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::::s;�:; <br /> . ••: . ,. . a, �.. . <br /> i ;.� _ . _. . - <br /> ..:.._..._ ��-�-_� <br /> '.�illtt' • ^ ' - s,,,,�...-_.�_ .._.. - --- <br /> �.:��-T _. . ..--- - -- — <br /> — - - - - ,�,,,,.... -- _'°__ <br /> � a :_'Anv!1�" • �•�*.�Wi�d ��' � .'��-$''' � <br /> � �rK .i_ .. <br /> ;„f -` , . ' . _-'- <br /> +su!"t�� - --_ <br /> __�',�_�.���s°� 92--10171 v � <br /> ��., p� <br /> �;����u.,�i��..� --- <br /> �_• =��='�'� TOUE't'HBR WITH ull thc improvcmemu now or hercuf�ar crected an the prapcny,ond ull car.emcros,appunenunccR, <br /> - -�j �-- end tix�ure�naw or hereaftGr w pun of�he PmpenY• A��reP�w�emenle qnd additians shall al�u be cover��i by thfr Securlty <br /> °.'�'7 �'l'� Insuvment. All of the i'oregoing iR referrcd lo in thia Secur�ry Instrumcnt us�he"Propetty." <br /> '" :~'��`` BORROWER CnVBNANTS Ihui Burrawcr is luwfully xcined af the estatc hereby conveyed and has 1he�ight ta grnnt <br /> �' ° ;, ��•;: s•�`}��:� . and convey the Property and Ihat the F�ropetty is unencumbered,except far encumbrances of record. Borrower war�nl9�nd __ <br /> :;` ?�.`����=, will defend generally Ihe title ta ihe Ptopany uguinRt all claimr und demands,subject Ia uny encumbrunce�of record. <br /> ��_ <br /> , . .� �it-• •.' <br /> ,.��:.��r.M. <br /> _ ...,__ _.._�.�.T THIS SECURITY INSTRUMP.NT combineg uniform covcnunls for autianul uxc und non•uniform cavenanta wilh __ <br /> • t}.�?!';,�:.��:.'�1:`..� Umited variationx by jurixdiction to canslilute a unifoan secun�y inxtrument covering reul pruperty. �.___= <br /> '• �Y�.... ��,! ..q., — _—__— <br /> �,.:�. �^.,. ,_ . . ' UNIFORM COYENANTS. Hurcower und l.ender cavenant and agrce as fdlowx: <br />__ _, �r�.,..; ;, �„� � 1. Ps�ytaent ot Princlpal pnd lnterest:Prepwyment and I.s�te Charges. Bortower ahull prompAy puy when duc the _-- <br />_—��; principal of and interest an the debt evidenced by the Note und uny prepayment and late churgea due under Ihe Note. T, <br /> ' '� �� �� +" . 2. Funds for'Ibxes and Ineurance. 5ubject to npplicable law or to u written wuiver by I.ender,Banower shull puy to _ <br />�' ,. , � <br /> ����` Lender on the day monthly puyments urc due undcr Ihe Note,undl the Natc is pnid in full,a�um("Funds"earl� lea�hold ��-�- s <br /> �•,�� ::` � uuces and as�essmenls which may altnin prfor�ty aver thit�Security instrument as a lien on the Propeny;(b)y Y �._-Y'�__ <br /> � <•:,' ' ' pa}�ments or ground rents on the Propeny, if any: (c) yenrly hazard or propeny insurance premiums: td) yearly flaad �,-_ _- <br /> +� • • insumnce premium,, if any: (e) yearly martgo$e insurnnce premtums, if uny: nnd(�uny sums payuble by Barrower to __�� <br />�,.. <br />� � � t, • y,�,k. Lender,in accordance with the provisianti af paragmph 8, in lieu of the payment of martgage insurance prem�ums. These �r____ <br /> ;';,�::•.�:. � ,t .. �:�.;;,,:��;-= <br />�: � items are called"E.acraw ltems." L.ender moy,ut nny time.collect and hold Funds in nn amount not to exceed the maximum <br /> amount a lender for a federally related monguge loan may reyuire for Borrower s escrow account under the federal Renl ,�,,; <br /> ` . .j�._.'1 �_r�.