;c• � ;iiPi �.� 4v r ��H�l�1, .-- --
<br /> I, yy, t - _-- --- -- _ ` _
<br /> a.. ,,
<br /> ��� y�.�
<br /> i/�`` �`�
<br /> �_ ��. . _
<br /> ��` ...;T�:_... �,.�----
<br /> rr.. :�f+`14�w•«.�� _ _ _ _
<br /> °,ti .:,;. .- � 92--i o i�r�o —��-
<br /> �• ,,7'.tia a�+NMAd�.`'µ;' �_...�—_
<br /> r" �{iw�k;;,..:.;�}� .• paymenta,which are mferrcd to in Parag�np►� 2,or ehange the amqµnt,.pf tiuch paymentti. Any eace.v proceeds over nn �;w,�_--
<br /> i �a�:: . , �' •• amountteyuired tU pay oll outstandin�indabtedness und�r tf�N�te und.ef►lg Secunty Instrumrnt ah�ll be paid la Ihe entity —
<br /> _ ,....,..:.�fl .,« -.= le�ally enlitled Iherela.
<br /> r° • L 8, Feea l.ender muy collect fees and charges auttwrixed by tha Secre�ary• �
<br /> 9. Grounds for Accekratioa of Uebl,
<br /> - ` .: ��►Defiult� Lender n�ay,except�limited by reguludpn�a iss,ued by the Secretary in the cu+e of puyment defaults. �'"�—�—
<br /> reyuirc immediate paymem in full of all sums secumd by thi.y Seauriry In�trument if: ��°----
<br /> ` li)Borrower defaulta by fuiling co pay in full any mq+Mt��p►yrrkni rcyuin:d by this Securiry Ustrument p�ior ��_� - - -
<br /> ' n���, to or on�he due date of the next momhly puyment,ar �,_� -------
<br /> ; . �ii►Hurrower defuulta hy failing, for s�pericxl of thiRy davs.to perform any other obligsuiuns co�tuined in Ihis ��
<br /> y Securily Inswment. �----�
<br />�` °�' Ib1 Sole Withaut Credit AppravAl. Lender shull.if}+em�itted by.applicublc luw und with the priar approvvl of the ��,;;.�:��
<br /> � , . Secrclary,rcyuire immedipte payment in fuU of all the nums r,ccuned by this Securi�y Imtrumcnt if: _ ��,�w-e--__
<br /> .�"l-��-�--�
<br /> � ' , ' � (i)All ar part of the Property,or a beneficiul interrs�in a tntst awning ull ur part uf the Ptoperty.�s sold or ��r�=.,,„..__
<br /> . � atherwisc tramferred lather than by dcvise or de.u;entl by thq.garrower,and �-��_-t-� --�
<br /> ' liil The Propeny is not a:cupied by the purchanc:r or gr�ntca ruc his or her principal rcsidence,or the purchawer �al:°�-.- �
<br /> • , .,... ar grantee daes so occupy the Praperty but hi:t or her credit hus not been upproved in uccordwnce �=�__•-----_
<br /> � wilh the rcyuirements of the Secre�ary. �
<br /> lcl No Waiver. If cinum.�unces accu�that would permit l,endar tu require immGdiate puymant in full,hut I.ender �.;:'`�"'-'Y
<br /> ' ' � daec not reyuire such puyments,Le�derdoes not wuive its ri hG�.with rex t ta xub� uent events. �•:,".--_
<br /> �. .. B P� 9 Y.`::-=,�"
<br /> '' Id)R��tlans oP HCD&eeretary. In many circumstancaH regulations isxued by the Secreauy will timit I.�nder�s ���•-
<br /> • �ights, in the cu�e of puynient defouUs, to reyuire immediale.�payment in full and forec��se if not paid. 7'his, e._�-
<br /> ., „ . Securiry I�i.�rument d��es not�uthorizc accclerruon or foreclosurc.►f not permiucd by regulxtions nf the Secre�ury. �-�-°�- �.
