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.-�14"r" ".'!_' ' . _ _ '_' . " . - ' : _ ' �.,f`.. <br /> - __ _ _ �.�[+'�t.. _______ '___" _'_______ _ �' . "_ � _- -__ <br /> �.:_� ..—�s.� . ,v�c�.�.�����v.� . _ _ �.. . � -� ' . . -... ' -- _ <br /> ��j- � - � .. - ' . , _ _ __- _ ' . . " � . .� ` . ' i�-• .'___ <br /> .' . . .� ��� .T`J�.. _ ;._�f.. . . . ' -_-_ - _ _ <br /> ��V - yI�G�LY-� . . , il� . � ' . � � � .. <br /> i�i.{`n - � VC l LL . <. � . . . C . _ --____-- �. ' � �-�_.�_. <br /> ��:._ -_ _=,�� - =-. _- . _-, , � . ._ � - ` . = . � g�_�-1i�1�7fi _ <br /> periods�hat i.erider nquues. '[�e insurance canrier pmviding the insur,mce shall be chosen by Bairower subject w t.e�ider s , <br /> - - � - -oppcavai whkh sbal�ticst ba unieasonabiy withtiel4 If Barruwer fails ta maintaFn cbv�erage desrribod�bove.l.eader <br /> --"''� . L.adcrs option:dxain cavrrage to procect I.ender's rights iti the PropeRy in acca�danse with puagraph 7. - <br /> ���;.:"� . Aq insur.tnce policies and�eaewals shall ba acceptabte to L�der ard shatl include a scandacd mortgage clause. Lsndtr - - <br /> ,....r - <br /> Qs� < � shal!ftave ttrc right to hold tLe policies and nntw�ls. if t.ender requires.Borrower shatf promptiY Sive to l.ender att�eceipts � <br /> =i�''��'-' - of paid premiums and nenewal notices. Ui tUe event of toss.Barmwer shall give pmmpt aoace tu the insusu�ce caaier and __ <br /> �° . �`' . :Lender. Lender may make proof aF loss if not rnade ptomp[JY bY Borrower. � � . ' - <br /> �t �.f�'�_- . __ <br /> --- -_--- -= Unless Lender and Boam�►rr ahetwise ag�ee ir�w�iting,insurance proceed.4 shalt he applied to restoration or cepair of _R _._. _ <br /> t_ '- .t[�e property damaged,if the restoratian ar repair is econo�uically feasihte and Lender-s secunty is na tesseue�.. If the - u. -- - <br /> �`- .: . r+estoretioa or�i+epair is not ecoaomicaliy feasible or Lender's• secunry would 6e tessened.the insurance pmceeds sh�ll be ,�:_�` <br /> .; �' ��; ' applied to tUe sums secured try thic Security Ins�cumen�whether ar rtw then due.'with any eacess�aid to BaRVwe�: [f . <br /> 'r�j�t �=- <br /> T >. Bormwcr ab3ndons the Prop�rt�►:ar.daes not aasw•er within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurana catrier has �_�=m;-=- <br /> � _ -•--.i��� � o.ffet�d to settie-a ctaim ttxn Lendec may callect the insurnnce pmcceds. Ixsydec may usc the proce@ds to repair or resmcie �-- <br /> �. ,,. � � • ` the Praperty orta pay sums secnred by this Security lns�umen�whether.or pot then due.-'Ihe 3Q�day penod wiU begin whm. .�.-__— <br /> � , +.� y��� ` , , ibe aotice is given. . . �-�--`— <br /> � �,�. �••':Y .:<. Uakss Lender and Bormwer ott�ecwise agnee iu writinS;any uPPlicatiot�.of psoceeds to principal shatt not.extend_ot� u <br /> -:=.;:.--` <br /> �: .�:._.- .-'� postpone the due date af the monthly paymenu ceferred to in paragraphs l and 2 or chaage the amount of-tho payments. IF• �;�,.� <br /> -- .�°.��_;�::?,:k-� •- : e�nder Paragraph 21 the Pn�perty is acqnited by Lender.�orrowers�right to aity.;iqsutuace poticies and prooeeds resuttit� _�___-�,= <br />. .,:,:,���:�..