� -�".;'. <br />`��� BstAte Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amendcd from time to time. 12 U.S.C. �2601 er seq.("RESPA'7,unless ano/her a `i.-vs==. <br />�:.-. � law thnt applies to the Funds sets n lesser amounl. If�so,Lender any time,collect and hold Funds in an nmount not ta ;,�,.,,;, . <br />�r• - � � •� ' eaceed the lesaer amount. Lender may estimnte thc amuunt of Funds duc on thc basis of current data and reusonable :�;,:.,.yz:�`_ __ <br />• '' ����+; estimatex af expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise fn nccordance with applicahle luw. ;••� _ . <br />�„�`: . � " The Funds shall be held in an ins[itution whose depasits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality,or entily �'.:;;�r��;,;;;r: <br /> y.. T_ <br /> � ��i � ' (including L.ender,ii Lender is such an institution)or in any Feder�l Home Loan Bunk. Lender shull apply ihe Funds ta pay ,�„y:``,,• :,,,Bf11;�:: <br /> ,; � , : , . ,, .; <br /> ,,� a w+��t,�.�,,,;).� . the Escraw ltems. l.ender may not cluuge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow ,,,, ��, ;� <br /> •��?�`'��� � accounc,or verifying the �scrow Items, unless Lender pays Borcower interest on the Funds nnci opplicable luw permits ;1` t 1S�.,,-�_._ <br /> "��"'•'�''"' j° Lender a make such a charge. However,Lender may require Borrawer la pay n ane•lime charge for un independent real �: ��rn .�r�=° <br /> w. .a. ,••�•:, ;'� , c��Yl� <br /> .•`''�'';� , " estate tux reponing s�:rvice used by Lender in connection with Ihis loan.unless applicable luw provides otherwixe. Unless an ,;�(,�,,�,� <br /> '.;;;,,,. <br /> ,•.,����u..�_—.- <br /> E ' ' agreement is made or applicable Iaw requires interest to be paid,Lender shull not be required to puy Borrower any interest or ,�;_w:�.-=•��• <br />�• � . earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in wrfling.however,thut interest shall be puid an the Funds. Lendcr �+±�:�•=°- <br />�• shall give to Bortower,withaut charge,un annuAl accounting of the Funds,showing credit�and debits to the Funds and the }'%y,�,�,3�''!:=_ <br /> �n�r:�,.,.._ <br /> � , purpose far which each debil to the Fundx wus mado. 7'he Funds are pledged as additianal security ior all sum�xecured by C�4N,�-`h. <br />;�- ° , � . - lhis Stcutity lnvtmmc'nt. ��°r••° <br /> If Ihe Fund!� held by Lender exc�wd �he amountx permitted tu be heid by appiicablr iaw. Lender sha!! accaaat to --� <br /> ' • Born�wer fur ihe excc�s Funds in uccordunce wilh�he rcquirementw af upplicable Inw. If�he umount oi Ihe Fundx held by ��_W_ <br /> • Lender ut uny time is m�t �ufficienl to puy�hc Ei+cruw I�rm,when duc,l.enckr muy sa notify Borrower in wriling.und,in �� . <br /> � ' sunc �ux Snrn+wer .hull puy to Lcnder Ihr umuunt necc++ury a► muke up�hc deficKncy. BnRUwcr xhall make up �hc �._�_ <br /> � dcficicncy in no murc�hun�wclvr m�mlhly paymcmr.,u�l.cndcr w.rulc Ji.cre�ion. � ��° <br /> ' � � . U�xm puymrnt in fuU of ull,um�+�:currJ hy thi+Srcuri�y Imuumcnt, l.cndcr shull promptly rcibnd to Barrowcr uny �'•�% :� <br /> •• �un dti hcld by�kr. If,undcr pur+igruph?I. l.rndcr+hull ucyuirc or+cU �hc Rroprny,Lcndcr,prior to thc ucqui+itiun or �y��,.:_.' <br />' • , • +�alc o(Ihc Pro�rty, shull apply uny FunJs Ixld by l.ciul�r ut thc iimc ul'ueyui�ilian or nulr a� u crcdi� uguinst t he sumx �.,�.