<br /> Ie1 MatRtq�e Not Insured. &►rrower agrees that ghould thi�t Sewuriry Instrument:uid thc note secured thereby not � ,-�.:,:;;._-
<br /> " , n�»• be eligible for insurunre under the Nu�ionol Housin�Art witt►in from the ��,��.
<br /> dnte hereof,Lende�muy,at its option and no�withxtandin�anylhin�in Purugrnph 9,reyuire immediute puyment in �"�=
<br /> ' ,� full of all r�umx u�umd by thix Security Instrument. A wnitCn,tutemem oi uny uuthorized ugent af the Secrctury ��y`r�;��_
<br /> daled zub.eyuent to fmm�he dale hemof',declining lo insure thie Security l��.,�aa�-
<br /> �_..�� _:��:-
<br /> , In+trumen�und the nnte,ecured th�reby, shall be de�med conclu�ive proof of such ineligibility. NiKwithstanding ��.���`
<br /> .. • 1he foregoin�;,�hi�optinn m•ry not t►e exereised by Lendcr whun the unuvuilubility of insuruncc ix solely due to .,�_.�_
<br /> � Lcnder+failurc�u remi�a munguge insum�uc premium to the.Secretury. �•��'i:;a;ii
<br /> 10. Reinstatement. Borrower ha+u righ�to be rein+tated ii l.ender hu�reyuired immcdiute payment in ful) because :.vY'�:
<br /> of Borrower's failut� lo puy an umount due unJer�he•Note ur this.Sccurity Instrumenl. This nght uppliei even ufter _•'••; �§�f`
<br /> foreclosurc praccedings ure inytiwted. To rein+tu�e the Security Inwlrument. Borr�wer shuU tencier in •r lump sum nll '�'c,"'-
<br /> - -------- umounts rcquired t��bnng eorrower'+nccount current inciudinu. iu ilrt ehieni ihe)� ara obligaiioni af BoRnu•er under lh�s �="�°^��'_- -
<br /> ' Security Ins�rumen�,foreclusure cust.und re�sonuble und cutilnmaq•attorney.'fee+and expcnsas pmperly utisaciateJ wilh __
<br /> the foreclosura pmceeding. Upon rcinsta�ement hy Barmwer.�hi�Securily In.trument�md the oblibunom that it secum.r• ��'S•' �
<br /> �• � shall remain in effect a+il'l.ender hud not re�uireJ immedia�e paymant in full. However.Lcnder is not required ro pennit �`���=
<br /> � . • reinstutement iL• li) Lend�jr has ucccpteJ rcm,lutement afler th�rommencrment ��f fi�rcclo�un+ prn�:eedingb withm two ��__,�,�.:_: =-
<br /> ' yean immediately prcceding the commcixement nf a rurtCnt ti�r�wlo,unn pr�:eedin�s, liil rein+wtement will precluJe
<br /> foreclosurc on dit7erem FraunJti in the futurr,ar liiil rcen+tu�em4n1 will adverr�ly,ut'1'act the prioritv,oi the lien creuted by ���=
<br /> thisSecurity Instnimcnt. "�`�`°'�'--.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Releuxed: Fnrbeurnnce by l.ender Not a Waiver, Ex�cn,ion i�F tho time of payment or � ,;�_,:
<br /> modificaiion uf amnniiation��f the hum.+ccumd b�the,Security In.trumrnt�ranted hy I.rnder to uny�uccc..nr in intcrrr� �`-'-
<br /> ...,. of Born�wcr shall nat op�:ratc tu rcica,�the liuhiliq of the uri�inal Horruw•cr or B�►rmu•c�±wccrssur in intcre.�. Lender
<br /> -.-°°�. --
<br /> shull not tx required to comm�nce pracedin�+ug:iinti� any rucce.�ur in in�cre+i ar mfu�r to ex�cnd time tiir puyment ur � „ :-�_•
<br />' • othcnviux m�xlify umanii•rtion of thc+um. �ccureJ hy thix Scrurily In�trunum by rcu.on of uny d�m:u�d madc by thc
<br /> „ ' � originul Borrawer or Bormwrr��ucr�.+un in intcm,t. Any t��rl.curance b�•l.rnJrr in exrrrixing uny ri�sht or mmedy.hull
<br /> ' not k�u waiver of��r prccluJc�hr cxcrci+r of:my right nr n mcd�•.
