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<br /> � 16.Qorrosves'a Coy I3airower shnll bcj given one canformed cnpy of the Note and of this Socuri.ry Inswpnene. _,.
<br /> �7.1're���ef nf�hc r�b�►perSy or a Deneticl�l Inter�st€a�Flaemwer. If nll or uny g�rt of thc Prope�ty or nny inten;st in it is F_,
<br /> r,old ��tennefc;��,�1 (o•r if n bcnc:i'lcinl interest in Dorrowcr is sold or trnnsferred nnd Barrower is nat a nawrulperson) without
<br /> I.ender'e pdor writtcn conecnt,I.ender rnny,nt its option,eecJuire lmrr►ccilnV.;p:►yment in tull of all sums se�ured by this Security f
<br /> _._ Insmtrr�cnt. �aweve.r,this o�dcro shall not bo exerciscd by Lender if cxc�ci�y is prohibited by&:dernl law as of thc dnte of this =
<br /> - Y- Sccudty lnstrumeat,
<br /> ' ` If Lenclec oxcscises thie a�iion,T.ender shall givp Horrower notica af�ccelcration.7hc nodc�:shall provide aperiod af not less �
<br /> � E ' than 30 days fr�m ehe d�te�Z►e n�xico ls dellverocl�r mailecl within which Borrowcr must pay all sums secnm,r!by this Security _
<br /> � :'�. Instniment,If Bc►rmwe.r ft�{la U►pay�so sumt�prla to�ho expir�tion oi this perla1.Lender muy invokc eny rGmedics permitted _
<br /> � by this Scci�rlty xnsrnnme,nt withouE fut�Mbr nat�oenr�nd on norrowcr. c
<br /> �� 18.Borrowcr's Itigh!t�ReM�ta If Borrower meets certain condidona, Borrowcr shall have thc rigiu to h�ve _
<br />";�'y.�_��� enfarctment of this Soci�r�ty Insuument dlscondnued at any timo pdor to tha�rli�r of: (a) S days (or such olher period as _
<br /> �p°"''' appllcctiblo law mny spec:iCy for reinstau;ment)befom sala of tha Property pwsuant tA eny power of snle contained in this Secun'ty
<br />�..-..,�---,�, Instrument;or(b)entry af a JuQgment enforcing this 5ecudty Instrumen�'Ihoso candl�i�ns ane that Borrower(a)pays Lendcr aU �
<br /> suma which thes� viauld(�e dua under this Securlry Insuumant and the Nat�ns�f no acceleradon had occuri+ed; (b)cures anY ��,
<br /> ' defnult of any other cov�n�nts or agrecmentA;(c)pays nll capenses inr,iur.ed in enforcin�thIa Sec�rity Insuument,including,but :;
<br /> fl
<br /> � ''� rtnt limitrd to�rea5onnhle attomoys'fee,s;nnd(d)takes such ncdan ns I.r;nder muy reasAnably requi��e w ass�uc ehat the Gen of ihis �_
<br />,'.:.�°�;U,'�• Securtry Inawmrnt, I.ender's nghts in the Pcaperty and Horrowor's obllanlinn to pay the sums secured by phis Securfty _-
<br /> �. . � � Instrumcnt aha11 cantintto unchangcd. Upnn reinstatamant by Borr�owor. thin Securiry Instrument and tha obllgedons secured
<br /> ��'�"'''� hcreb3r ohatx r�tm�in fuUy effecdva ns if no�cccleradon hnd occurted.Howavar,this right to reinstnt�shal!not apply in d►o case of _:
<br /> .� - ac�.celCrsu�ln e�r_dr�r psraBr�Ph 17. -'`
<br /> �� ��•'t`' 19.Sase af Nata;Clen,mgc ot Loun 5erv[cer. Tho Nota or u �ard�al incnrst in the Nota (tngether�vith this Sccurity _
<br />=�-•;:�+�f,�� Instn►��esyc)nt4►y be sold e��a os more dmas witl�outprfAr nodce to Borrower.A snla may result in a changein 1he endty(known
<br /> '. F;�')''y a4 tha"Lo».�Servicer")thut collects mQnd�ly ymenU�due under iha Noto and this Secnrlty Insmimen�ltiere also may be ane or —
<br /> u
<br />--"'����� � mnres c>>4��c�s of!he I..oan Servicea unnzla to u sa�o of tha Note. If there is a change of tha i�oan Serviar. Bormwer wjll be
<br /> '.-�`� �`T gi��es�written nodce of the change in�ccordance with paraScePh 14 above anda�pllcsble law.`1'he notice will state the name snci �
<br /> '���:' =.f , adclress of the now Loan Seiviar and the address to whicb paymei►ts should be mada.'Ihe nodce will also contain any other
<br /> ��"x"-��= ' infom►adon cequired by appUcable law. —
<br />�»;�=_.c,:;ri.� Z0.Hav�rdous Substxuees. �om+wer shall not cause or pem�it the presence, uso, disposal, swrage, or release of nny
<br />--_"_ — HaTardous Substances on or in the Pt�aperty.Ho�rower shaU not do�nor allow enyone else to do.anyttilng effecdng the Prapetty
<br /> -'���' � that is in violalion of Eu►y&nvinonmental Law.The preceding two sentences shall n�t apply to the presencc.use,or sWraga on the
<br />::;_,i�;��',. Property of small quanddes of Hezerdous Substances that era generaUy recagnized w bo uppzopriate w normal residend�l uses
<br />- °-°���� and to matntenence of the Property.
<br /> -£s�;"-��� »ermwu snall pmm�Qy g[ve I.e�►d� w�I'�+i noilca o€�,�y investlg�dan, ciaim, demand, lawsuit or oeher�tion by any
<br /> ' govemrnental ar rcgulatory agency or private party involving tha Property end any flazerdous Substanc� or Environmental Law
<br /> "`��'��� of whkh Borrowu has actual knowledgo.If Bormwu leams,or is nodfied by any govemmental or regulatay authority.tha;any
<br /> '--_"'�`""'��� remava�or otbtr rea�ediatlon of any Ha��rdous Substance affecdng the Property is necessary�BormNer shall promptly t�ka�11
<br />=^����� nece�w remodial ecdons in eccorclanca with Environmental Law.
<br /> -- Av usod in this pueg¢eph 20. .._...__ _,..
<br />_,,,�_�.�;r,,��� "KiL^.AtdOUS SubstBnCCS" sre thGSe substattces defutod as io�eio or ur�uuu3 aiiw�a,u:�,, u�
<br />—===
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