. � -�.. .r'� +. ''.---� :• �-.. � .� .- Y�'.. —
<br /> �, ` Px'_ �y�. .,ti �-- ----'. . --
<br /> .�' __
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<br /> .�.. �WIL'- _'_ __Y.. _ —_— —
<br /> i �_�__.—.--�_— .
<br /> � � � � 92-101�;�0
<br /> �
<br /> '' . r 1. P�yment at F'rincip�l,Ipt�t and LAte Charqe. Borrnwc�slwll puy when due tbe principd af,ond ink�eat on. __.._.._�
<br /> • the debt cvidenced by thc Note und late chargex due under thc Nate.
<br /> " ., 2. Moatbly psymtMa ot�px,es,lnwrance and At4er Chary�ta Bc�rrowcr stwll include in cuch manlhly paymcnt, -
<br /> together with the principal and int4�est as sct forih in Ihe Notc and uny late chargcg,un instollrt�enl of uny(a)ta�cex and
<br /> , spec�ul assessments levied or ta be levled again�t the Propeny.(b)lea+rhold payments ar ground reats w�Ihe Pirc�etty,ond = -
<br /> ' ,r (c)premiums for insurance�equi�pd Lry Parugraph 4.
<br /> Fsch monthly installment foT Items (a). (b1 and(c)shall equal one-IwelQh of the annual wnountw,ns ma�orwbly
<br /> e�imated by Landcr, Plus un um�?�+nt sufficicnt tu muinwin i►n uddilfanal bal�uc of not mare th:u� ane•siath uf Ihe .- __-_�-�_-
<br /> � esdmated amounts. The full unquAl amewnt for each item tihall be accumuluted by Lender within u period ending one
<br /> � momh befo�e an itom wcwld t+ecwt�e delinquent. l.ender shall hold the wnounts collected in trusl to pay i�ema(AI,(b)and
<br />� � • (c)beforc they become delirpu�nl. =
<br /> If at uny timc the towl af Ih�t payments held by Lender for ilems(A),(b)und(c).tn�elher with the future monthly
<br /> , paymenls for such item� payabk ta l.ender prior to the due datex�f such items. exceeds by mare Ihan one•xizlh the
<br />' • esdmated amount af payments requ�rc�ta Puy.uch items when duc,wid if payments an ihe Notc are cunem,then I.ender �
<br /> • •• shull either refur�d the excess ovec�ne-sizth af the estimated payment�or credi�Ihe exce�x ave�one-sixth af�he estimuted -. ,__ _�_
<br /> � payments to subsequent payments,by Bortnwe�,at the aption of Bortower. If the wtal oi'�he paymentx made by Borrower 1�„�=�'�
<br /> • for item(a).(b),or(c)is insufFcient ta pay the item when due,then Burrower shall pay to L�nder uny umount nc�cessuuy ta
<br /> ' make up the deficiency on or before Jhe date the item becomes due. --
<br /> AK used i�lhis Security�lnsln�msnt."Secretary"meuns the Secretsuy of Housing and Urban pevelopment or his or her
<br /> ' `' designee. In any year in whieh tiie.�.ender mus�pay a mongage insum�ce premium to ihe Secretury,euch monthly paymen� -__
<br /> ahull alsa inelude eilixr: (i{ nn,inslallment ot the unnual martgage insurance premium to be paid by Lender to the ���=`=--
<br /> Secre or(ii)a mmrhl ch e instead oP a moA A e insu�unce mium ii this Securit Insuument�s held b the �°""¢_
<br /> r;��`�{;¢�,:;,`._!.:., ' tary, Y �$ � S p� Y Y -.
<br /> �`li_` .�Y.
