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_ __ . '. _ '`'_._'_. _"' - '. _ ' —'._�— __.__ "';=t�._._ <br /> _ = �_ •_.. 't.J E _�� [S��7 c c` t . 4`N �` ' _ ' _ ,`1µ . <br /> ,. ' tV.E�•' r 'S• �T .. . � ' {` �.. ... .. ._. . _. . ' <br /> .< ' . . .�'.� ' - - - . .. .._ '_ _ . . <br /> :_, . . � - . . , . • . <br /> . `, . . . � '� . . . . . . .. .. _ <br /> :_. ._ .___._" ' f __ _ _ —. __ ___ '_ _ _ _ __ __ _ ... . . .. _ <br /> - � _—,. . . "' .� ` — ' ._ __. ... _ ___ _ _—'_ ' ' _— <br /> ^�.. <br /> , .. .. <br /> .. . � . . , .. ' . " .. _ _ . ._ - _- _ — . —_ <br /> _ ' ._ . .'..., .�. <br /> r .c.�-.._ ��.._.-_�ct- - - . ;. . _ . . <br /> ` . � - ' . . .. � ��� �����..� �. .. _ <br /> , 'j�Wn'H all tlle tII�p�aYeQlefxs neut Or hetafta tiectcd an thC piOpeRy.aad�II e�ts.�•+m'- <br /> �fii�wres aow a baafter z part af tbe psiaperty. All iepl�cemerus ar�t additLOns s1u11 aiso be cove�rd by this Secadty <br /> insCeunnent.A!!af the fanegoing is refaned to ia t6is Secvrity Inst�ument aa the"Propercy.' � - • <br /> _80R1tOWER COVENANTS tha¢Bom��rer is lawfaily seised of the�sface herebY convveyed and l�as the right W gran!and, <br /> — —�� eoavey t6�Propaty atsd that tlte Property is u�ered.exoept fur eacumbrances'of rtrocd. Borruwcr�warrants and vinll <br /> defe�d generally the tida to ttre Prnperty all claims and demands.subject to any ec�cuinbrances of iecord. ,— <br /> , Tf�S SEC�RIT1�INSTRUMFNT combines uniform covcnants for nuio�i use asd mn-ntufocm anvcronts�wittt limited � <br /> — - va�ia6ous by jutisdiction to caaainue a uniform securiry ia�unneat oovering real ProP�Y- . - - ------.- -- <br /> UIVIFORM COVENANTS.Hortower ard 1.eider covenant atd ag�et as follows: <br /> , l.PaYa�eot at Ptiqcipd sad Intee+�st; PreP�ymmt and Late Chteses.Borrower shatl promM�Y.PaY when due.the <br /> _- principa!of and i�t on tUe debt evidenced by tize Note and any prepaytn4nt aed tate charges due under the Nate. _ <br /> Z.F��.a[ar T�aad L�oraoc�S�bject to applicabte law or to a vyriueu waiver by_Leoder:Botrower sfiall pay to <br /> Isnde�on tLe day tpontlily payments are due under the Nou.unti!the Note is paid in full.a sum t"Fw�ds")for.(a)Yearty m�ces . <br /> �ati assessmrnts which may attain priority over this Security irutmtnent as a lien on the PropeKy:(b)y�r1Y tea-ceh°id payments . —_— <br /> � or groutd rents on the PropenJ►.if any:(c}yearly hazand or prQperty insurance Qremiu�nsR(d)Yrarly f�aad insnrar�ce pre�niwns, .. — <br /> ��Y'(e)Y��Y�S�»��Premiums,if any;and(�any sums payable iry Bo�rawer to accotdance with — <br /> t6c provisioas of pa�agiaph lieu of the payment of martgage insurance piemiu�m.'Fhese items are cailed"Escrow Items.' � <br /> � t,eMer asay, at any dme.collect and hotd F�nds in an amounc not to exceed the�imum amount a ieader for a,federaliy ____� <br /> '., n�ated mortgage loan may require for Boaower's escrow acc.ount under dte federa!Real Estate Settlemem Procedares Act of - �__ <br /> z�: 1974 as amended from time to time. 12�U.S.C.Section seq.("RESPA").unless aiwther!aw thaz applies to the Funds �;___ <br />;jii,:r �,-�, <br />�.,�•, sets a tesser amonnt.If so.Lender any time,wltect and fiold Fund�in arj amount not to e�ceed the tesser amoum. <br />'��r� :� Lendec may estimate tbe amoum of Funtts due on thc basis of current d`ata arid reasonabte esumates of expendiwres of future �"�"'�-� <br /> �:�:a-; <br /> ��-. <br /> 8scruw Items or otherwise in accaid�ce With applicable law. �:`��`= <br />'._, 71�e Funds shall bF�heTd in an inctirution.whase deposits are insured by a fedecat ag�.