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<br /> �candemn�tian ur ahtr t3Ying of any ps+et of the PropertYt or for canveyance in-tieu of rundcmnutirnf.are hcieby a�.yigned�nd
<br /> shaK be paid to i.cndea. . ` � . . ;• •
<br /> _ in the event of a twa! tatcing of the Pto�ty.the ptnceeds sl�a11 be aPP��ed t�the aums secuced by tAi�S�carity
<br /> - -- — tnstrumem.wh�her or not tNen due.with any excess paid to Bc,cruwer. In.the event nF a partiaE taking of thw Pn►�rty irr `
<br /> � • whicb the fair m�r�et value af the Propetty immediatety before the takin�is eyual to or�ter than the amuunt of the sums
<br /> -� secured by this Security In.mument immediatety before the takin�,untc.�+s Barrow•er and Lender othenvise agcee in writing.. __
<br /> — __.__� � __ .'� ._ �e swna secured hy.this Secu�ity In4trument shali be reduced by the amnuni of tde prn�eed,multiptied by tixrfoltowinfi __._ ._--__ _.
<br /> fracti�n; (a)the total amount of the surns secuied immcdiatety 6eCoie[h�t�in�.di��ideA by(�Si the�air m3rBet vatue of the
<br /> - _-= ptoper[y_imrt�ediately befote the taking. Any baTaitce shati be paid ta Buttow•er. In ihe event of a pastial tsking of tUe
<br /> ptoperty in w6ich the fair ma�ket vatue of the Property immediate{}beforc tfie taking is iess than tfie:unouRt of thc sums =__ _
<br /> , ~.y secuned immediazety before the raking.unless Borrower`and Lender otherwi+e asree in writin�or unless applicable taw _y__�__
<br /> °• otherwise provides.the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secnred 6y.{ius Security tnstrument aftether ur not the sums arc ____ _Y�f.�-
<br /> � .'�+ then due. . =�---
<br /> "�` If the pmperty is a6andoned by Borrawer,or it;after natice by lxnder tu Hortov►•er that the cundtntnar offers to make �_^__
<br /> an avyard or senle a claim for damages,Bortower faits to reapand ro Lender within 30 day+after tha date the aotice is given. ���_�__ _
<br /> Lender is authorized to collect aed app}y the praceeds.ut its W�t�pn.either to n.�toration or repai�af the ifioperty ar to the �� �,�..�.,_
<br /> - �- , snms secared by this Seeurity In.titcumen�.whether or po�then due. _ ��, �-`
<br /> "�� Unless Lender and Bomnwer otherwise agree in arri�ing,anY applicadon of proc�eeds to principat shali aot eutend or - _- - -
<br /> �� �. ` ���.•�-,
<br /> . - ;�. =��; postpone the dae date of tite monthlY payrtients trfeRed to in pa��p�!and�or change the a►nount of cuch payments, �__:T,:. _.���.-__.
<br /> Il. Borrawer Not Reieas�d; Fabearance By I.ender Not a �Yai�er. �xtension af the time for payment or _�.��,=:`==
<br /> �..��t�Y`.-.:--
<br />' � �.t �' modiftcatian of amortization af the sums secured by this SecuricY Inswment grattted by I.ender to any successor in�atc�re.+� .a._;;____
<br /> ' �". . of Bamweo shaU not operate tn rete3se the liabilitg of tfie original Baaawer ar Barrowcr's successors in interesR l,ender ;,_��•r_.-.
<br /> • F"- • � � sttal�not be reqaired to cammence ymceedings aSainst a�3,successor in inter�t or refuse to extend time for payment or
<br />:�, :,�
<br /> ' - ?��,' o�erwise moddj,amort;zaUan ofdte sr�r�.s'secured by this Security[cutrument 6y rea+an of any demand made by the originat ,
<br /> _';:. Barrower or Ss>mower§successars in.�t�+t. Any forbearance by E.eccder in exercising any nght ur remedy shafl•�at 6e a . ___
<br /> . ;6,_�: . . - -
<br /> _ :.?;�+. �' • waivero�ar�s�c2ydte�I3eexer�iseotanyrightarremedy. :
<br /> e
<br /> ` :�:,;;�':':t _;.' 12. Saepes�ors aad-�igns Boi�ad;Joint�ad Se�ral Liab�ilii�;Co-signers. The rnvenan�ti and 3�reements of this - .- �: .
