� �` -' '-'�'-�'-. ,c"�+x5�t�'F •� ._..,. ..---- _ _ . _ ._..-- - -�- -
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<br /> — ..--�-': - . .. --- . . . _ �c4. . ��„f,.-tF. .- � < •4` . y ii ��.��..
<br /> � , . ., .
<br /> - `- - - �- - ' . -- : ..- ''' -- - - ��- - - -
<br /> ._-.. .�. .. <.
<br /> . .. .... . ,.�,. ._. _ _.._ . : ,. ._� . . . _. ; _
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<br /> c� � . . . a_ �. _ � . - , • -- . t'
<br /> . . ,. . - • . . . . . . ..
<br /> .�_ _ .� i-: ..., : —---- --- ------ -- — � - -— - — —°-'� _ .
<br /> ' _'—_"`__ .' ' ' _ - � '—_ _-_`__' ' _ - - - -- _ — _- __
<br /> - -.'.-� - . � . . ` `` __- __ ''-'_ ' -( ' • ` r —'� '"-_""__'—__' -' { . _ � _
<br /> . - . - � � � . �. � �, l.d�.s�4� � � .
<br /> applic�bie l�cv a4ay.specifY for oeinsweman)befac�e sak ef the Ptopeny.Pursiunt to any power of s�le cannined in this .
<br /> � ` Seciuity insaurt�os t�►)�N��3�8����1°8 this Sxutiry inswmat� 7'host conditloas are that tW�ovirer: (a?r ,
<br /> P+Ys Lender�ll sums which tbett would be due under this Security inmument and the Note as i�no acceieratioo i�ad
<br /> - - ocx�u�ed4(b)cu�s any defauit of any ull�er covenants or agtvaneat�(c)PaYs all eape�ses incwrie�in enfariag this Securi�Y
<br /> _ - Instnns�eat.iacluding.iwt not'timiaed w reisonat�k attnmeys'fas:and td)tatces s�cb action as Lender�y rr�s�abty _�
<br /> �- - cequice w assu[+e that tl�e lien of ihis SecuritY Inswmen�.l.endat�xiF,hts.�n the Ptq�e�Y and Borcnwer's obligaaon co p�y the
<br /> - --'- sums sau�d by this Security tastrument shali coatinae�nchanged. Upan reinstatement by Borrovrrer. this Securiry -
<br /> --- - - `_- fnstrameat azd t1�e obligations sec�red l�atls}slt�it r�main fully effertive as if t�accekcation l�ad occu�red..However.this . � _ - -
<br /> � _ ' right w reinstate shatt nat appty in the case of accele�ation undrr P�S�Ph 17. - _-
<br /> � il
<br /> - ly Safe d Note;CW���,��ker The Note ar a p�ti�l interest in the Note�togethcr with this S�ritY
<br /> �` . tast�ument)may be sotd ant or awre times without pdor notice to Bonovirer. A sate may result in a change in the entity �w-:
<br /> ct�u _
<br /> (Ynavm ic tlK"Loan Setvice�')that rollects manthlS PaYmeots due under the Nae and this Security Insuwnent. 71xre also � �.__
<br /> may be oa�or ma+e chaages of the Loan Se�vicer unniatal w a s�le of the Note. lf there is a ahange of the i.oau Savicer.
<br />. _� ` Bomav�u v�iU 6e giv�wnt�en notice of the shutge in accatdanue with Qatagaph 14�bove and applicable law. '[Ue notice . --
<br /> vin'tl state the taume and adde�ess o!the new 1.oan Serviccr and the address to winch paYments shauld be mude. The natice wi'!t _- - --
<br /> ' algu c�anfain any other Wom�tian required by.applicable law. ' _---- --
<br /> - �'' Z6�. Aataedo�c Sr6�oes. Horrawer si�alt not cause ar pemtit the presence.use.dicpnsal.�mrage,or retease of a�ry- - --- - - •- ��-
<br /> -- �-:. ='--.
