a '+v';:-g�,-
<br /> -_ -t( .' ' _ .� ..�.F''c-;•'+,,,�,�-r: � -_ ---. . .'_-_-.,-_ _...._ . -_- . '_'- -'- . . " _ .- . _ � ---_.
<br /> -- �e ' � - - - --._� - , _ _ .--. . . -- �- - - � - � -
<br /> _:, � : . . . , . . ., . , . - ._._ ._ _-....,.- ..
<br /> :� . . ' S. ...,.� s..—+.r:�7�ii9eA�t'i�iei,d.�_ - ---- �_. ,__ _ _ . . _.-.. .
<br /> =�._—_ - _--� '- � . . .. . ._. _ . . . . . . . _ . _ ___. . - . . . .. _.=_... _ . -_. . :_ .-,�. _—
<br /> -- _ - - ` _ _ _ - _ ,- - 92—��1-ufsso�
<br /> appiiabie'l�►vr inay spoc+fy fa�einuuemmt?6efae sak of tlle P[�opetty purse�nt m aay power of sate caaained in this
<br /> Se�urity lasuumau;or(bl enory of a ju�inent enfoccing ttis Seci�tity in�trumen� 'Rwse conditions am tt�at Bo�rower: (a)
<br /> - 'psys Lceder�l!sums whict�Wai wouId�t due unda this Securiry tasaumeat artd d�e Nate as if no ascet+eration had . --__-
<br /> - - = oc�urtak tb?cwes airy defaWt of aay ather coveF�ants or agrernients:{c)PaYs all expeases incucreA in enfQrcing Wis Serurity °v=��
<br /> _ - _-- insonm�en�includiag.!wt not limited to.reasdoabte attameys'fees:and(d)takes such xtion as Lender may reasoaably ��LL_�..�---
<br /> --- �nequise tu acsuce that the licn of�this Security Insuume�tt.Leader's rights in the Property and Bo�rower�s oblig�tion to pay tiie ��.°_-=_=- __
<br /> — - �ums secutrd by this Socurity Itls[tume�t shall coniinue unchu�ged.. Upon reinsta[ement by Botrowe[. this 5ecuriiy ��°-_
<br /> _°_ .Instrumeat and the obligations se�tmd bereby st�aU remain fatty effective av if no acceleratioa had accumed. Nowever.'this E_�_.��"�-�,_�
<br /> - — = right to�ebistate sha11 no4aPPIY in th�case of acceteration undes paragrapE�iT.� • - �;.�t � _
<br /> �, _- 1! Sill,d Nu�'s C��Of Loi�O SelYi�er ThC 1Vo�e ot 3 parii.11 i�tte[est ut the Note(togethet with ihis SeCUtily r,.�� __
<br /> t)ma be sold oae or more d�nes witt�out nor notice to Borrower. A sale may�es�rSt in a change ue tfie entity t :s.<.:f���_
<br /> ��' (icnoam as the Imn Setvicer")that coiteccs mon p due�der the Note aad dus Secari tnsmunen� 71�ene aLso� - -'�. �'1-�'�'�°-`--
<br />- . �Y PaY�►� t3' -�:L�:�-:�_--
<br /> � may 6e�ar mae cdu�ges of tht Loan Senricer u�uelated w a sale of the Note. If thene is a change of tl�e Loan Scrvicer. ±;��,��-'-•-�:�_•_-
<br /> ;`' Barowtr will 6e givea writttn notice of the c6�nge in accor+dance with paragraph 14 aboye and appGcable law. The naice _ .-:_.�.�;;.,. �.-
<br /> ;���;., �
<br /> ` - ' will sqtc the nune and address of the aew Loan Secvicer and tlu addnss to wl�ic6 paymencs sdould l�e made. The notia will _ .'��.`�`�R�'�`�;_
<br /> _ _ ,i alsa contaia any other infotmation[�eqitited by applica6le law. •` ,=:_�_�.�..
<br />. > _.' _::::,,. :
<br /> � ZO Nazardo�Sn6stance�: Bomnwer shall not ranse ar pertnit the presenee.use,disposat.scorage,or release of any - ���--
<br /> -r. _=�*`��_:•:.�
<br /> - ,:� Ha3allous Substances on or in the P�operty. Bomower shall iwt do,nor aUo+�r anyon�eise to do.:aaything afl'etting the =. :;tf��,-
<br /> - '' Ptnpetry that is in vioiatian af any Eavuanmentat Law The pieceding two sentences shall not apply tu the ptcsence,use,Pr _
<br /> - x.:• .. _ __ ��=f:T;�
<br /> � `��` � stcxage on the Pcopeny of s�nalt quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generaliy recognized to 6e approp�iate to normal , _,..:;��.��
<br /> �r � s nalt
<br /> '�'�`�I� residen6al uses aM co main[enance of il�e Propercy.
<br /> ;,:: �;_ . ;:�5
<br />• _ j-'��'' .,'' ' _
<br /> •.*-- - --,��''":" Barower sGaU p�omptly give Lender wtisten notice of aay investigation,claim.demand.lawsvit ar ather actiaf fisy�.mY ,. _
<br /> , 4-.-�r4�'-:.:;*. • govemmental ar rt�tory a�ency or private pazty imolving the Property aud any Hazallous Suhstance or Fnviro�l�
<br /> �'_'_.�: � �
<br /> - &_. .�.=1-R:i�.3, .. . . .
