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� • � . <br /> �,r r. <br /> � ` - • �. � � � - ' _-_ I L�..'�rra`-"_-i:c_ - - _. . . . r,- - . - -_ - - . . . ;�'�_ <br /> - � -- �` 'e. `r^- � ' - ' <, , �� , r`�_fi°�_- <br /> - •• _ _ -- - � <br /> — � �.�-- - - - - �- - � . -. -�i -. <br /> _ ., . �. , - <br /> _ , • - - — --- - - -- - --- — , <br /> ___ , <br /> . . . , .�.� .._. .� .___. .. __-._.-'—_ - - --- - - -- <br /> --�_ -- - � . � _. . . ' � _ <br /> .. _ _ : . : _ � ` �- .` � � � 92- 101686.:. : . <br /> �pe�io�rhu�.aWer ioquues- 11ie in�u��r�r pmviding th�in�us�e shal�be cl�er�6y Hormwa sueja�to I.mder�a <br /> appmval which shaU�wt be uiur�woaMy withhcld. If BamR�r f�'is to mairnain coversge descdixd a6ovc.L�der msy.�t <br /> I.eoder�s option._aMain caveiage to prota.Y Lendrr's riglus in the Ptoperty In accadaoce with puagrap�i 7. . <br /> A!I inwraace policies and remwaLs s6a11 be'�rceptsbte,to l.ender�d sir�ll iac[ude a siandatd mortgage ciausa l,enaer . <br /> shall ha�e the rigt►t to hold the policies ahd nrtewals. If Leader ceyuires.Be»rrower s�all P�PUY B►Ye w Leader alI crceipts . <br /> `•� of paid p�emiwn�and cenawat notices.�In.the eveat of loss.Barowa shall givt pompe aohee to tho Insurance carriet aad , <br /> � Lende{ Lender aiay rt�ke proof of Ioss if not made P�P�Y bY Borrower. , . <br /> --- Uniess Leader and Barrower atLenarise ag�in writing.insuraix�c pc�ceeds s[�aA be appliFd m iestoratiaa ar apair of _ <br /> — tLe P�opc�ty damaged.if tl�iestoration or tepair is economically fe�l�k and Lei�dei's security is na kssened. ff the �. <br /> �estoraEian or iepair is not economicatly fe�sibk or I�ender's sec�uity aould 6e lessax�ttie insncanti pmcoods sh�ll be <br /> : apptied to the sums secured 6y this Security Instncmen�whefher or not then due.with any excess paid w Bortov�rer. If <br />-:=,�. ` Borruwrr.abaodons tbe Ptopnty,ar das not answtr within 30 days a notice fiom LendccMat thc inwra��e curier das <br /> = ut�ered to settk a claim.ihen Lendet may collect.the ins�nance proceeds. l.ender may use the proceeds to repair or nstorc_ <br /> the Property or to pay sums secur�ed by this Security Instcument,wfiethei or not ttx�s due. Thd3Q�day�eriod will 6e&ia ahen. � <br />- .- the norice is given. <br /> "Unless Lender aud Borrower athesarise agtu in wri6ng.any applicaaon of�ds ta�xincipal shall not catend or . <br /> postpone the due datc of the monthly payments cefeRed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change tUe�rno�mt of t6e payments. If <br /> . vndcr parsgraph 21 the Property is aoquised by Irnder,Bormwer's right to any insurance policies and proceeds tesutting ' . <br /> fran damage to tbe Rapeny prior to the acquisitioa sbalt pass to lendcr ta the exterrt of tlte sums secuned by th9s Securitg <br /> [nstrument immediattly prior to the acquisit'[oa -- <br /> 6. Oo�vpaac9: Preservation,Mainteoance aud �atection at the Propert�; BoreoRe�'s l.oan Applicatios; <br /> � I.esxiWdss:•�a�wer�haU occupy,establish,and use the Praptrty as Borrower's pancipal resida�ce within sixty days afttr � _— <br /> the eaecucio�,�:�s�Se�rity'Instrument and shail continue to accupy the Ptoperty as Bomnwer's principaf residence fa at =_- <br /> ?�: � teact one}�t:��r tJte date of accapancy, �tess f.ender otherwise agrees in.wridng, which eoasrnt shall not be , __ <br /> • un�easoi�a�lg�szuhlield,or onless extenuating circumstances eaist which are Ixyortd BoROwer's control. Bomuwer si�all noc . ---- <br /> ���;� dcsuay.