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<br /> . � 92.� 1 oi�r�s --�:
<br /> � + UNIFORM COVENANTS.8orrower end Lander covenant and aprae as lollows� � • ��•�-°--
<br /> �'.`�::.' .
<br /> � �, paym�M ol prMcip�l and IM��. Bo�rower shell promptly pey when d e the principel ol and Intereat on the ;.
<br /> fndsbtednesaevfdoncedbytheNote,prepaymentandlotecharpeaesprovided{nlheNote,andtheprinclpalolandintereston t'.��
<br /> � any Futurs Advances sscured by the Desd of Trust. �_ '.��_�=��-•�--�-
<br /> ' 2. FundslorTwsand(MUrana�.3ubfect to applicebte law or to e wrftten wafver by Lender.Borrower ahell pey to Lsnder ��
<br /> ,r on the d�y monthly InaWllment�ot princlpel end fnterest ere payable under the Note,uMN Ihe Note la paid in full,a eum(he�eln � `
<br /> r ' ,. "Funde")equsl to on�-twellih of ths yearly taxes and essessments which mey ettain priorily over Ihla Deed oi T�ust,and �
<br /> yround rents on the Property,il any,plwo�e-twelhh olyearly premlum installments br hezard Inaurence,plus one-twelRh ot __.__,•_�•'*'�;��_
<br /> yearly premium inetallments for moR�epe i�suranae,if eny,all ee ceaeonably ostimeted initiolly and from time to tlma by ��:;v y • �'"s�
<br />_ �.' L�nder on the beils of esesssmenta endbille end reaeonable esdmates thereol. ,;;����._
<br /> TheFundeshsllbehetdfnaninsptutlonthsdepoaltsoraccountsofwhichareinsuredorgueranteed,byaFederalorstete �;„�.:,.�.__,
<br /> � eqency(Ucluding Lander If Lender ia�uch en institution).Lender shell apply the funda to y seid taxee,essesaments, ��-- ,�,—��,,,:_._,.�_
<br /> .'�•l:�:`i�' !
<br /> inaurancepremlumsendyroundrenta.lendermeynotchargebraoholdin_pandapplyingthe unda,anelyzingeafdeccount ;,.��;�.�,,
<br /> �' or verifying and compiling eaid asaeaameMs and bills unleaa Lender peys 8o�rower Interest on the Funds end appliceble law `` -� .
<br /> permita Lende�ta meke auch a cha��e.8orrower and t.ender may agree in wrftlng et the tfine of execution ot thie DeeA o1 Trust •�-���__�
<br /> �•� thet interest on the Funda ehall be paid to Borrower,and uMesa euch agreement Is mede w applicalbe law reQuirea such :•i:,,,4;�;.,;;s���-
<br /> �_ „ Intereat to bepa id,Lender ehell not be required to pey Bonower any Interest or earnfnge� o�tha Funds.Lender shall give to , ,_� ,.,,
<br /> Borrower,wilhout aharge,a�an�ual aacounting ol the Funds ahowing credita and debits to Ihe Funda and the purpose for .^ �i. �.�,:.,:;;.'. .
<br /> 4y which eoah dabitto 1heFunds waa mad�.The Fundsare pledyed ac addidonal aecurity for the sums secu►ed by this Deed of
<br /> Truat , c,7�-
<br /> 4 ����__�
<br /> If the emaunl of the tunda held by Lender,toyether with the tuture mon t h ly i n s t a l l m e n f a o f F u n d e p e y a b l e p r i o r t o t h e d u e '
<br /> detes ot texes,easeasments�Insurance premiums and ground�ents,shaA exceed the emount repuired to pey said taxea, _�`�--___—_
<br /> � • � aeaesamente,insura�ce prem fu m s e n dg�o und rents ea they fall due,auch excess shell be.at Borrower's option,either . ;: ,�.�����
<br /> promptly repaid to Barower or credited to Borrower on mon lhly installments of Funds.If the emount of the Fu n ds he l d b� , r T,
<br /> . Lendershal1notbeeumaienttopeytaxes,assesamenta,ineurencepremiumsandg roundrenteaatheylal1due.Borrowerahe� f , � �.;�t� T
<br /> pay to Lender any amouM neceaaery to meke up the de8aiency within 30 daya from the data noflC�is malled by Lender to � , ,,, ��.