<br /> . ,�.,;:.:'•.• Secrelary. Each maethly installrn�nt of the mongage insumnce premium�hall t►e in an umaunt sufficient to accumulate the ��__.._ . _
<br /> . ' � � full annual mortgagc io4uranca pnmium with I.ender one manth prior to the dnte the full annuul mongage intiurance — -
<br /> .. �.•,� " premium is due to the Secretury;or if Ihis Security Instrument i�held by the Secretary,euch monthly charge shall be in an t`�.���+�
<br /> • amount equul to one-twellth of cnr-half percent of the outstanding principAl bulance due on the Note. • •_
<br /> If Borrowar tenden to l.ender the full a ment of ull�:ums secured b this Securit lnstrument,Borrower's urrount �'�`�'�•
<br /> P Y Y Y ::._:,,�.:.:
<br /> • shall be credited with the balunce remuining for all installmems for items(a).(b)und(c)and any mon�age insurance .�-�r.
<br /> premium instntlmenl Ihat I.ender has not become obligated to pxy to the Secretary,nnd Lender xh�ll promptly refund any ��""�� •;�
<br /> • excess funds ta Aarmwar. Immediately prinr to a foreclo�ure sale of tbe Prapeny or its acyuisition by Lender. Bor�vwerk �;•:a�:-�-•-
<br /> ' ' accounl shull be credited with:�ny balance remnining for all instullmenis for items(a),(b)and(c). ��`'°'�t��`
<br /> 3. Ap Uaatian d'Ps�ymenta. All paymentti undcr Paragraphs I and 2 shall be applied by Lender As follaws: '' -
<br /> • � FJ$�la ihe matgaga inrurance premium to be paid by Lender to li�5ecretury or to the manlhly churge by�he � �°
<br /> • Secreta instead of.tha monthly monguge imurancc premium: �' '
<br /> $�Q If�,to a�ey ta,res.speciul assessments,leasehold paymems or graund rents,and fire,flood and wher haxerd ' �� :• _ '
<br /> insurance premiumti,us required: {��'�-
<br /> - �$Q,to inte��due under 1he Note: �L.T_,:•—
<br /> � EourrrH,to arno.ni�ntion of the principal af the Notc: ,
<br /> FIFI'H,to latc rhargc;due under the Nate. �� .�:%
<br /> 4. Fira,�Ipod smd Uther Hazard Insurance. Borrower,hull in+ure all impmvementx on the Prapeny,whether now �.�:!�� •_
<br /> • in exiatenca or sul�cyuemly erected,agaio�t uny hur,udx,c�sualtie�, and cuntingenckti,incluJing fire. for which Lender �'��."
<br /> ' reyuires inxurancu. This insurun�e shull t►c maintained in the um.wnt�and for Ihe pericxi�thut Lender reyuires. B�xrower ���
<br /> �,. shell also insure all impravemems on thc Propeny,whc�her now in cxi,tenre or+ubxeyucntly erected,aguinvt loss hy ilaxls
<br /> to the extent reyuimd hy the Secretuiy. All in+urunce.hull Ix rarricd wilh romp:u�irz upproved hy Lender. Thr insurwtrr
<br /> policies and nn�• rcnewuk �hnll lx h�ld by Lrnder und sh�ll incluale lo+s payuble clausc+ in fuvor of, and in u form �•�"•.+�ww•
<br /> ncccptable to.l,a:nde�. �� �-
<br /> In Ihe cvcnt uf loss,Borrower.hull givr LrnJrr immrdiutc r��tice by mail. Lender may make proc�f of loss if not � °'��'�`
<br /> made promp�ly by Borrower. Each inrurunre r�imp•rn)• rancrmrJ i. Ixrcb��authurii.�d:uid Jirerted to makr payment for : �
<br /> � such lotiti dirttiUy to Lender,imteud of to Burrower u�xl tu Lr�xlrr juindy. AU or uny pan of thr insurunce prckced,may be � .
