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<br /> ; - . . 92— iois�5 _
<br /> ,s.w.�.iwno�.wo�r.�a.. �
<br /> (+)edaawr Not ItNiwwf.Exten�on of fhstims for payment or modificatbn at Qmorl�atlo�d thi�ems pcurM by Ihia
<br /> OrW otTrwlpwnMd by ter�dsrto anyauCCassorin interestoi8orrowe�shall notoperaoeto nle�H.inany maarnr.fiw Nabitity
<br /> pt1M pri�inat Harrawarand Barorr�'s successorsin inEersst LenderOhafl not beroqui�dtoCCmmenes RroC�npss�iMt
<br /> wchsucc�NOrarrstus�tosxE�ndt(metorpaymentorotherwlssmoditya�ewrtiutlonoltheaumstscur�dbythisQs�dofTtust �„_
<br /> Dg aasan ot any da�esnda mad�Dy the orlQtnat Sorrowe�and BarrowN'a aucceaaors in infe�est ----W-
<br /> (b){�M�s Parr�s.Without afleetinQ the�iabitiry oi any otder psrson 1'�a6te tor tM p�ym�nt of ar►y`obliqatlon henda._. ._
<br /> � meii�one�.anAwithoutaftectin�theltenarcharQsofthiaOeeAofTnrstuponanyportlonoiMePropsrynottlsenorthKetat�c
<br /> relaeaedasaecariryforthetutlamourttotallunpaiQt�bEi�a�ons.lender.may.homtimetotimeartdwithautnotic�(iaraNaseuUl �—
<br /> person so tiahie.G9 ex�end tt+e maturily or alter any of tha tsnns of any sueA oDligatlona,(iii)prant othar lndulyancas;(iv)rNstse =
<br /> - or rscarvey,w cause to be�etaaaed or reconvayed at any time at tendera opHon any parcea ponion or all 01 tM Prop�rty. _—
<br /> __ (h pjke or rekass any�ther or additional securlry fa any o6upation herein me:�doned,or(viy maks compo�itlo�s or othe� f_
<br />-- � arran�emenb wi9�debtora in retatlon tharew. _
<br /> _ (c)�or4t�tanq br L�M�NO!a Watrw.Any forbearance by Lender tn exercisinp any Nght or remedy hereunder,or , _�_
<br />_ � ofhervriss aflorded by epplicabi�taw;shait.not be a waiver of ar prectude the exercise of any auch dpht or remsdy The
<br /> _ procu►e�nentotinsuranceorthepaymBn/ottaxesorotherliensorchar�esbyLeadershalinotdeawaiveroftendersdyhtta = �
<br /> ` accetarate Me.matuatY of tde indebtedness secured by tttis Deed of Trust �—
<br />�:��i - (al St�s and llutpns.8ound;Joint sed Swerat Wbgily;C�ptlons,Ths aovenants and aQreemenb herein con- ��,_,`_ --�_--___
<br /> ffiined sh811 bitrd.antt Ut+a riqMs hereunder shaU inure to,the respecGve auccessors and asstgns ai Lender and Trustor.AII .; �:`�'
<br /> covenants anr!agre�menls ot Trustor shalt be joiM and asveral.The captians and headings of the paragraphs of th�s!)eed of , k��"��
<br /> . . Truat are fcr ,'psr,veniertce onty and are not to be used to interpret or define the proviaians heraot �?�= "=
<br />- � (ey ppir�st/orNaYcM.Thepartieshereby�equeaNhatacopyota�nodceofQefaulthereunderandac6pyofanynWica �`�-���
<br /> of aala hereundar be ma�ed to esch parry to this Deed ot Truat at tf�e address set tortb above in the manner prescri6sd ="��_
<br /> bq ._,�::__
<br /> . appiicabis Iaw.Except tor aoy other notice required under applicaCte Iaw to be ytven in another manner.any nottce provi0sd � •�-,.---
<br /> for tn this peed af Tnrst shall be�iven by mailirtg such notice bycerBfied mail addressed to the.oMer partie�attfie addrass aet • -r-:..�
<br /> !oM aQov�Any notlCA P�idedYor in this Oeed of Trust st�alt be ettecttve upon mailing In the manner desigrt�ted hOre(n.N ��"'__ �--
<br /> TruaWr ts more than one person,notice sent to the address set forth above ahail be notice to ail such person�. '�'�,.�''.:C—
<br /> :-.` ` � (�(ntp�efipn.Lender may make or cause to be maQe reaaonabte entries upon and inspections of t„e PropeRy,provided ,
<br />=" �` thatl.qcldar.shalLgtYe Ttustor nOtiCe priCr tQ any suC.h.inspecdon speCifying reasonablq cause therefOr related to Lendei's __`����y"'_�
<br /> intefest in the Prope�ty..
<br /> � �, •?
<br /> � (g) R�eonwYaqC�UPOn payment of all sums secured by this Qeed of Trust�Lender shail request Trustee to reconvey the ,'_.
<br /> Y ProperlyandshaltsuaenderthisOeectofTrustandatinoteseviCencinglndehtednesasecuredbythis0eedotTruattoTroatee� ::?�` "�,: _�
<br /> , Trustee ahalt reconuey the Properly without warraniy and without.eharge to the peBOn or persons tegally entitled U�.ereW. ';�;�"�!'' °T=:=
<br /> � � Trustor ehatl pay ait costs ot recordation.if anY• . � •„••;: .;-``_
<br /> � , ... ,, .