<br /> � Borrower requeetin�payment thereof. �
<br /> Upon payment in full otall sums secured by this Deed ol Trust,Lender shell promptly relund to Borrower any funda held by •�' � ;� � _
<br /> Lender.lf under parag�aph 18 hereof the Prope�tv is sold or the Prope�is othprwfee acquired by I.ender.l.ender shell apply. ,, ,_ _
<br /> ''� no leter Ihan Immedletely prfor to the eele of rthe Fsroperty or Its acqufalt on by Lender,and Funds heid by Lender at the time ol � . � �
<br /> • appUcetion as a cr e d i t apa lna t t h e s u m a s e c u r e d b y I h i a D e e d of Truat `� �•'�
<br /> i •�
<br /> 3. AppNcation of Pa�nb.U�lesa appliceble lew provides mherwise,all peyments rece�ved by Lender under Ihe Note �'�1�.
<br /> .._r-
<br /> end paregrepha 1 end 2�hereol shall be applied by Lender tirat in payment of amounts payable to Lender by 9orrawer under � �._ -
<br /> � : pareg�aph 2 hereof,thon to iMarest peyable on the Note,then to the principal of the Note,and then to intereat a�d prfnclpal on _;
<br /> eny Future Advances. '�-
<br /> 4. Chs ;LNn�.6orrowera ehall pay ell taxes,assessments and other charges,lfnes and impoeitions attributeble to the t r'�;L
<br /> � PropeAy w�h may atEain B priorl1y over ihls Deed of Trus�and leasehold peyments or ground rente,if eny,in the manner , ..
<br /> , provided under perayraph 2 here�i or,if not paid in auch manner,by Bor�ower mekfng payment,when due,directly to the � :_
<br /> pay�o the�eot.Sorrower shell�+romptly furnleh to Lender all notices ot amounls iue under thia paregraph,and In the event , . � �
<br /> Bonawer shall meke payment directiy, Borrower ehell promptly furnish io Lendnr r�celpts e�idsncing�uch paYno,t�s. � -
<br /> Borrower shall promptly dfscherge any lien whfch has prlority over thla Deed of Trust;provfded,lhet Borrower shell i �`':'��;'�'�.
<br /> � required to dischargeanq s�uch Ifen so long as Borrower shell agree in wrltfng to the payment oltheobligation secured by such ,,,:;�.,.
<br /> F lien in a manner ecceptable to Lender,or shall i�qood falth conteat such Ilen by,or detend enlorcement of auch I{en in,leqel `, 4
<br /> i proceedings which operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien or Io►fefture of the Property or any paA thereof. �;�
<br /> S. Mlizard lmuraec�.Borrowar shall keep the impravements now exfslfng or he�eaker erected on the Property insured '
<br /> egeinat losa by ilre,hezerds fncluded within the term'extended coverege",and such other hexarda ea Lender may�equire ; . �..
<br /> end in such amounts and lor euch perlods as Lender mey requlre;provided,thet Lender shall not require that lhe amount of ; ,
<br /> auch coverepe exceed thet emount of coverage reQuired to pey the sums secured by thfs Qeed of Truat.
<br /> Thia lnaurance cerrfer providing the insurance shell be chosen by Borrower nub�ect to approval by Lender;provlded,that ��
<br /> under pera9 aph 2�hereof or,if not peld in stuch Imen'ner,by Bonower mak�g payment when due dire t y to the f surance
<br /> cerrier.
<br /> All fnsurance poliCles end renewals thereot shall be in form acceptable to Lender and shalt include a standard mortgage
<br /> clauae In fevor of and In form acceptable to Lender.Lender shell have the rfght to hold the poli�iee end renewals thereorand
<br /> Borrower shell promptly lurniah to Lender all renewal noticesand ell receipta ol paid premiume.ln the evenl ot loss.Borrower � -
<br /> shell glve ptom t notice to the fnsurance carrier and Lender.lender mey meke proof ol loas If not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> I UnlesdeRn ge�p�dBoded such restoratfon or repelr�s economically feasible and the secu aty of th s'D�eed of Tpust Isf not
<br /> PropeAy
<br /> i thereby impaired.lt such restoration or repair is not economlcally leas�ble or N the security of thla Deed of Trust would e
<br /> impalred,the inaurance proceeds ahall be apptled to the sums secured b�thfs Deed of Truat,with the excess,if any,paid to
<br /> Borrower.II the Property fa abendoned by 8orrower,or fl Borrower feils o respond to Lender wlthfn 30 days Irom the date
<br /> notice Is meiled by Lender to Borrower thet the insurance carrler oHers to settle a claim for ineu►ance beneflts,Lender is
<br /> authorized tv collect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's option elther to restoratfon or�epeir ol the Property or to .