<br /> _ sr.� y - Law of wbich Bamc�er.has a�cival knowledge. If Borro�rer teams. or is motified by any govemmencal�or regal�ory � ;
<br /> ����'�;:;:`_ . , auttroriry.that aay reu�va!arat�er t�emediation of any Hazardaus Substaamaffecting the Praperty is necessary.Bomnwer , . --
<br /> ' '? F�,r:t �;rti+:. �1111 P��PUY�e 3II��Md'181�eCtlO(IS 1'(13CCOrd3110E.'WIIh EIIYINI�1Nenial I.3w. •�` _
<br /> �`-;` '`,±"'"?°•`:': , '. As used in this paragrap��t2,."Hazardous Substances"ate those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by . °..;;SJ;�.,.i-
<br /> ,;.c. r`. '.<:i�`.
<br /> ':'%_-, �`��", Emiro�mental Law and the fai�aaing su6stances: ga�soli�re.kemsene.other flammablc or toxic petroleum products.toxic' ���r�a�. - --
<br />_ __. - •�:.�.::,.��.�:.•." . . pesiicides an�!he�.fes,rolats�e soivents,materials tontaining asbestos o�formaldehyde.and radioxtive materiats. As °� ';<:,�,'. � , _
<br /> ;.�.._ . . . «< .:,.,�-
<br />. .. used in this paragc�t�x Z0."Environmental l.aw"mcans fedcraf laws and laws of the jurisdiction where ti��RopeMy is located .�.' ' •p==
<br /> ' thas mlate w IfeaIi�s3fety or enviroarttenlal protection � � ' � . .;��'
<br /> � � •�� . � � NON-UNIFflii.�i COVENANTS. Bormwer and I.ender furd�er covenunt and ag�ee as foUows: - �� ��_
<br /> � ; 21. Accckratioe: Remedies. Lender slwli gtve notice to Barower prfor to accekratioa idbwing$vre�avicer's . . :' �t_:'�'
<br /> ,.�� bresch otany coveu�at oc agreement in tLi�Security iastrument IDut aot pvinr to accekration ander paragr�f7 . . .. `�-_�
<br /> ar
<br /> '. � uaks4 applicabicfa�e.�rovjdes uther�rlse). T6e notke s6AU spccity: lal the defaWt.lbl the actioo reqaired to aae the _ . . `•�::.��:
<br /> � ,. dKaWl;(c)s dat�iat ies�U�.30 dsys from the date t6e nMke is given to Borrower,6y w6ich tBe detault must be •.=`�--
<br /> � ,.'�::�`,; ' cared,and(d)thas fa�tre to cQre the defs�alt on or 6efore the dAte specified in the�oticr r�wy raaft in sccekration of. '' '.'' ., .-,r;��
<br /> I,,i„ ' i.=_-
<br /> - ° , ��;�1..:..� the saa�a secured by this Sec�itF�nstrnmeut aad snk af tbe Propecty. The notice sbaU turther infurm Borrowsr of _;:• . .��
<br /> . , __
<br /> �,+�',� , right to brtng a court action to assett the nat�existeace ot a detault�or ;:t,.. , �, ;;
<br /> � �i�,.`,4.r. . the right to reinstAte attec�ea�tfion and t6e '
<br /> "�'�% � any Mher detense ot Borrower'to accekratlon anA sAM. It ehe default ts not cuced on or 6etorc the dnte specified in ; � , ' �s.��;
<br /> � �•�:�,. ° � � ,
<br /> - • /he notice,Lender at its optbn m�y require immediate payment in ful!aP ali sums secured by this Securlty lnsirument r�.. ;��_�
<br /> . . � � wlthout turther demund and may invoke the power of sate and any other remedies permitted 6y appiicable law - . . � -
<br /> . � Lender shAtl 6e entitled to collecl�Il expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in t6is paragcaph 21, , .
<br /> . including,6ut not limited to.reasonable attomeys'tees and costs of title evidence. ,
<br /> � ' If the power ot sale is invoked.7lrustee shaQ recorA s�nntice ot de�auit in each county in whkh anq parE oE�c , •
<br /> _ . �• - � � Ptoperty is located and sfiall maii copiesotsucb notice in the rtwnnec pcescrl6ed 6y appiicabk law W Borrower and to , •
<br /> • ' '. theuther persons presc�Ibed by applfcaDle taw Atter!he fime required by appiicabte law.Trustee sAaU give public ' .. _
<br /> . , notke of sate ta the persaag and tn the manner prescrl6ed by applicable taw. 'IYustee.without tkmand on Borrowee, -
<br /> ' shall sel!the Pre�prraty s►t publlc auctbn to the hish�t bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated 1n '. , - •• '��n'.
<br /> � ,,_; . ' the notice oE s�te aa one or more parcets�nd in any order 7lrustee determines. 'IYustee muy postpone sale ot all or any •
<br /> ,�;'��;;• pavicei ot t��Pc�rty by publlc announcement at the time and place oP any previausly+schedukd sale. l.ender or its � � ���• .
<br /> � �,��^,:��` de�grsae�na9 PurcUase the Property at any sale. i .
<br /> ' �. ', � tQ�ia receipt ot paymeN af the price bid,Tcu�tee shap detiver to the purchaser 7lrustee's deed conveying the ' '
<br /> � � � praperty. Tije rc�Qs in ihe 7lrustee'.s deed sh�ll be prima facie e�•ldence of/he truth ai the statemen�4 made therein. ; ,
<br /> . ? ' Trustee shall a�sply fhe proceeds otthe sule in the toltowing order: !�)to all custs and expenscw of exercising the power �
<br /> �'. , ...: .
<br /> . . � , , . .
<br /> ;;'• ,
<br /> � ;; �";��� .� ' i � .
<br /> � , •� .. � ,. j • � ..
<br /> .. !• �
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