<br /> Ha7antoas Su6sraaves an or in t1�e Pioperty. Borcower sdai!na�do.nor aUawr aayone else to do.a�ythittg aff4cting the � _
<br /> ��-.. Ptopeity�bat is in violaaon of amy Envuanmental Law. Ti�e pteceding two senteaces shall not appiy to the presence.use.or • � �:__
<br /> ' storage on tde Aroperty af srnail quanaGes of H�dous Substances that ace gene�ally recagniz�to be appmpciat�to namai
<br /> °�^� crsidential usec and to mamtenance of tt�e Prapecty. ��;.-�':
<br /> . �;,. �,-�-:_�-
<br /> � •;"r-.' �p h .. L�ndec��tten aotice of a�►y iavesrigauon.ci3im.demand.lawsuit or other actian by mry �""`�,�;�°-
<br /> Barrowec� pr�- P�Y� ' _
<br /> .,�'r govemmental ar:egutacary agency ar pcivate�arty involving the Pc�npeity and any Hazardou�Sufn�tance a F�vicomnental . _r
<br /> � ' "�'�-' Law of whicb Bormwer has acwal knawledge. if Barrqwer leams.or is noafied by any gave,rnmenrr! a're8ulatory �-F_, _,-:
<br /> . ., `.,,.:�- .atia►o€an HaT.ardans Substa�oe affecting the Prope�ty is necessary.Batawe[
<br /> authoriry,�hat any�aemovai ar other remed� Y �-�=-°
<br /> ; �r I actioas in aecordance with Fnviioamental I.aw.
<br /> ,.=�;��;: :• shall promptly taice all aeces rerr�edia �'r.'-
<br /> � °-�_��� ��;;�;�: As ased in this paragraPb 20."Hazardous Substances ar+e those substances defined a�mxic or itatar+daus su6.s�oes bY ���:_-:
<br />.�`'�` ..�=�.- ,• '•,��•'"• • Environmencal Law and the following substancCs' gasolfie.keros�ae.other ilammabte or toxic petroleam pradacts.taxic. -
<br /> . gas _
<br />_.. - .- :-�.. -��%" .�_ - _p�sticides and liec6icides.volatile solvents.materials containing asbestos or form�ldet�de.aud ra�"co.utii�e materiaLy. As - - ` ,- _-
<br /> �;t."�� ' : ' used in this paragraph?.(f"Environmental Laiu"meaas federat taws and taas of the jwisdictiorrwher�the Raperty is located.. . _
<br /> _rY;,;;{y .. _- ; '1. that relate to healtt�sa+F�y ar environmen[ai prat�n. . .
<br /> ,p:,.� .:�,4','_. NON-UNffORS4�QYENANTS. Bomnwer and Lendec further coveaauu aaTda�'�ee as fuilows:
<br /> �; Remedies. Lendec str�l!give aotice to Bocruwec gcror ta x�tion tdbwioS Borra�er� `�
<br /> �„�;;` . ,'. :�:';r;�.r.�;il� � 2L Acceleratio�; ln.s�o�t(Dut not prior to ac�eferatioa uader par�g�aPb 17• - ,� - . __,�
<br /> _,:��.� �-�,� •�'�E;::-.::,. breac6 of�ny�oo�aat or a�m�t:u�wi�s secustty ,�
<br /> ,�r,Kft,- .. :f.,.,�,,.
