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<br /> �'��'�"�` ��y� � , peri�xix Ihut Lender reyuirer. The inwurance cnRler pruvlding ihe inMurimce Khull Fx clH�xn hy Horcowrr subjrci lu Lenderk w�
<br /> .ti r np�xnval which Khall not bc unrcuwnuhly wiihhcld. If Horn►wcr fuilti�o muintuin cuverugc JcscrihcJ uMwc.Lcndcr mny.o�
<br /> `•°��,;..�'`��q..�..� �',:° Lendcr w oplNm,ahtuln cove�uge lo protect l.cndcr w rigM4 In�hr Pn►�riy in ucrnrdunrc with�m�ugruph 7.
<br /> � ° ��''` �� �;:�• • All inxurunee policies und�enewuly�hull lx ucceptuhle lu l.enJrr uiul,hidl includc u+�undurd m�mgugc cluu�e. Lendcr
<br /> � ' " " � shall huvc thc righl u�ho1J thc pulicicy unJ nnrwul.r. If l.cndcr rcquirc..HonuN•:r+hull promptly�ivc lo I.cnJcr ull rcrciptx
<br /> �.:.��.-:�=•-.
<br /> .�� , �;`;,p c►i paid prcmfumr�und renewul notirr,. In�he evenl o f I��ti..Harn�wcr+h:d l g i vc p ru m pt nu�icc tu thr insuruncc curricr und �..__
<br /> .� "� '��,`t ' ^ L.ender. Leixler muy muke pra►f of Ic�..il'nrn mude prompUy by Hurrower. �
<br /> ..' �' ° '•.'".. ` ' Unlcti+Lendcr:uuf Bnrrowrr i,thrnvi�r ngree in wri�ing.inxurunrc pr�xecdti+hull hc upplird to re+kn•uti�m ur rrpuir i�f
<br /> r,--��.,-._r....,.
<br /> ,;,�:. °�: �hc Pro rty dumugeJ. iF ihc rcworution or n:puir i�economicully fcuxihlc und l.cndcr� �crurity i. n��� Ic+�cncd. If thc GaR�=n-�_ � -'
<br /> ' .;�ti..��._: — --_ -
<br /> ' ^ • -.,;�•. : re+toru�un ur repuir ia nM ecunomicully fcu+ihlc or Lcndcrk.ccuriry woulJ tn Icsscncd, ihr insuruncr pr�xecdx ,hall hc ____TVe____._
<br /> � " • opplicd lo Uic xum�.ecurcd by thi. Securiry Inr��rument, whetlx;r or nu� �hen duc,wi�h imy cxcesx puid to Borrower. II' .___. ____
<br /> - + � ° � Burrower ubundons thc Pru�x;ny.��r dix� not un�:wcr wilhin 3(1 duyr u noticc f'rum l.cixicr�hut thc inxuruacc currirr huy �1.'� "-.y-'�_---
<br /> • nffered�o seidc u cluim,lhcn LenJrr may adlec�thc in�urunrc pr�xcedti. Lcnder muy uzc thc pr�kceds to rcpuir��r resturc ��,�''�'""'.'N�
<br /> �rs:�oa
<br /> v , ,: . �:;:.:u � the Property ar to puy.umx xecured by ihir Securiry Instrumem,wh�iher��r not�hen duc. Tho i0-duy p�sri�d will begin when � �,�,,._r;�.,_
<br /> •� the nalicc is givcn. ' -
<br /> • Unle�s Lender nnd BuROwer��therwise ugree in �vriting, uny upplKSition of pnxeeJx w principul +hull nc�t extend ar {,v�•,y�,��:..-
<br /> �re.� ,,� ,__.,.. ��-
<br /> �f:i
<br /> �� • poxtpnne the due dato of thc momhly pi�ymemti mfcrrcd to in purngraph+ I und 2 or chung�ihe umount of thu puymomn, If �_ _:�,�.:
<br /> ' undcr pArugrAph 21 �he Pn��x:ny i� u�yuired hy L�nder, Borruwer�rigM �u uny insurunrc �xilicicx anJ pra:eeJr resulting �� ����-�^•r-
<br /> . "�y'��' �'s���::.
