapplfcable a Nothfng c n ein d�n th s�parag aph l sh 1 eqwre Lander to ncu@any expeh se o tnke any
<br /> actfon hereunder.
<br /> 8. In�p�etlon.Lender may make or ceuse lo be mndP rensonnble entr�es upon nnd mspections of the Property.prowdeA
<br /> thet Lender shall grve Borrower nohce pnor to any such�nsp�•ch��n sp�n�tymg re:isonable Ca�isa therelon�rel:ded to Lendce�s
<br /> � interesf In the Property.
<br /> ��
<br /> �.
<br /> �
<br /> � '
<br /> j _ _
<br />