<br /> � fy'f �a ,;� -_
<br /> �.p;�„;,,.�., .. ., ` 5ecurity inti�sujneflt s.`.a:G��.�d artd betteftt the succ.�c.c�:a,scd assi�m of l.ender aad Borrower,subject to the irrovisions of . ._.' � _-
<br /> . .,:;i�.W-� . `, ' . paragtagh tK;`$ostoaers'�apertaztts as�d agreemerits��:�;G�aloinj-a:�seve r a l. A n y B a r r o w e r w h o c o-5 i�.tliis Securit y i::,;�:;Y�-� "°- '-�_-
<br /> � - • Inmvment bu':does tiot ezecute the Notc: ta)is co-signing this Secasi[y Ia+trumeN only to murtgage.gr�t�ctd convey that `r�:;'.° . _
<br /> , ;�-'tit�;,.,:". ' aoaower's iate�est in che.PmpenY underrhe terms af this Security Insmimen� (b)is not personafty o6ligared to pay the sums �.. � '-��.�-o
<br /> � '. �:,':'� � ` secumd by this�ecuric��rtc�.�rument:and(ef agrees that I.eader and_any ather Iiorrower may ag�to e�terc�.c�rndify,foficar _ : �4��`�
<br /> . ,;.,�,;;-.• < � • � " ��:�
<br /> ::,.� - '�., , or msilce any accoimnvd�ts with regard ta the tem►s of this Security lns�rument or the Note wi[itout thac.Borrowers , ;.r; �,•�,__
<br /> • . '.�•r •: .: . consent :. .. t_�;::•� . _
<br /> . . . ,+:,. :' .: �_�.�
<br />. � ?.: �; �_ • 13, l.aaa Chatg� .i;tiie.�a�.�,secured by ihis Security Insinunent is subject ta a law wfiicl�secs mtaRimum.toan ' ,�, f4-
<br /> ,� .. charges,an�f that law is fsna:f�•int�p:�ed so that the interes�t ar othec Toan charges caltected or to be coiteCt�k in conneccior� '.�r_
<br /> �=�='= . ' witb the laan:exceed the pennAted Jim�ts,then: ta>any such loan cbarre shall he reduced by the arnount aecessary ta reduce _
<br /> - " `' ' the charge to�he permittect Eicntx and lb)any tium.�atready callected from Socrower which eaceeded pe�miue�;C,inits wil}be :_ - _ ,.,._
<br /> '"t% ' refunded ia Barrawer. Leadzr may chaa+e to make ihi>�`"und by reducing thc princip;d owed under tho 1�Iaie cs�y makinS u y'?r,;: ui �
<br /> � �:�.�.,.