<br /> � � fmm damuge to the Pmperty prior to Ihc sKquixitiun sh��U pu+s In Lcndcr�o thn ex�ent of the sum+xecurcd by this S�curity •�.�-���-,-���-.,-;;,
<br /> Inxtrument immediutely prior ta Ihe ucyuixition. ����"""`=�
<br /> "fY'__r
<br />_ �• 6. (kcupancy, Prexervation. Maintenance and Pratectioo oP the Propertys Borrower's l.oan AppUcaUon; ", rj!r,;;6;<:•�-
<br /> • ,;.,l.ti:'"".''�
<br /> l.easehold9. B�rrower xhall accupy,rsiabli,h,und u.c the 1'rop�rty a+:Borrawerk{xincipul residencr within sixty dayv ufler ;..�.;,'��. ,.:,t,,;
<br /> � � . � the execution of thi.Security In�m�ment und xhull rnntinuu�o�x:cupy �he Property us�orrowrr's principul residence fnr ut __ .-..-
<br /> •� leuct one yeur ufle� the du�e of cxcupancy, unlexs Lender athenvise ugree� in writing, whinc �onsen� shnll no� be �'�� �`�`___
<br /> S+:��;:,� � . unreASOnubly wi�hhelJ.��r unl��s extenunting circumhtunce+exist which are beyond BoROwer's ccxitrol. Borrower xhull not � •�+
<br /> -�� .�
<br /> '�� �� • deatroy,da�muge or impiiir the Pro�x ny,�illow�he Pm�xrty to dr�eriorme,��r commit wus�c on�hr Pro�xny. Sorrowcr shull �
<br /> � �',''� � 6e in defuult if any fartoilure ucli�►n or proceeding, whethcr civil or criminul, i.beFun thut in Lender+g�xxl fuith judgmem
<br /> 's• u�criull im uir thr lien rrculcJ by this Securiry In.trumrnl or �°,;�°`�;! u
<br />;�:"�:.;, � ' cauld resul� in forfei�ure of tho Prupuny or othrrwi � m y p ,.
<br />- , ,E •S_:�,.. .°.
<br /> • ,• • l.ender:.ecurity intercr�t. Horrower muy curc�uch u iktuult und remx�uie.u,providcJ in purugruph IR,by ruu+ing the action
<br /> :t;�`';,;' ":'.���`".. . . . _.
<br /> ,,<<• . ' ur pnxecdinF�o bc dir.miti.rd with u ruling ihu�.in l.endrr;g�xxl I'uith dctcrminuti�m.pmcluik.torPeilurc oi'ihe Ban�iwcr; •`�r"'�� �
<br /> ' � intcrest in �hc Property ar othor mutcriul impuimirm of�hc lirn crru�ed by Ihir Srcurily Instrwnent or l.rnder+ ,crurity ,•_,:,�.,-
<br /> interest. Borrowcr shull ului Fx� in JrYauli il' Bunuwcr. Jurinti �hc loan uppliru�iun pr�xr,s. guvc mutrriully 1'nlu ur �"•tii���.° -
<br /> �y,: inuccurutc infam�utian�►r+iuirmrm,�u l.rnikr lor fuilcd�u providc l.rndcr wiih uny minrriul inli►rniatiunl in conncc�ion wilh —�.,��,,.:_
<br /> �• ' the loun eviJ�nred hy Ihe No�r. including, hul nut limiled 1�►, r�pn,rn�uliunti conrrrning tiurrowrr: ikcupuncy nf thr
<br /> _ _ ' . . pn,�•qy a.u prii�cipul resiJrnre. If Ihiti ScrurilY In,lrumrn�i,nn a le:i,chold.H��rrower.hull rumply with ull tbr pr�witiiun+ �';r�_`�_�
<br /> uf thr ku�c. It'Bormwcr uryuirr�frc lilk lo thr Pr�ryx rlv.lhc IraK hald nnJ the t�e oll��hnii iku mcrEc unirti,�.endcr aEirc. --
<br /> , to Ihc mcrErr in wrilin�!. .-�-�,
<br /> � 7. Protccllun oi'Lendcr'+ RiKbl� In Il�c Properly. If liurruwrr fuil, tu �xrli�rm �hc ruvenunh :md ngncrorm. '"��*9`';'•W-=-
<br /> - �� cunluiixd in �hi, Scrurily In.�rwnrm. or therr i. +i Ir�ul pnkredin�: �hut muy �ignific+inlly uflcci Lendrr: righl. in thr
<br /> • � Pmp�:ny I�uch u�u pnxcrdinp in hanl.rup�ry.prob;nr.li�r ru�xlcmn�uiun or I��rtci�urc or io enlir�cr luw.ur rc�:ulu�iim+1.lhrn -�-��..
<br /> Lendur muy d��und puy fur w•h�nev�r i+ ner��tiary lu pr��tect Ih�vulur uf Ilx Pro�xrty und Lendrr', rightti in Ihu Nro�xny. �''�t`°�`.�::,:—
<br /> � Lcndor's uciion,mny includr paying uny �UI1K Ml'URII Il)'il Ill'O which ha.priority ovcr Ihi.Srruriry In.inimcm.up�xurin�
<br /> • in cuun.pi►ying rcuumuMr unurncy,'fcr.und cn�rrin�on thr Pru�xny lo muk� r�p:�ir..Al�hough l.cn�kr muy luk�uction �1�n
<br /> � • under thfe parn�ruph 7.Lrndcr d�x.m►�huvr lu d�►w. �:�--��.'
