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<br /> . . � �: . � �2- .
<br /> �, candeauwtian or o11�e�talcing of any pa�t of thc Propetty.a furcom�eyance in lieu of conde�natian.arn c�i�by acsi�ned 3nd' •
<br /> sl�ti 6e paid to Ixnder. ' . , . .
<br /> , In Ihe i�'en4 of u totsl Wicing of thc Ruperty.the pcaceeds shall 6e appiied tn thc sums�+:�red 6y th� Securih+ :
<br /> Inswrttea�.wt�her or nnt tMen dne.wh{�su►y excc5s paid to Borrower. In tbe event nf a p:utial takiag af the��'c}in
<br /> �vhich tlte fair�ket value of the.Ptnperty immediatety befotr the taking is equal to or gre:+ter than the amuunt oi the sums �
<br /> , y�ured by.�hi�Security Insinrment immediat�fy before ihe taking.untess Bomnwec und E.ender othe�ise agree in writing. `
<br /> __._ ����d�y���,t���y�n �t n�s�1 be redueed by the amount uf the proceedti muttiplied by the fottowing
<br /> fractia�:�:tal the total amount of thc suma secured immediately 6efw�e the ta[cing.divided by ib)the fa�r market vaTue of the -- -
<br /> - ptnp�ty immediatety befane lttie taking. Any balance shalt be paid to Borraaer. In the event of�parriai qalciog of the
<br /> Ptapetty i��Which the fair market vatuc of the Pmp�rcy immediau[Y bef�re t[ie tatcing is tc�s than the amount of�he sua�s
<br /> -- secured'unmediatei��befatx tht taking, untess Borrower and L.endec athecwise agree in writing or unless applicahle law� .
<br /> «�w�se pmYides�the p[ac�ds hfi�Ii be applied to�he sums�ned b}s this Serurit}instreiment whether or not the sums ara
<br />{~ --- tt�en due. �= �., . _
<br />_- Ii the Ptopecly is;u�by BarmN�er.or if.after norice by Lender to BurruH•et tha►thc condemnor offers to make
<br />. an award or settk a ctaunl,fp�damae°s�:�arsnwec faits to respantt ta Lender within 3Q days after the d•rta the natice is�iven.•
<br /> Lender isauthoriz�!ta:colltc[and�appl��the+pcoceeds,at its optian;.either•to.aestoratiaa.or cep3ir of.tbe Ptoperty onto the
<br />=- sums secaced.by this Savriey fnsuument�whe�tier oF aot shen dae: - -
<br /> Untes�L.ender and Bamwer aherwise agree in writing.any appliracian of praceeds to princip;�i.t�traH;nat eatend or
<br /> • � �" postpone the due date oE ttie monthty paymen4s referrcd to in parag�aphs!and 2 or change the amount of.•t�uct�'p�eyments.. — ___
<br /> . 1�. Borru�er Not Rekssed; Farbeararl�e By l.e�der Not a Watrer. Eatension of the time for.p;►ymentaan� _ _
<br /> � modification of amortizatian of the swns secured 6y this Security tnstrument granted by l.endrr ta any successor in�inturost =_
<br /> of Bortourer shal!not opeaue to release titie(iability of the ori�inat.Bixrawer or Sorrawer's successors in interest.•I.ender —
<br /> st�al!not be required to commeace praceedings agait�t any successor.m•+meres�t or.refuse to extend time for payment or �----.�
<br />= otherwise modity amoctization of the sums seavre,d by this Security instrumeat by reason of any demand macte tsy the original � . .�;�
<br /> Aorrower or Borrower's successors in interest• Any forbearance 6y Lender in execeising any right ar remedy shalt aot be a __--
<br />. _ � waiver of o�pseclude t�e exencise of any right or r�emedy .� - � = -
<br /> : 12. Succe�ors and A�ns Batnd;JMnt and St�eral Liability;Casigners. Ttie covenants aad agreemen�s of this � _
<br />' .�:: � m Seturity Instrument shall bind and benefit the syccessors and assigns of Lender s�nd Borrower,subject to the provisioas of f�ja"�-
<br /> � . . 17.Brnruwer:s covenants�nd agreements shaA 68 joint and se�eral.;Any Botrowet whct F�ign.s this 5ecurity, ��.:�•z':-
<br /> . - ,'L J . P�� t and cortve that ', -.' "' �--
<br /> • � Instnunent liut does not execute the 1Vote: (a)is casigning this Security lnstrument o�.iy to mottgage.gran y �, 'f�� q
<br /> ` Batmwer's intetrst in the Properiy wider the terms of this Security Instrumen� Ib)is Rx�ersonally obligated to pay the sums • '� f�:��-
<br /> . ��3ry's _ � .� ,
<br /> �;�, �.�;. , secured by this Secority Iaswment;and tc}�cec-w tha[I.ender and any other Barrower may a�ree to extend.modify,forbear i
<br /> . -�-�.-i�:�,.,+;;, or make any accommodaGoac with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Bor�ower's• _ _'_
<br /> •, � consent. • � `:°�;�
<br /> 13.�Lapn C6arges. lf the toan secured by thiy Security Instrument is subjeecE to a law which sets maxirtnsm loan -`r`�'�' --=
<br /> .»�:... _
<br /> :Y{. ..'�
<br /> ?..,� cfiarges.and that law is finalty interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges caltected or to be calJected in connection �,;�...� ;.:
<br /> � � ' witb the laan exoeed the permitted limiu,t hen: (a)a ny s u c h l o a s c h arg e shatl be reduced 6 y the amount necessary to reduce :�:. , .���'
<br /> �: r 1
<br /> ��:f-�� ' " the chatge to the pecmiited limit:aac!!b)any cums atrrad?coflected from Borrawer which exceeded permitted limits a•i(1 be �g��fs:,,.=:__
<br /> %�''••, �•�'�� cefunded to Borrower. Lendec may choose to make this�efiuEd by reducing the principal awed under the Natc ar by making a ,-.,�;,�;y�;=�;�` �
<br /> .�;.�Y `�,;.�., ,
<br /> •;- direct payment to Borrower. ff a refund reduces principat.�he redurtion will be[reated ati a partial prepayment withoat any .���'�<<i-�-�
<br /> •;�;;�,:�'�i�: ''. prepayment charge under the Ncrte.