<br /> 9 Bound• oint und tie�•eral�.iubilit�: Co-tiiRnern. The covenunt.;uid ugmcment�uf T�'E`
<br /> ,. 12. Successons and Axgi�n .,1 �� •' ' -
<br /> �his Scrurity Imtrument shvll hind unJ Ixnefi�th��ur�e�.un anJ a�>ign+ul LrnJ�r und H��rrowrr..ubj�ct to thc provi,ium � ,
<br /> ' ' of Poragruph 9.b. Burrowcr; rovenuntti and u�rrcmcnt+ <h:dl Ix,j�,int and .r�rrul. Any Hurn►w�r who co-.ign. thi. .
<br /> . .. Sccuriry In+trumcn[but d�w,not cx�cwc thr Nun�: lal iti cu-,i�nin�t�hi. Srrurily Inslrumrnt�►nly tu mong�ge,grunl unJ L
<br /> �� comey thut Hornx�•eri intere.t in thc I'ro�xrty unJer Ihe Iennti uf ihi.Srrurit� Imtrument;lh1 i.nut Fxrtionully obl�guied�u � •�;__
<br /> ' puy thr sums�ccun�J by thi.S.•curi�y bi�tnuncn�::md(r i agr�c,�hut Lrndrr:uiJ any uthrr I�urrowrr may agrec to extrnJ. � ^�_
<br /> .. � mod�fy.fortfcar��r mukr an�•�ccomnuxlution,wilh rcgm•d io Ihr Icrn�.of thi�Scruri�y In.lrumcnl ur thc Nutc without thal • : -
<br /> Borcowerti consenl. � � _ _
<br /> � l3. Nudces. Any natirc ti�[3urroN�cr providrd lur in Ihi�Scrurily h��trununt+hall Ix given by dcliv�ring it or hy =
<br /> • moiling il hy fir+t clu��mail unle.ti applir:ihlc law rcyuire. u.r ul'unuther mrth�xi. Thr n��hrr ,hall Ix direrted tu thr �
<br /> � . Propeny Addre�ti nr�my�nher uddres�Rurn���•cr dr>i�nntc.hy nulirr tn l.cnJec Am•nuUrr�u Lrnder,hall ix gi�•en by �
<br /> tirst eln�s muil to LenJer:uddrr„ .iatcd hcirin ur uny addr«. Lendrr de.i�n:ue.h�� nu�irr tu Harcu��rr. Any naticr
<br /> �� ' Qrovided for in thiti ticrurily In,Irum�nt.h:dl hr dermrd a,h�i�•r Fxrn�i�•rn n,H��rr����er„r Lrndrr��hen�:i�•rn:i.pruvid�d
<br /> a ..�''� m this puratir:�ph.
<br /> • , l4. (:overninR I.uw:tie�•crubilil�. 1'hi,ticrurit� Imlrumcm .hall Ix• gorcrncd h� I�rd�ral la�� :md thr law•a�'Ihc
<br /> • ." . juri�Jiction in whirh�hc Pro�rt�•i� I�x•a��d. h� thr r�rm thal :m} �x�,vi.um ur rl:m.r ��I thi. tirruril} In.lrumem ur Ihe
<br /> • Nole rontlirl�wilh upplicuhle law. ,unc �unllirt ,hall no� al'frri „Ihrr pra��i.wn. �,t thi� tirrunty In.mmirm ur�he Nute
<br /> which c�n Ix�Eivrn�ffecl wilhuul Ihr r�m�li�tm� pru�i.iun. li�Ihi.rnd Ihe��ri��i����n��,f Ihi.ticruril�• Imlrunttnl :uttl Ihe .
