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<br /> , r . . . ): .. ..1 �ty �f . . . . . ,�� J�ii��: i:/-�.. .. 5 Y..qwY•u�.t�.usi .
<br /> � - `1 y ,.i,- 5.. .� �
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<br /> �ba.o ..-._ -��------- ..
<br /> 92— 1u�.73e �
<br /> , .
<br /> � • � Y, Cond�neapon.The proceeds of any award or cleim lor dameqes,dfrect or consequentlal,In connectfon with eny �e�,,y���,;:
<br /> condemnapon orothar tekin�olths Prop�Ay.or paA thsr�of,or for convoyenceln Ii�u of eond�mmaon,�r�h�nbyasip��d
<br /> and�hall b�pald to Lender.
<br /> In the event of a toml teNln�of the PropeRy,lhe proceeda shall be eppHsd to the sums�acured by thi�O�ed ol Trus4 with
<br /> the excass,If any,peld to Bo►rowar.In the evenf of a partlal teking ol the Propeiiy,unless Borrower and Lender aU��rwlse Y�.,___
<br /> apreeinwridnp,thsreeballbeappIiedtothesumseecuredbythisDeedofTrustsuchproporlfonolthsp�oceedsesi�squdto y��;_-
<br /> � , th�tproportionwhlohtheamountoHhesumswcuredbythis0eedofTruatlmmsdietelypriortothed�tsolfekin�bantothe ;;,�Y --
<br /> felr merke/velue ot th�prope�ty immsdletely prfor to the date of laklnp,wlth the balence of the prxseds peid to Bar�ower. �,} _—
<br /> � If ths Propsrly is�b�ndoned by Bo►rower,or it,olter nodce by Lender Io Borrower thet the condomaor ottera to make an
<br /> rd a s�Mls a clafm for d�n�ges,Bortower faile to rapond to Lender wlthin 30 deys eRer the dete such notics I�m�lled, �,'',+' .':':•""—'�"°�-""—i
<br /> awa �
<br /> Lender is auMorized W coN�ct and apply the proceads,�t Lender's optlon,oither to re�toretlon or r�pair of th�Prop�Ay o► o R::=_=
<br /> th�sums s�cured by this Deed of Taet `��r;�,��•r,�
<br />' Unleas L�nder and 8onower othsrwiee aQree In wridng,any auch eppl�atlon of prxeeds to principel ahall eotextend or ��M��_�
<br /> 1� postpons ths dus dats o1 the monthly imtallmenu refer�ed to in perayraphs 1 and 2 hereol or chonpe the�mouM of wch , ` ,4���.,..-� -
<br /> �., instellmente. ,
<br /> 10. �ortowMNolRN�d.Er.tanaion of the Gme torpeymentor modltlaedon o1 amoAizatlon of the aumsaenured by thfs
<br /> ' Deed of Trust qranted by Lsnder to eny successor in interest d Borrower shall not operate to releaae.in any menner,ihe , . .
<br /> -�. . � � Ueblllty of lheorigln�l Borrowerand Borrower'a suceeeao►s Interest.Lender shall not be required to commence proceedlnps
<br /> aqainst auch suoaeaeor a refule to extend dme for payment or otherwiae modiy amoAizaUon o}the aume secured by this �.,:����.��r��-.
<br /> �• � p�ed of Trust by reseon ol any denwnd made by the orbinel Borrower and Borrower's Buccesaora in Uterest :�_
<br /> '�� ��. ForMarane�by L�nd�r Not�W�Iwr.Any lorbearance by Lender i�exercfafny any ripht or remedy hereunder,a �::w•��.y � ,"'r=
<br /> otherwiss allorded by�pp���ble lew,ahell not be a waiver of or preclude the exercioe ot any auoh right or remedy.The --�,�„�
<br /> � procurement of insuranceol the peyment of texes or olher Ilens or ohergea by Lende�ahail not be a weivar ollender's rlyhtto ..�
<br /> eccelerate the meturiy of the indebtedresa secured by tf�la Deed of Truat � c:>�-�_�f• -�
<br /> ►emedyu n„d�hfe�eed of TAuat orBHordadVby taw or+qu�lry�, andr mayrbe exierc�sed conaurrenlly,Udepe�entlyt or f '�-.`�.
<br /> �� successively. � • ,� �,�
<br /> 13. Suceason�nd Asslqns 8ound; Jolnt �nd S�v�ral WbINry; CapNons.The covenanm and egreemeMa herein � 3� ^"�'�:..