<br /> •' Any umoum. di+hunrd hy Lrndrr wukr Ihiti purugruph 7.hull Ixc�►nu udditianal Jrht of B��rcowc� .ccured by thi. ' '^
<br /> -�+:x+�.l�T;�'.::,-_-_
<br /> ,� � � Security In+trumem. Unlc+.H��rrowrr und Lender i��rer lo o�her trnn,��f paymcm.Ihr.r unx�unt�.hull Ixur interr.t 1'rom the . ,�
<br /> dme of disbur.cmro�ul the Note rutc und .hall Ix pi�yublc. u ith imcrc,t.u�►n notirr t'rnm l.rnder to Harrowcr rcqurxting ..,�'=�"
<br /> ..�
<br /> • � .. pnymcnt. . _ =.'.
<br /> � 8. MortguRc Insurunrc. If Lrndcr rcyuirrd murlgu�:r in.ur.uirc u.a ciHidilion��I'muking ihc I��un securcJ hy thiti ...,_.
<br /> ' ' � Sccuri�y Instrumcn�.Hittrowrr �hnll pay Ihc prcmium. rcquir�d tu maintnin �hc nu�ng���r in.unmcc in eft'rct. If. ti►r uny ..�;.�,.:,=;_-.-
<br /> reuson. lh� monEa�!c in.urunrr ri�vrrii�!r reyuircd My Lender lupsr. nr rru.r. lu Ix in ellccl. Burrow�r �hull pay thr , .,..t;.�,•.. '-.'
<br /> premium, requind tu oMuin arveruge �uhst:m�ially cquiv:dent w �hr murtpage in.urancc previuu.ly in effcrt. :�� a ri�st °.:'z .
<br /> sub+tiintiully�yuivukm to thr ro.� [u B�►rru�vrr of ihr murtgugr in,urancr previuu+ly in ri'tccl. IYom.m:dtrrnmc mortgu�r . .. ;;�.,
<br /> �� inxu�cr iipprovrd by LrnJ��r. If.uhslamially ra�uivulrnt mongagc in,ur;inrr cuvcr:ige i,not neailuhle.Nixrowcr tih:dl puy k� - ---
<br /> Lendrr cach munlh u,um eyual a�onc-twcll'�h uf thr yrnrl�•mnn�:agr imursmcr pr.•mium hcing paiJ by Burrmver when Ihc ti`-
<br /> insurancc covcrogr lap�cd ar rraud w ix in cftect. Lrndrr�vill�irrep�,u.r:md irluin dicu paymrnt.iu u lo.,msrrvr in liru ._
<br /> . �if munguKc in,uruncc. L��..r rr�crvr p�rymrnt.nury nu lungcr tx rcquircJ.ui ihc upti�m uf Lrndcr. il'nu�rlgagr in+urancr �. . . , .. _
<br /> cuvcrugc lin thc umounl nnJ lirr thc �xriud Ihat Lrndcr requirc.l pruaiikd hy an in.wri appro�•rd by Lcndrr uguin Ixcon�r. .
<br /> � uvuiluhlc and i.ohtuin�d.Burru�cer�hull puy thr prrmium.rryuircJ lo m:�im;iin muitgugr in.uranr.m rltcct.or���pri►vidr u �
<br /> In„re+rrve.until tlx rcyuircment f��r m�►rt�a�r in.ur�uirr end�in:�rr�►rJw�rr��i�h:my��•rittrn u�rcrntrnt Ixtwccn Norriiwor
<br /> �� anJ Lcndrr ur applirahlr I:����. �
<br /> ' ; 9. Inspcclion. l.cnder or itti :�grnl m:iy mal..rc:�.on:iblr rnlrir,upun :uid in,prrlii,n�uf Ihr I'ru�xrty. L�ndcr.hall
<br /> givc Hurra��rr nuticc a�ihr lim�of ur priur lu an in,�xrtiun.peril'�ing rcu.unaMr�•au.�Ihr Ihc imper�iun.
<br /> IU. Cnndemnution. Thr prurrrd.ul aim ;n�aid ur rlaim li�r J:una�c..dirr.•1 ur con.ryu�nli:►I. in ronnrcliun��ilh any I
<br /> timglr I.muh• Funnle�Ine�Fmddle�Inc l\IF"(IR\t IVtiI'RI�1F:\7' 1'nduim t'u�rn.�m. 4i411 i�a�er?,�l���+�w••� `
<br /> iar.d I.A�.Itu.mr..1�+m..Im � •
<br /> I���Ndn I.all I�IMN4:MN1.1'[I�i F 1\IqU�7�1611.11 �
<br /> 1
<br /> �
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