<br /> . applied by I.endrr,at its op�iun,either lul�o the rcduc�iun��f the inckhtedne+.undrr tlk Note und Ihiti Secunty Instrument. -
<br /> fint �o uny delinyuem umount,applicd in the urder in Rirugru�h 3,and Ihen to prcpaymen� of princip•rl, or(b) to the _ __
<br /> restoration ur repair of the dumaged property. Any appliratiun ol the pnxecJti tu thr pnnc�pal shull ncx�xtend or potitp�me `
<br /> the dua dntc uf the monthly puymenls which:ue relcrrcd a►in P�r.igraph 2,or changc the amount ol'surh paymcnts, Any ' . '
<br /> . exccss insurancc proccedx over un :�muunt reyuircd to pay ull uui�lunJing indebtcdncs.undcr the Note and this Securiry �
<br /> lmtrument xhull lx paiJ ro thc cntit��IcFull�•rntiUed Ihcrcto. .
<br /> In thc event of for�clo�ure i�f Ihi� 5ecurit}• Im�rumcnt �ir uihrr trun,lrr��(titic to Ihr Pru�ny �hnt rxtingui�he+the , _
<br /> indehlctlncs,,nll righl,tiUe und intere+l ul'Burro�scr in anJ w intiurwire�►lirir,in tircrr+hall p:i..tu the purrhu.er. • " -
<br /> 5. Uccupancy. Preservution. Maintenance und ProleclMm ef the Pr��perty: Borrower's l.oan ApplicaNun; ---_
<br />' Leasehuldq. Burrower shull �xcupy,c.lublitih, and u+r�hr F'ro�xny u� Horrourrti prinripn) rc,idrnc� wilhin�ixly duyti --
<br /> � a(ter th�s exccution of thi,Srcumy In.lrumrnt unJ.hall r�mtinur lu ocrupc thc Pn,�xny a. Hi�rrower;principul mxicience � :=_
<br /> for at lennt one ye•rr afler the Jiuc uf�xcupa�xy,unlrti.thr Srrrct:n��delrniiinr,�hi,nyuimment��•iU cuusc undur hardship �
<br /> S• ' for Burniwcr. or unlesti extenuutinE rircuni,tanre, cxi,l which +�re IwyouJ Hi�rru���•r'+ runtrul. H�►rruwer .hall nutifY I
<br /> � Lenden ot'uny rxtenuutin� cinum+iunrc.. Rorro��•rr shall nut rum�uit wa.ir ur dr+tru�•,damu�c or.ub.tuntiall�• ch;mgr
<br /> the f'mpeny or allow�he Pro{kny ti�detrriurute,rea�onahle wear and tc:�r rurpled. Lrndrr maq m.�ct the Pro�xny il'Ihe �
<br /> Proporty is vucunt or ubunJunrJ i�r Ihc I�,nn i.in del'aul�. LenJrr may ta6r rru.onaMe :�rli�m tu protrrt and pr��rrvr wrh �
<br /> vacunt or uhundoned Prc�xrrty. Burrowrr.hall �d�o Ix in d�l:►uh il' Nurc����rr.Juring thr loan upplication pnx•rti�, g+rvc
<br /> � mutcriully t'ulsc or inuccuratr intimn:Ui„n ur st:ucmrn�� to LrnJrr I��r t:�il�J tu rro�•iJc I.endcr wilh an�• mulcrial �
<br /> int�xma�ion)in connccii�m with thv li,an rvidcncrd hy thc hutr.inrluding.hut nut limited io. rrprc.rn�ation�cunrrming '
<br /> Bortuwer's ixcup�ncy uf�h�ProFx ny:�,�r���,��r:�i��,�a,�,«. u�i,�, tierunl�� bi,lnimrnl i.�m a Ica.rhulJ.Harro��cr.hall .
<br /> comply with Ihc provi.ion�ut'ih� ka.r. I1�H�xroarr aryuur,1�•r UIlr t��the Pru�xrtc. 1he Ira�rhaW anJ tc�ud�+hull nut ,
<br /> he mcrged unle�s Lc:���ragrec+k�th�mrrErr in��rilin�..