<br /> i contafned shali bind,end the r�phts hereunder shell Inure to,the respective succeasors and aselgns of Lender and 8orrower, -
<br /> subJect to the proviebna ot paraqraph 17 hereof.All covenants and epreementa ol8orrower shell be 1oinl and several.The ' ��:'•�`-
<br /> � ca�tions and headinpe of Ihe paraqrephs of thia Deed of Trust are for convenlence only and era not to 6e ueed to inte►pret or r•,,�
<br /> detine the provisions hereof. �;,a„�v�
<br /> 1�1. Noda�.Exceptforeny notfce required under appHcable law to begiven in enother menner,(a)any notice to Borrower , .�.
<br /> provfded for In this Oeed olTruat shall begiven by meiling euch notice by certitled meil eddreased to�orrower etthe Properry
<br /> Address or at such other addresa as Borrower may deeignate by notice to Lender es provfded herefn,end(b)a�y notice to ' :�
<br /> lender ahall bo ylvenby certHied meil,return recelpt requeated,to Lender's addresa atated hereln or to auch alher addreas as -�
<br /> � Lender mey dealg�ete by noticeto Borrowsr ae provfded heraln.Any notice provided for In lhis Doed ol Trustshall be deemed � ;�, •
<br /> to have besn�iven to Borrower or Lender when piven In the menner dealgneted herefn. ,
<br /> , 15. UnNom►DNd ol Trud;Gov�minp I.�w;S�vK�WNt�►.The fo�m ol deed ol t�ust combines uniform covenents lor . ., �
<br /> � nationel uae and non-urnform covenants witti iimlted varlaitans by Jurlr�citctlon!o constilute e unitorm�urity fnsuumem . ___.
<br /> coverin��eal property.This Oeed of Truet ahall be�overned by lhe law of the�urfsdictfon in which the PropeAy i
<br /> a located.In
<br /> the event thet any proviabn or clauae of this Deed of Trust or the Note conllicts with applicable law,auch canlHct shell not
<br /> aHect other provfabna ot thls Deed of Trust orthe Nate which can be given eHect wilhoutthe conflictin�provieions,and to this
<br /> end the provi�fona of the Oeed of Trust and the Note are decl, ot�Note and of this Deed of Trust at the time of
<br /> ti 16. Bonowu's Copy.Borrower ahall be lnrflt� �� QoPlR ^
<br /> executfon or aMer recordatlon hereot. r"' q� �•��►v e� �+•�•�^ � , .
<br /> 17. Transf�r ol th�Prop�rly:AwumpHon If al Aqy,paftol the p�ope�or an Intereat thereln is eold or tranaferred by ,
<br /> Borrower without Lender'e p�lor written cons [1p:(A)tho creation of a Ilen or encumbrance subordinete tothia Deed �
<br /> olTrust,(b)thecreatlondapurchaaemoneyaecur tereatforhouseholdepplfancea,(c)etranslerbydevlaedeacentorby �
<br /> operetion of lew upon thedeath of a�ointtenant or(d)theg�ant of eny leasehold interestof threeyearo orless not conlefning an ,
<br /> optfon to purchese,Lender mey,at Lender's optfon,declare all the auma sacured by thia Qeed ot Trust to be Immedlately due •
<br /> wh methe Property Ia toalbe eold oe trersfer ed each aq eement�nf w i�ngihei�he�c edii of such pe son ia sensleciory io .
<br /> Lender and thetthe Mtereat payable on the aums aecured by thla Deed of Trust ahall be et such rete as Lender shell request.If
<br /> Lender hes welved the aption to accelerate provfded in this peragraph 11,and il Borrower's eucceasa in Inte�esf hea
<br /> executed a wriKen essumption ag+eement accepted in writfng by Lender,Lender ahall release Borrower from ell obliyations
<br /> under this Deed ol Trust end Ihe Note.
<br /> If Lender exercisea euch option to eccelerate,Lender shall mall Borrower notfce of acceleretion 1n eccorde�ce with
<br /> paragraph 14 hereol.Such notice shall pr�vlde a period of not leas than 30daysfrom the dete the noticeis melled wllhin which
<br /> Borrower may pay 1ha sums declared due.If Borrower fells to pay auch sums prior to the expfretlon of such perlod,Lender
<br /> mey,wfthout turther noUte or demand on 8orrower,invoke any remediea permitted by peregraph 18 hereof.
