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<br /> . , . 'r . . -- r - - . _'". . . ... __--
<br /> ' � .S_ ,`._"""_` -`' _ . —.
<br /> .. <�. f« ` • •- . ' - '. . . ' . _ . . .. . - � � . _ .
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<br /> s. �!a�:��L'. BQlR11YGf S� �t1iC ItE1pNVC[O�OtS a(SW CI[I54f1g Qt�IELCSREl�ClCC� OII l�1C �
<br /> . prnpaty insured agsi�t loss by fire.�arrrds indiided within thc term'txceudad oaYeiagee"wd aay att�er lnr�rds. ind�ding ��
<br /> . �floads or floodiag.for wttich'L.end'er c�ec�ines 4nsur�uaoe.Tftis ins�uanoe sha!!lie maintainod in th�amou�us and for•the periods
<br /> : .thtt I.crder nequicts.'Ch�iasivance c�me�providing the iasura�re shall 6e chosen b}F Borrower subject to Ixnder s approvaJ,
<br /> ° which s`t�all rat be un�easoaabty withltietd. If$onuwer fails to maintain ooverage described a6ove. I,endcr ma},at i,codu's
<br /> option,o6tain ooverage tq protect irndet's rights,in tiie P�uperty in accordance with paragaph 7. ,
<br /> � Alt i�surance policies aod reixwats s6a1!be aoceptabte to L.ender azd shall inctude a standard mort�age ctause. [�ender •
<br /> _�___ z . � sha}i ha�re the right to hold the polisies an0 sei�ewals.Yf ieuder�ir�s.8orrower shal!pmmptly give to Lender all receipts of
<br /> �P�CIIIIOIR4�TCIICW�QO[lCCS�LI tI1C CYCiI[OC IOSS.Bon4wer shali give prompt.notice co the insurance cairier and Leader.
<br /> Le,oder may make pmof nf toss if not made pmmptlY By Borcowec. _
<br /> -- Uniess Lender and gocrower otherwise agree in writiag.insura�x�`pmceeds shaq be applied to restotation or repair of the
<br /> . pmpertyr damaged.if the r�storation or crpair is eannomicalty f�ible ard Lender's se�wi�ty is not lesseoed.If the reswratioQ or
<br /> - . iepair is�wt economically.frasi6te ar Isnder's security woWd 6e Ies�enad.the insurance graoeeds sba11•be appiied to the sums
<br /> secured by tisis Saurity Insaument. whether or not then due. with any excess paid[o Bomnwer. If Borrawer abaitidons the —
<br />��: . Pmpesty.or daes not aaswer anllun 30 days a notice from Lender th�t the it�saiance carrier has offec�od w settte a claim.tl�en - --
<br /> i.ender may oollect the insurance proceeds. i.ender may ase.t6e pmoeads ta tepair az`restore the Praperty ar to pay sums =_
<br /> secu�d by this Securiry L�stmment.whether or not thea due.The 30-day period will 6eg�n when(he norice is given. _ - —__
<br />• Qcdess.Lendss and Batrower ott�er�vise agnee in wrttin8. �Y aPPrcation of.pmceeds to princigat shatE �t extend or ��-_-
<br /> t�e:due date of the monthi ts referred to ia 1 aid 2 or chan the a�aaanc af the a matts. If �`.-`�=
<br /> • postpone.. Y PaY� P�� 8e P Y . � �,s�-
<br /> �nder paragcaph 21 the Property is aequiced 6y Leacter.Borrower's right w any insurance policies and pcoeeads resuIting frum ��,-
<br /> ' �� datnage to ttie Pcopeny prior w the acquisition shall pass to T.ender m t6e extent of the sums secured by this Sec�rieg In�rum�t ��r-
<br /> =,� .• �'�
<br /> immediately prior,to ti�e aaNisition. •
<br /> � 6.Oo�vpa�y Presa�vatbu,lN�iatenance aad Protation oltbe Pt�np�kty;Borro�er's I.oau APWkAtion+ ` T�`
<br /> �;,. • Leasebolds. , �_±�tt�---
<br /> Borrawu st�ii,.oeatpy,establish.and use the Prapetty as Baaowea''s principal residence within siaitg days after the execution af �:R-.
<br /> . this Security[�ent and shall wntinue to occupy the Pcaperty as�owec's principal cesidence�or at least one year after .::�r;-:-_.
<br /> r the date of arr�spa�ey,ui�less Lender otheivvise agrees in writing.which consent shall not be up�reasanably withheld.or unless , �
<br /> ...;�:�"5� � •. � _
<br /> y• � A . . e�[te[�eng ct{e�tmstances eaist which are beyond Bacco's��r's roatrol. Bnnawec shaU not destroy. damage or impair the, :� __
<br /> � �� ' .:..�.tf'ri'�- � Property.altow the Property to deteriorate.or commit vi+aste on the Property. Horcower st�att be in default if any forfeiture ' .. � _
<br /> . „ . �•-.;;�_t,�,.�`;` artion or proceedi�ng.whether civil ar c�iminal,is begun that in Lendes s goad faith ju d�nent w W d resu lt in fa t feiture a f t h e �
<br /> �'-�'�`''``: PraQerey or atl�aru'sse materially impair the tien created by this Security lnstrument or L e n der's secnsEe�r interest. B orrower may . ,.��`�
<br /> �=:_.'•' '-,-�,�..;
<br /> � .:•��- ; cure sach a defauYs and�einstate,as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the acEion or proceeding ta�se dismissed with a tuting -y ._` � _�.�=�---
<br /> 3 �[ r.°.��;'• :.__. : ,.�.