<br /> `'"'�'Y�=";. � direce paymeat to Barrov►cx= if a refund reduce+prin�:�a1,the reduction wiU be treated as a partial prep�aymecit withaut any , . -,t_-:���
<br /> . ,;,,,, . _
<br /> . . prepayment charge under N�c Note. �j`'' ' . ;t�
<br /> � • � 14. Notices. Any notice ta Bocrawer provided for in this Security (nstrumrnt shall iw Leiven by delivering it or by ,
<br /> , � mailing it by fint class mail unlr++applicable law requins use of anather methcxi.The notice yhall he direeted to the Property . , .j
<br /> s' cc b notice to Lendcr. An natire to Lender shall be given by fint class �.. . , _
<br /> . Addretis ar any ather addrerti 6arrawer de ignat y Y c.., •
<br /> � mnil to l.ertderi addre„xtated herein ar any other addre�z Lender deyignates by natice ta Borcower. Any notice provided far ;-_
<br /> . ' � � • in[his Security In+trument +hall bc dccmed to havo I�een given ta Bnrrower or l.ender when given as pruvided in this {s�:•
<br /> i,','. `._
<br /> paragraph. ' {-�:`",'. _
<br /> ' ' 1S. Go�erning Law: SeverabTn..,This Sccurity Imtrumene shall be govcmcd by fedcral law and the law of the � , ._ ,
<br /> • juricdiction in which the Prop�ny i�taca�. tn the event ihat any pro���iun ar clausr of this Secs:rity(nserument ar the Note . _
<br /> . . confliets with npplic�ble law,zuch cnnf::c,.�iatl not affect nther pracrtiion.of�hi,Security[r.ti,r�ent ar the Note whieh eacT �
<br /> ' ' be given effect withaut thc conflicting pr�.��:ion. Tn c'.iiti end the pravi,iun��f r�'r;Secur.:� Ir.suwmcnt artd the Nate are. ���,;
<br /> . ' declated ta he reverahle. �j''�' . �
<br /> � . ' = 14. Borrower's Copy. Sorrower�f�a1t he gi���n one amf��m�ed copy oi the�a�•r a::d ot�'1+�Security lnstrument. ,t,;.; _� •
<br /> . , � l7. Transter of ihe Peuperty or a Seneticial lnterest in Borrow•er. lf all or u���San of f>`:r Property or any intcrest in ��. �• . • ..
<br /> ' • it iti sald or transferred lur if s+benrfi;.ia!intere+t in Bnrrawer i�+old or�ran.ferred and$�rroa��r iv nat a natural penon) . `�.�,,`.�.._
<br /> � ' without I.ender�prior written canscas.l.ender may.at ixti aptian.rcyuire immec'.iac�paym�ni in full of all sum�secured by I,;,;,. . '' �.�;':;F'::},.,
<br /> - thiy 5ccuri�y lnstrumcnt. H�wevcr,this option�+halt nnt be excrciuQ by l.cndcr�"�t��rri�e i�prnhibitecl by federal law as of= �.' '�'':'
<br /> �•.. ,p ,-~�•'j•�
<br /> the dAte of this Security Imtrument. � • � .° :'�
<br /> lf l.cndcr exetcises thiti optian.Lcnder tihall giti c Aorrawer notice t�f accc�.c��iE�n. The n��tire shall pravide u pericxl of ?i'�:..� �'.:'.;:'_,.
<br /> " ' . nat lewx thar►30 d:+y�from the date the notice is ct�{iver�l ar maitcd��ithin ti�hict�B�srrower mu�t p:ry all�mns�ecuced by thi� ; . . �
<br />• � 5ecurity tn�r:umcnt. If 8arrc�wer i:�il�tn pay the�c +um�prior tc�thc expiration c�T�hi,peri�xi. l.cnder ittay invake an4 ;
<br /> : • • ' � rcmedies permitted by this Sccurity Inxtrumcnt w ithn::a furthcr nntioe cfr demanA:m H�x�owcr. :
<br /> ' , ' 18. ibrrawer'Y R'w„ttt ta Reinstate. Ij' Bc�.���,�'.r mcrt� certain condiri��._,. t3arr��wer�h;�ll have the right ti► have �•�
<br /> cnforccmcnt af thi.Secucity In�trumcnt disr�mtinucd::�aa��timc prior ta th�rar'::v uf: Ia15 day�li�r�uch o�hcr�x;ri�x1 ati � � •
<br /> �
<br /> . . ' Singlc l�amilp-•Faar.Be�1ar'Rre4A1c�1ac Y�IFI1K�11�ti'I'kl'�tE�"Y..Cnitam�Corcnaalr 9;41! �y��«•a n)b��u�;r�i i �
<br /> � -. •
<br /> , f .
<br /> � { 't
<br /> 'i . . � , . � . •
<br /> � . . . . .
<br /> _ � °-�—- -'---:_'.. ..�... . . .. _. . - ;r � '�
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<br /> ,. . . , � . . - ^ , .
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