<br /> • a_-�
<br /> ' � ' `;` ` ' ' 14. Notiees. Any notice to Borrawer provided for in thiti Security Instrument,halt be given by delivering it or by ` '-'�;:�
<br /> ;:..�,.: . �
<br /> ��. ,r,..X-o:t,-:�-;�r . • .�, ,
<br /> .;;,.. ...},; '. mailing it by firs{class mail unles,applicable law requires uce of another methocl.The notice shall be directed to the Prapeny ; •�_;;�
<br /> �•��fu, :�=�•��'•: � Addres.c ar any other address Borrower designateti by notioe ta Lender. Any nntice ta l.ender shap be given by fint class .
<br /> ��.�:sr: SYr..- � . ��,,�.,. � -_�:
<br /> ,:�.�: �!"`•. j.. mail to Lender's address stated herein or any othec address l.ender designates hy notice to Iiorrawe�. Any notice proi�i�e:i for : . .;.s=.s
<br /> �''�•��?�'��'�"` ' in this Security Inslrument tihall be dcemcd to have been �ven to Borrowcr ar l.ender when giver�as pravide� ��fhis ':,:';!`:,'� .�,,..-
<br /> .T ���Z �. ..�S,v�..
<br /> � :;:�, ���,•�;�� .' paragraph. ,
<br /> `1 ��� >� 15. Goveraing Law;Severubility. 'nfl�Sccurity tm-trument str�li be govemed by fcdcral !aw and thc law of the ` ` �`
<br /> I;P�,_,Y.�� • . . . . '3:F+e�_
<br /> �� .t�;:��%'•�'�� � jurisdiction in which the Propeny is locat�cl. fn thc event that any prncition�r clauxe af this Security instrument ar the Note , 'r�:
<br /> ;; r�..,-„;�«. . . , _
<br /> '"-`��'Y^;:;;:;., . . � eonfliets with applieabte law.such conflict sh�Ii not affect ot(�:r p�avitiion+of tfii�Seci�rity Instrument or the Note which es�n . ,. ,. . . ;.,=_�
<br /> • =.5�.;;;�.;;`�;=, be given eifect withnut the con�ie?inb pra��itiion. To thi.erwi the proci�ion5�f thi� S..urity tn.rtrument and the Nate are r;..::'�: r.
<br /> _{y' �.1,.,, ...•�-
<br /> r.r �;• . �,,,: ,
<br /> . . .�c - . declared to be.r•everabte. .;��;
<br /> '' "�` � ` ' 16. 8oreoRer's Copy. BaROwer,hal!'br given ane canformed re�,�}of the N��te and of this 5ecurity lntitrumem. � � `_;�::._.
<br /> � .^ ��v.,�;;�. . I7. Transfervf the Property or a Bene�cial lnterest in 13orroR�er. Tf atl nr:�ny part af thc Propeny ar iiny interetit in � . �;�,,:
<br /> ' ��_�=,: -. it is sold or trans{;.rred(ar if a beneficittl interest in 8orrower i.tiotd or uan�fcncd rnd Borrower i�not a natural perwn� -y'-�
<br /> ' - �y�-'"'"�."' withovt Le:nder�prior wdtten cansent.l.ender may.at it+o�tian.reyuire iminediate�yment in full oi all sums srcured by • �-'-•
<br /> s''��•�r'�h''� , this Security In�strument. Fiowever,thiti optian�hall not be exti7ciu:d by t.�nder ii cxercitic ic prohihited by fedcra!Casu ar o f ' . • �'��w
<br /> _s;;•.�:r.-.
<br /> ' " � ��<'"�"� � the dAte of this Security lnstrumem. %,.�;T
<br /> ,• r���.e_,<..., �_ :�•f.
<br />• -'�_���-,'> ^ 1f Lender exerrises this aptian."l.cndcr sha11 give Borrc�w�r nctisic:c�`�ecefer.itian. The n��tire�f:a11 ptovide u periott of , , .
<br /> ,,,. . . .
<br />• ��"" � not Icss ihan 3b d�ys from the datc thc noticc i�dclivcrcd or mailcJ witnin�hich Barrc�wcr muyt pa;•a:I�.umv ticcured by this
<br /> 5ecurity lnstrumene. lf Batrower failti to pat•therc �um� prior u��hc cxpirativn��f Ihi� �xri�xi. lf.rtder may invokc 1ny .
<br /> �;;,.' �,; ' , retnedies petmiited by thiy Sccurity In�trument a ithrnn funh.r n��ticc ur dcmanJ em 8��ra�wer. � , _
<br /> r,::...: ;:°•c.•;:., 18. Borrower's Righl tu Reinstate. lf Borrowcr mcet� cenain cunditiun�. 8orrower tihall have.the right to have .
<br /> , . - � enforeement of Ihix 5ecurity Inytrument di.cc�ntintied at any�ime pri��r tu the eurlicr uf: lu►5 days(or�uch otlur peri<x1 at .
<br /> • ,- , Singt�Family.-}annie t;�p'F'reddiv{1uc t'�IF11R�11�5't'RC�fE�'f--l.mfurm(irvrr.:m4 4;40 �JN�.e�1 ojb��i;r.0 . .
<br /> . . ; • f.
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