<br /> � .,j��:� that. in Lender s'goad faith determinatian. precludes fort'ect�re of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other material � .,�^L; 1_—
<br />• --� *••... --
<br /> �"��'�'�'�' impairn�ent af the lien created by this Security Instramenf oi l,ender's Security interes. Barrower shail also be in defanit if �:.;:.�..,-�
<br /> I�-.�.: ' ---
<br /> ';,.:� '_ ,:..,=. �„�. z . .:4��=
<br /> ,,',. . E:,.,.::;..,� B o r ro w e r.�d u t i n g[I h e f o a n a p p l i c a t i o n p r a c e s s.g a v e m a t e ri a l l y f a l s e o r i n a c c u r a t e i n f o n r:s i o n o r s i 2 c e.a e n t s t o L e n d e r(or failed �•�.
<br /> �::�-� -,.,. :• •,�-.
<br /> �:�`f..�;R ; -.;�--- �':`�'��'.� � , `to provide l.er�dezss°�h any material infocmati�.�in connection with the[aan evidenced�'the:1fl:*r:ituding.but nat limitad ;, _ �-�`
<br />� ' '` '"'�v"" • • �� '. tp,repmsentatiai�s concemin Borrower's�ccu ait uf the Pra rty as a�nci 1 reszd..�=.TEr�s���ri Instrument is on a 1 �� ��-
<br /> - • S P �Y Pe Pa � ' tY •'� . --
<br /> � • � � . teace,hotd, Borrower shall camply with all the provisioac of the lease.�If Borrow��.i;.:i:t�s foe'titte to the Property, the� " `�••�_
<br /> ` ` leasehold and the fee title shall not mer e unless I.ender agrees to the mer er in writi � ,
<br /> g g �� . . F;: .� _
<br /> - a.Protectbn of I.ender's Rightg in t6e Praperty.If Barrower fails ta perform the covenan�s and a�reements contained in - �;
<br /> � � this Security Instrument. or there i.s a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender s rights in the Property(such as a � � �
<br /> �:'P,:;,;.,��.�-•: • ��- �
<br /> _ . _.� . proceed'mg in bankruptcy.prabate. for condemnatian or forf�iture or to enfarce laws ar regulatians� then L.ender may da and , , _
<br /> ,,, �=��;};. _. _
<br /> :�<< .�y_,,...,. . pay for whatever is necessary td protect the value af the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actioas may .
<br /> - �f�''• `'''� include a in an sums secureef b a lien which hac riarit over this Securit lastrument. a an in coun. paying -
<br /> . _-[��;;�•: , P Y S Y Y P Y Y PF� S _ _
<br /> �' �`� i"•4`.� reasonable attomeys`fees and entering on thc Properiy to make repairs.Although Lender may take action under this paragraph `,�'' -
<br /> � `�;��.
<br /> �;``�.t .. . � � ,� 7,I.ender daes na��ve to do sa. . � � � � `��;�`
<br /> ,:�.,.� � • .
<br /> ':�r.,�' ' Any amou��cs disbursed by Lender uader ehis paragraph 7 shall 6eeome additianal dcbt ai Barrower secured by this . • � ;�J;��
<br /> . . � . . ,�:�
<br />• . ' `° • ' � - Seci,-�sy instrument.Unless Borrower and Lcr�der agrce to othcr tcrms of payment,theyc amounts shall bcar interest from the ' ;. :�}�.:.
<br /> .., .�. . . -
<br /> �,. �.,:.: .
<br /> R�'�w,.,.._;, ., daYe cr disbursement at the Note rate and �+hall be payable. with interest, upon notice from l.cndcr to Borrawer requesting � • •;�-:-
<br /> payincni. � �'P�"�-
<br /> ';,'"�`":�'.�'.���:=. `' � . 8.Mo e Inauranee.If Lender r uiral mori A c insurance ati�a candition af makin the l��secured t.is Securit � '�"' '�-
<br /> '_:�; �R �l . S S 8 � Y � .7e�,�:....
<br /> LL"" la�trument. Borrawer shafl pay the premiums cCquirod to maintain thc martgage insurancc in cffea. 6f, for any rea.r•on, the . ,.,,;,,. . ;'
<br />�. f_;;." -„ _ . moctgage insurancc coverage required hy I.ender lapses�r ccases tc�bc in cifcct.Barrowcr sh;�ll pay,the premic^�s required ro � ,• ' -
<br /> , - - - - � obtain wverage substanNaliy eqt_'svatent tu thc mongAge inwrance previs�u�ly in effea_;:c a c�ast substantially eg�ica]ent to thc � ,
<br /> • ;�''�;;;::• . ' cast ta Borrowcr af the mort�ge insurancc prcviou�ly in cffcct. from an.�ltematc��n�age intiurcr,approve,� �y Lendcr. lf
<br /> ' -'''' • substantially equivatent mortgage insurance mverage is no�avuil�hlc,Borrower�hall pay tc�l.ender e:ch manth a sum equa!to •
<br /> .;::;. ��;�`:,. •
<br /> ,;_,.,.,�,, one-twelPth of th�;c�earty martgage insuraner premium hring paid by Borrower when the insurance e:�-.��ragc lapsed or ce�a.�to �.
<br /> � � . bc in effcct.Lend'er k�ill acrcpt,usC and rerain thcre paymentti uy u 1���� rc.cr�c in licu c�F mortga�e i:isurance. t.cns reserve �
<br /> � � Forr,>3028 8190 � • � � ,
<br /> . . � paya3alG . I. • . . . .
<br /> r ,
<br /> , • • , �
<br /> r•.-..� � ; .
<br /> . f .
<br /> ' :i � ' - � . . �' . . . � . . . • - �
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