<br /> NON-UNIFORIII COVBNANT3.Sorrow�r�nd L�nd��lurthe cor�mnt�nd aqrN as IoUow�:
<br /> te. Acc�NraWn;R�m�dln.Except as provided In pa►agreph 17 hereol,upon Bor�ower's breach of eny covenant or
<br /> agreement of Borrower Inthis Deed of Trus�includlnp the covenants to pey when due eny sums secured by this Oeed of Trust,
<br /> Lender prla to acceleratbn shall mail notice to 8orrower as provided in paragraph 14 hereol specl1yinp:(t)the breach;(2)the
<br /> actlon requlred to cure auch breach;(3)a dete,not leas then 30days from the date the notice Is malled to Borrower,by whlch
<br /> �� such breaCh must he cured;end(4)that faflure to cura such breach on or before the date specilfed In the notice mey reauH in
<br /> ecceleratlon of the sumeaecured by this Oeed of Trustand saleof the Property.The notfce shall further Inform Borrower ot the
<br /> rfght to relnstate atter acceleratfon and the rlght to bring a court actlon to esse►1 the non-exiatence ot a default a any other
<br /> defenae of Borrower to acceleration and sele.If the breach is not cured on or before the date apechled In ihe notlCe.Lender at
<br /> '• } Lender's option may declere all of the aums secured by this Deed o1 Trust to be immedletely due end payable wlthout lunher
<br /> ; demand and may invoke the power of sale end any other remedies permfttE+d by appllcable law.Lender shall be entltled to
<br /> collect all reasoneble costs and expenaes incurred�n pursuinythe remedfeaprov�ded m the paragraph 18,includln�,but not
<br /> Ilmlted to,reaaonable ettorney s fees.
<br /> .,�� If the powe�of eole fs Invoked,Truatee shall record a notice ot default in each counly m which the Property or some part
<br /> a� thereof fs located end shell meil copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law l0 8arower and to the other
<br /> ����
<br /> �;., persons preacrfbed by appliceble I�w.ARer the lapee ot such ume as may be reqwred by epplfcable law,Trustee shall glve
<br /> ti pubHo notice ot sele to the persons and In the menner prescrfbed by applicable law.Trustee,wfthout demand on Borrower,
<br /> , shell sell lhe Propeiiy atpubllc auctlon to the higheat bldder at the time and plece and under the terms desfgnated In the natice
<br /> of sale in one or more percels and In such order as Trustee may determine.Truatee may poatpone sale ot all or any percel of
<br /> the Properly by public announcement at the tfine and place ol eny previou4ly sc:heduled eale.Lender or Lender's desipnee
<br /> mey purchase the Prope�ly et any sale.
<br /> Upon recefpl of poyment ol lhe price bfd,Truatee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveyf ng the Property sold
<br /> T.._...,.c.s�.c.,�he T.��ne..�n dnwrf ahall he orfma lacieevidence of the trulh ol the statementa made therein.7rustee shall apply
<br /> � fhe proceeds ot thesale In the lollowinq order:(a►to all reasonable costsand expenses ot tne saie,inciuding,dui noi iimiied io,
<br /> Trustee's fees of not more then 96 01 the gross sale price,reasonable attorney'a feea end costs of title evldence:
<br /> (b)to all sums secured by thla Deed of Trust and(c)the excess,if any,tu the person or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br /> 19. Bonow�r's Rlphl to RNml�t�.Nolwfthstending Lender's acceleratlon of the sums secu�ed by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Borrower shall heve therlghtto heve any proceedinga begun by Lender to enlorce the Deed of Truat dlsconti�ued at any t�me
<br /> prior to the earlfer to xcur ot(f)the IiHh day befare thesele of the Property pursuant to the power of aale contained In the Deed
<br /> ot Trust(fi►entry ot a�udpment enforcfng this Deed of Trust�t:(a)Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due
<br /> under thfs Deed u1 Truat,the Note end notea aecuring Futu►e Advances,if any,hed no acceleratlon occured:�b)Bwrower
<br /> � cures all breachea of any other covenants or ayreemenis of Borrower contained in this Deed ot Trust:(c)Borrower pays all
<br /> reasonable expenaes Incurred by Lender and Trustee enforcinp the covenanls and agreements of Borrower contained in this
<br /> �f , DeedofTruatendinenforcinpLender'sandTrustee'ar�amedieaasprovi�edlnparagraphl8hereol,includfng,butnotlfmNed
<br /> 4 fo,reasonable attorney'e feea;and(d)Borrower tekea such actlon as Lender mey reasonably requfre to assure thet the lien of
<br /> thfs Deed of True�Lender's fnte�eat fn the Property and Borrower's obllgatfon to pay the sums secured by thfs Deed ol Trust
<br /> ahell contfnue unlmpafred.Upon such peyment and cure by Borrower,th�s Deed of Trust and the obliyations secured hereby
<br /> t� sheU remeln In full force and eftect es il no acceleratwn had occurred
<br /> ! �
<br /> I
<br />