�or impair the ProperEy.altaw the Ptopecty to deueriorate.or commit waste on the P�vperty. Homower shall �__�_- <br /> - a,<,•:x`, be in defa�c if any forfeiture acGon or proceeding.whether civil or begun!hae_�n�-�e.r's good faith je�dgmznt �-:-� <br /> .�,; �r <br /> ���`�� � � - .coutd iesult in forfeiture•of the Ptoperty or oti�envise materiatly impair the lien 'c�.c�..���;a�"s Secunty Insuumem or �--x ._ <br />�.�`r;"� � ,.L.ender's seturit�inieoest..�orrowec tnay cune such a default and ptoY�'s��?+'a$�aPh i8,by causmg tbe action � �' <br /> :, w ,y: Y�.� ' <br /> � xir:!. -- <br />-t�?�:s, �. ,-��.r.a _. s f�,;/,. .• <br /> s:-+ ,„_..x:-=.;�� < �z praceeding to be ds�issed with a ruliag Eha�in L�er's good faith determinatic�:gr�cludes forfeiture nf the Borrawers. ' <br />�h/�._'� <br />�f!;'•;', ;� ' :,�_���;+ • � interest in f,z.3e.PcapeRy or other materia!impairmerst of the lien created by this Secunry Instrument or Lender's security. y='a.� ��.�-a <br /><,.;;.�t� ..�.:��'"t:.�.:' : a . <br /> f..;.';�-�. , ' �,,.�-�; interest. ��wec shall atso be ia default if Barrawer. duriag the loan application process, gave materially false or ' '-.:� ,::.'."- <br />�:;;`;;f �=`�t�,:.`.`. °-'r.:'_ . inaccurate a:��assim oF statements to Lender(or failed to provide L.ender with any material infortnation)in c+onnettion with '�'=: �v <br />;'�-'`;:'' �<:`�T`.�•``•. � " . the foan e�3��'4S;�e Note. inciuding. but not�prrsentations cr�.ZCeming Borrower's occupancy of the � ��.;- <br /> � ' • r ��'�•� � Pmperry as a pr�'nc�pal r�r3�ce. If this Security tnsmiment is on a Ceasehold,Ba."n�.�r shall comply with aU the provisions '� s � _ <br /> �-� ' �'�.�'=��� of the lease. If Borrowes a:qaires fee title to the Prope�ty.the lea'selwld and We fea�ie shall not merge unless Lender agrees �-� ;_ <br /> ;f,�:�� r' ��►'�, r�i�,; ,;- - to the mergcr in writing. . . . ,;j ° ` <br /> '��'s�' "r�`. ; �. Yl�,tection of I.ender's Rigats in the Property. If Horrower faits to perfoan the�ovenants and ag[eemeats : f��,`�'':. <br /> ..t;�. �t <br />.' � 3,�;�,, ,f-.:!c�';. containeaf iri t�is Securiry Instrament,as Si�ere is a legal proceeding that ms►y significantty af�e�t Lender's rights in the � .< ' �`_. <br /> .�,�s`.=. �: . Pioperty(suc8 as a praceeding in banki-..�.��y.probate.for condemnation ar forfeiture or to enforce laws or reguiations).then � �:,:_;;• _'''-� <br /> �'°��- I.ender ma do and for whatever is necessa to rotect the vatue of the Plro and Lender's ri hts in the Pro ��.�,y. . <br /> � ;t:' Y PaY �Y P ��Y S P�Y• t`:'ti; �.� .:, �� <br /> • ' ' i.enders actions may include paying any sums secured by a tien which has priarity over this Security Instrume.:�.appearing �:f;.,� ^�- - <br /> - • � ": in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take attion �}it�(:s • ,� :� - <br /> '' . �. • . under this paragraph 7.Lender daes not have to do so. ``•'' ' <br /> -,�-�;:;,-: : �- Any amaants disbursed by Lender under ihis paragrapb 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this _ <br /> `-c a':`.:'�� �'- . Security lnstrumen� Unless Borrower and Lender agee to other termc of payment.these amounts sha11 bear interest from the • •. ���,. <br /> , �';�•-:• , • da te o f dis b u r.5 e m e m a t t h e N o t e r u t e a n d s h a l l b e p a y a b l e.w i t h i n t e r e s t,u p o n n o ri c e f ro m I.e n d c r t o B o r r o w e r r e q u e s t i n g t;i,.',;,, ., .;.y,-;� <br /> •�-,-_=}c: • �.�; pKYmene. ` - ',�.,•�--`• . _. <br /> ' � ' S. Mo e Iasa�anea If l.ender re uired mnrt a e Insurance as a condition af makin the iaan secure�l b this �`;�;�:'%,,,�.