<br /> . . ' Nutc a�rc drelurcd tu tx.cvcr.inle. •
<br /> IS. Nurrowcr's('opp. R��rruwrr chall{x•�i��rn�mr runlnrmcJ rup� nl Ilu.tirrunt� M,Irumcm.
<br /> � 16. Assi�nment uf Rents. H��rrm�er unc„ndiuunalh :�„i�n.:ind tran.trr•t��l.rndrr:dl Ihr rrnt.:mJ rcvenu�•�ul Ihr
<br /> � ' '�. � Prci�xrty. Nortowcr authuri�c,L�nd�r nr Lrniter',n�:rni,i��.ullrc�th�rrm..�nd iccrnur..ind hrrch<<lirrr�,earh trnant uf
<br /> IhC F�t��xrly lu�a)'Ih�re11U Iti l.ender t�r L�•�1dC1''�.��!en��. Il���+rt:r. �n'�n� lu I�•lut�•t�. �tnU�•� It� 1iu17u��rr uf Hurtnwrr'.
<br /> brcach��f:�ny cuvrnunt or agrccmcnt r�thr tirruril� In.irumrn�. li„�i�,��rr,h.dl rull.�it and irrri��:dl r�•nh.�nd re��rnur.u(
<br /> IIhc Propert)•a�IrU+ICC ti�r th��Fx•nrlil ul I.rndrr and I�urr����rr. 1'hi.a,.I�nn1rt11�,I rcnh r�m.ldutrr:�n:ih,nlulr a..i�nn1C111
<br /> .. and not an u�.i�nnmm ti�r addition�il .cuirm unh.
<br /> �..���. ��.
<br /> . .. 11 LrnJc�E��•c�nuh�r ul I�rra�'ll la Itnnu��Cr �:u.�ii n•m� rccc�.cii i�� n��m•a.ri •ii.ui id n.�.�... �..-• .:.. ..,.^.., •..
<br /> ,, (or benrtil uf'L�ndrr�,nh.t„ hr,q�phrd t„ Ihr .um. ,r.uird I,� ihr tir.•urn� In.trum�nl: ihi LrnJrr .h:dl h.•rnullyd 1��
<br /> collcrt tmtl Rccivr.�II��I fitr rcnl.ul'Ihr Pr���,rrl�::uul 1�I r.�rh lrnant�,I Ih�• I'raprrt� .h;�ll��a) :�II irnt.dur :�nd un�+:u�l I��
<br /> LenJer ur LcnJrr'.:�Ernl�m I.endrr'.«riurn Jrmand tu Ihe trnunl.
<br /> Burrowrr ha. mH r��ruteJ:in) pn„r:�.,i}:nn�cnt �,t Ihr r�nl. and ha. rn�i :in�l ��ill nul �urtunn ;ui� arl Ih:it ��uuld
<br /> �� prc��cnl Lcndrr I�rom�•�rrri,ui�ii,ri�:ht.undrr thi�I':�r:i�r:q+h It�.
<br /> LrnJcr,h:�l) nut tx rryuirrd tu rnt�r up�,n. t:d.�•ri,nlrul uf ur in:uni:an ihr I'r��p��r1� Ikt„rr ui .►(I�r���ing nuurr"t
<br /> hrcach 10 liurnn�rr, Uo�cr�rr. Lcndcr ��r.��ud�r�alh :�p��uinlyd rrcci�rr m.i� du ,u.it .�m tnnr Ihr�r i,.i hrc:�.h. :\m
<br /> applicatiun�,f rctu.+hall no�rurc ar��.u�r,im Jrl:wlt�,i ui�:�liJalr,m) �,Ihrr n�ht �,r irmrJ� ��I LrnJri. fhi..i..i�:nmrni
<br /> of mnl.uf Ihr I'ru�xny,h:dl trrmmatr���hrn Ilic J�hi.crurcd h� Ih��ti�•rurm In.lrumrnt �.p:ud in lull.
<br /> �����.� +..�i��.�e„�
<br /> i
<br /> .
<br /> ;
<br /> . �
<br /> .a
<br />