�. instrumentality. or eati ���� <br />'�' � (including Lendar.if I.ender is su¢h an institution)or in any Fedecai Aame l.oan Banlc.Lender str�t}aPPly the Funds to pay tt�t � �'�-`:'-�9== _ <br />..,f.;,� . _ <br />�F/ °� . }'—.r..�"'f <br />�f;;r ' '°�"�'-;s�:`•± Escrow Item4.I.ender may not charge Borrower for holdiag and apPlying the Funds.annually a¢��zing the escrow accouiu.os { - <br /> '+�,; >s�- ,,_��,�.;�, , <br /> _ ' ' • `, . . •verifying the Esecox Items.un►css l.eader pays Barrower i�rterest on the Runds and applicable ia:��ertnits i.ender to make sach r,; -- <br /> . S: �`t.:,". .� . .•. .. ' 3'.— <br /> '� f��.:;�_...-� . a charge.How�ver.Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an in3epeadent�real estate ta�c reporting service �r;�jr,;.. <br /> ,- ' �N�-��,`';::,';tJ;,;:: t�sed by Lertder in cunnection with this loan. untess applicabte Iaw provides ot�es�wise. Unless an agrecment i� made or E , .f ' :� <br /> --:�. �a;•f:�.z;r•'.,.;. <br /> ' �,;,..;. applicable taw requires interest to be paid.[.ender shait not be required ta pay Borrower any mterest os eamiags on the Funds. . ;-�.��; <br /> c �,�'�:=��`ti`�`.�fl`�-;,`;�': Borrawer and l.ender may agree in writing. however,ihat interest shap 6e paid an the Fu n ds. L.e n der s h a l l give to B orrower, , ` :,=_-�"'— <br /> ;_., . 4c,{�' '" <br /> , ��3 "�,,;}_ �:x:° t ; withaat annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and tfie purpose for which exh E=�'{� . .; �i�■ <br /> �"'��,�, �;;'1:� �: +dEhit to the Funds was made.The Funds are ptedged aS additianal security far all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument. � c��1,:�:� -- <br /> �� �'� ' sh 11 accaunt tn Borrowe� � •�`�:�s�'t�'�. <br /> "•� ��- ' �� if the Furids held by l.cnder excetd the amounts pennitte0 to be held hy applirable law.Lender a �(�,r,•,.r "�_— <br />''f.;:• ��-�-�-��.f;.:. �"for the excess Funds in accordance with the mquirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any: .. ;.::���-"-``�=,�=_ <br /> :. "^:7"':..� � . . . r: <br /> • '-;ri�`-"}. •...�:;�;::�-�• dme is rat sat�ic�ient w pay the Escrow Items when due,l.ender may so nvtify Bonower in such case Borro�+ei'`'. , ,�,�.. -� V , �,,,___ <br /> �:>r. •: ;�;`F; '•�;�t =. ._ � <br /> i:l:'l�:�� ' . ,. - shall pay to i.ertder the amount necessary ta make up the deficiency.Bom+wer ghail make up the deficiency in no more than :�,�y;.:, . '• -:�;,'.��` <br /> � � F�'`:(}C1_j.,_ . _ • �<�s. , <br /> F�,... twe{ve monthly, Lender's sole discretion. '.`?�`• y; •':�; <br /> 14'S <br /> � -=:`Y ':.:�;: " • • � Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall prompUy refund to Barrower any :: �� � <br /> � Funds hetd by Lender.If,under paragraph 21.L.ender shaQ acquire ar sett the Property.l.ender.prior to the acquisition or sale � � � • ,�; <br /> - �°i'��"*-°+`�:;_�'�<�. .of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time oi acquisitian or sale a s a cred i t ag a i n s t t h e s u m�s e c u r e d by - _ _��� <br /> ;z?�-'•�s• <br /> . :-�_� Ji; ;. �' this Security Instrument. � ��`� <br /> �:-,=:. <br />< •'���`a�'- �� 3.ApplkAtion ot Pa enxs.Unless applicable!aw provides othcrwisc.all a ments reccived b Lcnder undcr ara ra hs ` :T'_.,° <br /> ,:�.