�i, :`�. , . from damage to tbe Pmperty pnor to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to dte extent of the sursu secuted 6y tltis Secutity �;:;y� <br /> � _ . - instrument immediatety prior to the acquisition: ` <br /> . '�r:,� . �• 6. Occupancy, Presetvatiai. Mainteaanue aad Protection ot thc Property: RarroWer's Loan Appikation; �- <br /> nue ` - <br /> . �.,,�;,��•,�;,.;:� :; l.aisehotds. Borrower shaIl nccupy,establish.and use the PtaEtercy as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after ;` `.r�= <br /> %��-�=•_ <br /> the oaecudan of this Security Instnut�eiit and shal}continue to occupy the Pioperty as Borrower�principat residence for at � . F.��-- - <br /> .. `�-�---.':� '•`,- least one year aftee the date,of occupancy. unless L e n der ot h erwise agcees in wri t i n g. w hic h c o n s e n t s h a ll n a be �r�' <br /> �:�s•-�- <br /> .� 1 i_'_" <br /> :��:_ � , amea.�onabiy wilhheld.or unless eztenuating cucums�ances exist afiicb are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower si�all aot :-.,-y:-r: <br /> desY�oy.damage a�impair the Property.aUow tfie Prbpercyto deteriorate.or commit waste on the Froperty. Sorrower st�all •- _:,..:;;w_ <br /> _ .':_ �. . ;:`.� .be in defauii if any farfeiture action or prac�ding,wfie�he.r civi!or 6egun that in Leader's good fititd judgment •�;;�:;� - <br /> :.1 coWd cesv(t in forfeiture of the Praperry or aihenrise mazeria��y impair the lien eceated 6y this Secunty Instrument ar <br /> Leader's se.�rity interest. Borrower estay cum sQCh a default and reins[ate,as pravidtd in paragraph causing the action '.,. <br /> ` ' � ��' '���`.�` .` - or proceediag to 6e disrdissed with a n�t'ing"tha�"in Lender's good faith detetminatior�.pteciudes forfeiture of the Bortowes's� =_ _- - - <br /> - ' ` ��e s t a i t h e P r o p e r t y o r o t h e r m a t e r i a l i m p a i r m e t n o f t h e l i e n c r e a t e d b y t h i s S e c a ri ty f n m u m e n t o r L e nder's sea;uri ty �;��' •, <br /> " . 1AICi�SL �arrower shaA also be in defaulE �f Borcower. during the loan appfication�rocess, gave materiaAy false or , � . �' <br /> ' . � ` - inaccur�'e�farn�ation or statements to Lender(or faited ta provide Lender with any mater.�.enfoimation)in connection with • ;,��.;_'. <br /> • � � . � � the toan e��denced by the Note. including. but not limited ta. representadon.s concernu�Borrowerti axupancy af the • . „ •r��� <br /> � j:.;,',` .,' ; �'mperty as a principal residence. tf this Security In�strument is on a leasehold.8orrowers'.sai�cosnply with all the provisions �_�:.;,.:" � :,�r. <br /> , � t;::�;;.;• :• �. .� �f the lease. If Bocroweracquires fee tiUe to ihe Propeny.the leasehotd and the feet�.�eshajl rot s�ierge unless Lender agrees ' . � <br /> , ' ' ��the merger in writing. ���:- ; . _ <br /> _.5 y�_� <br /> � � ' 7. protectioe ot Ltnder's Righfs in the Property. lf Borcower fails to gerform the rovLr.ants and agreements , :��_ <br /> � ' - � _ .contaiaed in this Security lnsuumen�or there is a tegal proceedirtg ihat may signi�cantly affect Lender's rights ia the ,� ::;��- <br /> � ' � Propeny(such as a proceeding in bankreptcy.probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or ta enforcefiaws or regulatians).then �y' <br /> � ' � L.