<br /> 6. Char�es to Burrower and Protectioo of I.cndcr's Ri�;hl�in the Pruprrh. I�urru�crr.hall p.�� :dl�.u�rmmcntal
<br /> ' or municipul ch;�rge..fi�x,unJ im�xnitium�h:�l ar�n��t inrluJcJ in I'.uagraph '. lii,rru��rr�hall p:ry Ihi,e uhli�ati�►n.un
<br /> ' timc dircctly 1�� the rnlily v►�hich i.u��•cd Ihc paymrnt. It�f;iilurc u.pa} wi,uld ad�cncl� atl'rtl Lrnd�r; intrR,� in the � :
<br /> ' Prt�perly,u��n Lcndrr�rcyur��Rorrowcr,hall prumptly tiimi.h tu L�ndrr receiptti r�id�nrin�thr��pn}•mrnt,.
<br /> • If Born►w�r fuils to makc ihr,c paym�nl�ur Ihr pa�mcnt. reyuirrd hy 19�ragr,�ph ?. ur I:ul. t�� �xrii�nn um ulhrr ' •
<br /> cavenunls ond ugmrment�runlainrd in Ihi.Seruri�} In�mimem.or ihrrr i.n IrEi►1 pnkredin�:that mu� .i�nitic.►nll� alfrct
<br /> __ . LenJer;right, in�he Pn�m•Itiurh a.a pm�ced�n� in hanl�ru��tr�. lor runJrmn:ui�m ur 1��rnturrr law•s��r rrEui:iuon.i.
<br /> then Lrndrr may do and pay wh:nrvcr i�nrrr+.an lo prutrcl thr�aluc�,f thc I'r��Exn�� .md Lrndcr'�ri�;ht.in thr I'n,�xn�.
<br /> including paymrm af laxc..ha�ard in.uranrr:mJ alhrr i1rm.mrnuuncd m 1'ur:i�r.�ph?.
<br /> , Any umiiwil.Jisbunrd h} LcnJcr undcr thi. 1'ar:�Eraph.h:dl t+ccomr an.�Jd��i�,n:d Jrh�ul Burru��rr:m.i t+r.crurrd
<br /> hy thi�Srruriiy Instrom��nt. 'I1k.r amuunt�.hall Ixar intcrc,t Irum thc dulc uf di.hur�rmrm.:n thr Nulr ratr.anJ ai ih�
<br /> option uf Lrixlcr,shall tx intmcJiutely duc anJ payaMr.
<br /> � 7. Cundemnation. 'f'lic pnx•rrd.ut'an�•u�►urJ or rlaim titt d:uua�!r..dirc�t ur run�ryu�nl�al.in cunncrtwn��uh am
<br /> conJrmnatiun or olher t:Jcing ul xny pan ot'�hr F'ro�xrt��.ur li�r conv�tancc m plarr„1 cundcmnuuun.arc hcrrh�:�..��:n�J
<br /> :uid�hall tx paid to Lender to Ihr extent uf 1hr full amuunt uf thr i�xlrbtrd�k�.Ihat nnwm�unpaid und�r the N��ic and Ihi.
<br /> , Security Intilrumenl. Lrixlrr,twll apply wch pr�xrrJ+to ihr redur�iun ul thr�ndrht�Jn�,.und�r thr Nu�c;mJ thi,tirruril�
<br /> Inwuunxnt. fir�t lo any Jrlinyucnt umouniti ���i��a in �hr ordcr pn��idcJ in I':aaEraph ►. and Ihcn h� pr�pa�m�nt i�f
<br /> prinripul. Any applicutN�n ul�the pr�xecds to the pritxipal tihall nut �xlenJ ur �x�.t(Hm� Ilt� Ju� Jiuc ut Ihc m�mthl�
<br /> � .
<br /> i�,rer_��l J/a�er�� y
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br />