<.._;�-_ . . 3'm P Y Y P b p :-- <br /> ,,-'��7�'".� � , t and 2 shall be applied: any prcpayment charges due undcr thc Nnte:second;to amaun�s payable undcr par:�g�apb 2: : •,;^,r, <br /> .•��y;-�'`` � ; . third,to interzst principAl due:and last,to any late charges duc under the Notc. . ._-- <br /> �?' - ��.�; - 4.Cdsuges; Ueng. Borrawcr shall pay all taxe�,ati.e�timent�s,charges, fines and impoxitions attributable to the Prnperty , -:_�,:; <br />"''''�'`." ;�;{��-::�. ' � -�° vuhich may Attain ptiority over this Securiiy lnstrument. and lr.�tichald paymcnts or graund ren�ti.if any. Borrawer yhall pay E = � r,' <br /> • �r� ;,,.' ' . tfiese obligations in the manr�rr provided in paragraph 2:��r if not paid in that manner.8arrawer sh�ll pay them on time directly '�.'.;r.:.:• • . l� :�~,'�=� <br /> ���'•`��`�`•�'� to the r5on�wed ena.. rrower�hall mm tl furnirh u�l.cndcr all notice+af ami�unts t�h e ai d u n dcr t his ara ra h. �'�" ` �` <br /> �;k,,�;,.. , � Pc• PaYm �c+ P P Y P P S P ,/.�r,,;, . _ <br /> � ,�..,.... -:� i�ti,,,. . .. ;.,-.- _ <br /> �:�c�,`'t-;:-.,.,. . If Borrower makes th�+e p ayments directty.Borrowcr shall pr<�mptly furni�h to l.cnder reccipts evidcncing the paymcnts. .r.��,. ��. <br /> ` ' - � � Barrower shall promptly disrharge any licn whicb ha�+priodty ovcr thi!,5ccurity Imtrument unless Borr�wer.(a)agrecs in ,,�.- � • .^�-:; <br /> �::j'..�;. �.�f':rrh�� �• <br /> � .z�•� •. ''' •• writing ta ihe payment of ihc abllgatian�ecured hy thc licn in a manner acceptabte ta Lender:(b)conte�t�in g�x�cl fuith the lien !, „ � � ,�•,•_ � , <br /> '( .r., tv: .•... . . <br /> �..�%• ' . ",; • - by, ar defends agAintt enforcement of the lien in, tegal pr�xecciings which in the l.ender'. ��piniun uperate ta prevenl the p�. . . <br /> � : ' � enforcement•af the lierr.��r(c)sccurey fratn�hc h��lder aF thc licn an agrccmcnt.ati�factnry to l.cnder tiubordinating ihe lien to t'�'S�' <br /> ° • . this Securiry ln�trumem. if Lcnder detcrminc.r that uny part��f th�Pr��pctty ic�ubjcct u�a licn whirb may attain priority ovcr E <br /> _ ' . ihis Serurity lntitrument, Lcnder may give&�r�uwcr�nutice iQ¢ntifying ihc licn. &�rruwcr�hall tiati�fy ihc licn ar take ane or � <br /> • - � _ more of the actions set farlh ab�>ve within 1A Jay���f the giving��f ni�tice. � <br /> �}' .. . Form 3028 9190 j'�' ° ' <br />. . . va�o x u�s :'r;' • <br /> e. <br /> j ',: . . ` f. .. - . <br />+ " .. � <br /> ! . . . ' � . . `- • . . . - . . ' . <br /> � � . � t. . . . . . , . , . . <br /> . . <br /> . i . • <br /> t . . � " ' ' i _ _ _ . _"_ - _ _"_ <br /> • . �_�� .. .. .. . . ____ .. . .. . . . . . _ . .�_ . - . <br /> . . . . . - . _ . . . . _ _ _ <br />__"— _ � __�"_"-_" _ ' - __- _"___ �_". . ...___. . . — . . -_ -_-___-_"_.-'"_— _--_� .__ -- -__.__. -._—'_ " .-.. . <br /> '�- . . _� __ .. , . . . . , _ <br /> .. <br /> . � <br /> . . .. � _ . . � . � . . . . . <br /> • . . <br /> . . . . . . , . . . . _ , r <br /> . � , � . - . . � � , <br /> ' , . . . . . , . . . . .. <br /> . <br /> � _ <br />�_ '" __ " _'. _ . _ . _- _ � _ "_ �. i ..___. "" ... <br /> �� . <br /> ._..__. .� . . . <br /> . . <br /> - ...; - - .� _- '. . __ ..__— •._ '_._"' __" ' - - ,"-'_-.-__ _ -"___ _. . _ . . �'�fi-_ .____ .-_ . ._ _ <br />