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property s►nd fxnders rights in the Pivperty. • ��`���;` _- <br /> ' Lender's actions may include paying any sum�secured by a lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument.appearing . :. :; <br /> �. . � in court,paying reasonabte attvmey.c'fees and entering on Ihe Properiy to make repairs.Although l.ender may take actian ' y <br /> ' under this paragraph 7.Lender dces nat ha�ce to do so. ' " '" <br /> � Any a.�noun�s disbursed by Lendcr undcr ihis paragraph 7 rha11 became additional debt af Borrower secured by this . <br /> . Security In.�tcument. Unless Borrower and Lender ugrce to other terms of paymcnt,these amounts shall bear intecest from the .__ . � <br /> _ , . � date of disbursement at t�e Nate rate and�haQ he payablc,with interest,upon notice trom l.ender ta Sonower requesting -_ <br /> .. .. _ payment ; . <br /> ' S. Mortgage lnsurance. Ii l.ender required mongage insurance t�s a cunditian of making the loan secured by this '"' • _ <br /> Security Instrumem. Barrowcr shafl pay the premiurts.c required to maintain the moAgage insurance in effect. If,far any �• <br /> ' ';''.. reason, the mortgage insurance coverage rea{uired by Lender lapseti or ceascs to be in effect. Borrower shail pay the i •• <br /> . . ' - ;�:;)• premiums requircd to obtain coverage substantiaAy� equivalenl to ihe mongage inrur:�nce previausly in effect. at a cost I <br /> ' � � substantialiy eyuivalcnt ta the cast to Borrowcr of t'h:mangage in+urance previausly in effcct.from an altemate martgage I , , <br /> _ • � insurer approved by Lendcr. If substantially equivater�mangagc in�uranrc cnveragr i�nrn available.8orcower�hall pay to • � <br /> , � ` l.ender each month a sum eyual to one-twelf�h��f the yearty mong��se intiurance premium being paid by Borrower when the { '`' ' <br /> insuranee coverage la�ned or ee�a+ed to be in effect. l.ender wip accept,u�c and retain these paymen�c as a laxs reserve in lieu � <br /> ' oP mn�gage insnr�nce. 4�.c reserve paymcnts may no fungcr be ihe aption of Lendcr, if mangage insurance f � , <br /> " '. coverage(in the amount and far the penwf that Lender rcyuiret)prc+rided hy s�n in+urer appr��ved by Lender again becomes , <br /> ' availabte artd is obtained.Borrawer shalf pay the premiumti re�{uircd tc�maintain mongage imur�nce in effect,or to provide u <br /> , ���``' toss reserve,umil the rec�uirement for m�rtg�ge imurance ends in accordancc U,Ih a:i��urnten agreement between 8orrowcr • : <br /> • . and l.ender or applirable law. ; <br /> � � ' 9, lnspectioa. L.endcr nr its agcnt may makc rcaranahlr cntricy upon u^1 in.pcctionti uf thc F'ropeJt;�. l.ender�hall � . • <br /> . ' c • aiti•e�orrower notice ut the time af or prior hi an impectiun specif j•ing reawanab}:cause for the in�pecti��n. ' <br /> , . !0. Condemnation. The pr�xced���i uny�ward c,r cl:�im for da�nagc�,dirre•t or wnsryu� ranneciion with any ' <br /> , � Singlc Funuly-•iannk�tae4YeQdir 31uc l:%1FOR�1 lVtifRLN1:11+•Unitnnu Covcn:mtti 9;90 �r�:����Jb p�x�'�� . n <br /> • txeat L�t�v Ilaslrtena 9�mi tn�.■ � . . <br /> � � � ' � Tu�Rdrr lalt 14sfN�.".76M93 3 Bt�bfbt41di51 ' ' . <br /> - c. ._... - -- - --� - � ' . • . ' ' . . � . <br /> . � • � . . • ' ' . <br /> . . �:. � � . . ' " � . " ' � <br />_ " ' ' .- -.._.. . ., . � . � . ' . . ' ' . .- . ' ' . . _ .. . � ' •. , . . __ .. . <br /> _..._. .. �. . .. <br /> � <br /> � . . � . . . . 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