<br /> ��. r (h) p�s�on�{F�op�rtF;Srcurfry A�r�nb As adQitionat securiry tor the payment of the Note,Trustor hereby grants ''�_._
<br /> � Lender under dte l�ie6raska Uniform Commercial Code a security fntarest in all fixture�,equipmenL anA ather personal property ���r=�"*.—
<br /> r ' usedinconneCtianwiththereaiestateorimprovementsiacatedthereon,andnototherwisedeclaredordeemedtobeapartot '�'iw=_
<br />= t , the real estate SeCUred hereby.7his instrument shait fze construed as`a Securltyr Agreement under said Code.and ihe Lender f�`4.""`.""
<br /> '""1 sha(1 h�ve at[ft�e rigiiis and temedies of a secu�e�party ande�said Cude in addition to the rights art�remedies created under •` �' � -•-_��
<br /> ,._� ,; `.-`� .. ..:.. . �,�
<br />=�;;..°..; -� . � -� ` end accordet�'�e lender pursuantto this►7ee0 af Tnisg provtded th�t tertder's rights and remedies�irtder tAis paragraph shall
<br /> i°�i'����•. be cumulative with,artd ia no wa a limitation,an,Lertder's ri hts and remedles under an other sECUr `rJ�: ': �—�.- �
<br /> • :r .-�.• .r�'�• Y 9 Y Ri►��mentsigne66y • ,
<br /> �- �.. . - , ,.
<br /> .. , •s�, Bonower�rTrosfor. �~
<br /> , �''>,:�' : "s. �. "__
<br /> • •;��_;. (i) L,i�es and EncambranCa.Trustor hereby warrants artd represents that there is no defautt under the provisians ot any �
<br /> ;=?�'`"::. � - :.i4,:�:.
<br />� >, �._ moRgage,aeed o1 ttust lease or purchase contract descriGing ail ov any part of the PropeRy,or other contract inshument or ' _
<br /> . �t� •r •. . , • :.i
<br /> ' -`:-.?t�-� •�: �•. • agreement co�stltuGrtg a.ien or encumtrrance against aii or any part of the Property(coilective[y."Liens'�,exiscing as of the ' �:t,_.
<br /> � date of lhis Oeed of Trus�artd that any an4 ali existing Liens remain unmadified except as disctosed to LenQer m Trustor's . . ��'= -
<br /> �' wrl8en disclosure of liens and encumbrances provided for herein.Trustor shau timely peRorm at!of Trustofs obligation�, _ `"-
<br /> ���--
<br /> � .. ,-�°�- covenants.representaUons and warranUes under any and all exisiting and future liens,shali promptty forward to l.ertder copies -f--�
<br /> � 01 att notices of defau(t sent in conrtaction witA any and a:E gxisting or future Uens,and shail not without Lenders prior written �. - , �,Y�'-
<br /> ����:�;:';:;�:°'. . consent in any manner modify the provisions of ar attow any future advances under any existing pr tutu�e Liens. � :� :`��;:�:.
<br /> ' �r, ,•��•:;�: U)wpp8q11p1�pR P�Iy11N11q.Untess otherwise requiied by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,inctuding without timitation ' �`?��,
<br /> - r ':�•4i'i::5:��• payments ot principat anA interast,insurance proceeds.candemrt�tion proceeds and rents and arofts,shall 6e apalted by � � . ;��;�°,
<br /> '� '��;'�-r=���• Lender to the amounta due and owing irom 7rustor ar�d Bonower ir.$uch order as Lender in its sote d'sCretion deems desirabte. 1 -
<br /> #�_
<br />, ±�';,�,;_ (k)SwKabiNry.It any provlsion ot tfiis Oeed of Trust coniliCts with apphcabte law or is Qeqiared invalld or otherwlse ` . �-- -
<br /> ��;,. ;: unentor:,eable.suCh conittct or invaiidity shait not aftect the other provtsons of this Qeed af Trust oi the Note which can be I �. —_ --
<br /> ,,, given eHeatwithaul the conilicting provision,and to this end the provisions ot this Oeed o 1 Trust an d t he Note are dec ter e d to b e _
<br /> ' �� severable • ' • _—
<br /> ,,,.. � ��f. _..
<br /> '. `� t ={ �. p)1�rna,The terms `Trustor"and"Borrpw�r"shail inciude both sinqutar and ptural,artd wtren the Trustor and Borrower . ---�-
<br /> ��' � �� �`=_`-� are the eame person(s),those terms as used in this Qeed ot Trust shdll b0lnterChBngesbte. ,��
<br /> =������.�.'-�'•-.."
<br /> �.':�+:���-� ' (m)QaYanin�L,�w.Thfs Qeed of Trust shall be govemed by the laws of tho State o1 Nebraska. �, •
<br /> .��'`�'�'"'�'�� Trustor has executed thiS peed of Trusf as of the date written above. � :�. � '
<br /> ,, . �' . ,
<br /> .. , ,. �__ �
<br /> i- .
<br /> i
<br /> • -_�_::. :.-�:;, � i � f�Y( i : ,
<br />: , ��'-�:.L;�, ;;f,;; ;C_�' �.'� ``. _ ..�,. --.:------�"' i . .
<br /> ���-
<br /> _.t... _ . �
<br /> " '� � vice President & r�stor
<br /> ��... � , i .
<br /> TruBt Officer fer NoiwesC eank Nebraska,N.A. �
<br /><. .�#. •, (fotmexly Firat Nationa]. Hank oE Grand island. ;
<br /> � t�_. � . Nebraska), Successor Trustee of the ABE and ;
<br /> � � , JAL�•Trusts� vnder 2'rust Agreement ck►te� � �
<br /> � � �
<br /> � - � .� May 28,�198L.., .
<br /> ' � .. ;
<br /> a; ,. � �
<br /> � y-� �
<br /> 1 . '
<br />.._._____...-_ -__�-__ '. . �_ _ . . _ 1. . _ . .. ' __ . .. _ . _ .. � . . . .__. � . . .. . ....`�..__-.-_...._._..'-....
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