<br /> the sums secured by thls Deed of Trust
<br /> Unless Lende►end 8orrower otherwi8e agree in writing,any such application ot proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due dete ot the monihly fnatallments referred to in pnragraphs 1 and 2 hereol or change the emount of auch
<br /> inatellmente.lf under paragreph 18 hereo4 the Property la acquired by Lender,ali nght,Utle and intereat of Borrower in and to
<br /> � any insurance pollaies and in a�d to the proceeda thereot resultfng from damege to the Property prior to the aele or acquialtfon
<br /> � shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by thls Oeed ot Truat immedietely pnor to such sale or acquisitlon.
<br /> 8. Pr��vallon�nd M�Int�n�nc�01 Prop�ily:l�as�holds;Condominlumr,Pl�nn�d Uell D�v�lopm�nb.Borrower shell
<br /> keep Ihe Property In good�epair and ahall not commit waste or permlt�mpefrment of deterloretion ot the Property and shall
<br /> ' comply wfth the provisions ol any lease ff thls Deed ol Tru3t Is on a leasehold.H th�a Deed of Trust�s on a unft In a condom�nium
<br /> � � pr a planned unit development,Borrower shell perform all of Borrower's obligatlons under the declaratlon or covenants
<br /> creatlng or governing the condominium or planned unit development,the by-laws and reguletions o1 Ihe condomfnium or
<br /> t � ' planned uME developmen�and constltuent documents.�f a condomlmum or planned unit Cevelopment nder is excuted by
<br /> :� Borrowe�and recorded together wfth this Deed ot Trust,the covenanis and agreemente of auch nder shall be fncorporated
<br /> fnto and shell amend and supplement the covenants and agreements of this deed of Trust es if Ihe rider were a peN hereol.
<br /> ;��. 7. Prohetlon of L�nd��'s S�cuNt�t.If Borrower lails to pe►form the covenants and agreements contained in thla Deed of
<br /> " Trust,or if eny eCtion ar proCeeding fs commenced with matenally affects Lender's mtereat In the Property.including but no1
<br /> j�{.. � Ilmitedto,eminBntdOmeln,fnsolvenCy.COdeenforCement,orarrangementsorproCeedingsmvolwngabankruptordecedont.
<br /> �i then Lender at Lender's oplfon,upon notice to Borrower,may meke suCh�ppeara�ces.disburse such swns end take such
<br /> '' actfonasfsnecessarytoprotectLender's�nterest.includ�ng,bulnotlim�tedto,disbursementolreeso�ableuttorney'sfeesand
<br /> entry upon the Properly to make repeirs.ll Lender reqwred mortgage insu►ance as a cond�tion otmaki�g the Ioan secured by
<br /> Ihe Deed ot Trust.Bo�rower ahall pay the premiums reqwred to mamla�n such msurance in eflect untll such time as the
<br /> requlrement lor such fnaurance term�netes in accordance w�th Bo►rower's and Lender's wr�den agreement or uppIlcalbe Inw
<br /> Borrower shall pay the emount ol all mortgage�nsu�anc�e pe�moum��h ti ew h mtepest�heaon.esh�18t9iecome add t�onal
<br /> /10y amounta disouraeo i�y i.diwvT 'p���:...•.� •.� ••••-
<br /> indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Deed o1 Trust.Un�ess�oriower and l.ender agree to other terms o�payment,sucn
<br /> amounts shall be payable upon notice fram Lender to 8orrower request�ng payment hereot,and shAll bear�nterest Irom the
<br /> date o1 dlabursement atlhe rate payable Irom tfine to time on outstanding pnnapal under the Note unless paymenl ol interest
<br /> , at such rate would be contrary to epplicable law. �n which event such amounts sha�l bear intorest at itie hignest r�te
<br /> i permfssible under appllcable law.Nothing contained in this paregraph 7 shall reqwre Lender to mcur any axpense or teke any
<br /> ! action hereunder.
<br /> � e, �n�p�CHon.Lender may make or cause to be made reaso��.�hie�rntnes upon and mspe�:Uoiis u�the�Prop��ty.prov�ded
<br /> that lender shell give 8orrower notfce p�ior to any such�nspection spealying reasonable causetherelore re4�ted lo Lender�a
<br /> � i interest fn lhe Property.
<br /> � I
<br /> �!
<br /> !"
<br /> �•
<br />