•. . ,:'�� <br /> . �,r_,�.:.� , .. <br />. '��, � ' Security ln��ent,Borrower shall pay the premiums re�uired to maintain thc mortgage ins�rance in effec� if.foyr any . , ;' :",;,.;' <br /> ,`;,::; . '' ? . ,.� ,.. rcason. t�e anostgage insurance covcrage required by Lender tapse� ar ceases to be in efFe..�_Bvrrower shali pay the , ;` ,:;r}�:�:�' <br />:"'� � ��`"�t, '�'�' prcmiums teqaired to obtain caverage r,eix.tantially equivatent to the mortgagc insurance pr�:iously in a wst ,,;.;;�;�•,, �.;:•'���- <br /> •' •' sub5taneialiy eqaivalent toahc cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previo;ssAy in eifert,from an altemate mongage � •; ; ��'_ <br /> . � ,_;:�:.., . � � �_�_ <br /> � �,_ :. . . , � ensurer approved by f:ertder. If substanqa8y cyui4alen�mungage invurance cover��ss not�vailable.Borrower shall pay to . �'t��:, ' r•,� <br /> �:-- .•�° . Lender each month�sum equat to one-twelfth of the ycady martgage insurance pmmium 6eing p�id by Borrower when the �� •.• ,7a�;_" <br />,�:..,,, . .,,<.<,:, <br />"''� - � insurance oa�ti�aage lapsed or ce�ase d to b e in e f fect. l.en der wi l i uecep�use an d retain t hese payments as a tos�reservc in lied . �'`_ <br /> e• <br /> _ ' � of martga��i.�surance. Loss reserve paymentx may no tonger be ro�u:' thc option af l.ender,if mongagc insurance �• '_, <br />. ' - ' = ' coverage(in she amount and for thc periad that Lcndcr rcyuircc)pr�i d�Tcd by an insuret uppraved by l,ender again becomes �ti. ' � <br /> k��;'.�: ...' ..�-_ ' 1.,�. <br /> . � . availabte and is obtaincd.Borrowcr shal)pay tfie premiums rcquired tn maint�in mor�gvge msurance in effect,or ta provide a rE�:;�, <br /> , loss reserve.umil the requirement for mortgage imurance end�in accardanre witb any written agrcement between Botrowcr �Y,;.:• <br /> ; ' ' and Lendet or applicable taw. � <br /> � 9 Ia�spection. Lender vr i�ti ugcnt may makc rcationablc cn[ries upun and inspectiuns of thc PropeAy. Lender shal! E � <br /> ' � � ' give Bo,rw�er notice at the time of or prior to an in�pcction specifyi�c Tea+onable cau�c fi�r the i�.pection. � . � <br /> , • • �0 Ce�ndemnatlan. Thc pracrdx of any awarJ or ctaim fnr dacnagcs,dircct or cnnscqucntial,in cannection with any � ' <br />�., � • � � Singlc k'.unily-•Ernnk H�dE�eddie�1ac t%til�'ll{l�11�S'iRU:1fE%T��Umform t'wcnant� 9l90 �puz�3 oy�pc{c�i , <br /> ' • . lrtat I.Nvx Ra,�nra iama,tnr./ `' , �. <br /> � � TolRtlrrlalt 1�IWS:V1!A'J,itIVA%6t1Y]9t11at t . . <br /> . � ! . <br /> . � • <br /> . � . <br /> � � . , . ,__-__.._..._- -� - - .. . . _ . . . �� . , . . - . . , . . . , " <br /> . . � . �'�� . . . . � . <br /> ' . `.__ _f � .__ ' . .-. . _. . � . , . , , . . <br /> . . o-. . . ." ' � ' _ . � ' - ' ' . . <br />- . _. _ .�_ _....�z.�.._--- ..__-.-- . . :_._� :. - .- . - . - .- -. .� .. . .__� -_. . .. .�_ . .�. - � <br /> .. :-- _.�_ _._.��.�..__..�___.�.�. --"-'---'-------- —'--"-----' -�----...-..-� --_- '-- -----'---_'--..—.__ �_.. <br />- - . � ^ . . '. , , . ' . . .. . . -- � -,. -- . -_-�-- - ! , � , - _-- --,� _ . <br /> 4 . . .- <br /> _ . _ ' � � . . . . � . � . � . � , ' ' .. . � . . , . . . . <br />__ ._ _= .�. _�._, . � � # .: . . .: - ' ' ' .-- �- � - --- - �- � - - -- — - <br /> ... --� - � ---------- ' <br /> -= -- . � --=--`_ -:- . - - .. — - --- — . . ' - -- . . <br /> . <br /> " � � . . , . , . —. �-- - . <br /> ." . . ' .. - ' - . - . . _ , . . _ . . r � . - . <br /> ' , . <br /> � . ; . <br /> � . � . .. � . . . � a . 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