-, <br /> ��=� <br /> ° �cured by this Sccurity Inclrumem. ���wu.~-. <br /> �� •� � 3. AppNcallon oi 1'ayments. lUttew+ uppliruhk luw pravidcz olhcnvi:u:, nll puymenu received hy l.ender under fr=_�r�� <br /> �;_` :._.,,,.,. <br /> ' purugruphx I und 2 shall be aPPIieJ: first•�a uny pRpaymcm char�te.r due under the Note;secund,to amoun�s paynble under �.u��y� <br /> ., purngraph 2;third,to interest due:fouhh,tu prinr�pul due;and lart,tu uny late cburges due under Ihe Notc. �_._... <br /> v.rc, <br /> i4. Chargesi Liens. Born,wer shall puy oll wxes.u,sexsments.chargcs. Cnes and imporitions �ttributuble io the : ..- •:`_ __ <br />� ", property which muy nttuin priority over thiti Security Inxtrument.u�nd Ieusehold payments or�round rentti,if uny. Borrower <br />� � , ,. xhall pny thcsc ablig•rtians in the munner provided in purugmph 2.or if no�poid in thut munner.Borrowcr shull puy them on i•_:;"`'�'-=__ <br /> i ' • time directly to thc person owed paymcnt. Borrower shall prompNy furnish to Lenck:r ull noticcr��f amuunts to be paid under ;';,' ^ <br />; . „ " „ . thi+parugruph. If Bormwer muke.r•these p•ryment�directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish ro Lender receiptx evidencing __, ,.`�;,."�'' <br />;t . , the paymenls. -•:'=_�Y=:' <br /> i • . Borrower shull promptly discharge ony lien which has priurity uver this Security Instrument unless Borrower:lu)agrees __;-.,��. <br /> o � in writing to the pnyment of lhe ubligation sccurcd My thr lien m u manner urccptublc to Lender:(b)contests in good fuith the � <br />` lien by,or defcnds ugainst enforcemcnl uf thc lien in.Icgnl pnxccdings which in the Lcnderk opinicxi operatc to prevent the .� <br />� � cnforcement of the lien;or(c)secure+1'r��m thr holdcr of thc licn an ugrccmem�uti�factory to Lender subordinating the lien ;,y,�,� .�.,v <br /> t ' � to thi�Security Instrument. If Lender drtermine�tha�uny pun of the Propeny is+ub�ect lu u lien which may Attuin prioriry <br />- . over this Securiry Instrument.Lender muy give Burrower u notice identifying the licn. Borrowcr.hall�utitify the licn or take ','�•T, <br /> ane or more of the uctions tiet torth allovc within l0 Juy�of thc giving of noticc. ' ' <br /> i ,. S. Haxard or Property Incurance. Borro�ver�h:►11 krcp thc improvemcnls now existing or hrrcuftrr erected on thr I <br />: Property insurcd ugains�los�by tirr,har.urd.incluJrd within the temi "ratrndrJ covcruge"und uny uther h�ard�,including , � <br />; floods or flooding, for which L.endrr reyuirc. imurunrc. Tl►i. inwrunce �hall Ix main�uincd in �he umounts und for the <br />, • � <br /> Form J01H 9I90 qH�xr:��Jn puke�► <br /> t ' <br /> � �� U �� <br /> . r. <br /> i <br /> r "' � <br /> . � , ' <br /> � <br /> ' � __ . __-_/_ _ . _ _ . <br />