<br /> • �;,,,r�.}�. °;'.�;:..;::;,�� . unless ble tavr�provides tit6cs�vise) T6e aotia sda0 specdy: (a)the detaalt.lbl 16e actbn re9uired to�ure tbe _
<br /> 'i'��� � de�AUlt,t�dat�a�rt iess than 3A days fram tl�e date t6e noEice is given to BoFrowa�.6y which tUe detault mt�t be �._;:�
<br /> � ?%'y,-y;f•�,' . ' p ;-_
<br /> ,. ' .`,��.:�;� cured;aad(d)th�t f�are to cure the defanl't an ar befo�e the date ified in the notice may resuU in necekratiou ot
<br /> esu
<br /> tbe san�s�secorsd Dy this 5ecarity iastr�ment aad sale oi tlie Prope�y The nottce shao further intarm Borrnwer ot � � .;�:�
<br /> - �- ! -�l/�i.�:'. , r.—_
<br /> - • �.•`.y; � . t6e r�Co reiastate aRer acc�tec�n and the rfght to bram�a courl actiae to assert the�omexisttnce ot a delaWt or . ,:,.� •-�_
<br /> � Any c�•detense of Bon'oWer to acrekration and sal� Ifi�detault is not cnred oa ar[leto�e t6e date specified"m . •,;.:.;,,a;:.�f
<br /> ' • the notke,Leader at its option may require immediate pay�eut in fa0 of ali sums secure�by Mis Security lnstrament � :.:%:.,�#,;-��
<br /> - without facther dem�nd and may invoke t6e power ot sate aod any uther remeAies permitted by applicabte law , �
<br /> - ' ' 4ender sha11 be entitled to collect all expenses incucred!n pursuiag the remedies provided in thi�paragraph 21. � �+� � -� -_ � s
<br /> �� Including,but not limited to.reasona6le atturneys'tees and costs ot titk evidence . �' �� �'` � <
<br /> i n v o k� T r u s t e e s f w l l r e c o r d a n o t i c e o�d e f a u l t i n e a c h c a�u t y i h w h i ch an y part at the � ,�'��'".• '�.
<br /> . It the power of sale is , ,. ,'`";:` 1
<br /> .•,•. ,,,,,..
<br /> � � Property is lacs�ted and shall ma��pies of such notice In the manner prescrlbed by appti�alble law to Borro�rer a�A to ; �, .,:, ; _
<br /> � ' ' �� the other persons prescri6ed by��yp9icable law Atter the time required by applicabk Iaw,'IYustee shall give pu61k -� . .
<br /> notice at sak to the pECSOns sinQ iri!be mannea•�rescr�bed by applicabte dz�: 'fYuste�without deirtartd oo Borrower. �; �
<br /> _ . ' . _ shap sell the Property ab public abct�oa to the�aighest bidder at the Hme an�c�place and under the terms desig�wted ia -� , -
<br /> � � ihe notke of sale irr one as more parccTs and'm any order Trt�stee determ'rrtes. 'llrustee may postpo�sale of all or any ,
<br />�r. � �,��;;;; pac ce t o�t he P rape r t y 6 y p u b l i c a a a�n c e m e n t a t t h e t i m e a a d p l a c e o f a n y p r e v i o u s l v s c l i e d u l e d s a 1� I.ender or.i�s ,
<br /> , ;,•`j�;';�=. desi�ee may purc6ase tfie Prope�t�at any sate. ' • . ' -
<br /> . �• • ' • Upon rcceipt of paymeM of tfie p�ice bid,Trustee sha l l�e l ivev to t he purc hase�7lr n stee'A de�canve yi�g�Jre ` �l : ::;:=T
<br /> �'t;�.;'�; •: �. � ��., ' . Prope r t� T h e reci�s i n t f i e T r u s t e e's d e e d s0oa11 be prima tacie evidence ot the trutb of Ihe statecownCs made therein. • r r._: ._.
<br /> ��� T I'U S tCC S I IA I)A 1 t d�e r a c e e d.c o f t h e s a l e i r�t�r e f a l l o w i n�o r d e r: t a l t o u l!c a�a a a d e x p e n s�e s of e!1 2�'�isin g the p owes .
<br /> • �`��`�'"i'•'�'�r.,'�; PP Y P . r.,,�4"�r�
<br /> ,�: `•. ,r,-,.•..yi.
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